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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    TonyV, I have to agree with the majority: don't try and make a corporation look like the good guys here. They're not.

    But then I'm probably on the other side of the fence here too. Why boycott NCsoft? Because they made a business decision that directly affected you? Meh. Happens every day. Happens every second. A corporate decision will affect someone somewhere in a negative way...Let's boycott Cryptic because they were in direct competition with CoH...or Activision because WoW sucks up all the market for MMOs.

    Corporations are collectively cut-throat, at least the largely successful ones. That's just the nature of business. You can go through the history of pretty much any big business and there's going to be a dark side. Business is corporations is money is greed. It's inescapable.

    The way I see it, if you yourself don't think of your money as an investment in a product, you're shortselling yourself. Support the product that you think deserves money rather than believing you're lining the pockets of some evil CEO. Because if you don't, you'll never get the product you deserve for the price you're willing to pay.

    Dunno about you, but I'm buying what games I find fun and innovative because I'm supporting the artists, writers, designers, programmers, animators, musicians, etc who make the game in hopes the future will be just as fun and innovative. Boycotts only stifle advancement and blinds oneself with their own emotions. Similarly, if Sony supported the continuation of CoH, those boycotting Sony simply expresses the sentiment that 'CoH is still not worth my soul'.

    Well dignity and money are two seperate things in this world. Either you want the product that you want or you should be dumping it all into charities for people that don't have it.

    /cue hyperbole of NCsoft killing 50 puppies per min to run Aion or something.

    Yeah, well I'm sure Walmart also runs on the eternal souls of dead orphans...I doubt those orphans need their souls anyway now that they're dead...

    Corporations react to what their customers do. If something they do costs them money, they're a lot less likely to do the same thing in the future.

    If you don't like what ncsoft is doing here, then the best way to show them that you don't like how they operate is to stop supporting their products.
  2. NCSoft can kiss my ***.

    Just a coincidence that they announce this just after releasing GW2? No way.

    Then they have the nerve to milk customers with a new powerset just a week or so before killing off the game. I wonder how long they've been milking this game knowing they were going to kill it.

    Then on top of it all, they're going to sit on the game despite the fact it's profitable (made over 2 million last quarter - if you can't run this game on 2 million a quarter, it's not the game that sucks, it's you, which is probably why ncsoft is falling into the red). Of course other companies are going to make offers on a game that is clearly profitable, and has such a solid fan base, and that can be kept going relatively cheaply - it's a hell of a lot cheaper to maintain a game than create one, and this game is more profitable/active than some games that have come out in the past few years.

    But like the rest of the games they kill, they'll bury this one to drive customers to their other craptastic games, you know, the ones that put them in the red in the first place.

    Of course, the biggest reason they're killing coh is because the game is only useful in the US, and most of this companies business is in asia. Just another lesson on why it's bad to invest in foreign companies, because when the crap hits the fan, the foreign customers get the shaft.

    Bottom line is, ncsoft is leaving a ton of loyal customers out in the cold on this one, and it absolutely does not have to. If this game is so trivial to them that it's not worth continuing, then selling it for a profit to another company shouldn't effect their bottom line the other way if it isn't helping them enough to continue supporting it. Then again, perhaps they realize what a lousy company they are, and that if coh was put in the right hands, it might actually grow.
  3. You guys did a great job ww.

    When I ******* about something it was only because I loved this game. Just know that the work you guys did made a lot of people happy over the years.

    And if you guys decide to get together and make a new super hero game, I won't stop you.
  4. Thanks for the great game man, I had a blast for the past 6 plus years. You guys are tits in my book (thats a good thing...).

    Now there is a huge hole in the game market for a good super hero game, and you guys seem to have experience in that arena - any chance you guys could throw something together? I think you'd have a lot of interested customers.
  5. Yeah, they got me with waiting until after gw2 launch, or I wouldn't have bought the game. But it will be the last thing I purchase that has any connection to ncsoft, if this is the way they treat their loyal customers.

    This is just bad PR, they're really hurting themselves by creating bad blood with customers, especially customers who are clearly gaming fanatics, lol. They could save themselves a lot of damage by listening to anyone offering to buy the IP if they aren't going to do anything with it.
  6. Cyber_naut


    Just found out about this.

    I want to punch ncsoft in the face, but since I can't drive to korea (I think thats where they hang out), I'll just say thanks for the fun champion, and I'll miss the hell out of you all.
  7. Even when I played other ATs, I played them like a scrapper.

    Scrapping with you guys, in game and in the forums, has been a blast, I'll miss it.

    Keep on scrappin'.
  8. The devs should take heed of an old adage, if it 'aint broke, don't 'fix' it. SS is clearly one of the better melee powersets, but most melee sets are very competitve with it, and a set like TW is superior in both single target and aoe damage. Clearly SOME players do not like how SS works for whatever reason, but MOST players love SS as-is. Now if SS was the only real choice in terms of melee powersets, I could see a problem, but that is clearly not the case. SS gets a lot of play, not only because it's a good powerset, but because SS is one of the most popular powers in this genre. If the devs wanted to play around with a second version of SS, maybe that would be the way to go, then the few people who don't like SS as it currently functions can play the alternate set.

    I'm a melee enthusiast and I would rate the following powersets all to be in the same neighborhood of quality - TW, SS, DM, FM, STJ, Kat, KM, ElM, MA. I have not played mace or battle axe due to creative reasons, but statistically they both look decent. The only sets in my experience that are lagging behind the other sets and not really very competitive, are ice melee and energy melee. If the devs are looking to 'fix' anything, they should start there.
  9. Cyber_naut

    Tanks vs Brutes

    I've posted this before but I'll post it again - there's nothing wrong with tankers.

    The reason we keep seeing threads like this is because what a tanker is meant to do, survive and absorb aggro, is not as popular as dealing damage and killing enemies. The reason tankers are fine is that they are in fact the best at what they do. They have a clear advantage in both survival and aggro management over scrappers, brutes and stalkers, and the advantage exists from level 1 to level 50 plus 3.

    The some people who claim tankers are broken show that their argument is broken when they continually ask for more damage, when it is clear that is not what the AT is designed to do. If these people really just wanted to do more damage, why not just roll a brute, stalker or scrapper? Because their goal is transparent - they want to do more damage without giving up their superior survivability and aggro management.

    Now for those tanker enthusiasts who argue for improvements in surivivability and/or aggro management, their arguments are at least reasonable, even if I'm not sure any improvements in those areas are needed. One thing I might like to see done would be to remove aggro caps on tankers to really give them a massive advantage in what the at is supposed to be all about.

    And finally, for the nerfers on a crusade to cripple brutes, they are in a virtual deadlock with scrappers in terms of overall ability, which is why you see a pretty even amount of said at's running around the city. Depending on powerset and/or powerset combo, one might have an edge over the other, but overall, I find them to be equally appealing, and I'm a melee enthusiast thats been playing for over six years straight. And with the recent improvements to stalkers, I've added that at to the mix of classes I enjoy the most. The fact these ats are getting lots of play and love from players, especially experienced ones, and more importantly, lots of debate over which is better in any given situation or power combo, should suggest that they are not broken - and if it aint broke, don't fix it.

    So if tanks are fine imo, why don't I like playing them as much as the three at's I just mentioned? Because I prefer offense over defense, and I prefer killing enemies as quickly as possible over aggro management and survival. If you feel the same way, I suggest rolling at's that are designed to do that best.

    That doesn't mean I haven't played tanks, and while playing them I did enjoy the role they fill, just not as much as playing more offensive characters. The same goes for corruptors and defenders, which are very powerful at's (I'd argue that buffs and debuffs are by FAR the most powerful abilities in this game - a group of buff/debuff ats tear through content in ways melee groups flat out can't...). While those at's are unquestionably powerful (I can do things on my corruptors, like solo gms, that I simply cannot do on any of my melee characters), I simply prefer the melee playstyle over the ranged/buff-debuff style.

    Does that mean corruptors and defenders are inferior to my brutes, stalkers and scrappers? Of course not (and quite the opposite, if you ask me from a purely performance angle), it's simply a matter of differing playstyles and differing tastes in playstyles, nothing more. The same goes for tanks - they simply fill a role that is less popular than the roles filled by other ats. Yet despite this fact, and the fact so many claim the at is underpowered, I never see a lack of tanks running around, and there always seems to be a comparative amount of them in any league or team I join.

    All of this seems to indicate that threads like this are nothing more than attempts by tank enthusiasts to get buffs for their at or nerfs for 'competing' ats, facts, common sense and empirical observation be damned.
  10. This reminds me of when the forum was flipping out and claiming the sky was falling when the devs reworked attack animations on katana...

    This is not going to break the game, it's simply going to create a new choice for people in terms of how they want to build their characters. Even if it was easy to softcap resists with these new bonuses, soft capped resist is inferior in most cases to soft capped defense. More importantly, just as with what happened with defense, if the devs see the resists becomimg too powerful, they'll simply work more resist busting powers into the game to counter that.

    Even with all the powerful buffs incarnates have brought us, there are still plenty of things to challenge even the most well build characters in this game. If I was a developer worried about retaining players, I'd be more concerned about pumping out new content and more things for players to do, than minor balance concerns like when we spent a month flipping out about increased attack animations with katana.

    Being worried about 'power creep' is silly when you realize it is easily countered by increasing the power of player adversaries, which is essentially how this game has worked since day one, and is in fact how the leveling process works. Level 20 players aren't going to have all their resists softcapped, this is mostly going to occur with end game characters, who will be facing increasingly challenging end game content. Will level 50+ fully io'd out characters have an easier time doing an itf than a regular 50 on regular enhancements? Yeah, but that's pretty much the point, and how most players would want it.

    This is a superhero game, people want to feel like superheroes. People who want that feeling can get that by building up their toon. If you want to play a sidekick, then just use regular enhancements, or none at all, crank up the diff to plus 4 x8, and you can get that weaker than a wet paper towel feel you seem to be craving.

    If the game is too easy for you using IO's, then don't use IO's. If doing easy level 50 tfs are too easy, do the harder new content. Having said that, I'd like to see the devs remove the team requirements for all tf's so people who want more of a challenge can find it. Let people bump the difficulty up to plus 5, 6, 7 etc. I don't buy the cries of 'I can't find a challenge in this game', but doing that would make them unquestionably and ridiculously false.

    Most players won't quit this game over perceived imbalances or because they feel 'too powerful' or because it's 'too easy', they'll quit when they run out of new things to do. More new stuff please.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Why? We have been building for defense for years, its time we make resist equal.
    I'm not sure how anyone could claim its going to be good or bad without seeing the numbers first.

    And unless the numbers are ridiculously high, and the devs are not know for making changes on the ridiculously strong side... building for resist is still less beneficial than building for defense, all things being relatively equal.

    More importantly, the doomsayers seem to ignore the fact that the devs have been making all the new enemies with powers that bust through defense, and now with this new build option, I'm sure we'll see a lot more enemies flinging around powers with -res.

    Ultimately, if done correctly, this will give players another build route and more options when making a character, and that is definitely a good thing.
  12. Good news thanks for the replies.

    Let's skip beta I have a feeling everything will work fine.
  13. I just saw it sunday and was underwhelmed. Very dry, predictable and slowly paced. It was missing the colorful character the last movie had, which really stood out due to the fact everything else is so bland. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't horrible, it was just decent. I like how they closed it out, but getting there wasn't as fun as it could have been. The second movie was outstanding, one of my favorite movies and I'm not even a big batman fan, but the first and this one were pretty average imo.

    And wtf was up with banes voice, lol. Sounded like a drunken sean connery with a sock in his mouth. When he first spoke on the plane I thought it was a joke or something. I wonder if it was done intentionally because they were pissed that people complained that they couldn't understand him in the early previews for the movie - probably not, but man did he sound ridiculous to me.
  14. Did a dev state that patron powers are getting the colorable deal or is it just regular pool powers?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    Fire and elec...the 2 most common farmers anyone uses...

    Just would never happen...heads would roll the outcry would be so incredible.

    Brutes are fine...leave them be...fix tanks according to their issues, not according to other AT's.

    Stop looking over the fence and saying the grass is greener...look at your own lawn and kill the grubs under the garden...pluck a few weeds and call it good.
    Exactly. If brutes are so what these tanker players want to be, why not roll a brute? If brutes have pretty much the same survivability as tankers yet do more damage, why not just switch at's?

    Because these players have other motives. Some are scrapper fans who want to see their competition diminished, while others seem to want the tanker to be the tank mage of coh. Lets just ignore the fact that tankers are undeniably more survivable than both brutes and scrappers from start to finish. Let's ignore the fact that brutes are rarely running around at 90% fury or with maxed out resistance. Let's ignore the fact scrappers do outdamage brutes.

    The real problem with tankers is their speciality. Their speciality is survivability and aggro management., and they're damn good at it. If you can't outsurvive and out-aggro a brute on a tank, you're doing it wrong, there is nothing wrong with the at. The real problem is, survivability and aggro management are boring to most people. Tanks are not supposed to be damage dealers, and they're not. If you're looking to deal damage, the problem is with the player in that they're simply choosing the wrong at.

    I hope the devs aren't swayed by these flawed and biased arguments, becuase it would simply move all the at's closer and closer together, until there really wouldn't be a point to having different melee at's. Again, if you want to do more damage, roll a scrapper or brute, they're both really good at it. If you want to be king of aggro and survivability, roll a tank. I've got multiple 50s of all the melee at's, and with the recent buffs to stalkers and the not so recent but certainly not ancient buff to tanks, I'd say they're all as balanced as they're going to get.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
    Incarnates aren't power creep? 54+5 final bosses? I consider the new ATO enhancements to be a case of power creep too, and depending on how far you look back the purples were quite significant in their own right.

    On the other hand, their continued revamp and creation of lower level content makes me very happy I have an interest in the >50 content but have really enjoyed levelling my new stalker through the new low level stuff
    It doesn't make the old content useless. You still have to level up to level 50. I still play all the old task forces. ATO's are nice, but they haven't replace the other enhancements and IO's I've used since they came out.

    I think this game is doing a nice job increasing the top end stuff while still keeping the lower level stuff relevant, by mixing new upper level content with new lower level content, while revamping some of the older content.

    I've been playing for over six years straight, and I'm fairly certain I would have quit by now had they not advanced the game with incarnate content. They must be doing something right, how many games have lasted this long?

    The only concern I have is how long it takes to get a character to that new top level - it could discourage some players from making new toons if it feels like too much of a grind to get there. I think it would be better if the incarnate stuff was less of a grind, especially the solo path. But overall I'm not sure you could do it much better than the designers of this game have done it over the years.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post

    In this thread I've gone through several times showing that the only things getting nerfed are super-fast cycling powers like Neutrino Bolt, Flares or Shadow Punch, and even those powers mostly only if you slotted purple procs in them. If you have even purple procs slotted in powers with approximately 5s cycle times or longer (which means 4s recharge and around 1s activation times (which, you know, is a huge fraction of powers in the game, even across Tier 1 attacks), you probably come out right where you were or slightly ahead. Anything longer than that comes out ahead. Powers like Follow Up? Freezing Ray? Way, way ahead.

    Yes, there are powers that having procs in will be nerfed. Yes, smart people put existing procs in them because they were the best place to put them today. Things change. But guess what? All the other powers in your build will be better places to slot procs.

    The one thing I don't like about the change is what happens with Alphas like Spiritual, but the claim "it doesn't make sense" is ridiculous. It's slotted recharge - that's what it does for powers. I get that it's annoying that it counts against procs in powers that may well not be benefiting from the added recharge, but it "makes sense" because it's like slotting more recharge in every power.

    It's one thing to state your dislike, it's another to run around saying "you don't understand" and "why are they nerfing us?" If your build gets hit, I'm sorry. Some of mine are. But the new system makes sense for letting procs be useful in places they never were before, at the cost that some of the old places they were extremely useful won't be so hot. Try adjusting sometime.
    Look, you said:

    "Yes, there are powers that having procs in will be nerfed."

    And the fact that spirtual is getting screwed over doesn't make any sense thematically when you see another incarnate power that increases recharge not being affected by the same change. I'm guessing it's a situation where code creates a difficult situation to take spiritual out of the equation, which is probably why the situation exists, but that doesn't change the fact that thematically its nonsensical to make one incarnate power suffer due to the change but not the other. If you disagree, that's fine, but it's clearly a matter of opinion, so claiming you're right and I'm wrong is ridiculous.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    It will be a nerf in many circumstances and a buff in others

    -If you placed your IO procs in places where you would have been able to get the most proccing done like brawl, boxing, quick charging aoes, those 1.5 sec rech blasts and the like you get nerfed hard

    -If you placed your IO procs in places that were otherwise better than ppm procs of the same type you almost certainly get nerfed either by a little or a lot

    -If you put your IO procs in powers that are awful for IO proccing you almost certainly get a buff especially powers like KO Blow

    -If you put PPM procs in powers that aren't great for IO proccing but benefited greatly from the PPM mechanic especially powers like KO Blow you certainly get nerfed hard harder than all other examples(and ripped off HARD if they were SBE procs since there are no refunds despite no longer working as advertised)

    If you were like me:
    -You placed your IO procs in places where you would have been able to get the most proccing done like brawl, boxing, quick charging aoes, those 1.5 sec rech blasts and the like

    -You placed your IO procs in places that were otherwise better than ppm procs of the same type in the same place


    -You put PPM procs in powers that were aweful for IO proccing but benefited greatly from the PPM mechanic

    We get to lose out in all of the above scenarios AND GET RIPPED OFF ON EVERY DIME WE INVESTED IN SBE PROCs
    Yeah, basicallly if you put procs in fast recharging powers, where they would do the most good (and not coincidentally where most min/maxers put them), you're getting nerfed. I believe a dev even admitted they didn't want people getting a lot of dmg via procs in low tier, fast activating attacks.

    If that's not lame enough (a nerf for literally no good reason - it's not like people were soloing the new itrials with a procced up brawl...), the fact the alpha recharge counts against you with the new procs is just absurd - it really just doesn't make any sense.
  19. I think the survivability changes, assuming all sets get them, are a step in the right direction. There is no question that blasters are by far the squishiest of the at's, with pretty much no added benefit to make up for that fact.

    The snipe change misses the mark completely. Even with the survivablity changes, I'm fairly certain blasters will remain the squishiest at. So to make up for that, they should be the best at dealing out damage, which is what the at is supposed to be all about. This snipe change is not going to put blasters above the other ats in terms of damage dealing ability, not by a long shot. Worse still, some sets won't even benefit from the change, because not all sets have snipes, widening disparities among blaster primaries for no good reason. Worse still, an exception, the to hit bonus requirement, is attached to the improvement, again creating even larger disparities amoung sets for no good reason. Then to put the cherry on top of the fail cake, the changes affect all snipes, which benefits ats like corruptors and defenders as well, and nobody was claiming those at's needed a buff. But wait, there's another kick to the happy parts if you're a blaster, the buff actually works better for some defenders and corruptors thanks to some of their sets offering to hit bonuses.

    I would have preferred improving blasters aoe damage output by altering their nukes. But if the devs are hellbent on focusing on single target damage, have the snipe work more like the stalker AS power. Have regular blast powers add 'aim' points, and once they have a few aim points, have the snipe get a gold circle around it, meaning its ready to fire in a oneish second activation time with no interrupt. Have the regular snipe with the interrupt do double damage.

    Even that wouldn't be enough to fix the at, imo, but it's better than what the devs are suggesting right now with the silly to hit bonus requirement. Now if they did what I suggested, and make nukes non-crashable, I'd be interested in playing blasters again. It's really silly that incarnates are running around with non-crashable judgements and the blasters big trick is closer to self destruct than judgement.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Ridiculous assumption! Exactly what I was referring to by "playing the game nonstop". Sorry, but not everyone checks in every month, much less week, much less day.

    Huff and puff all you want, regardless of their activity anyone who pays a sub has the same right as you do to have an opinion about the state of the game and to express it, given it's not deemed unsuitable by the powers in charge.
    Exactly. And it's not like the devs never change anything that leaves beta and goes to live, right?

    Add me to the list of those disappointed by this incarnate power.

    First of all, it would seem to me by the name, 'hybrid', that the goal was to give at's access to the other at's goodies. Instead, from what i've seen, most at's are just taking the powers that add to the types of powers their at already focuses on, like most damage at's are simply going into assault.

    Secondly, if it's going to be a duration power, don't be lazy and leave it as a self detoggling toggle just because it started off as a toggle. I'm not sure why it was designed to be a toggle in the first place if the devs supposedly didn't want it to be used all the time and didn't want builds built for endurance to have an advantage with it. I guess it's just further evidence of poor design/strategy.

    And finally, the power feels far weaker than the previous powers, and far less useful.

    Up to now I've been very happy with the incarnate powers, but so far, this one looks like a dud. Hopefully it's just a hiccup and the remaining powers are more like the previous ones.
  21. WP already gives great regen with minimal slotting, what you should aim for is extra health and defense. Softcapping S/L should be your priority, with en/neg a close second. WP is all about layered defenses, if you only specialize in one thing, it will feel week in comparison to competing sets that are properly built. Also, the tier 9 in WP is great in that it's not a total crash when it wears out.
  22. I'd say tankers have a clear survivability edge over brutes and scrappers, and that is their niche. If someone wants to do more damage, then make a brute or scrapper, don't expect tankers to compete damage-wise vs. scrappers and brutes, or then they'd have to boost brute and scrapper survivability, and then all 3 ats would be pretty damn identical.

    I share the opinion that it is preferable to have damage over survivability, but that's why I always go brute or scrapper. Some people prefer to have survivability, and that's why you still see plenty of tankers running around coh.

    There is nothing wrong with tankers right now. Leveling up, it's great to have a good tanker on the team to draw aggro, and there are plenty of opportunities in end game content for tankers to shine in, specifically those that require aggro-management and survivability. The only thing that's wrong in this argument, is someone who wants to do more damage on a melee toon picking the tanker at to play. That's simply not what it is designed to do.
  23. I hope the movie is good but there's so much I'm not liking.

    Why redesign the suit? It just flat out looks worse than the one in the other movies, why fix what isn't broken? Not a big deal, but to me the suit just looks kind of bad. Especially the sneakers or whatever the hell he's got on his feet. Is there an air-spidey tie-in?

    And while I originally was against going from webshooters to the organic idea in the original franchise, now the webshooters seem like the worse option, imo. I know parker is supposed to be a genius, and I know we're already going into 'unbelievable' territory with the whole story, but I just think the ability to project webs fits in better with another mutation than having a high school kid develop that kind of tech. If they wanted to have the genius kid showcased by tech invention angle, maybe it would have been better to have it be a combo thing, where the web ability was a genetic mutation, but the shooters allow him to target them better or something. Again, not a big deal.

    My biggest concern is characterization. I'm getting a dark spidey/twilight vibe, and that's just not peter parker. At all. I've seen the actor, and I think he's pretty good at what he does, so hopefully he'll pull it off, but if the character is written poorly, even a good actor won't be able to save it.

    Another big concern is the story. It seems like a big focus is on peters parents. Why? I don't care about spider mans parents. Why do we need another thing to focus on, the story about a guy who is bitten by a radioactive spider and gets superpowers, and another guy who becomes a giant lizard, and the death of peters adoptive uncle, and hooking up with the police chiefs daughter whos dad just so happens to be the cop who is hunting spiderman isn't enough to work with? Why not explore another angle about peters long lost dog, sparky? Wasn't 'too busy' a problem with the last movie?

    I'm definitely going to see it, and I'm looking forward to it, but my expectations are not very high. But maybe that's a good thing.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
    What do you all that are crying think should be free? Should you claim a token that makes a dev of your choice fire cave farm you for an hour? Or a purple recipe? 30 days of vip time? An Xbox 360?

    I mean damn. the idea is something small to get you in the market then hope you buy something else while there.
    If that's the hope, they don't have to give out free xboxes, but they'll definitely have to do better than dual inspirations.

    Free is usually nice, but if I try to influence people by offering free oxygen, I'm probably not going to have much success.
  25. My impression of staff fighting is that it does mediocre to subpar single target damage, and slightly above average aoe damage, with soem decent, unique perks.

    The real test of how well staff fighting was made will be to see how popular the set remains after people hit 50 with it and the shine wears off. I don't think it will hold up. IMO, it's another dual pistols, all flash and no go. Some will still play it for concept or looks, but that's about it.

    Staff supporters are saying that the extra perks are the strength of the set, and while I agree that is what the idea was in how it was designed, the perks don't make up for the mediocre overall damage performance. The plus damage merely attempts to make up for the loss of build up, and offers no to-hit bonus, yet this toggle is almost mandatory if you want to even be competitive with other sets damage-wise, with it off, you're a bottom-feeder. The bonus recharge and endurance the other forms offer are nice while leveling, but become less and less advantageous at higher levels and especially end game. Other sets have a much easier time building endurance management and recharge bonuses than a staff will have trying to increase damage output.

    As I guessed before it was released, the only place staff is really competitive is with a stalker, since it retains its above average aoe, and it's damage is boosted thanks to the free damage form, build up, and a heavy hitting single target attack in AS.