4 min Preview clip of Spider-Man




Here's a 4 min preview mash of the new Spider-Man movie. After seeing Avengers the PR for this movie still has me on the 'meh' side on seeing it.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Saw a preview clip tonight during something I was watching (Bones or Eureka) and all I can say is why to they always want to take the mask off? Are actors so narcissistic that they can't sign up to play a masked superhero and leave the mask on when doing the superhero bit?

"Look, I'm not entirely CGIed".

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Looks good, but got to thinking on the line "Do you know what you really are?"

My guess is that's going to be a evolution type of deal. "We're the next step in human evolution Peter! You can't stop it!" *proceeds to lizard out*

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Judging near the end. I'm guessing whatever the Lizard launched into the atmosphere of NYC from the Oscorp building will mutate or "evolve" the population into more Lizard people. Predictably Peter comes up with some kind of last minute save and manages to save the day.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Saw a preview clip tonight during something I was watching (Bones or Eureka) and all I can say is why to they always want to take the mask off? Are actors so narcissistic that they can't sign up to play a masked superhero and leave the mask on when doing the superhero bit?

"Look, I'm not entirely CGIed".
Screen Actors Guild rules. The actor's contract requires that his face be visible and recognizable for X percentage of the film. This is why Tony Stark opens up his helmet so much, as a note. Since Spidey (unlike Cap, Hawkeye, Thor, Widow, Batman, Superman, or Green Lantern) sports a completely face covering mask, the writers are forced to unmask him routinely.

Otherwise, I agree: Comic book Spider man manages not to lose the mask more than once a year, across four books, and however many crossovers. Show the character some respect, Hollywood!



I liked how he took the mask off to not scare the kid, and then gave it to him to reassure him during the rescue. Nice scene there. The more I see of the film, the more I'm wanting to watch it, but I didn't really want to watch it at all before......and I hate that version of Spider-Man's costume.




Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Seschat View Post
Screen Actors Guild rules. The actor's contract requires that his face be visible and recognizable for X percentage of the film. This is why Tony Stark opens up his helmet so much, as a note. Since Spidey (unlike Cap, Hawkeye, Thor, Widow, Batman, Superman, or Green Lantern) sports a completely face covering mask, the writers are forced to unmask him routinely.
So Hugo Weaving got hosed for V for Vendetta? So it's likely just a contract point or is it that the actor taking the role of a masked hero (or villain) simply won't sign up without essentially guaranteeing he needs to be unmasked at least once due to his face time requirement? This leads back to my narcissus point.

Honestly due to the CGI nature of a character like Spider-Man, taking in the account the cost of big screen quality CGI to me means that there really isn't a lot of time relative to the role where the character of Peter Parker is masked.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Originally Posted by Seschat View Post
Screen Actors Guild rules. The actor's contract requires that his face be visible and recognizable for X percentage of the film. This is why Tony Stark opens up his helmet so much, as a note. Since Spidey (unlike Cap, Hawkeye, Thor, Widow, Batman, Superman, or Green Lantern) sports a completely face covering mask, the writers are forced to unmask him routinely.

Otherwise, I agree: Comic book Spider man manages not to lose the mask more than once a year, across four books, and however many crossovers. Show the character some respect, Hollywood!
Must be sarcasm, considering their secret identity gets shown enough in the films to havetheir face seen, and as previously mentioned, V for Vendetta.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I hope the movie is good but there's so much I'm not liking.

Why redesign the suit? It just flat out looks worse than the one in the other movies, why fix what isn't broken? Not a big deal, but to me the suit just looks kind of bad. Especially the sneakers or whatever the hell he's got on his feet. Is there an air-spidey tie-in?

And while I originally was against going from webshooters to the organic idea in the original franchise, now the webshooters seem like the worse option, imo. I know parker is supposed to be a genius, and I know we're already going into 'unbelievable' territory with the whole story, but I just think the ability to project webs fits in better with another mutation than having a high school kid develop that kind of tech. If they wanted to have the genius kid showcased by tech invention angle, maybe it would have been better to have it be a combo thing, where the web ability was a genetic mutation, but the shooters allow him to target them better or something. Again, not a big deal.

My biggest concern is characterization. I'm getting a dark spidey/twilight vibe, and that's just not peter parker. At all. I've seen the actor, and I think he's pretty good at what he does, so hopefully he'll pull it off, but if the character is written poorly, even a good actor won't be able to save it.

Another big concern is the story. It seems like a big focus is on peters parents. Why? I don't care about spider mans parents. Why do we need another thing to focus on, the story about a guy who is bitten by a radioactive spider and gets superpowers, and another guy who becomes a giant lizard, and the death of peters adoptive uncle, and hooking up with the police chiefs daughter whos dad just so happens to be the cop who is hunting spiderman isn't enough to work with? Why not explore another angle about peters long lost dog, sparky? Wasn't 'too busy' a problem with the last movie?

I'm definitely going to see it, and I'm looking forward to it, but my expectations are not very high. But maybe that's a good thing.



I'd say the redesign is likely to keep it distanced from the original trilogy.

Personally I love the idea of the web shooters! That's Spider-Man! I want Spider-Man who's a genius and invented such a thing. If people can't accept that Peter is infact a genius, then that's their problem.

If anything Avengers has proven Raimi was wrong. The audience can believe such a thing, as it believed we could have magic, science, tech, and an alien invansion all at the same time!

I think what we're seeing a bit less nerdy nerd nerd Peter and a bit more darker (emoish?) nerdy Parker. So far, in the previews at least, I think we've seen a great Spidey! He's not just WHOOOING as he webslings, he looks to be cracking ******** dialogue as well! Something Raimi's Spidey lacked.

My guess on Parkers parents, is it's there way of doing a reboot and not just retreading old ground. Uncle Ben dies! He becomes the hero! But, why not tie his first real villain in with his parents, gives the audience something new!

What I am sad about, is there seems to be a lack of JJJ!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post

Personally I love the idea of the web shooters! That's Spider-Man! I want Spider-Man who's a genius and invented such a thing. If people can't accept that Peter is infact a genius, then that's their problem.

From what I've heard in the movie Gwen Stacy is the one that invents the webshooters for Peter, who discovers the chemical formula for the webbing from one of his father's notes.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
From what I've heard in the movie Gwen Stacy is the one that invents the webshooters for Peter, who discovers the chemical formula for the webbing from one of his father's notes.
If that's true.....

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I guess it borrows somewhat from the Ultimate Spider-Man lore. USM Peter didn't develop the webbing formula either. It was in some notes left behind by his father. Original it was designed to be an adhesive used for emergency situations. However, if I recall correctly, the formula was incomplete. After the accident that gave him spider powers. Something 'clicked' and he was able to either complete or improve the forumla.

I'm just not sure why they needed Gwen to build and design the webshooters. From what I'm seeing this new movie version tries to play Peter more as an average teen and doing its best to ignore his scientific background.

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Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius