797 -
It's been an honor and privilege to work and play with all of you (even the ones I've wanted to boot in the head on occasion).[/QUOTE
Lisa timidly pokes her head in....I hope I am not one of the ones you wanted to boot in the head...I want City Of Heroes to Be Saved as much as everyone...and I did participate in the Atlas33, and I did write a whole lot of letters and emails....
I am sorry I have been writing about playing Guildwars2, but it is quality fun, I can solo, play with others in it, and best of all I now understand the game mechanics.
I am going to miss all the forum regulars...Pancake...I am upset with NCSOFT...
If only they had told us ahead of time that we were lacking as to their vision, and, told us just what that vision was, we could have maybe saved the game or understood why things had to be.
A thought...if, in the future, NCSOFT has decided it has enough Wons in the bank, and enough games both following their new direction and making a profit,they may start thinking about releasing the City Of Heroes IP as a goodwill gesture....this will not happen if we start running about the Internet bashing NCSOFT. If we start trashing NCSOFT, they will have zero interest in giving us what we want.
Take care everyone.
Lisa. -
Quote:I am loving Guildswar2.Look guys I hate to sound like a addicted desperate mmo junky, but I need some serious help finding a new game to play!! secret world, good way to make game content and play but graphics are lousy and I don't feel like I am part of the game at all. Tera old tech., rift old tech., champion online old tech., and so on and so on. boy if you are playing a new game that makes you feel like coh did like I am part of the game content, good way to build character and good graphics tell me bout it please!!!. If not I guess ill just wait till some of the newer games come out in a few months. MAYBE I'LL JUST KICK THE MMO HABIT ALL TOGETHER AND BE FREEEE!!!!!! doubt it.
I am becoming addicted to it the same way I am to City Of Heroes.
Just type Guildwars2 in the Google search box and watch a couple videos.
Lisa. -
Quote:I bought extra bank slots...all my characters are crafting now, and need room to spread out...seriously thinking about buying some extra bag spaces for my Warrior and Guardian.Tbh GW2 isn't really that bad. Its a game that I really enjoyed playing solo or with my friends. The holiday events are frankly quite amazing even though I haven't done the costume brawl.
This does not mean that I condone what NCSOFT did to COH. I bought the game before they announced the closure of COH. Right now, I'm tempted to put in some money to buy extra inventory slots and char slots but the only reason I'm not doing so is the way NCSOFT handled closing of COH.
Anyway I have to give credit where it is due. Anet did an amazing job with GW2 and I really hope NCSOFT wouldn't shut them down in the someday in the future.
The way I figure it is if the game shuts down in a year, well, I will have a good time in the year I have.
Spending money on a game that might be shut down ? Eh.. I spend more than the cost of the game in the grocery store. No sub fees mean that the fifty dollar something I spent was total purchase . Fifty something dollars for a game that I can play as much as I want, even if it is just a year? Sold.
Then one month later I buy Gem cards instead of junk food....my inventory spaces grow, my waistline shrinks, and I am helping support a game I truly enjoy.
Lisa. -
Quote:Big grin....Golden Girl I am really going to miss you and I truly mean that, no sarcasm.Unfortunately, they're tainted by association, so they're going to feel the impact too.
Come to the Darkside, we have flowing, moving hair..golden hair
Matter of fact, when I first saw my hair flutter, my first thought was "Golden Girl would love this."
Lisa-The tainted -
Sigh..one thing I never understood was this....Teaming got better rewards to encourage people to team....This means to me that, if given a choice between *teaming* and *not teaming*, the most people would choose *not teaming*, otherwise, there would be no need to, err, "give players a cookie" for teaming..am I making sense?
That said, if a game wanted to get a large number of players, based on what I said above, it would be very smart to do away with the way better rewards for teaming, and toss forced teaming out the window.
I really really like Guildwar2 method of handling the Teaming Vs Solo quandry.
This morning I was running my Guardian through some Hearts (events) and I noticed an elementalist was fighting beside me in a lot of the Hearts I did...we were not on a "Team" but were helping each other, and each of us was getting our own rewards.
I like that.
Lisa. -
When I heard about City Of Heroes closing..I cried, I raged, I wrote letters to NCSOFT, lurked on the Titan Network, and soared through the five stages of grief.
I then decided I loved having an MMO to come home to, and so my better half and I started MMO shopping.
He hated Secret World, and I couldn't get into Champions.
I watched a video about Guildwars2, and another video, and another, and I thought about how NCSoft is an MMO killer, and I watched still more Guildwars2 videos...and I thought some more about NCSOFT closing down City Of Heroes...finally I went to the local Gamestop and talked to the manager there. Grin. He was under the impression that NCSOFT had closed the game in order to move all the employees of Paragon to Arenanet to work on Guildwars2
But, he was very informative, and I left the store clutching my downloaded copy of the game. Warning...if anyone reading this decides to play Guildwars2..turn off your Virus Checker before downloading
City Of Heroes was my first and only video game so it took me time to learn how to play Guildwars2, but I kept on, and I am very happy with my choice.
Ok, serious face, I know NCSOFT is a wildcard, and will close down games if the fancy hits them, but, nothing lasts forever...
Guildwars2 has no subscription fee, just buy the box and you are good to go.
And it is a beautiful game. Some days I log in and just explore.
Lisa. -
Lisa walks into thread....darn.
I am not sure what I can say that has not already been said.
I am happily playing Guildwars2. It is a quality game with Devs that love it, and care about it, as much as our Devs love and care about City Of Heroes.
Yes, it is an NCSOFT game, which is worrysome, but I can only hope and prey that Guildwars2 is their new direction, and thus will be allowed to live for years....and...maybe, maybe NCSOFT has learned their lesson about closing down games that are still profitable and well loved.
....so many things to do and explore in Guildwars2...and you are not stuck to one land either. My Warrior and Elementalist are world travelers..so much so, that am going to try my hand at the craft of cooking and become a chef
Lisa-Resident of Borlis Pass, but thinking of packing up and moving to Sanctum Of Rall. -
Quote:Grin. My little Asura Ranger looks like a floppy eared little girl having grand adventures with her giant pink bird.I wouldn't call the keys worth getting. I've never gotten anything worthwhile out of a chest. You get several keys from completing zones and story quests. I would never buy keys.
I have a level 80 human necromancer (20 spite, 30 death, 20 blood). I use all the pets (except the wurm, meh). Interestingly this GW2 necro is a reroll of my CoV necro MM, who was a reroll of my GW1 necro. This one character has managed to live through three games and be represented fairly well. I even think the personality of the GW2 storyline and stuff she says fits with her (in that era).
Other than that I have a level 30 sylvari warrior, 26 human thief (named after my main from CoH but sadly nowhere near as fun to play), 18 human guardian, and 10 sylvari engineer. I REALLY tried making a Norn and hated their storyline and personality. I also don't like asura or charr.
I'm on Gate of Madness with some friends. You can find me with Sudona Forte, Flora Nuali, Victoria Noir, Mitsu Kalos, and Amanita Mycetism.
But, you did say you have a Necromancer? I wanted to make one, but made the mistake of reading their forums, and gathered that they are not very survivable...I may have to rethink.
Anyways, I am playing on Borlis Pass. Alice Bean is my Asurian Ranger, Errol Bean is my Human Warrior, and Ingibjorg Bean is my Norn Guardian. My guild is House Of Bean
Lisa. -
Quote:Wouldn't it be a kicker if it was the fact that the end game, the incarnates, was locked behind teaming that did us in?By the ******* Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, what did NCSoft have against Paragon Studios that they didn't want to invest in it? Were the projected profit margins that small that a no-brainer like this was rejected?
Maybe some NCsoft exec was a soloing in City Of Heroes, and when he could not incarnate out his level 50 he shook his fists at whomever implanted the system and vowed his revenge.
Sounds silly, but, you never know.
Lisa-Sad -
Quote:I bought a couple $15.00 cards in anticipation of the Halloween goodies they said would be in the store...but you are right...other than keys to those Black Lion locked boxes I keep getting in drops there is not much worth buying.Really they don't have anything in the store worth buying yet. CoH had a much better system.
Although I like being able to convert gold into points.
What race/class are you most liking Dispari? I am torn between Ranger and Warrior as my favorite. Grin. I play my little Asurian Ranger as a Blapper with a pet
Lisa. -
Quote:In full size jewel boxes? Nope. I found them at Game stop hanging on a rack with other game cards. And yes, it/they required activation at the register.Interesting. It's not a card that requires activation at the register like so many proxy currency cards for MMOs out there but looks to be like the old time card coming in full size DVD box.
Well the holidays are coming up and I can see why ArenaNet would want this out there since the game would be out for nearly four months and at the likely price of $25 would be a reasonable stocking stuffer. Now if they are still being restocked 3 months after the holidays then I'll get angry, otherwise it's just like what happened with NCSoft time cards just being around for the holidays in stores.
Lisa. -
Quote:I am playing Guildwars 2, and everyday I understand more and more of it..enough to start crafting, and have a Ranger Assura as my fav character...but...I am still emailing,and doing what I can to save City Of Heroes.Yep. This.
I'm playing and enjoying Planetside 2 and trying to keep my mind off things, but this still sucks to me. If the game is sold and saved, I will play. And that's about it.
I swear, I will be one of the first in line to buy a sub if this game is saved....and by George, I will graze freely in the cash shop...which I did anyway, but, I will buy more than before, for the health of the game.
Hugs to all.
Lisa. -
Quote:nothing was even yellow 10/11/12 this game is done i will commence giving away everything.
yes you can has it.
:Sigh: Don't do that.
Things will look bleak until NCSOFT gets the Korean version of a tax write off for closing the game....when that is done, then and only then, will they think about selling it to someone.
I guess to NCSOFT, the tax write off is too juicy a fruit.
What we need to do is keep banging our save City Of Heroes drums, so that when this day comes, American game companies interested in bidding or whatever they do to acquire a game, will know this game still has a fan base.
I don't know..life sucks sometimes.
Lisa. -
This is not on your list but I am going to suggest it anyway.
Yes, the publisher is NCSOFT, but the game is outstanding.
Beautiful graphics, wonderful stories...lots of things to do...
And I, the person who soloed my whole way through City Of Heroes, is finding doing Hearts with others is a whole lot of fun.
Read up on it on the Internet, watch a couple of the zillion of videos that are out there.
Only fly in the ointment is NCSOFT, but, if this game, Guildwars2, is the new focus and direction they are taking, then it might be around a while.
Lisa. -
Quote:Well, looking at your sig you are going to hate what I am about to suggest....I have been quite happily stumbling and bumbling around in Guildwars2. I say stumbling and bumbling because I am still learning the mechanics of it all, but I am in awe of what I have seen of the game so far. Beautiful, beautiful game.once coh goes out, my stress relief game will be gone. it was an awesome thing to be a hero or villain and forget bout RL in general for awhile.
now i'm trying to find a game that will help with that.
rift,wow, and swtor doesnt do cause we all know how they are.
just wondering if you guys had any recommendations on any good games to play that are fun and interesting.
And Last night, I saw a Charr in the starting place named Steelclaw..not sure if our Steelclaw is tired of Diablo3 and is giving Guildwars2 a try, or this is another Steelclaw, but it brought a smile to my face.
Lisa-Bumbling about in Guildwars2 but hoping with all my soul that NCSOFT sells City Of Heroes to a company that will cherish us. -
Lisa reads Mafia_Godfather's Post and Hyperstrike's reply...
...scoots over to stand shoulder to shoulder with Hyperstrike. -
Quote:NCSOFT is a business composed of Koreans who do not have a Western Mindset. To them, the won is king...which is why I am crossing my toes, fingers and eyes that they will sell City Of Heroes to someone who will cherish us. More wons for them, the game for us.Anyone who plays a game by Ncsoft like GW is a traitor to Coh, NcSoft did this too us, how can we say, Hey Coh Fuc@# You and go play GW.
So, that said, if you want to throw out outrageous and not so outrageous accusations....you can also say that all those posts of people being smug and proud that they were saving their points, those not buying points, those not going VIP, those not spending money at all to help support City Of Heroes, they were the reason our won loving Korean Overlords decided to Sunset the game. Not enough wons being brought in, no game for you.
If they don't sell the game to us, which will infuse them with more of the lovely wons they are so enamored with, and just put the game into some dusty vault with all their other sunsetted games, well, then, they are not logical, and someone in that boardroom is possessed by a City Of Heroes hating devil...that is my current fav outrageous reasoning at least
Anyways, GreenFlame, relax and don't be too much a hater. You will make yourself into a bitter, untrusting, sort of person...and do you really want to go through life that way?
Lisa. -
Quote:Lisa runs up to Biowraith and gives him/her a big Texas hug.Apologies if this is an obvious question (though you do say CoH was the only video game you'd played, so maybe not), but have you made sure your firewall is set to allow GW2 access? If everything else is connecting fine but GW2 is acting like you're offline that would seem the most likely explanation.
Your obvious question to me a bullseye.
Sunday, when I tried to get the Client (.exe file) to run, I did try to turn off the firewall as I remembered dimly having to do something similar due to AVG not playing nicely in one of the COH betas, but I guess I did not succeed Sunday, because, this morning, after reading this, I tried my hand once again at turning off the AVG firewall.
After turning it off, I went and downloaded the client again, held my breath and poked "RUN" then did a fist pump as I watched the great download begin
This right here is an example of a stellar community...when people who are having problems with the obvious are not jeered for asking....and people who help are not condescending.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
Lisa. -
Hi all.
After looking at all the games out there, and those soon to come, and doing a lot of soul searching and thinking, I went to Gamestop yesterday and bought the Deluxe Digital Version of Guildwars 2..almost bought the plain version, but, they had both, and the price difference was only twenty bucks, and Friday was payday, so I went for it. I also bought a Guide because, well, City Of Heroes is the only Video Game I have ever played....I need all the help I can get
I wish I could tell you all how I like it but, I am hitting a brick wall. I can download the client exe, but when I poke "Run" It times out without downloading a single thing, and gives me the following message..."Download failed. Please check your Internet Connection and try again"
Bah. My Internet connection is just fine.
I went to support and sent an email so hopefully I will hear something soon. I know Guildwars support is probably swamped with folks needing help so I can be patient.
I know I said I would buy Guildwars2 and Blade&Soul as a thank you if NCSOFT sells us to some other company, but, I have gotten used to chattering with people as I play...I play solo but that does not mean I am quiet as I do it
From what I have heard, and read, and from all the videos I have watched, Guildwars2 sounds like a lot of fun, and will probably a new home if worse comes to worse and City is sunsetted....I just have to log in and play...Bold and highlight Log In
Mind you though, City Of Heroes is my love. I have written letters to Ncsoft, emailed Ncsoft, I was a member of Atlas Park 33..I was one of the ones who misspelled torch
I am Julischka Bean over there. Have not posted in their forums yet, but I will, that is a warningHad I had forum access when I first started playing I would have probably posted as many posts as Golden Girl..maybe more
Darn, I want City Of Heroes to be sold to someone who will cherish us....
Lisa-Also thinking about Blade & Soul if we are saved, City Of Steam, and the Marvel MMO..I want to be Squirrel Girl! -
What won't I miss..hmm..very few things actually.
I will not miss forced teaming to get incarnate slotted..and I will not miss that joke of a solo path to get it.
I will not miss trying to figure out why I had to slot Pure Resistance toons with Defense when there was no Defense to stack it with.
And that is my list.
I am not ready to leave this game....sigh....
Lisa. -
Quote:Squee, Zwill is hereTo elaborate: The leadership here at Paragon is, and always has been, top notch.
I can assure you that there is no lack of drive or passion from our leadership.
Lisa runs up to Zwill and gives him a great big Texas size hug, then skitters off before Mrs Zwill can hit her with a baseball bat -
Quote:Super Oz, I totally understand your mindset.....and I think each of us know City Of Heroes is not saved yet, and if it is saved it will not be as is, but, Hope is something precious. Hope can enable you to keep going even after all your reserves are spent...and we need to keep going.I don't really understand the question, because the premise is flawed. NCSoft doesn't want the game, and the players because of how that decision was handled don't want NCSoft.
Therefore, should the game be saved, it'll be on new servers in a new building, possibly independent and not reported on these forums which will be gone. In addition to that, any iteration of the game will not be CoH as you know it. It cannot. If NCSoft considers the game engine proprietary software, then a new engine needs to be coded. If NCSoft considers that the physical hardware of the game cannot be removed and relocated, all characters will be deleted. Even if Titan Network's program to save characters is used on a broad and extensive basis, it will take significant time to re-establish all those characters with all those badges, all those rewards and all those benefits back onto servers.
There is a ridiculous amounts of ifs in this situation and it's frankly naive to think a switch will be flipped and CoH will continue as is. This whole notion really needs to be disabused from people's perspectives.
If starting from scratch is the price I have to pay to save this game, I will gladly pay it.
And, NCsoft does not own the game engine. As I understand it, Cryptic does. NcSoft has the right to use it as long as they own the game...and...well, if we cannot get the engine and have to build/code another, well, even if it does take a long time to make/code, we need a new game engine anyway...some things are worth waiting for and City Of Heroes is one of them.
That said, if City Is saved...I will first of all sink to my knees and thank God for speaking to and motivating Tony V, who in turn motivated us.
Then I will send yet another email to NCsoft thanking them for selling City to those who cherish it.
Then I will go shopping. I will first buy Guildwars2, maybe two copies, one for me and one for Mark and take out a sub to Blade and Soul because despite the scantily dressed females, that game looks adorable and hella fun.
I will buy these titles partly in gratitude to NCsoft, who has track record for never selling their sunsetted games, and, if Super OZ is correct, there will be a gap in between sunset and the new company being able to reopen the gates to Paragon, these games will keep me busy as I understand you can solo in both of them.
Second item on my shopping list takes me to to Barnes&Noble where I plan to buy some/all of Mercedes Lackey's books...bless that woman....hmm...will buy her books even if City is not saved.
And I promise to buy a years sub to City Of Heroes, and graze freely in the cash shop..I have always done these things, so I know I will do it
Must have it.
Lisa. -
Quote:My mind cannot let me go without asking this:
What if this backfires, and blows up in our faces?
We have nothing left to lose, so it strikes me as a rather moot question, but again, what if this disrupts the negotiations that we have been told are happening?
If you write positive things, then it should all be good...negative things....I do not want to think of the harm that could be done....
Lisa. -
I sent an email to each of the three addresses.
I used links from the forums in my letters. The Who We Are In Real Life thread, Bombshell Blonde's amazing list of why we are unique, The CityOf Heroes in the classroom thread....and a couple of others highlighting the wonderful people this game is composed of.
Thank you Tony. You are simply amazing.