195 -
It was quite the opposite for me. The more I played it, the more I hated it for mostly the same reasons I've seen here so far. It's generally a neglected game, or at least it has that feel to it.
That, and the fact I cannot STAND the art or cell shaded graphics. It's TOO corny/cartoonish/oddly proportioned for me.
I'm hoping Neverwinter isn't that way.
Truth, CoX was my first MMO....and it'll be hard for any other game to measure up, but on the flip side...I'm not burnt out on fantasy settings like I've seen others say they are. CO definitely failed in the measuring up part, though. I even went so far as to buy a three month sub to unlock all the goodies....but it just didn't help. The art thing was too big an obstacle to overcome for me. -
Quote:This made me chuckle but only because I'm a damned cynic as well.
I've found that all the SaveCoH stuff, while well meant, has already died. Our game is already on life support and the plug is being pulled in one month.
While it was nice to hear thatwas kicked to the curb, by the time any emulator hits it will be far too late to get any traction beyond with a handful of nostalgia lovers.
Everything dies. Sometimes before they should, sometimes not nearly damn soon enough. I've loved this game. I'm sad to see it die but you can't have life without death.
Now see....THIS is a post that isn't trollish. It isn't condemning, nor sarcastic....nor does it reek of someone trying to earn their paycheck from NCSoft. Kudos, Bill. -
[suht-l-tee] Show IPA
noun, plural sub·tle·ties. 1. the state or quality of being subtle.
2. delicacy or nicety of character or meaning.
3. acuteness or penetration of mind; delicacy of discrimination.
4. a fine-drawn distinction; refinement of reasoning: the subtleties of logic.
5. something subtle.
Use Subtly in a sentence
[suht-l] Show IPA
adjective, sub·tler, sub·tlest. 1. thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid or an odor.
2. fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand: subtle irony.
3. delicate or faint and mysterious: a subtle smile.
4. requiring mental acuteness, penetration, or discernment: a subtle philosophy.
5. characterized by mental acuteness or penetration: a subtle understanding.
Wrong word for context purposes. -
Quote:Call me a sadist but watching NCSoft's stock continue its decline these last 3 weeks gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
If you overlay the last year with their releases, closures, news, Nexcom deal, etc. it makes for some interesting speculation.
I'd like to think it's not because of the closure...but HOW the closure was done. Word of their misdeeds is ruining them. Spreading like cancer among their investors.
Ah...THERE'S that warm, fuzzy feeling. -
Quote:I went and recreated my main over there. He'd been created previously, but I'd deleted the original to make way for something else at the time in beta.
So. Purchased three months of subscription time in CO... only played about half that.....for the simple reason...I can't stand the art. I wanted to give the game a fair shake, and I think I did. But when you can't stand looking at it...you won't be able to play it. I'm gonna wait for the next superhero MMO, thankew. If there is one. I can only hope there's something like a CoX2 in the works, and not from NCSoft, either. -
Said it before...will say it again.
Because of sharing the same parent company and same lead designer many of the things that were staple icons of this beloved game went over there and got slightly altered so as to not violate copyright laws. But....given the entirely cheesy nature of the game( CO )....it wasn't pulled off well, in my opinion.
Thus, Champions Online will be, forevermore....a cheap ripoff of this game. A redheaded stepchild. A temper tantrum thrown by a lead designer that failed to realize success in not one, but (at the time) TWO endeavors. Perhaps by now, that has changed. Temperance and wisdom might have been gained. For Neverwinter's sake...I certainly hope so. Currently the only thing I find that I dislike about the game is the fact that it's 4e lore based.
But, all this is personal opinion and you are free to disagree and have/form your own opinions. Have a good day! -
Quote:The cel shading is the outline. That's it. It doesn't make anything look plastic, that's a different element altogether.
Umm..no. Here.
You're welcome. -
Quote:But, it's made by the same parent company. And I see SO MANY things that're outright ripoffs of City Of Heroes that it reduces the game to a "redheaded stepchild" status.
1. It's not CoH. That doesn't make it unbearable. Given the choice I'd play CoH, but come December 1 that's probably not going to be possible, so I'm trying to judge this one on its own merits rather than comparing it to CoH. It can't live up to that just because we all have too much history invested.
Quote:2. Graphics are an eyesore on the defaults, but the two biggest things that can help are turning off the godawful outlining (which improves performance to boot), and spending time with the sliders in the character creator. Shorten up those Gumby arms, shrink the basketball head and the pie plate hands. Lengthening the legs a tick also gets closer to the CoH proportions we're used to. Remember to check out the face sliders and squint the eyes unless you're an anime fan.
Quote:3. Once you get used to the graphics, the fact that it's five years newer than the original CoH zones becomes apparent. The city architecture for instance - it FEELS like a city, or at least a comic book version of one. It feels much closer to Nova Praetoria than Steel Canyon.
Quote:4. The tutorial is longer than the "new" CoH one but there's a lot of the same feel - that you're being led around by the nose. Once you clear that and train up it's starting to feel more like the sandbox we're used to, though there does seem to be a shortage of contacts compared to the KR-Steel-Sky range. Again, a Praetoria feel.
Quote:5. The character creator is a bit counter-intuitive but there's some good stuff there. For some reason they retain the ancient CoH model (when did it go away - issue 3 maybe?) of having to scroll through an ENTIRE list with a mouse instead of giving us clickable arrows. And if you choose something, it resets to the top of the list which is annoying if you're fiddling around. The free to play costumes are a bit limited on the armors and wacky stuff, but there's a good selection if you're into spandex and capes. And considering where we're coming from...
Quote:6. The big one: The free to play archetypes are really, REALLY limited. If you want to play a scrapper you'd better like swords, for instance. The freeform ATs, and most of the flavor on the basic ones, are all behind the paywall.
Quote:Like I said, if City stays, I'm staying here. But at least at the low levels, it's not bad. A few of us tried running the first post-tutorial missions as a team the other night. It went surprisingly well in the sense that it passes the test of being decent interactive social media; giving your fingers and eyes something to do while you're chatting with friends. And personally I've always been more into the social aspects of gaming than min-maxing anyway. I'm not saying it's great. But I'm hoping it will be "good enough."
I "heard" some channel chatter a while back about the differences in the two games. Someone said CoX was a more polished and better game because it had a full dev staff. I disagree. CoX had a full dev staff because it was a better game. Personally, if I had the option to choose between working at Cryptic on ChO and at Paragon on CoX.....I'd choose CoX every time. Just a better game all around, in my opinion. Right from the start......which leads me to this. Jack Emmert is a good idea man. After all, he came up with the idea for City of. Just....he couldn't develop the game for nothing. Ditto CO. And STO....and...whatever he works on. Good for ideas, bad for implementation. It -seems- like he implimented too long on CO for it to be a good game. Maybe with time it'll improve.
In all honesty....for me personally...if the game lost the kiddy graphics, it'd be good. As it is...I have to -force- myself to play it, or wait until my superhero jones is just TOO strong. -
Quote:No. Never apologize, never surrender. You are quite correct. HIT NCSOFT IN THE WALLET. THAT IS WHERE IT HURTS MOST.We. Can.
It's easy.
Step 1) Do not EVER buy ANYTHING remotely associated with them.
Step 2) Advise *anyone* you hear about buying from them understand who they're dealing with.
Step 3) Make it loudly and widely known what NCSoft is good for: bad business practices and even worse customer loyalty, in that there's no endgame, no decent sunsetting, no warning to the poor Devs, just... Poof. And worse, they will *horde* the IP and store it away rather than sell it or give it away as a good will gesture.
I understand that last is a business decision to protect the possibles, but honestly. If they're not going to make a CoH2 with Paragon Studios, then what the HELL is the point? So they give it up, and it flourishes... If they sell it, the get money, and they're done. If they don't, but the give it up as PD or just... not pursue C&Ds, they get money because people think well of them, and won't mind buyin' from them.
Bad enough they're shutting it down, but simply put, hoarding the IP means that this person here will NEVER TOUCH another NCSoft *anything*. Period.
And this person here hasn't knowingly bought or supported anything to do with Sony, MSI motherboards, or AMD/ATI for quite a long time, and will continue to do so, for very similar reasons: They suck.
I know I shouldn't be all mean and such for the very now-dim possibility that Co* could still get transferred to better ownership, but I simply don't care now. NCSoft, in the words of Bender, can bite my shiny metal butt. If I had one. Which I don't. Beside the point, the meaning is the key.
That being said, all efforts to continue the transfer of Co* are to be kept up, and loudly. They are cowering, now is the time to strike harder. And with a little more vinegar than before.
They will cave, or they will die. It's their choice now to make something happen, because *they can*. They **CHOOSE** to be jerks about this now, with that stupid letter.
IF it comes to pass that Co* escapes from the grubby mitts of NCSoft's, and they allowed it to happen... then maybe, just maybe, we can call off the dogs of "Don't Buy NCSoft. Ever."
I probably need to stop now. Sorry. Got me riled, this whole thing...
It's what matters the most to them too. I'm right on board with you. I could care less if NCSoft is the company that figures out how to "jack in" to the internet....I'm not going to purchase from them. EVER. -
You can cram Aion and every other NCSoft product where the sun doesn't shine.
Never again will I spend money on NCSoft products. EVER. -
Oh. Hey. Check THIS out. This is probably the reason why NCSoft didn't sell the IP. I copy/pasted this right from the webpage.
Western development confirmed for acclaimed MMO
SEATTLE, WA - SEPTEMBER 13, 2012: NCsoft ®, the world's premier publisher and developer of massively multiplayer online games (MMOs), today confirms its Western expansion plans for Blade & Soul, the wildly successful Asian martial arts fantasy MMO developed by Team Bloodlust, an in-house studio based in NCsoft's headquarters in Seoul. Blade & Soul has already captured the hearts of millions, consistently ranking one of the top games in PC cafés across South Korea since its launch eleven weeks ago, and plans to reach the same level of success and popularity in Western markets.
Blade & Soul brings MMO and RPG gaming communities an online world rich in Asian martial arts, a theme that has traditionally been limited to fighting games. Once Blade & Soul launches in the West, players will have the ability to experience the flowing nature of action martial arts that they have come to love, but will experience it in a modern format blended together with deep story lines and an epic online world populated by millions.
Bringing to life the fantasy style and signature character movement made popular by the classic martial arts adventure films House of Flying Daggers and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Blade & Soul allows players to embrace the essence of historic martial arts combat, set in a beautiful world inspired by the stunning art of renowned artist Hyung-Tae Kim, Team Bloodlust's Blade & Soul lead artist. Kim's strong international manga following and his unique style of blending Japanese anime and Korean art will expand Blade & Soul's appeal to a broad audience.
Exact release timing for Blade & Soul has not been confirmed, but NCsoft is already aggressively tailoring the title for Western players, working closely with Team Bloodlust to ensure the rich Asian martial arts theme stays intact.
For more information on Blade & Soul, visit the official website at www.bladeandsoul.com.
Guess what? Time to destroy this game for the western market.
http://us.ncsoft.com/en/news/press-r...de-soul-1.html -
Quote:Bullspit. If they REALLY wanted to sell...they'd still be tabling offers. Which brings me to this.....there's been NOTHING out there about other game companies making offers for the CoX ip. Nothing. NDA usually mean you can't talk about what went on in the meetings, but not that "hey, we're attending." can't be announced. Nobody's announced it. At all. Isn't THAT curious?Not precisely true; they may also have had a deadline as to when they were going to stop considering offers. It's possible no hard offer came in by their deadline. However, that amounts to placing a high value on their time and sends an even worse "you're not worth our time and effort" message than placing a high value on their assets. So to me assuming they overpriced the IP/accounts/etc is the charitable estimation.
End of the day? I'm STILL never going to purchase another NCSoft product....or recommend one to anybody I know. I suggest we all do the same. -
Quote:Ya know, I've had some really good luck with the face sliders making my characters look pretty good. The glowing eye masks too are also a very nice touch.
Here's CO-version of my main Eiko Magami.
I think it brings out her features in a way that the CoH generator never could. It just takes some patience.
What stops me from playing more is the stories are so much more insulting compared to what I'm used to. And Silver-Age Eiko is no where NEAR as interesting for me to RP.
See...that looks like a cheap attempt to make a cartoon based on your new toy line in the hopes that all the four year old kids will rave to the parents to buy the new toy line. To me, at least. Yes, it's shiny. Yes, it's visually striking....but it's still just flash glittering up cheap art. Again...to me. Other people see it differently, and I realize that.
The art is the main reason why....if another game comes along even HALF of what CoX is right now? I'll jump ship and go to it. -
Quote:Aka, I hope they dont just joining a new game and ranting off how this is wrong how that needs to be changed and so.
Thing is....players already IN THE GAME are complaining about how stuff is broken...this or that needs improvement....why don't we have this thing? What's taking so long for that very simple QoL thing?
The CoX community will do what a previous poster said. Either whip the dev team into shape....or boil them in oil. This is the cold hard truth. -
I've been playing CO for about....a month now. I've payed for a three month sub, because at the advertised price...and locking that in for as long as I care to keep renewing...it's a deal. What subbing opened up was pretty good, I'll say that but....
1) The art style sucks bawls. Not the graphics, no. It's shiny, yes. Colorful, yes. Some costume pieces actually look better there than in CoX....but dear God. It's as if the game is pitched at four year olds. Absolutely no realism at all.....and if I were to pick an art style....I'd say it reminds me of anime pitched at kids. Big eyes, small mouth. Oh...and there's only ONE face, either male or female. Several beastlike faces, true.....but in the end....they're all the same. One human female, one human male, one wolf female, one wolf male, etc., etc., etc.
2) From what I've read on the forums....it's buggy as hell. Simple things too...things that you'd think a three year old game would have fixed by now, regardless of staffing problems. I've come across two bugged missions so far....and the missions are the equivalent of task forces here.
3) Keeping in mind that Cryptic developed both games...I'm STILL shocked at the amount of stuff they outright copied from this game. Bonus points taken away for that. There's a Chris Jenkins billboard in CoX that got ported to CO and had just the name changed. Things like that make me relegate Champions Online to the redheaded stepchild of City of Heroes.
Overall...people I've talked to in CO that defend the game say, "Well, CoX had more devs, so it had better stuff."
I disagree. City of Heroes had more developers because it was the better game. Champions Online has virtually no development because it's a crude copy of this game.....but it's the only VIABLE superhero game(to me) currently on the market. Which is a sad thing. -
I'm on Arcadia with a Dragon imported from here. Kili "Kilikina" Lonoehu. Hawaiian native, Seoul immigrant. Feel free to look me up.
Also, protip: In the Secret World, most RP'ers -walk- around, they don't run. If you see someone walking, good bet is they're looking to RP. -
I'm over there too. @clcmercy.
Graphics are shiny, but....I don't like the art style at all. The cars. DEAR GOD, the cars that ride around. The avatars...they look so shiny, so....full of potential...and then..BAM. Those disproportionate arms/hands/legs. Much tweaking is needed in the costume editor to get it back to normal...and you're STILL stuck with the same face as everone else.
Yeah, it's buggy. Been playing it for a couple weeks now and found at least three "TF's" (CO's version of task forces are called...ummm...I forget.) that were bugged so badly they could not be finished. Even by teams. And the impression I got from the forum boards was that they have been like that for a while now.
So....don't like the graphics, don't like the buggy....but...DCUO is right out. I can stand that game even less than CO. Splitting my time between CO and The Secret World at the moment. Crafting and gear is a bit esoteric in TSW, but it's not that hard to figure out. Plus, it's getting back on track with support, development and content releases. Seems promising. Currently play on Arcadia server, one of the two RP servers there. Leviathan is the other. There's no "global" handles in TSW as far as I can tell, either. -
Probably the ONLY thing I won't miss from this game is masterminds and their pets. From day one, the AI on pets has been wonky at best...downright ANGERING at worst. Add that to the fact that 99% of MM's don't know how to control their pets (or at least gameplay dictates that observational statement)....and it led to me wishing that AT had never been made in the first place.
Now...the PEOPLE that play the game....tons of them I won't miss. Griefers. Spammers. The bungholes that ran circles around the Pocket D dance floor for HOURS...umm.....pretty much anyone that held conversations in broadcast, regardless of zone.
My shameful addiction was to sit in Pocket D and watch broadcast, labeling everyone's player notes that spoke in that channel as "Pocket D broadcast idiots." and one-starring them. After two years.....well, let's just say there were a lot of people running around in the game(NOT just in Pocket D) that had one star above their heads. And from some of the conversations I "overheard" in /b....yeah. I was insulting idiots by labeling those having said conversations as idiots. -
Wait....WHO is the OP?
Quote:But if you think our sudden closure or our vow to never spend money on another NCSoft game would actually harm them in someway, is wishful thinking at best, delusional at worst.
I also respectfully disagree. How many people do you know? How many play games? Now...how many would listen to what you had to say, either positively or negatively about any of those games? If you recommended to any of them to avoid a title or company, would they? And what about their friends?
Word of mouth. Standing together. THESE are what defeat corporate greed machines. But of course....video gamers aren't known for their attention spans or loyalty. Of course. See, NCSoft is -counting- on that. We as a community and a market will look at the new shiny and go "OOooOoOOO. Must have.", and forget all about the fact that in a few years...they'll pull the plug on that one too. Because they'll have another one. As long as you, the consumer, are willing to pay...they'll win. Bottom line.
Don't pay. Get your friends to not pay. Get -their- friends to not pay. Suddenly...you've got their attention. -
Please do not feed the troll.
That is all.