Apology in Reconciliation ( To Devs, Mods, Players )
...Have I missed something here? I have no clue what any of this is about.
EDIT: Oh, now I see. lol
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
I missed it..what did you say? PM me if you cant say it again in the thread.
Neat idea btw. Sounds pretty cool and easy.
note how the semi-literate troll is able contravene forum rules for a self-serving mea culpa.
And cleverly posted on a Friday evening, too!
Full marks for wiliness, troll!
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Nice one Goat..troll teh troll? Is that worse, or better? Funny that you call tehm semi literate..yet when I spell checked that post, there was nothing wrong, just a few silly ms word hiccups.
Get over yourself.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Nice one Goat..troll teh troll? Is that worse, or better? Funny that you call tehm semi literate..yet when I spell checked that post, there was nothing wrong, just a few silly ms word hiccups.
Get over yourself. |
But your affection for the troll is noted and my weighting of your future comments has been adjusted accordingly.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I have no specific affection for the Trollina (you forgot that already?). Just that your comments came off like an ******. Maybe you aren't one. But hey I look forward to not seeing your comments. Also hilarious that you attack someone for being semi literate when your own sig location is 'in ur base'. Goodera english there. Oh wait..you must be semi literate too!

I have no specific affection for the Trollina (you forgot that already?). Just that your comments came off like an ******. Maybe you aren't one. But hey I look forward to not seeing your comments. Also hilarious that you attack someone for being semi literate when your own sig location is 'in ur base'. Goodera english there. Oh wait..you must be semi literate too!
TL;DR - IMVU/Second Life - Character Customization can be saved in full + Role Playing Community = Solid
Before you bring the ban hammer down on me (again) Zwill, just hear me out. You're more than welcome, and probably will ban me out of principle but at least let this thread stay up as it's actually sincere. Hello everyone, I firstly want to apologize for the way I trolled over ten thousand people or so the post count went. I shouldn't of done so but it wasn't honestly in spite but rather an attempt to rally in my own way. It wasn't very polite and I should be and was rightfully banned for what I did. However, this is not what this entire thread is about. I have an idea for you hardcore fans that may work. It is not a MMO, nor is it really anything snazzy but for those of you who Role Play I might of found a small solution to your woes, and also those who don't want to see their costume customization completely go away. It's IMVU or Second Life. If you are only concerned with your costumes then I might suggest sending me or a ''dev'' you trust on IMVU your saved character file to make you a duplicate copy and render it in an IMVU fashion that can be tailored to your liking. It's an extremely easy procedure that I've done with just the pigg files and also xml. It's super easy to convert but the graphics may not wow you as their settings aren't maximized. Second Life is more difficult but also is very much so enhanced thus if you went that route it would take longer but may look much better. The reason I suggested IMVU is due to their '' Role Player Forum '' board that is easy to navigate and not death moderated. This way you can plan events or create your own guild of sorts to have your friends join in and also an environment that relies heavy on writing with some nice visual cues. I know many of you are seriously e-hating me right now or scoffing, which is cool, I deserve that, but in the very least I can say I tried to make amends to a certain degree and give you an outlet. The other subject I was going to say is if the Devs of this game will allow it and can compile all the costume pieces/sets into files that are needed, they can essentially open up a ''Paragon Studios'' or ''CoX Store'' on IMVU or Second Life and price them low for easier access that way no one loses their customization. It may be a bit more painful and scattered to get the costume right but at least the options are there. Reason I put IMVU with Second Life? IMVU is free. If you wish for a more detailed character then throw in a couple bucks a month and build you a RP character, plus you can make your own room and customize it how you wish on both so maybe you can recreate, slowly, a CoH universe. It would take a lot of work, dedication, and painstaking hours but if there's no other options then you might be surprised at what a little hard coding can do. My regards to Tony, Devs, Mods, other Rednames, and the movers & shakers of this community. You're not doing half bad. =) Hope this helps some. Pz, Luli |
You've been a troll in the past, but tell you what, I'll answer a reflectively polite and serious post with a serious answer. I mean why not.
What I'd like to see are screenshots of some examples. If you're being serious, then that's reasonable, yes?
Post a shot of a character from COH, then show us what can be done in the systems you're talking about.

These are the pics from IMVU with some CoH pieces ported over and then built on (not the same, tweaked to be different but over all design inspired. You'll know when you spot them. )
Now remember, this is IMVU which is free to download and use but each piece or costume accessory will cost e-currency which you have to buy with IRL money. Not deadly expensive. There are also millions of other products by other Devs who create amazing pieces that may further enhance your character customization and Role Play experience. Also keep in mind that not all ports of the costume files/pieces may make it due to the complexity thus you must dev or chip away at refining it to meet IMVU's standards. When done just put the pieces on the Market and wait for a peer 2 peer review to successfully accept it and then it will be in the game.
And that's really just the tip of the ice berg. When it comes to IMVU you do not have a truly free range of motion as everything's dictated by pose nodes that can be animated or still shots. No enemies to fight unless you're Role Playing it out aka textual battle or whatever they call it. Right above this post is an extremely limited and quick over haul of what I personally ported over and recolored or adjusted in some way from CoH. Original pieces are difficult to port when it comes to just throwing them in without some minor tweaks but you catch the drift. I'll do one for Second Life if there's any need to go any further.
Nether, told you I was sincere. Sort of. I'm actually trying to be a good trollina and help spread some minor hope in your bleak situation. I do deserve the crude and rash attitude but that doesn't mean it will detour me from throwing some ideas out there. ;x Or will it? Dun dun duuuun..
Nether, told you I was sincere. Sort of. I'm actually trying to be a good trollina and help spread some minor hope in your bleak situation. I do deserve the crude and rash attitude but that doesn't mean it will detour me from throwing some ideas out there. ;x Or will it? Dun dun duuuun..
It's kind of sad when insignificant people desperate for attention start telling themselves people hate them just so they can believe somebody cares about them at all.
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"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
It's kind of sad when insignificant people desperate for attention start telling themselves people hate them just so they can believe somebody cares about them at all.

From what I can tell, she posted a false claim about not getting a refund from NCSoft, supposedly in an ill-conceived attempt to "rally" support, which is pretty scummy and frankly idiotic.

You're not even that good of a troll.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
TL;DR - IMVU/Second Life - Character Customization can be saved in full + Role Playing Community = Solid
Before you bring the ban hammer down on me (again) Zwill, just hear me out. You're more than welcome, and probably will ban me out of principle but at least let this thread stay up as it's actually sincere.
Hello everyone,
I firstly want to apologize for the way I trolled over ten thousand people or so the post count went. I shouldn't of done so but it wasn't honestly in spite but rather an attempt to rally in my own way. It wasn't very polite and I should be and was rightfully banned for what I did. However, this is not what this entire thread is about. I have an idea for you hardcore fans that may work.
It is not a MMO, nor is it really anything snazzy but for those of you who Role Play I might of found a small solution to your woes, and also those who don't want to see their costume customization completely go away. It's IMVU or Second Life.
If you are only concerned with your costumes then I might suggest sending me or a ''dev'' you trust on IMVU your saved character file to make you a duplicate copy and render it in an IMVU fashion that can be tailored to your liking. It's an extremely easy procedure that I've done with just the pigg files and also xml. It's super easy to convert but the graphics may not wow you as their settings aren't maximized. Second Life is more difficult but also is very much so enhanced thus if you went that route it would take longer but may look much better. The reason I suggested IMVU is due to their '' Role Player Forum '' board that is easy to navigate and not death moderated. This way you can plan events or create your own guild of sorts to have your friends join in and also an environment that relies heavy on writing with some nice visual cues.
I know many of you are seriously e-hating me right now or scoffing, which is cool, I deserve that, but in the very least I can say I tried to make amends to a certain degree and give you an outlet. The other subject I was going to say is if the Devs of this game will allow it and can compile all the costume pieces/sets into files that are needed, they can essentially open up a ''Paragon Studios'' or ''CoX Store'' on IMVU or Second Life and price them low for easier access that way no one loses their customization. It may be a bit more painful and scattered to get the costume right but at least the options are there.
Reason I put IMVU with Second Life? IMVU is free. If you wish for a more detailed character then throw in a couple bucks a month and build you a RP character, plus you can make your own room and customize it how you wish on both so maybe you can recreate, slowly, a CoH universe. It would take a lot of work, dedication, and painstaking hours but if there's no other options then you might be surprised at what a little hard coding can do.
My regards to Tony, Devs, Mods, other Rednames, and the movers & shakers of this community. You're not doing half bad. =)
Hope this helps some.