Alternate Power Choices
I like this idea.
The option to choose either a Support or Defense ability on each of the 9 tiers of the Support or Defense powersets would make full use of the Multiple Builds system, especially now that Incarnates have access to 3 different builds.
In my personal play style, there are always one or two abilities on my Support powerset that I never use. For example, on my Cold Domination Corruptor, I would love the option of taking a Defense-oriented ability (ESPECIALLY a mez protection power) instead of Infrigidate or Snow Storm. I never use those abilities because they are both replaced by Sleet.
Isn't this what a second build is for, which is something we already have?
So, the suggestion then is to add perhaps as many as nine new powers to each and every existing powerset in the game?
Seems like a lot of work. And money. And time.
Personally, I'd rather see the devs spend those things on new powersets.
Maybe -- maybe -- this could work for certain, very specific things, such as allowing (for example) a Ninja mastermind to choose between the recycled Archery attacks they already get, and recycled Katana attacks. But even then I don't think the code currently allows for it.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
This sounds more like a plea for a new Archetype similar to Veats.
It would basically be a smorgasbord of comparable powers, already in game only this Archetype let's you choose between them. Veats are actually really close to this idea. I think the difference is that you want to be able to mix and match some soldier with some crab. Also hopefully getting more than just a couple choices.
Also, I really have wanted a more complicated Melee Defender Archetype for a while.
So, the suggestion then is to add perhaps as many as nine new powers to each and every existing powerset in the game?
Seems like a lot of work. And money. And time. Personally, I'd rather see the devs spend those things on new powersets. |
I know, the next question is who determines what sets get this choice first?
Simple Every set gets 1 alternate T9 power.
The reality is with these powers if no one has really noticed is all they doing is taking something away from one part of the formula and adding it in another place.
Longer Recharge = More Damage
Short Recharge = Less damage
Everything else is pretty much the same. If a power is a Targeted AOE power then it hits X amount of targets. Cone something else, ETC. This has been normalized throughout the updates over the years.
What this does, is it gives even 2 people who pick the same Arch Type and the same Powers sets to be a bit unique even within their own sets.
As an example, (and a weak one admittedly) You like Time Bomb the way it is (or the updated version that is to come supposedly) and I would rather have the Alternate choice to Time Bomb, which is Sticky Mine, quicker recharge but less damage slight change to instill fear in mobs ( heck who wouldn't be scared to see a comrade blow up ).
So now that secondary build you mentioned, well it could be completely different now.
Lets face it as of today, who will NOT take advantage of the crashless nukes and the ability to have perma snipe if they could without affecting their build. So as i24 pops you will now have 100s of players already set up to fire off a perma snipe and drop a crashless nuke on some mobs. I know all my builds are going in that direction. The only big thing stopping me is the painful respecs for so many toons.
So come i24 you will have just a bunch of cookie cutter toons with similar powers because players want to take advantage of something good and new. I mean really what new build will NOT have these accommodations now. Pretty much only those that never had them in the first place.
Whereas before this you did have some that took the snipe and others who didn't because it was a matter of play style or set bonuses. But now everyone will have it these powers, you don't even need to be a min max player. All you need to understand is eat 2 yellows and you will have this green circle around your snipe that will make it shoot very fast. On teams with buffs it might be 1 yellow.
I like this idea, especially since I have brought this up in the past at length as well.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
Basically, my suggestion is this (if it's possible):

With each set, either on certain or all tiers, have a choice between two powers (maybe more if you really want) for the player to take. Thing is, they can only take 1 of those. This allows for greater set customization while staying within balance, and can help with variable builds for teams or soloing, whichever you really like to do, which is something certain AT's really need. The following are some examples.
Melee Support: Their support set being a combo of personal defenses every few levels, a couple auras, and mostly PBAoEs. Inherent would make their support powers more effective the more allies they have in close proximity, but still decent when alone.
Variable solo and team build: With the Defense and Support powersets, each coming with two power choices at each tier. For example, in Cold Dom, you choose either Infrigidate or a personal Ice Shield. In Regeneration, you choose either Fast Healing or something similar to Soothing Aura.
This way someone may choose to build a purely solo build on their Defender, Corruptor or Mastermind, or a mix, or purely team build. On a Melee character, it would give them the option of a purely team support build, or a mix, or solo.
So, if you think this might be a good idea, or have some suggestions on how to make it better, let me know, or let a Dev know if you like it.