43 -
I've started a guy on Landroval in LOTRO too. I'm level 8 and so far it seems just like GW/WoW to me. I do love the LOTR back story though so I'm giving it a chance to grow on me. No grouping (fellowshipping) yet. Combat is OK although I'm a little annoyed that you have to physically face your opponent to fight him. (realism be damned!!) CoX is definitely more newb-friendly, technically. I've already had to consult the LOTRO wiki a bunch of times to figure out what the heck is going on.
Team List:
1) @Amygdala - Ill/Cold Controller (subject to change)
2) @Ulysses Dare - Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster -needs badge
3) @Artorios Rex - BS/Regen Scrapper (or Fire/Fire Tank... both are 50+3) (need badge)
(Those needing the badge shown in bold.) -
Shoot, it's been memed for AT LEAST two years.
Philosophers say you cannot know the world of matter exists.
You can only prove your senses, which detect matter, exist.
Well, I took a look a the world,
And I had the sense to know that something is the matter. -
You give em' 16 merits; What do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Lord Recluse don't call me cuz I can't go
I sold my soul to the Paragon Store -
If there's no one around to open an Ouro portal, the quickest way (IMO) is to go to Recluse's Victory, go to the train station, and run straight out from the front of the station. You'll end up in a narrow alley. Run for a couple more seconds and you'll get one of the aformentioned exploration badges.
We had prime rib for dinner, walked around Colonial Williamsburg, and then she came over and played SSA part 3 with her MA scrapper
(and complained about the shard drop rate...)
Best post ever.
Champion. "The community server, or GTFO." -- Cobalt Azurean. Seriously though, lots of really high-quality folks on Champion. Skilled, helpful, high signal-to-noise ratio.
I think both my incs already have it, but I'll show up and help out if you have room.
One level on my 28 mastermind, half a level on a 36 peacebringer, and 2 levels on a 40 scrapper. Best drop that I noticed was a Scirocco's Dervish. I actually spent more time in Dwarf Fortress than CoH... :O
In several years of playing, I think I've only ignored one person ever on Champion.
But 30 minutes of playing on Freedom makes me want to ignore the entire server.
(present company excepted, of course) -
Does anyone know who Candy Cane Junkie is? The funniest moment I've ever had in CoH was a couple years ago during the winter event and I was on a team with the angular, purple, aformentioned hero, and during a lull he started up with the "GOT ANY CANDY CANES?!?!?!?! o_O?!?!?!?!?!" and "YOU!!!!!! HAND THEM OVER!!!!!!!!!! NOW" and whatnot. I was busting a gut and wanted to give him props for being so crazy and random.
I can commit to participating on both Weds and Sunday nights... (in fact I showed up last night, lol) I'm still a bit fuzzy on bombs so I'm thinking I'm a poor choice to lead the league. (I did it once, albeit by accident)
NClauncher.exe is continuously using about half a core of CPU. It's logged almost 5 hours of cpu time since last night. On two different occasions I've seen it max out a core and log over 10 hours of cpu time. What's the deal?
2) Buttercup Pixie, @Artorios Rex, Tanker/40-something -
Awesome. I'll bring a Fire/Fire tank, Buttercup Pixie, if I can get him to 40 in time. Otherwise it will be Artorios Rex, a BS/Regen scrapper.
Making fun of people 10 years younger than you and calling them "kids"... and realizing you did the same thing 10 years ago.
The little perpendicular wrinkles that show up on your fingers when you straighten them.
BONUS THING: Hearing someone say "Who is Mr. T?" **sob** >.< -
Started 2010 with a cold that I'm still getting over. It's a bummer especially since I had a great New Years Eve party with karaoke the night before.
But, I just got a 1.5 TB RAID-0 running that's twice as fast as the RAID I had before so yay! -
/me gives everyone some pumpkin pie with so much whipped cream on it you can't even see the pie!