Dear 2010, You suck. -net
That is messed up, and your kids were still good, Xanax juice boxs?
My in laws came down to Fl for the weekend from Jersey and their flight was delayed, they got to the a/p at 11am and didn't arrive here till 9:30.
Hope the family had a safe flight.

Thank goodness you all survived!! I'm pretty sure your kids sense of self preservation kicked in early and instinct forced them to remain calm cool n collected..
Yeah 2010 started pretty icky for you.. but it can only get better now right?
Sometimes we need days like this to truly appreciate the good ones.
Take care Net.

Long story short, sounds like my travel escapades. Sorry to hear that.
Best o' luck on the return.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Woke up this morning to find my car stolen. Am now very grateful for my continued friendships with Big Scary Guys who drive Very Expensive Motorbikes.
Watched better half roam the neighbourhood with a Big F****** Stick snarling for blood which, since I know my spouse, will be coming one way or the other.
Plus side: not buying gas means more CoH fundage. Gotta make a minus into a plus...
Good friend's house burned down night before last.
2010. F*** you.
You guys had it all way worse than I, but the first thing I had to do was a 5am shift NYD. That sucked, had to go from tech guy to daddy-duty soon as I got home, didn't hit the sack till 10pm last night, too tired to even log thugs will have to wait....sorry to hear that OP, and the rest, but hey it's only January, depending on how you take that.
All of my drama started before the new year.
In CO on my Vacation checking on my house there (Renters are not paying) post eviction notice and get nothing but greaf from them. They are holding out for the court issue for me to toss them out. Nothing like free loaders to make the end of the year.
Get to airport to fly home, plane coming in is late, take off delayed as they load cargo that was not planned for. Daughter gets brownie points as she is good.
Get home and find out the Comcast is auditing my cable net usage, there method this time is to disconect the cable at the demark so I am left waiting for the Cable guy. All fixed now, but not something I like having down.
Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643
Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.
Peterbilt is sorry for your suckage. Please do not be offended if I don't participate.
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
All these bad happenings suck, sorry to hear about them and the people connected. I hope the year gets better for everyone from here. Well, my year has started pretty good, just hanging out with my brother before I start back to college, and he goes back as well.
Getting better--car was found and returned today. Undamaged, and had more gas in it than when it was stolen
lol Wow, all that fun.
Try this one....
Back in 01' my final flight from Germany on a FULLY packed 747. My seat was in the absolute very last row of the aircraft, isle seat inbetween two families one with annoying little kids and the other with little ones who just would not behave plus the people up front having kids who kept whining, Also the bathroom is RIGHT behind my seat so you can guess the smell, the food sucked and I delt with all of this for NINE HOURS, AND THEN, having to wait almost an hour and a half just to deboard the aircraft. To top that off we had a delay in take off which put us at our destination late...however, the delayed all other flights just enough for everyone here to make they're connecting flights. At least there's a good note, bad note is, by hour eight I wanted the plane to nose dive and hit water so I could finally sleep.
Oh, and as for 2010 sucking, yeah, I stepped on glass the first morning of 2010, I think I'm still digging a broken piece out.
All these bad happenings suck, sorry to hear about them and the people connected. I hope the year gets better for everyone from here. Well, my year has started pretty good, just hanging out with my brother before I start back to college, and he goes back as well.
My car didn't feel like starting today, ongoing battle since I've owned it, and my iPod somehow drained itself completely dead o_O. It's fine.. I think I put a dint in my car from kicking it though.. I was hurt more from the kick than the car was, it was pretty cold so the pain was fun.
Any mechanics PM and I'll tell you the details of my car and maybe you can tell me what's wrong.
No need to complain, hope and change is only a year underway! Just wait and see what the second year will bring! Just keep hoping and changing! Everything is really, really good and everyone is really, really happy.
Here, have some kool-aid.
Started 2010 with a cold that I'm still getting over. It's a bummer especially since I had a great New Years Eve party with karaoke the night before.
But, I just got a 1.5 TB RAID-0 running that's twice as fast as the RAID I had before so yay!
"If you think something is impossible, check your assumptions." -- Atlas Shrugged
I've had Lady Gaga's Bad Romance stuck in my head for the entire year (thus far).
Well then, at least you know things can only get better.
Well, after doing a little research (and joining an automobile fanatic forum), I found out what was wrong with my car! . Alas, the cold front moved in and it became too cold to start and I wore out the starter (I believe, I guess I should know..). Upon trying to take the infernal thing off I broke two ratchets (Too much torque can be a dangerous thing) and found out it was put on with a pneumatic ratchet. *Sigh* So when I was trying to do this, it started snowing, YAY SNOW! And then it started sleeting... So that was good 'n' fun.
Running joke in my family is about our luck, we have some horrible luck.. Lemme tell ya'. If I put my name in for a drawing and I was the ONLY ONE, I'd still lose. Alas, that's our family's curse.. Guess it could be worse, but I still don't like it.
Woke up today to frozen water lines, despite dripping the water over night and everything. >:-( But good news is on the way, it's supposed to hit 50F tomorrow! We hope.. Yes, 2010 can only go up from here.
Its 930pm local time on the first day of the last year of a bad decade (yes 2010 is the last year of the decade, not the first. There was no year 0.) And true to form it delivered a whallop.
I had planned to drive the wife and kids the 90 miles to Moline to catch a flight to Flordia to visit her family while giving me a few days at home to goof off in peace. Booked a nice noon flight time months ago. Planned to get up, get going, hit IHOP, then drive them to the airport.
Then 2010 decide to screw with me. Okay it didnt help that I drank 2/3rds of a bottle of champaign last night.....
The flight was cancelled..... as we were printing off the boarding passes at home this morning. So we call AirTran up to see whats up, crew didnt show (supposedly). They offer a refund which we dont want and tell us that we have to go to the airport to try to get another flight. So toss everything in the truck and off we drive to Moline. Luckily we were the first of the passengers to get there for that flight, but the other flights of the day and all weekend are already booked solid. *(*&^$@!*%$@
But if I can get them down to St Louis, they can still make Florida tonight. So over to what is possibly the worst IHOP on the planet for some food (7hrs to flight at its only 4 hr drive). Undercooked pancakes (still batter in the middle) and a scorched omalet. Oh yeah, its not even noon yet. *sigh*
Then off we go. Clean sailing to STL. Drop them off and start heading home. At which point it starts to snow and blow hard. Visibility drops to 1/4mile. I end up poking along at 50mph on the interstate and my wife is delayed because they have to de-ice the plane from the precip.
She makes Atlanta before I can get home, but her connection is late so shes stuck there until the plane to Pensicola get there... (which should be arriving around now.) If all goes well, she will make Florida around 11pm. As said above, I drove 661 miles over the span of 13 hours and am totally exhausted. She's exhausted from the drama. My kids are scoring extra brownie points as they have behaved all day. 6+hrs in the car and then plane flights. So much for vacations being relaxing.
So how is 2010 treating everyone else so far.
Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion
"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."