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  1. I've done this once so I'm certainly not a veteran. We did exactly as Amy said and succeeded but it gets a bit confusing around the 6 wells so make sure at least a few people understand the wells have to come down before Tyrant can take damage.

    I won't be on at 6 so good luck.
  2. Ok, good. I've still got to get that badge on my Victory main. Poor girl, still no victory over Hami.
  3. Didn't see there were Saturday Hami raids. Are they still going on through October?
  4. I have a lot of names ready to release in about 6 weeks. I'll put a list together and post them later next month.
  5. What, not good-bye Rookery thread?

    Take care everyone.
  6. Peterbilt

    I remember....

    This sucks!

    Not much else I can say except I'm going to miss you guys.

    Take care of yourselves.
  7. Peterbilt


    This sucks!

    Would like to say more, but can't.

    Take care of yourselves everyone.
  8. Peterbilt


    Good luck all. I think Hami is in for a rude awakening.
  9. A week late to the thread. GP, you're probably done playing by now.

    But in all seriousness, if you see me in, shout and I'll come play. I only have one character who is any good at soloing, or actually, that I'm any good as soloing, and I promise not to pile on too much debt on your characters, only on mine.

    I think the idea for this thread is great but for me, has no practicality since I never look at the threads before logging into the game.
  10. Peterbilt

    Most Difficult

    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    Depending on the AT, powersets & temps that ranges from trivial to impossible; my Warshade destroyed him before he had his 2nd clone out, whereas my Kin/Elec defender was thwarted by the fact that he doesn't need endurance to spawn clones
    And my fire controller got him held before the first spawn.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER1 View Post
    I almost became a dad but infortunite my girlfriend lost the baby =-*( .
    Sorry to hear about that Elf. Kids are a blast so keep trying if you're ready, which it sounds like you are.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    If it is global, that's like the guy who sent a tell TO ME asking to join an itrial I bcasted on a Victory channel. He switched characters. And even had to zone multiple places.....before informing me he was, in fact, not on Victory at the time. Wha wha whaaaaaa
    Hey, I appologized for that ... oh wait, I did that to a Champion trial when I was on Victory.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Interesting, and here I always thought you liked us!

    "You really do like me!"
    Well, at least Grey Pilgrim likes me.

    Re: using help channel to find teams - if you need help getting a team, why not. It has to be the least used channel out there.
  14. Happy successful circumnavigation around the sun, day.

    Let's reminisce about when the internet was made of wood, so many years ago.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    Victory Forum- made largely up of forum regulars. People who post on the forums tend to have shall we say... strong opinions about things. Not everyone wants to be around people like that. Also certain personalities in VF are very "love them or hate them" type.

    I guess I'm a "hate them" type

    I bounce between Champion and Victory and have been on Victory almost exclusively since BAF and Lambda came out. There is a definite difference in population between Virture/Freedom and Justice which is consistently in 3rd, and Champion and Victory, which are both around the upper middle slots now. Even at a lower populations I still haven't found much difficulty in finding PD teams except for the past few days, which I attribute to summer and the holiday.

    But teaming would not be a problem if the global channel issue were better broadcast. That is what I find is the main difference between Champion and Victory, is on teams they tell players about the channels and how to join. More players on the channel, more players listening, easier to form teams.
  16. Canada does NOT have the same rights to Freedom of Speech as the United States. It has very strict hate speech laws and speech tribunals. If the school feels in any way that action could come under one of those tribunals then it would not be an overreaction for them to demand the student remove his posting. I haven't had the time to view the video so I can't say if it does or not.

    But isn't this student a Senior? If he is, wouldn't it be prudent to remove the video until he gets his diploma and then repost it? After he graduates, what can the school do against him?

    And as for the school to try and prosecute a student, doesn't this speak volumes what is wrong with Western Society right now? Instead of encouraging innovation so many in power are enforcing Groupthink, speech codes, censorship, all stuff right out of the book 1984. We are letting our freedoms go by "protecting" people from having their feelings hurt.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
    Ditto!!!!!! Im used to playing stalkers at and trying to do a corr and I miss my reegen and hide so much and I suck at soloing stuff with him

    And I thought it was just me.

    But blasters and Corrupters can be the MOST fun AT to play. Lower your difficulty and crank up your mob size, then some on the big groups of 8 and 10 and watch them all melt away. BU + Rain of Fire + Fireball = yummy goodness.
  18. Sorry Pops to hear about the raid. I was playing with my son and couldn't convince him to join.

    I know one thing the devs could do to pique Hami interest, give a choice of getting a Hami O, Shards or ... threads. That would be a very easy addition and would give rewards to players who are grinding the two new trials.
  19. Take care and good luck. I'll be happy to look after your stuff while you are gone. I might even give it back when you visit. (Because you know you will.)
  20. Good luck everyone. Sadly for me (but probably not for you) I won't be able to make it. But I predict about 24 Master titles being dished out.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GenderPoison View Post
    Underwear, relationship statuses, SG's, VG's, addresses.. Welcome back!

    It just isn't possible to say "underwear" without laughing just a little bit.
  22. Peterbilt

    Hbd ima!

    Happy B-Day. Have a great one and have someone record it so you can remember it later.
  23. Peterbilt

    After 7 years

    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    D, would you like for us to wait for you before we attempt an All-Tanker Hamidon raid?

    With all the Incarnate stuff, soon Hami will con Yellow.
  24. Running the launcher in the background, as suggested, caused several lag spikes so I disabled it. Too bad, I didn't mind helping with their data collection.
  25. Peterbilt

    After 7 years

    So long and fare thee well. Hopefully you will soon be able to organize your real life to come visit us again. Maybe not on a continuous basis, but for a month or so at a time.

    In the meanwhile, I wish you only the best, great success and blessed tidings.