Sunday Blue side Hamidon
Sorry Pops i'll try to make it next Sunday.
Thanks, lookin forward to it.
Though I've participated in and helped lead many, many, many raids on Justice over the years, this was my first Champion raid.
I was impressed with how well it went, especially with the zone never completely filling.
Thanks for going to all of the trouble of leading.
"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler
I think we did rather well, considering a few frequent disconnects, only a handful of emps/pain doms around, and an insufficient amount of EoEs.
I hope next time people might bring a handful with them to the raid next time
Also, thank God for the in-zone hospital, let me tell you. It was only my second time on the Yellow assault team (typically, I am a yellow taunter), and I made darn good use of it.
Thanks for leading Pops!

Thank you, Champion.
Well thanks Champion, was a fun experience, but I considered the pros ans the cons over runnin a weekly hami raid.
As for now I am no longer hosting a weekly blue side Hami raid I am hoping that in weeks to come i may consider in runnin a Hami raid again.
I found out by puttin myself out there, devoting my time to arrange a league, usually an hour b4 start time. I am not one servers cool kids, but I figured there were plenty of ppl that would support a community event.
I found out the ppl don't have the patience to wait for the the raid to start. Nor do we want ppl on teams cause of one reason or another.
As a community I thought we could put differences aside. That whoever you are, or what SG you support you can turn out and be part of one of IMHO one of the best end-game raids in COH.
I have not nor will not turn my back on the people Champion server, I hope that one day we may loose our rep as the drama server
Well thanks Champion, was a fun experience, but I considered the pros ans the cons over runnin a weekly hami raid.
As for now I am no longer hosting a weekly blue side Hami raid I am hoping that in weeks to come i may consider in runnin a Hami raid again. I found out by puttin myself out there, devoting my time to arrange a league, usually an hour b4 start time. I am not one servers cool kids, but I figured there were plenty of ppl that would support a community event. I found out the ppl don't have the patience to wait for the the raid to start. Nor do we want ppl on teams cause of one reason or another. As a community I thought we could put differences aside. That whoever you are, or what SG you support you can turn out and be part of one of IMHO one of the best end-game raids in COH. I have not nor will not turn my back on the people Champion server, I hope that one day we may loose our rep as the drama server |
Well thanks Champion, was a fun experience, but I considered the pros ans the cons over runnin a weekly hami raid.
As for now I am no longer hosting a weekly blue side Hami raid I am hoping that in weeks to come i may consider in runnin a Hami raid again. I found out by puttin myself out there, devoting my time to arrange a league, usually an hour b4 start time. I am not one servers cool kids, but I figured there were plenty of ppl that would support a community event. I found out the ppl don't have the patience to wait for the the raid to start. Nor do we want ppl on teams cause of one reason or another. As a community I thought we could put differences aside. That whoever you are, or what SG you support you can turn out and be part of one of IMHO one of the best end-game raids in COH. I have not nor will not turn my back on the people Champion server, I hope that one day we may loose our rep as the drama server |
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Well thanks Champion, was a fun experience, but I considered the pros ans the cons over runnin a weekly hami raid.
As for now I am no longer hosting a weekly blue side Hami raid I am hoping that in weeks to come i may consider in runnin a Hami raid again. I found out by puttin myself out there, devoting my time to arrange a league, usually an hour b4 start time. I am not one servers cool kids, but I figured there were plenty of ppl that would support a community event. I found out the ppl don't have the patience to wait for the the raid to start. Nor do we want ppl on teams cause of one reason or another. As a community I thought we could put differences aside. That whoever you are, or what SG you support you can turn out and be part of one of IMHO one of the best end-game raids in COH. I have not nor will not turn my back on the people Champion server, I hope that one day we may loose our rep as the drama server |
we had the yellow taunt team set and ready with 3. you invited 2 of budweisers toons.. im not quite sure i see the point in that. for several reasons... my own personal reasons aside. He wants to help and participate, fine, do like the rest of us, pick a toon and play it. Ive been and have had weiser on enough of my teams to know how he rolls. He was there to hog not only 1 spot, but 2.. and im sorry but that doesnt sit well with me. He could have been put on a different team.. he does after all have 198098903978832908753 toons he could pick from.
Ive always had respect for you pops and i participated in as many raids with you as i possibly could have.. i think i missed only 1.
I think part of what youre not seeing here is that raiding since the new shiney toys have come out, have been decreasing steadily for months. I told you back when you started the reason the sunday slot opened like that was bc force cancelled his raids, due to lack of interest. AngieB, same story, and llewthor cancelled his red side raid, again, lack of interest. When I or Jack run the blue raid every other saturday its been taking 30-45 mins to get the bodies in there to run the raid.
Its nothing personal, its not "the cool kids club", its not people not wanting to not play with xy or z person. Its the server and the new toys everyone has to play with. I dont think pointing fingers at certain reasons/sg's or even people is fair. It is what it is and simply put, there has been a lack of interest.
Taking it personal and calling othes out is what perpetuates the drama. When in fact, the proof shows, its LACK OF INTEREST AND PEOPLE ARE BURNT OUT ON RAIDING.
i really feel the need to address a portion of this since it DIRECTLY relates to a decision i made in tonights raid.
we had the yellow taunt team set and ready with 3. you invited 2 of budweisers toons.. im not quite sure i see the point in that. for several reasons... my own personal reasons aside. He wants to help and participate, fine, do like the rest of us, pick a toon and play it. Ive been and have had weiser on enough of my teams to know how he rolls. He was there to hog not only 1 spot, but 2.. and im sorry but that doesnt sit well with me. He could have been put on a different team.. he does after all have 198098903978832908753 toons he could pick from. |
Everyone should be allowed to participate in community events, but leaders of specialized raid teams need to consider whether someone might hurt everyone's chances of success, and that's what she did.
I can't speak to the burnout issue, but there were definitely some impatient people around, and I was shocked at how many abandoned ship at the first sign of trouble. Nevertheless, I will attend any raids that I can.
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
It started off fairly promising, and i thought it was going pretty well all things considered until people started bailing after one partial wipe.
i'll try to make the next one. i'll probably bring a more buff/debuff focused alt. Probably a Rad or Dark.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Well thanks Champion, was a fun experience, but I considered the pros ans the cons over runnin a weekly hami raid.
As for now I am no longer hosting a weekly blue side Hami raid I am hoping that in weeks to come i may consider in runnin a Hami raid again. I found out by puttin myself out there, devoting my time to arrange a league, usually an hour b4 start time. I am not one servers cool kids, but I figured there were plenty of ppl that would support a community event. I found out the ppl don't have the patience to wait for the the raid to start. Nor do we want ppl on teams cause of one reason or another. As a community I thought we could put differences aside. That whoever you are, or what SG you support you can turn out and be part of one of IMHO one of the best end-game raids in COH. I have not nor will not turn my back on the people Champion server, I hope that one day we may loose our rep as the drama server |
As Cherry has mentioned, the fact is Champion's interest in Hamidon raiding has waned dramatically over the past few months. At one point, we had three Hamidon raids going a week. It was just far too much, and it burned people out. I'll let you in on a few secrets. Hamidon raids are not my favorite thing to do in the game. Far from it. I'd much rather do a Rikti mothership raid, (when it's not lagging). The only reason I began leading Hamidon raids is because some people were going through Hamidon raid withdrawals as there were no Hamidon raids going at the time, and no one else was stepping up to lead one. When we were at three Hamidon raids a week, I only went to two, and that was dragging me down as even two a week is just too much for me. I was not the only one, as slowly people stopped showing up for the Hamidon raids, even before Issue 20. Before, the Hive would fill 15 minutes before the Hamidon raid was scheduled to start. Back in February, it was taking 20 - 30 minutes after the scheduled start time to get enough people in the Hive or the Abyss just to start. That's why AngieB and Force both canceled their weekly Hamidon raids, leaving us only with one.
Now, with Issue 20, forget it. It's taking a good hour to get enough people in the Hive or the Abyss just to start. People just don't want to raid Hamidon anymore. They'd rather do the new Incarnate trials, and honestly, I can't blame 'em. That's why Llewthor canceled his red side Hamidon raids two weeks ago. It got to the point where I offered up some of my own INF as kill shot prizes to try to get enough people in the Hive or the Abyss to start, and even then it took a long while beyond the scheduled start time for us to start.
People aren't interested in Hamidon raids anymore. Many of us are burned out. I know I am, and, as I said above, I was never much of a fan of 'em to begin with. It is what it is. Perhaps in six months, people will be burned out of BAFs and Lambdas and want to raid Hamidon again. Or perhaps Paragon Studios will give us an even better raid or trial to do. Who knows. But really, trying to blame this on "not being a cool kid," feels like a scapegoat tactic to me.
As far as Budweiser "playing" two toons on the yellow mito taunt team, I wasn't there, so I will refrain from commenting on that.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Now, with Issue 20, forget it. It's taking a good hour to get enough people in the Hive or the Abyss just to start. People just don't want to raid Hamidon anymore. They'd rather do the new Incarnate trials, and honestly, I can't blame 'em. That's why Llewthor canceled his red side Hamidon raids two weeks ago. It got to the point where I offered up some of my own INF as kill shot prizes to try to get enough people in the Hive or the Abyss to start, and even then it took a long while beyond the scheduled start time for us to start.
People aren't interested in Hamidon raids anymore. Many of us are burned out. I know I am, and, as I said above, I was never much of a fan of 'em to begin with. It is what it is. Perhaps in six months, people will be burned out of BAFs and Lambdas and want to raid Hamidon again. Or perhaps Paragon Studios will give us an even better raid or trial to do. Who knows. But really, trying to blame this on "not being a cool kid," feels like a scapegoat tactic to me. |
Also, just recently many players experienced intense lag that made it impossible to play during Hamidon raids. At one raid I was at, the lag itself almost caused it to fail. It has since been improved, but that's not to say it hasn't discouraged many players from running large scale raids. Some servers have gone so far as to cancel Hamidon raids because of it. It's part of the reason why you see many people leading 16 man BAFs instead of running at full capacity.
As for the 'drama', since I was not at the last raid I can't comment on that specific incident. However, I will say that whenever you get a large group of people together, the probability of personality conflicts and disagreements increases. This will occur regardless of who is leading the raid itself.
I appreciate the fact that you stepped up to lead Hamidon raids for the server. However, instead of viewing the situation only in terms of cliques and drama, try to realize there are other factors at work and that those factors affect other people as well.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
I am curious what the raid or team leaders were supposed to do about Bud and his 2 accounts? Its something he has been doing for years. In fact before the zone limits being so low he often brought way more accounts in than that. I think its way better to let him help and be on teams and helping than alienate him and stir up drama and just have him go sit on a rock and not contribute.
But contributing some on 2 accounts > him sitting on a rock on 10 accounts.
Either way he is gonna do it, why make a bad situation worse?
*realize I wasn't at the raid and have no idea what the drama entailed.
Sorry to hear it Pops. Thanks for the time, effort and hassle.
As mentioned all the new shinnies are having a big affect. A specific case, I used to do 3 to 5 raids, Saturday afternoons on Virtue. Issue 20 goes live, zip. I have not seen more that 2 people in the hive since.
A big chunk of the lag is caused be the league interface. Sorry to quote mention another server. On Guardian, they quit using the league interface, huge improvement, even with some incarnate pets still used.
I was at the raid and it just didn't go well. That happens, no big deal. Thanks to Pops & Sep for trying to pull it together.
However, I have to admit that I've lost patience with nearly any sort of event starting 30+ minutes late. My game time isn't unlimited. Spending half an hour or more waiting for someone else to finish up a TF or trial so they can join the raid means I'm just sitting there for that whole time. I could be doing something else, something productive, something fun - just like the people that we end up waiting for. I'm kind of tired of waiting.
Waiting happens with every raid on Champion, so it's not specific to any player running the raid or even the type of raid. Since i19 popped up, players just have too much grinding ahead of them to get all the new material for their favorite characters. Low drop rates mean lots of time spent grinding and multiple characters mean repeating it all ad nauseum. By the time most of us catch up to i20, new powers will open up and new trials with them, dragging out the grind even more. Unless it grants an accolade or a bunch of people get a wild hair, the old stuff just won't be run a whole lot.
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
Hami Raids 'll come back, they always do.
I'm sure many folks appreciate your efforts Pops, never get discouraged by just a few when what you're doing can benefit many.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Like I've always said, you cannot blame the failure of an event on one person, one leader, one group.
I myself dreaded Hamidon Raids, still do, but came to support my sg mates and friends when it was time to do so. However, I'm sure we both knew, Pops and I, that when these Trials hit, the attendance would dwindle. I would just like to thank the people who did show up every Sunday and actually stuck it out, even when the outcome of winning looked slim.
I would hope to see these raids continue despite the current madness, even if it means impromptu style.

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
I am curious what the raid or team leaders were supposed to do about Bud and his 2 accounts? Its something he has been doing for years. In fact before the zone limits being so low he often brought way more accounts in than that. I think its way better to let him help and be on teams and helping than alienate him and stir up drama and just have him go sit on a rock and not contribute.
But contributing some on 2 accounts > him sitting on a rock on 10 accounts. Either way he is gonna do it, why make a bad situation worse? *realize I wasn't at the raid and have no idea what the drama entailed. |
All of you want to end the "drama" on this server. You want to get rid of this idea of "cliques" and "cool kids". Fine, let's put an end to it.
"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon
"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight
I think the decline of Hami raids was inevitable. It's not anyone's fault, least of all the people who step up to lead them. Combine burnout with new stuff to do in I20 (stuff that requires quite a bit of time investment) and given that the rewards of a Hamidon raid don't do much if you're going for the new slots, it was only a matter of time before they fell out of favor. It becomes a negative feedback loop: the raids will fail (or attendance will fall below the minimum threshold for success) because fewer people want to do them, and fewer people will want to do them if they think they're going to fail. I doubt Hami raiding is gone for good. At some point the devs might revisit it, give it the kinda treatment they've given the new trials (and maybe, just maybe, give us a hint at what their intended method was for taking him down).
Also on Steam
You know, I keep seeing people say that we should accomodate Budweiser, however, I think that maybe he should work at accomodating us. All this dual boxing is fine for people that want to do it on their own, however, Not everyone really likes the idea of it and they shouldn't have to be subjected to it in a "community" event. Maybe its his turn to work with everyone else for a change.
All of you want to end the "drama" on this server. You want to get rid of this idea of "cliques" and "cool kids". Fine, let's put an end to it. |
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Sorry Pops to hear about the raid. I was playing with my son and couldn't convince him to join.
I know one thing the devs could do to pique Hami interest, give a choice of getting a Hami O, Shards or ... threads. That would be a very easy addition and would give rewards to players who are grinding the two new trials.
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
I didn't say he should be accommodated. What I said is he is going to do it regardless of what the rest of the server wants or whats right or morally fair. No raid leader can do jack **** about it so the best bet is just to keep the drama down and not let it impact the raid.
You know, I keep seeing people say that we should accomodate Budweiser, however, I think that maybe he should work at accomodating us. All this dual boxing is fine for people that want to do it on their own, however, Not everyone really likes the idea of it and they shouldn't have to be subjected to it in a "community" event. Maybe its his turn to work with everyone else for a change.
All of you want to end the "drama" on this server. You want to get rid of this idea of "cliques" and "cool kids". Fine, let's put an end to it. |
Thanks champion for turning out for my first official weekly raid,
We gave it a great try worthy of a win.
We can make it happen.
Although we started with no more than 35 people in the zone we made it through the first wave.
I commend everyone for their turn out.
I will not surrender to the Jello.
Hope to see you there next Sunday 6pm est.
thanks again
@hey its pops