Magisterium trial tonight (Monday - Oct 22)
Not sure if I can make this one or not but since you are new to it here are a few things you'll want to know:
Trial Requirements
- Players must have Lore and Destiny unlocked to join Magisterium. This is a requirement of the game. It will not let you join otherwise.
- I'd strongly recommend everyone bringing +3s if it is possible if you intend on doing the entire trial. Otherwise your damage output will suffer greatly and the chance of failure will be much higher.
- You will need 12 players to start. Maximum is 24.
Trial Strategy
- Part 1: Defeat 250 IDF.
- Part 2: Defeat 3 AVs. Recommended order is Shadowhunter, then Pendragon then Chimera.
- Part 3: Defeat Black Swan. Destroy the Shadow Rifts as soon as possible to prevent her from healing.
- Part 4: Defeat Tyrant. Around him are 6 wells of light. Everyone in the league will be given a temp power to destroy the lights called Quills of Jocas. They must be used in melee range of a light to work. Each time a light is destroyed, every player in the league gains a level shift (1 per light for a total of +6) which helps the league's damage output substantially and will allow you to beat Tyrant. The lights respawn every 30 seconds. If people are not quick about taking them out, you will struggle and possibly fail. Also, avoid the patches of lightning.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
I've done this once so I'm certainly not a veteran. We did exactly as Amy said and succeeded but it gets a bit confusing around the 6 wells so make sure at least a few people understand the wells have to come down before Tyrant can take damage.
I won't be on at 6 so good luck.
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
Well, it turned out well for the Magi trial. Cutlass was running the League and we did a few IDF farming runs to open up the Hybrid slot for those that didn't have it. We started with 12 but had 16 when we did the full run. It went surprisingly fast.
About halfway through I was feeling a bit of Deja Vu, and by the end, I realized that I had, in fact, run this trial before but didn't know what it was at the time. That must have been back in the spring when we were running nightly iTrial runs. Boy I miss those days. Anyway, I already had the Hard Way badge from the previous time, but it was still fun to run it again, especially since I was demorecording everything now.
The MoM run afterwards failed at the very last part, but it was still fun to run too.
So, I'm thinking that there is still hope for this server in terms of getting group events together.
In the next few weeks, I hope to organize a few more things before the end.
Thanks all!
My Guide to the Hero-side Venomous badge
(622 Badges on my badge-guy)
number of lvl 50's: 24
number in the 40's: 3
The Magi trial went well, was concerned a bit, when we kept getting to %20 mark, but could not quite push him over, we did though, great job by all.
The MoM was frustrating to get so close. We had 15 or 16 people, but only 5 were +3 and that's what did us in, in the end, just not enough damage. Still it was a great job by every body to get that far.
Okay, I've posted this to the Champion server Facebook page.
A few have already indicated that they will join. I tried this a few weeks ago, but it collided with the Tanker Tuesday event at that time.
So, tonight, I'm hoping to form up a team of VIPs that can run this one with me. I've never played it so I'm hoping to have some veterans join that can help.
We will meet in Dark Astoria at 9PM EST (6PM PST), so that the west coasters have a chance to join as well.
See you then!
My Guide to the Hero-side Venomous badge
(622 Badges on my badge-guy)
number of lvl 50's: 24
number in the 40's: 3