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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by XxBudweiser8xX View Post
    This is why I firmly believe I was the richest player in game....ever.
    And in about 30 days you will be no richer than the rest of us. Congratz on that #win.
  2. NetMinder


    Day 1 veteran....
    Sort of left.. kept my account active..
    Started to come back....
    .... sad face

    Will always be a "Champion"

  3. Okay, Ill say it.... marketing gimmick.

    There will be enough "VIP" players to keep $X coming in, but when it comes to micro-transactions, as a general rule, 90% of the money comes from 10% of the players. As we have seen time and time again, there are those that have to have every booster, every costume code, every badge... those obessive compulsive folk have deep pockets and will make up the difference in 'lost' revenue.

    In the end, the population will go up, but the gross revenue flat. Is it a good thing.... maybe. Its a nice hook to get people to try, but for every person that is leaning to actually play the game, there will be enough jerks to thin them to the point of "in the noise". I am giving up CoH anyways, but it will be a small comfort to know I can log in and kick some random $#%#$% when I dont feel like playing TF2, SC2, Civ5, etc...

    Just need to figure out the whole 2 characters + earned slots works for seeing which of my heroes I will still have and which to strip the IO's from.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Mirage View Post
    Point Break and Demolition Man
    Most certainly agree. Bad movies, but hilarious.

    Alice in Wonderland (2010 version. Its a creepy, dark movie that you don't want to like but at the same time, its pretty damn good.)

    Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney version. Soundtrack... incredible. Plot and flow... top notch. Three worthless gargoyles sucking up screen time... fail. It was that close to being a superb film. I just pretend those three aren't there when I watch.)

    Kung Fu Hustle (Here is a movie that doesn't know what it is. 1/2 slapstick 1/2 action. But the fight scenes are fantastic, and there are 4 major ones so its worth sitting through. Sub vs Dub... while the sub is generally better, the dub version "Do they make these for men?" when the Beast takes a guy 6-shooter... just epic. And one of the masters is really a MA/Sonic =)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
    net minder, check out popsci website, search for immortal mice (or something like that), someone went and figured out how to stop the preprogrammed death of mouse cells, stopping the effects of aging (and reversing it in older mice). come to think of it, article might be named ageless mice. great read, with huge implications for those of us under 40, given enough time to work out some kinks, it could mean a whole different game for our "golden years".

    ahem.. from said article:
    But rejuvenating old organs in mice does not necessarily mean a human treatment is on the way, the researchers warn. For one, mice make telomerase throughout their lives, but the enzyme is switched off in adult humans, as it can cause unchecked cell replication (read: cancer).

    Oops. Can't wait for that clinical trial.

    But like I said, of all the "mad science" areas, it is the one that actually makes some sense to persue.
  6. There is this little issue of funding. Science isn't cheap. Especially Mad Science.

    But lets look back 30 years and see what sorts of "mad science" we have come up with:

    GPS. You mean this little box can tell me exactly where I am, anywhere in the world?

    Internet. Al Gore made this? No wai!

    Genetic mapping and designer drugs. Not only can we map your genes we can make drugs to target specific ones.

    Not so "mad" anymore. Im 37, so my memories and awareness of what was going on 30 years ago is pretty good. Even "cordless" telephones of the day sucked big time. Woods (golf clubs) were still made of.... you know, wood. Aluminum baseball bats were all the rage, compared to the alloyed thin-walled destroyers of today. Atari 2600.... dammit, I thought it was awesome.

    Lets look at the original list:

    A brain being kept alive and hooked up to a machine body
    A human brain being hooked into a computer
    Nanites that can increase our strength and allow us to hold our breath for over an hour
    Rapid Tissue regeneration
    Brain regeneration
    Organic microchip processors

    Brain hooked to a machine body? Ok, why? The brain is already the least durable part of our body, thats why is overly protected. And its still organic and will degrade over time. And if we take such damage that our bodies would have died, our brains probably took a little damage along the way as well, so putting a damaged, traumatized "brain" in a mechanical body suddenly seems like a really bad idea.
    Rapid Tissue/Brain Regen: Sure it sounds good, but cells can only regerenerate so many times before they die. Its pre-programmed in our genetic code. Speeding up this process would just hasten the death of the cells. Fixing the pre-programmed death of cells, now thats worth researching.
    Organic micro-processors: Bad. Bad. Bad. Why waste time here? Organic is analog. And when it comes to raw computational power, digital is biggest bang for the buck. Our organic brains are really rather poor in the mathematical realm, but its ability to consider 1000's of possibilities simultainously and manage the body's systems is where it shines. Its really almost better to think of the brain as 1000s of small mini processors with really good interconnects for data sharing and re-routing if a bank gets damaged.

    A human brain being hooked into a computer: Done. Okay, its not a direct connection, usually a 1-way path, but thats because there is no defined interface as the pieces are completely different. But even with prothetics, we are working on figuring out at a basic level feedback/bi-directional loops.

    Nanites: Fear the grey goo or why nanites are a pipe dream. Lets face it, the raw amount of power required to manipulate atoms at the level of building machines in any sort of mass production capacity simply escapes us. This is always something that gets glossed over in the super-hero world. Energy.

    The long and the short of it is, the super hero world ignores the laws of physics regarding energy. It cannot be created or destroyed. So all that energy used by a hero/villian/scientist has to come from somewhere. Supes gets his from the sun, ok, he of all heroes makes sense, but think about it for a moment, where does he store that energy? Some sort of organic battery? Now that would be mad science!! Imagine being able to change yourself to allow the storage of massive amounts of energy and then discharge it at will. The essence of super-powered beings.

    Of cource tho, when you died, all that energy would get released, probably very violently. And even when injured or incapacitated, you might lose control of your battery storage and go boom (or get REALLY hot really fast).

    Mad science takes money and energy. Two things that aren't in the highest supply. Solve energy, and money goes away two. Fusion power... that is the key to the super future.

  7. Been waiting for over a year for something to re-kindle my interest, but all I can handle is about 2-3 missions then its all meh again. Think its about time to let the subscription go.
  8. "He's a sword-wielding guitar-strumming farmboy in drag."

    I am so burning a character slot for this when I get home.
  9. Highlander: Great movie except for you cast the penultimate Englishman, Sean Connery, as a Spanard..... in Scotland!!!! Srsly? WTF?

    Highlander 2: *waves hand* This isn't the movie you are looking for.

    Highlander 3: Supposed an apology movie for the previous Highlander, but I thought Highlander was pretty good. *wink wink nudge nudge*

    Highlander the Series: I'll waffle on this one. Some episodes were really good, and others just sucked. Lacked flow and felt too episodic with not enough carry over to keep the story from feeling disjoined.

    Does it need a reboot? Not really. This is just cash ******* at its finest. I am not impressed nor looking forward to it.

  10. And slapping a toggle on LR so he can't summon banes helps ALOT.

    Thats how we beat him on the all Tanker STF. (Ring of Pain temp power is a 10min toggle, we used 2.) The tanker in LR's grill was a stoner.
  11. NetMinder

    iPad 2

    Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
    I like to tell this story to people who talk down smartphones and pads...

    My friend asked me to help her fix her garage, as it had a broken bracket. So I came down and took a picture of the broken bracket with my iPhone. I then looked up on the browser what type of bracket I would need, used a ruler app to take measurements, and the note app to well take notes on the dimensions and type of bracket needed to fit the door. I took all that to the nearest Lowles which I found using the map app on the device and got the exact bracket needed for the job then looked up on the browser what other tools I will need to do the job, then purchased those. I went back, and using instructions on how to fix the bracket gotten through the device browser, I fixed the door.
    And then with the simplicity of a piece of paper, a pencil, and a pen.... the exact same task could have been done. And oh yeah, I already have all the tools because, low and behold, I spent my money on tools that aren't obsolete in 12 months.

    Claiming that a $500 device caused you to spend another $50+ in tools to do a 15 minute repair isnt exactly selling it well. (Ok, so I was a carpenter's apprentice at one point in my life, but the point is that smartphones/tablets/etc arent out there curing cancer, heck, they cant even tap into SETIOnline or help map genomes in thier spare time. Overpriced niche device is still overpriced.)
  12. NetMinder

    iPad 2

    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    $29 to do something that should have been inherent. Go Apple!
  13. NetMinder

    iPad 2

    Non-standard interface: Check
    Non-expandable: Check
    Horrible Cameras: Check

    Next version due out in a year so the saps will buy another: Check

    Yup, its an Apple product alright.
    Its either a really big smartphone that isnt very portable (ie, tough to carry, doesnt fit in pocket) or a pathetic netbook/laptop. Its a product with no real market, and yet millions buy it. Fix the top three bullets and its a maybe product instead of a cash cow for fanboys.
  14. March 1st is open.. I might swing back for the 77th.

    Stranger things have happened.

    Tank On!
  15. Way to keep the Tanker torch lit, Nuclear.

    Tank on!

  16. Blue:
    FoxxFire: Fire/Fire blaster (3rd blue 50)
    AoE Madness, not nearly as squishy now as when he started.
    i Nubis: Fire/DA brute (first red 50)
    Changing LOL-DA into OMFG-DA! since beta.

    When I wrote Foxx's backstory, I wrote in i's place, but at the time he didnt have a name. Later on with CoV, I filled out the backstory for Foxx and completed i's backstory before they met.
  17. he he.... The 'Mouse is still racking up the kills when he is retired.

    That was a fun AE arc. Brutal slugfest... Fire/Fire vs Fire/Fire. Took forever to whittle myself down.
  18. Dont get me wrong here, but if you can time travel, why on earth would you waste what might be a once in a lifetime chance to insert yourself into an obscure 1920's film?


    And if it was a repeatable experiment, why isnt this showing up in more bits of the past?
    Where are the temporal cops?
    Supposing that it is possible, and it is a time traveler, just by showing up like that, there exists the chance of a temporal ripple that will erase her in the future because she has been seen in the past. Wouldn't that suck? To pull a stunt like that, only to return to your own time only to be erased by your own prank.

    Anyways, tl;dr. Its not a cell phone. She's not a time traveler. Who ever this guy that watches old films for stuff like this really needs a new hobby.

    (by the way, im posting this during the Renaissance. Leo still still thinks Im crazy.)
  19. NetMinder

    Zube Represents

    Glad to see the badging torch was picked up when I set it down.
    I used to be top 5 on both sides.

  20. My guess for the Murderer....

    In Champion BMT....
    with the Drama....

  21. Well I tried to give alot of stuff. The Posi team didnt give me thier globals =P

    Oh well. We got Posi, Citadel, Manti, and Numina covered. 4 out of 6, 2 out of 3.
    Even Meat Loaf agrees that it aint bad.
  22. Happy Patch Day!

    Login a little early today to get the patch applied in time.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pep_Rally View Post

    I'll be there, and I'll be happy to lead any TF that needs to be smashed into submission by pure unbridled tankiness.

    Woo Hoo!

    I was sifting through my bins of stuff last night, thinking I had just enough to go around.
    Not even close to a problem unless we spawn KR 2.
    8 Miracles
    5 Numinas
    8 LotGs
    oh.. and 1000 or so merits incase I missed something important or just want alot of rolls.

    You dont realize how bad you were until you look around the base, which is a single person SG, and have 5 bins stuffed with good stuff. Crushing Impacs, Decimations, Touch of Death, etc. I can certainly see how I went all OCD with badging for so many years.

    Anyways, its tomorrow. Lets see how many of those original 6 TFs we can get rolling at once.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    Where did you ever get all that money, you have a full time job man. =P

    TT is like an armor plated energizer bunny from hell, it'll keep trucking somewhere even after this game.

    For Nets last TT everyone bring a 50 Ice tank and lets shut down the damn server like in the old days.
    I figure if I give it all away, people wont ask "Can I haz yer stuff?".
    Especially with the market merge and rogue I have a massive amount of extra stuff from red side I can hand out.

    'Mouse has access to most of my prizes, but I think I will bring 'Moose (Ice/Mace) for the TF'ing. Because I can.

    I will go over this before teams are formed, but if we can all start about the same time, some of the prize catagories will be
    First Death (not a suicide run, a real combat fatality)
    Fewest Deaths (team, will have to turn on one of the death challenges for this to track)
    Last Blood (who gets the AV kill and/or the last kill before the TF completes)
    Sycophant (Only Ice/Macers need apply)

    You can only win one individual prize and one team prize. So one team will not get all the loot (IO's). And there is always raw cash when the IOs run dry.

    I think I will have enough merits to get 3-4 L20 Miracles and 3-4 L25 LotGs to suppliment the URs and other sets.

  25. Thats right. Six years in a row. Woah.

    So I thought, wouldn't it be great to get six teams together to run the original six TFs.
    Some are longer that others but still.
    That means we will need, 3+4+5+6+7+4 => 29 tankers, of which 6 leaders.
    (Only have to do one of the Posi parts)

    I've been marshalling the last of my prize reserves as this will be the last Tanker Tuesday I will be leading up. So why not go all out. I mean I gave away around 1.5B at the 5 year, lets see if I cant double that.

    So who's with me?

    Tanker Tuesday #72
    October 5th 2010
    Champion Server
    IP Gate in KR


    (Please send participation responces to the thread in Champion please)