unintentional rude tell fix for freeb




I may have unintentionally replied to a tell in a way that sounded snarky. I tried to reply again to appologize, but it had been a few minutes and the sender apparently blocked me. I put a message up on the help channel appologizing and looked for the sender to no avail. Is there any other way for a freeb account holder to find a character other than a friend? I would sincerely like to appologize to this person even though, guite frankly, the reply was not bad, just short sounding.



Eh. Don't worry about it. Mistakes happen, so just move on. If the player was that easily moved to ignoring you, his ignore list is probably full already. Eventually, you'll rotate out of the list.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Yeah, I've been told "please take so-and-so off your ignore list." It happens sometimes that someone gets a little under our skin, and we need a break. If you're nice and not consistently mean, then it'll work itself out. No worries.

You could also just apologize to "so-and-so" on X server here too, they might see it, and might some other folks from that server, who might be willing to help you out.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
Yeah, I've been told "please take so-and-so off your ignore list." It happens sometimes that someone gets a little under our skin, and we need a break. If you're nice and not consistently mean, then it'll work itself out. No worries.

You could also just apologize to "so-and-so" on X server here too, they might see it, and might some other folks from that server, who might be willing to help you out.
This'll likely result in the best coverage just in case, but pestering an apology definitely won't help your case. Never know, they may have been having a bad day, see this, and take you off the list with an apology of their own in email format.



Sounds good to me. I was just a bit "oopsy" at the time and I'm usually game for a team up. Thinking back at the conversation, the sender had to have been extremely thin skinned to be offended. thanks for making me feel better about it.



Originally Posted by blackjak View Post
Sounds good to me. I was just a bit "oopsy" at the time and I'm usually game for a team up. Thinking back at the conversation, the sender had to have been extremely thin skinned to be offended. thanks for making me feel better about it.
I don't consider myself extremely thin-skinned at all, but I will ignore people at the drop of a hat. Despite there being mostly easy-going people on this MMO (compared to SOME), there are far too many rude, hard-to-deal-with people out there and life is too short to have to continue to deal with someone who has a stick up their butt about you or something you've done. By the time they rotate off my ignore list, I've forgotten about them, but I wouldn't hesitate to put them back on if they continue to be a twit to me.



Not a bad policy, Neko. It would have been nice to say "whoops" to the sender, though. Not to mention the team-up...



My favorite thing is to tell in Broadcast "All caps poster Captain Capitals is going on my ignore list" I don't actually do it. The posts from rude peeps is some of the funniest stuff in the game. But it does a couple things. 1) lets Cap know he/she is out of bounds 2) prods for a (sometimes juicy) reaction 3) Lets the rest of the community know these kinds of posts get you ignored and/or unloved by the community at large. I can achieve all those while never actually ignoring Cap, so why not...



In several years of playing, I think I've only ignored one person ever on Champion.
But 30 minutes of playing on Freedom makes me want to ignore the entire server.
(present company excepted, of course)

"If you think something is impossible, check your assumptions." -- Atlas Shrugged



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
My favorite thing is to tell in Broadcast "All caps poster Captain Capitals is going on my ignore list" I don't actually do it. The posts from rude peeps is some of the funniest stuff in the game. But it does a couple things. 1) lets Cap know he/she is out of bounds 2) prods for a (sometimes juicy) reaction 3) Lets the rest of the community know these kinds of posts get you ignored and/or unloved by the community at large. I can achieve all those while never actually ignoring Cap, so why not...
On the very rare instances I actually do ignore someone, I like to do this too, for the same reasons (though most of the time I actually do ignore the person... five minutes or so after I announce that I'm going to).

A few weeks ago I actually caught hell for it from the zone. "I'm going to ignore you as a spammer for clogging up the chat with useless posts about who you're ignoring, just ignore him and shut up" kinds of things. Couldn't believe it.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



eh, besides...the g-iggy list is too small anyway to waste on silliness. ;-)



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
On the very rare instances I actually do ignore someone, I like to do this too, for the same reasons (though most of the time I actually do ignore the person... five minutes or so after I announce that I'm going to).

A few weeks ago I actually caught hell for it from the zone. "I'm going to ignore you as a spammer for clogging up the chat with useless posts about who you're ignoring, just ignore him and shut up" kinds of things. Couldn't believe it.
Interesting. It's been my experience in MMOs over the past 10 years or so that ignoring someone who publicly announces they're ignoring someone is pretty common. I don't ignore anyone without extreme cause but I can follow the reasoning - nobody cares. If Johnny Hatespeech is being obnoxious enough to hit the ignore list for you he's probably being obnoxious enough to hit the ignore list for others. A public call out doesn't look like a warning or public service announcement at that point - it just looks like an attempt to rile Johnny into a public tirade or influence a server population with your views.

Alternatively, if it's not self-evident in broadcast/global/etc through Johnny's behavior, you could be simply be lying or trolling yourself, and attempting to besmirch another players reputation by leveling a false accusation. There's more than enough people out there who would say "Don't team with Johnny - he doesn't do anything except spam racist propaganda the entire time" whether it's true or not - and mentally high five themselves for their successful troll if they get others to blindly ignore based on their chat comment.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."