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  1. TheBruteSquad

    Happy smashing

    May your fury bars always be full, no matter where you end up.
  2. Here and the brute forum probably contain 75% of my posts: I spent almost as much time in this forum as I did in game, for all the reasons mentioned.

    The forum rekindled my interest in comics (not enough to start collecting again, but enough to read around and find out what's going on), introduced me to a few web shows that I watch to this day, and always provided a link or two I could bookmark under 'silly' and show my girlfriend (to varying degrees of risking bodily harm).

    It's been fun, heroes. In the spirit of a noble and ancient culture, "So long, and thanks for all the links."
  3. 1 - The Force was always described as in part hereditary - Luke was strong it it, like his father. Leia would to paraphrase Luke 'do what I can do' in time because she was his sister. Yoda and Vader took it as a given that she could be trained/turned for the same reason.

    This is actually what I'm most annoyed with when it comes to making the Jedi order monks who don't have families in canon. If the Force runs in family lines and you are recruiting less and less Jedi per year - it's because you're (lack of) breeding the sensitivity out of the population, *********.

    2 - The midichlorian thing could haved used a better explanation. It's implied that they're responsible for power in the Force, but not clearly stated. Perhaps they simply flourish in people who are Force sensitive... and that the more sensitive you are the more they flourish (not so much causing Force potential as being nourished by it). An effect, not a cause.

    Then again being Lucas probably not. Still, I like my explanation better so it's canon to me (and my SW RPG group, who loved the idea - leaving the Force mysterious yet giving a biological marker for Jedi science to recognize potentials).

    3 - There has only ever always been two Sith in Star Wars. It's never even hinted at that there are more kicking around in the background in the original trilogy. Why not? Palpatine's ruled uncontested for almost 20 years by this point - enough time to track down other force sensitives and turn them to the dark side and make a Sith secret police to cement his power.

    Oh. Right. Because twisted by the dark side 'dominating their destiny' they'd probably try to overthrow him. Just like Vader was planning.

    The 'two' thing I completely agree with. Plus, as The Old Republic games show, the more Sith you add the less menacing and interesting they become. Less 'oh my god, a Sith!' and more 'faceless minion 433443, with a lightsaber'.
  4. TheBruteSquad

    Windows 8

    I've been supporting it in a work environment for a few days now - came on a laptop bought for a new manager - and it's ok. It took a minute to get used to, but I felt comfortable training the new employee how to use it immediately - and she picked it up easily too

    "Press the windows key and then go to any program you want."
    "That's it?"
    "That's it."

    Only trouble I've had so far is I made the terrible mistake of leaving automatic updates running on a MS product that hasn't been out for two years: The first autoupdate bricked the HP laptop. Booted to safe mode, removed the failing update, and fixed that little oversight.

    Not running it at home, though, so can't say how well it's playing with programs that aren't the traditional business applications used in an office.
  5. I'll be very surprised if TOR hits a 3rd anniversary.

    Then again, I *was* very surprised CO did.

    I like surprises.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post
    CO was designed to be the online version of the pen and paper RPG "Champions".
    by the publisher hero games

    The idea, in the paper game was to let you recreate any character that you have seen in the comic books, movies or any other media and they succeded fairy well. The computer game try to do the same but it is more limited in that way
    When your source system allows someone create a character who generates flaming Kender with rune knives that rush around a room and only kill insubstantial enemies while simply dropping everyone else to the ground with a crippling fear effect something has to give.

    (And that's going easy on the poor GM who gets roped into running an old school champions game. So. Very. Easy. I've seen so much worse.)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    I tried it during the beta, and yeah, it seemed like a single player game the entire time. Is it still that way now?
    Yes, very much so - if you want to play the stories (and you do) you'll spend a lot of time solo (though duoing with another class is fun, too).

    However, there is *plenty* to do in team. Every world has multi-player missions (heroics). Every tier has a flashpoint (single team task forces). The end game has operations (raids).

    It's hard to find a team for the world heroics, though. Knowing people who want to small-team, ie a guild of paragon refugees, would help with that a lot.

    Actually, all around - teaming makes the game a lot more fun. You're perfectly fine soloing but it really is a single player game if you do. Grab a friend, do each other's class quests, hit every heroic, clear every story quest, and have a blast.
  8. More Star Wars?

    Yes, please.

    Some of the best (and some of the worst) stories have been told by those who use Lucas' world and vision as a setting. While I can only hope that the 'good' outweighs the 'bad', at least the potential is there.

    Disney does have a little experience with family oriented action-adventures with goofy sidekicks and fantastic magical powers, after all.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Personally I got bored with it when I managed to level from 30-50 solely through Duty Officer assignments, no combat whatsoever. Game's completely broken when you don't even need to play it in order to progress.
    You did a boring thing and got bored. This... isn't a surprise.

    Experience flows like water in that game anyways. A level 50 in two weeks is nothing even playing casually.

    Mind you the game's completely broken for oh so many other reasons. But this one I can't agree with. I know several pvp and roleplayers who use the duty officer system so they can get experience while doing the things they actually like to do and I think it was nice of the developers to give them that option.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    3. Say I want to make Sam Tow like he was always supposed to be - Katana as a primary weapon, dual pistols as a support weapon and super-human reflexes with which to dodge really fast, strike really fast and shoot really accurately, what would I have to do? Yes, I know about Dual Pistols and SwordAxeMace, and I suspect there should be some kind of Reflexes set, but what about stats? Last I played Champions, it asked me to pick things like Strength and Intelligence and... Ego? Is it even reasonable to build for all of that?
    As a freeform you can do all that easy. The stats can be daunting, but every 'super' stat contributes to damage and something your role needs. For the sample character you listed either Ego or Strength would do for your primary superstat - Ego if you prefer ranged or strength if you prefer melee. Grab the other for your second super stat and then grab dex for your third and you'd be a hard hitting, fast dodging, crit spewing death machine.

    The customizing can be fun. I have a tank that uses a gatling gun to hose down all the minions and grab the attention of the hardest target in the group... and when said target comes over to play it gets the crap beat out of by my super strength melee attacks.

    Though sometimes I just pick up and throw a tank or an aircraft or something at the group instead of using the gatling gun.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
    Yeah.. CO is for my hero fix.. but there is and never will be a replacement for CoH in any game.

    IMO, CoH is simply the best MMO that has ever been made.. by a wide margin.
    I will quote both these statements for truth.

    Especially the second. Like so many others no matter where I'd wander I'd eventually wander back here.
  12. Honestly, after a near flawless run of absolute tanking invincibility - - getting torn to bits in two attacks from a pissed off Bobcat.

    That character hadn't been defeated since level 23 or so. I literally laughed out loud. I almost missed the rez prompt from a team mate, and to this day I can't think of it without a grin.
  13. TheBruteSquad

    SMASH NCsoft!

    I'm not going to be able to believe this is anything but bad comedy until the lights go out, I think.

    It was more than just *A* game to me - it was *THE* game. If I find myself with an hour in the morning before work, this is what I do. If I find myself with an hour in the evening before bed ... this is what I do. I don't watch TV. I SMASH! things in City.

    I've been reveling in the smash since before my forum join date. There isn't going to be a day between now and the shutdown where I won't be indulging my favorite past-time - plowing my sm/wp into x8 council spawn with a near full bar of fury and against the screen shake of missiles slamming off my character.

    No other superhero game has come close to that feeling of raw power.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
    ... let the Battalion be comprised of space orkz.

    - Your humble servant.
    To which there can be only one answer:


    also, title edited for accuracy
  15. That's been my take as well - more faithful, but dull.

    Dredd is hard to do. It's filled with over the top situations and characters that visually the first movie captured well. At the same time, it's certainly not a buddy-cop action comedy and never should have been played as such.

    We need a Dredd movie with the art direction of the first attempt, the serious tone of this second pass, punctuated with an underlying dark comedy/wit/social commentary all of its own.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
    The original picture didn't bother me, but this one I could have done without clicking on.
  17. Indeed. The recharge change on wail is pretty hefty. So much so that I'm thinking of respecing out of my other AoEs and switching from ranged fort (Dom, Gloom, Sub chain) to the harder hitting melee attacks to clean up the leftovers faster.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sir Hextor View Post
    Oddly enough, this is my exact complaint about Willpower
    Willpower also does suffer this binary nature for quite a while, yes. Either things can overcome rise to the challenge or they can't. However, with permanently higher health and higher in set resistances and defenses I've always found you have a little more breathing room to say 'I might want to consider combat jumping out of here for a sec'. Or pop an inspiration.

    Since it comes with defense popping a purple inspiration gives you more oh crap benefit than popping a purple on a regen. The same deal with orange popping due to its resistances.

    Both armor sets benefit greatly from a strong mitigation primary on SOs. All armors do, of course, but these two more than most since it buys them what they need most: time (time for rise to do its job, time for the heals to recharge, breathing room to use them).

    Personally, I'd like to see extra max health added to regen's fast healing to bring it in line with willpower's health.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    Kheldian and Fortunata nuke changes went to Beta in the last update.

    Omega Maneuver has not changed, because of its "... pretty amazing utility..."
    Well, it is the only nuke in the game that can take an alpha for you. Wouldn't say that's 'amazing' but it is kind of cool.

    I love Omega. I try and use it whenever it's up, but I usually forget.

    Guess that sums it up: a kind of cool aggro gathering nuke that I love but usually forget I have.
  20. In my ramble I also forgot to mention that you can't use a click when dead. Hence, binary. That was my personal issue leveling it, and it was partially me. I'm a terrible judge of when to hit the magic clicky. I'm better at it now (especially with the god mode breathing room), but still on occassion I'll find myself on the receiving end of a salvo of APU hits faceplanting me from full before I know they're there, let alone before I can hit a button. The set demands more skill to play than other secondaries but doesn't reward you better than they for needing to have that skill.

    But yes, regen is king of handling unresistable damage. Unless I'm in a burn patch, I usually don't even bother leaping away from Marauder's nova fist if instant healing is running.
  21. I just find Regen, especially on SOs, too damn binary.

    You're awesome, or you're faceplanted. There's little in between, especially against late game groups.

    I have a bs/regen scrapper. Until a week ago he was my SOLE level 50 scrapper. I played the hell out of him - hundreds of hours logged. He's the closest I've ever come to deleting a 50 (I've stopped myself halfway through typing his name three times now).

    He has Barrier, he has Shadow Meld, he has Moment of Glory. Dull pain isn't permanent, but it's up far more than its down. His IO defenses aren't bad - and of course with access to parry nothing in melee can threaten him. He should be one of the most survivable things going ... but he's... not. x8 Carnies, Malta, and Arachnos obliterate him. So do most of the DA mobs at x8.

    Their gimmicks (nuking defense, high base hit, -recharge, -regen, energy drain) ALL hit him harder than they hit my similar defense leveled /Elec or /Dark or /WP.

    Whether they actually do or not is fluke as much as anything. I run plenty of missions without having to hit a heal. I run plenty of missions were I wish instant healing was up every spawn. I run plenty of missions where it doesn't matter if it is (hello, multiple dark ring mistresses). The maddening part is how often these two things are against the same enemy group - (ignoring the carnie complaint. They're pretty easy to dodge in play).
  22. Also you can use any teleport to get out (Wentworths, pocket D, Ouroborous, base teleport, etc).
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adam Maqil View Post
    You aren't paying attention are you?
    You bumped a 20 day old thread to insult the OP by telling him that he's not paying attention, when he flat out said he didn't want to play WP again in his ORIGINAL POST?

  24. This is a total non-issue. Know what happens to a mob that dares knock one of my electric armors from the sky?

    They get a face full of broken teeth if I'm annoyed, or leapt away from if I'm not. Usually, a face full of broken teeth.

    You're a tanker. Nothing can stop you. They can only slow you down.