SuperSpeed on a Tank
Why would it matter?
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

Absolutely. My Dark/Dark tanks runs it constantly. It's great for getting from mob to mob quickly. It's great for speed runs. It's great for "tanker stealthing" to the end. What's not to like about it?
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
Superspeed is, ahem, vertically challenged. No offense, Elec Armor is vertically challenged as well, so why not pair them right. I just hate being a super that runs up to a curb and is like "eh, how do i get over it, look, its a curb, oh no"
While I have flight on several of my tanks to deal with vertical movement, that doesn't mean I'm limited when I don't. At my disposal I have the Jump Pack Power from the Good vs. Evil edition, the Steam Jump from the Steampunk pack and I will also acquire the Raptor/Jet pack through one of the various means.
To get around some of the limitations of Grounded I typically put one -kb IO somewhere in the build for those occasions when I jump or hop in the middle of a fight. (While it isn't necessary to do that, it is my preference.)
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
yeah, i got the same setup Rangle, bu I know those temps get canned in the Incarnate Trials, as well as Master Attempts
Burnout does not work on pool powers, only primary and secondary. So no double hasten, etc. You could however have double duration, post-poned crash tier 9 armor(i forget the name off the top of my head) if you time it right. I use it like that on my fire/shield scrapper for tough fights, and i get a bonus build up and shield charge. Just hit burnout while it blinks and pop it again before the crash.
Plus anyone can buy a raptor pack that last 2 hours for just 10,000 inf.
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My usual setup: On just about every toon, I get Hover and SuperSpeed. Hover gets a LotG+Recharge or whatever Defensive Procs to mule. SuperSpeed gets an IO+Stealth.
Then I augment them with Steam Jump and the Jump Pack (each sold separately).
This allows me to:
- Speed stealth any mission that's stealthable.
- Hover (with very little End cost, unlike Fly)
- Fly at Flyspeed cap (using the two jump packs to augment Hover's flyspeed -- each alone will do that, and alternating them makes it near perma)
- SuperJump at jump speed caps (using the the two jump packs to augment JumpSpeed)
- SuperSpeed (as a travel power, and if you want to use it during battle, you'll need to put some EndRedux in it or boost Endurance other ways with IOs).
The cost of the two permanent 'temp' powers to make taking just two travel powers and augmenting them to such utilitarian goodness is well worth it. You now have virtual Fly, Hover, SuperSpeed, SuperJump, and Invisibility with just two power choices.
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This is a total non-issue. Know what happens to a mob that dares knock one of my electric armors from the sky?
They get a face full of broken teeth if I'm annoyed, or leapt away from if I'm not. Usually, a face full of broken teeth.
You're a tanker. Nothing can stop you. They can only slow you down.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
I would never take super speed on a tank.
Super speed is a stealth power. I don't use it because I don't want a squishy to pick up contact aggro just because a mob saw them first instead of me.
I find swift+sprint to be plenty fast in missions, and toss combat jumping + hurdle on top of that for very nice vertical.
It is bliss.
My Electric Armor Brute is running with Superspeed as her travel power. Combat Jumping provides enough Air Control and jump height to make it work nicely.
Except when I stand under the bridge with Heather Townsend above and she wants to speak to me in person ... but that's where that 30s Jump Pack comes into play.
Heck, you can even run up the walls in Lambda Sector because they are slightly inclined.
If Super Speed causes a tank to lose or not attract aggro, then, as is said so often on these boards "you're doing it wrong". Yes, SS, has -1 threat. Guess what happens to that -1 when you turn SS off? Or better yet what happens when you jump in and start doing the things a tank's supposed to do?
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
Yeah Blue, I've gotta say the combo of SS+CJ is the way to go, on just about any toon that doesn't take Hover+Fly+Afterburner. You get very good vertical, especially if you slot one LOTG and 2 BotZ for the defense and recharge(and some KB protect). I'm actually kind of surprised Zombie Man would chose Hover over CJ seeing as you can't stack Hover with Super Speed like you can Combat Jumping. CJ, I thought, was on almost any build that is trying to soft-cap anyway?
I'll spin the debate around the other way: I doubt you can make a tanker as efficient with Fly as you could with Super Speed. A tanker should be the first into the fray, and SS (along with CJ + Hurdle) is the best way to accomplish that goal.
There is nothing more annoying as an AT without "movement control" (aggro management or AoE mezzes) to have to either wait for a brute or tanker lagging behind, or initiate the fight and risk getting killed/scattering things to the four winds.
I am completely opposite to the OP. I use SS and CJ on every character. Its absolutely viable. As for the -threat, its really a non issue and SS is not needed to be kept on in a fight, just use it to move quickly in between groups. Its been my experience in I Trials that keeping everyone in a league on the same groups is very rare as there are always multiple directions to go. Its more a free for all with the exception of the end, when tanker strategy actually is used.
I am completely opposite to the OP. I use SS and CJ on every character. Its absolutely viable. As for the -threat, its really a non issue and SS is not needed to be kept on in a fight, just use it to move quickly in between groups. Its been my experience in I Trials that keeping everyone in a league on the same groups is very rare as there are always multiple directions to go. Its more a free for all with the exception of the end, when tanker strategy actually is used.
I've had all the travel powers on Tankers. I really never got the popularity of SJ, could only see the real interest of TP Self on Stonetanks and would probably have SS as a second travel power because I could afford it. I pretty much use fly mostly now. I can limit unsustainable aoe damage wherever I need to. If I wanted to aggro mobs somebody else is foolishly rushing into then a fireball or something might help but, I have a let idiots die policy.
If I want to steam roll mobs as fast as possible and therefore have SS I'd tank with a Brute.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Wow, great discussion thanks. I am going to try CJ + SS on this guy. I am thinking I will probably rebuild about 15% of stuff when I24 hits anyways, so I can change then if I don't like it.
Good choice, Blue. It's sort of a no-brainer!
I normally take Fly, I love Fly, I am addicted to Fly.
But, sometimes we have to get a little outside that. (Danged Devs, limiting us to so very few power choices, sigh)
So, is Superspeed workable on a Tank. Especially for Incarnate Trials and late game Task Forces?
I am currently working on this Elec/Dark build, if I drop Fly in favor of Superspeed I can pop on Burnout and once every 10-15 min have an extra Hasten, Energize, Power Sink, Dark Consumption, and Conserve Power all pop up. Abusive, and fun. I do not use the Elec Tier 9, so this would be my ghetto tier 9.