Best CoH Tanker Memories
The day Bob the Bruiser made lvl 50 after 5 years of playing him. He was my first and still only level 50 character, i got a severe case of altitis. It now appears since I don't have as much time to play as some, that I will not get another 50.
Second best memory was Tanking for Hyper Star, i would draw in the mobs and then he would jump in and hit NOVA. It was always so much fun.
I could keep going but i'll let it go before i get emotional.
It's been a great ride, I wish it would continue.
Can I just say that my favorite Tanker memories have all been on the Tanker forums?
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Can I just say that my favorite Tanker memories have all been on the Tanker forums?
You... you had me at carp...
My favorite tanker memory was way back in the day. Maybe around issue 5...
I had just discovered that melee characters were hella fun. I had a Claw/Regen Scrapper named Feral Mutt on Protector. Then, my friends and I started teaming with a tank named Zero Point (not entirely sure anymore). He was an Ice/EM tank that performed miracles before my very eyes. He was an angel sent from heaven to tell me how wrong I was to play a scrapper.
I turned from my wicked ways and started playing... but of course.... an Ice/EM. SCP-2300. I played him as my main for a few years. Of course, after the EM nerf he was never the same play-style-wise. But he was great.
Also, I'll never forget how I made a Stone/SS Tanker named Kaka de Muerte who never got generic'd. His bio (pardon the pun) even told of how he was birthed by Statesman himself after a Taco Bueno binge. Seriously, how did that not get smacked down!? I still have that guy to this day... and until Nov 30.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Also, I'll never forget how I made a Stone/SS Tanker named Kaka de Muerte who never got generic'd. His bio (pardon the pun) even told of how he was birthed by Statesman himself after a Taco Bueno binge. Seriously, how did that not get smacked down!? I still have that guy to this day... and until Nov 30.
Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html
Petition to end shutting down CoH:
My Dark/EM Tank. The living inspiration for every post I've ever made in a thread about fixing EM. A stalker that really didn't make it, is the dead inspiration for the posts, but nothing could kill off Floodgates...
I thought. He's waded into aggro caps of anything you can think of and made it out. I considered respecing out of Soul Transfer. Since I finished IOing him, he never died once.
Until a MoKeyes. Ran through the thing, and ET did more damage to me than any of the WWs I wasn't even having issues draggin AM around. Then up came AM in the last phase...Taunt...dafuq! Insta-gibed
I don't think I had laughed that hard in the game in a long time. I wasn't even mad, just giggling trying to figure out what happened. It is most definitely my best Tanker memory and will be top 5 in my list of CoH memories for sure.
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
My first tanker memory goes back to the dark ages of CoH, after the GDN and ED, Before IO's , Dark days for my inv/axe tanker for sure. That didn't stop me playing it though. This was before I was on Justice too. My Tanker, Radical Raptor on Guardian. I loved charging in first, it kinda reminded me of when I played Rugby. I got all the attention I could, once everyone was trying to take a piece of me I would whirling axe, and watch as mobs start to hit the floor and bounce, leaving me as the last one standing. Brought a smile to my face and to this day, it still does.
Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker
Getting the Master of Statesman TF badge on Omphale.
Dressing up Heraclea as a Champion of War..... Of all the character classes I've ever played in any game, this one is my absolute favorite.
Will definitely try to be there this Tuesday on Damage Cushion. I will miss you all.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
puppies dumpster diving back in issue 2 was always fun and a great laugh!

Honestly, after a near flawless run of absolute tanking invincibility - - getting torn to bits in two attacks from a pissed off Bobcat.
That character hadn't been defeated since level 23 or so. I literally laughed out loud. I almost missed the rez prompt from a team mate, and to this day I can't think of it without a grin.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
Herding the old Drek map, stacking 200+ Freaks in one spot and wiping them all out with Seismic Smashl
Tanking Hamidon in the old issue 4-8 raids and our final weeks of raiding before issue 9 changed things working on our time. The raid where we beat the 25 minute mark from jello entry to Hami-O drop, and the immediate challenge to break the 20 minute barrier.
Tanking hundreds of DE in the Eden Trial in one of the most perfect herding maps ever created.
The first time I ever encountered Malta and the surprise as that Sapper dropped my toggles and stunned me. The frustration that the spawn couldn't kill me due to the strength of the passive resists yet kept me perma-stunned & held.
The great teams I was on and all the great people I met along the way.
This has been such a big part of my life for over 7 years that I'm not sure what I'm going to do next. Even though things are still up and running it feels empty; like there's nothing left to work towards. Life will go on and we'll all move to other things. Like I wrote in my RIP thread it feels like I'm at a wake, or at least standing at bedside of a beloved friend with a terminal disease.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
I don't remember the story arc or the person that mentioned it, but I do remember what my teammate said to me,"IORNCLAD, your a beast."
That's when I knew I had an awesome build
One Tank Forum memory I have is when someone started a thread titled along the lines of "You know you're a tanker when..." and the best response was "when you herd your dogs together by ducking behind a corner."
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
-=On Infinity=-
My tank's name was Bottweiler. He was an Invulnerability/Electric Melee tank. He was outfitted with the cyborg outfit, except his upper arms, chest, and head were all wolf-like. He was my favorite toon to play.
One time, I managed to end up on a task force that had 4 Kitty related characters. Because they all played in their roles as well, it ended up being the most fun 2 hours I had spent. I haven't laughed so consistently ever.
-=On Freedom=-
My tank's name was Mirai. He was a Willpower/Energy Melee tank. He was dressed in futuristic looking nano-technology suit. He was an Asian genius from the future (hence the name). He was my first tank I spent any real amount of time on. It was fun and challenging.
I created an entire AE arc after Mirai, and how he came to be. It was a fixed time loop, where you start the missions chasing a box of unknown power and origin. You find the box and it tells you how to create a suit. You learn there is one man alive that can build the suit- a genius, and he was kidnapped by Nemesis roughly the same time you learn of the box. You save the Genius who builds the suit. Nemesis kidnaps his son, Hiro and you go to save his son. The arc ends with the heroes trying to stop the Genius from donning the suit and going back in time. When you go to turn in the mission, you talk to a member of the Oro who is sending a box back in time to ensure it happens this way again... it's the only way Mirai (the genius) survives to save Paragon.
My first Tank was named Beau Hica (my namesake), he was an Ice/Axe Barbarian. My fondest memory was playing with a good friend of mine, doing the Save the Baby Christmas mission. We had just saved him and were trying to get out of the forest, when he got caught up. My friend says "The baby is hung..." The rest of the people on the team, who I became long-term friends with all let hilarity ensue.
My first level 50 was a Dark Dark Defender on Justice, named Cabal's Servant, back in I3. A lot of us were goofing around in Positron TF, when members of our team kept bailing. So it was down to a friend and me. He played a Dark/Dark Scrapper, so we felt it was fate =P We duo'd positron from the second mission on and never looked back. It was challenging, frustrating, and a freaking blast. Finishing that thing made me feel like a champ.
Another time, on Cabal's Servant, We were trying to kill Infernal on the AV arc. We were fighting him, but he was bugged. About 50 minions kept coming out of the portal every 5 seconds or so after initiating combat. We're talking about 1,000 minions in the room, but your graphics card (at the time) could only load about 200 or so. It seemed like a never ending fight. We reported it, and a dev came in and blasted them all to smithereens, killing Infernal in the process. He respawned Infernal and more minions came back and he blasted them again. After saying "Well that's new", he just bailed on us. The next morning, there was a hotfix on the Infernal mission. I must have used 50 awakens in that mission. It was a blast.
I have a million more memories I'd like to share- like the first time I tanked the stateman trial on my Inv/SS tank.
It's been fun, Paragon.
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