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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    2. Separating the Rogue Isles and Paragon City. Crippled red side from the get go.
    I agree. I would have much rather done my villainy from within Paragon City.

    Given this, it's perplexing why Praetoria was made a third side. A few months of "new shiny" and then it was deserted. Like Rogues Isles, but multiplied even more. I can see why new stories or new areas would interest the devs, but the unequal content and relatively small player base (which couldn't fill three factions) seemed to doom the value of any zone expansions.

    That's probably an easy criticism to make with the benefit of hindsight, but it seems there were clues too that this would happen.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Which is one reason why I think the whole Titan effort is toxic.
    Reverse engineering is not illegal. However, there's still no guarantee that they'll be able to pull it off. If they're sued, will they have the money (and time) to even fight a legal battle?

    Maybe they will, I dunno, but while not fundamentally illegal there's sure to be some challenges. I hope they get something nice going but it really is kinda a long shot.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post

    Not good news, but it is not the end of the SAVECOH efforts.
    Stay strong, my friends.

    No, not good news, and I'm not happy about it. It's NCSoft's perogative to not sell their stuff, but I don't have to like their descision.

    Oh well, time to start copying my characters with the Titan export tool thingy, in order to prepare for the coming hackocalypse.
  4. I wonder if "refund of points" could be expanded on? I have $50 worth of points that I bought shortly before the closure announcement, and I'm interested to know if there's any way to refund any part of the balance.

    Will I receive a refund for game time I acquired through the Refer a Friend program or free time acquired via a retail copy of City of Heroes, City of Villains or City of Heroes: Going Rogue?

    Unfortunately, we will only be issuing refunds to players who have outstanding purchased subscription balances or paragon points.
    The "or Paragon Points" makes me think that it's possible, but I haven't seen any details. Does anyone have official or unofficial info?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
    +1 SM:AC reference.

    Sad to see you go, Z, but I guess it as to happen. Unfortunately it's starting to feel like efforts to keep Paragon Studios are becoming increasingly long shots.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
    They knew the world of City of Heroes was gonna end at the end of 2012.. and they all warned us of it..
    Well played sir. This gave me a smile today.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Bus Control was too interruptible.

    Yeah, I went there.

  8. gameboy1234

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    (farnsworth hat)
    It seems that:

    'Position: NorCal Studio General Manager/City of Franchise Executive Producer '

    is still in communications and negotiations with NCSoft regarding our plight. Reference taken from comment at cohtitan and reposted here. Someone may have beaten me to the punch, but as of 1 hour ago when I initially tried to open this new thread, there was none here.


    post 181

    While I'm not really hopeful myself, there's no point in not wishing for miracles. I'm going to keep all my points in my CoH account for now (I have about 4300), and hope that I'll be able to transfer them to Paragon Studios. I figure I have until Nov 1 at least to send customer support a message if it really looks like this isn't going to happen.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
    Do we have data on that, though? The amount of people continuing to play, I mean. The IR chart I saw stopped recording active accounts years before that point.

    I mean, the servers still seemed pretty populated to me. My hometown is Guardian, and it still had a lot of people running around this year.
    It's true I don't have hard data on player numbers, or even soft data. Those MMORPG charts were pretty much guesswork too though. But the main point is revenue; the only real reason a company sells a product. And those who track those things have been pointing out that CoH has been on a slow decline for a while, basically since NC Soft bought it.

    It sucks but we really shouldn't be surprised. A player base around 50k to 75k sounds right, Going Rogue box sales were about 50k iirc. And those aren't great numbers for a MMORPG.

    I'm still aggrieved that CoH wasn't tailed slowly off, though.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Because that worked so well for Aion, amirite?
    While I'm personally incensed that NC Soft is cutting off CoH with so little notice, I can see it from their perspective too. CoH has been on the decline financially for a while, and the latest effort to revive it with a free to play model haven't been spectacularly successful. I think population are even lower now than last year, even though revenue might be up somewhat.

    So NC Soft has decided to roll the bones and try something new. It probably won't work, but CoH was clearly sliding downhill, so there's not a lot of down side from NC Soft's view point.

    Again, I'm really mad that NC Soft isn't cutting staff slowly and letting CoH wind down naturally. I would have played for quite a while. But there's not a lot we can do, and the financials look pretty obvious. It the manner of the shutdown that has me torqued off.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
    Additionally, keep in mind how sites get revenue. Many sites (especially blogs) are supported by ad revenue.
    Fortunately, I use AdBlock!

    But yes, I looked at the website yesterday and noted the awkward grammar and odd formatting (hint: make paragraphs stand out more!) and dismissed it as a 10 year old and his blog. Nothing to get worked up about at all.
  12. Just moving this up because of recent edits.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teikiatsu View Post
    Skype - Iokobos
    Steam - Teikiatsu
    Again, that doesn't seem to be your Steam screen name. Do you have another name you go by?

    Or join the CoH Steam group I listed above, that'll make it easier to find you.


    Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
    Steam: Orlock182
    Same, no "Orlock182" found. Join a CoH group or tell us your real name!

    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    There's a "esutton.1" but no just esutton. Tell us your real name!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    FurAffinity: Dispari
    Steam: DispariScuro
    Furcadia: Dispari Scuro

    I'm pretty sure I found you on Steam (and I sent a friend invite) but your name on Steam was Dispari, no Scuro ending. It's your screen name, I think, that is visible. I think the other name maybe is your login?

    * * *

    Anyway, some of my contact info:

    Steam: gameboy1234 gojira GojiraRed

    There's a bunch of folks (like 300+) in this CoH group. Steam is the best place to find me right now.

    # # #

    I also play Pen-and-Paper rpgs. I post at the Hero Games forums (the original Champions) as gojira.

    Feel free to stop by and say hi.

    I also frequent the PnP RPG site,

    Edit: There's a huge existing thread, so I switched the link to the other thread. Here's were PnP types can gather to b**** about CoH closing.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Baronesa View Post
    Steam: Baroness (Just look for the one member of SCORPIO, COX GOONS and Freedom Reborn)

    And thats it
    There's like zillion "Baroness" on Steam, and I don't see a way to easily check their groups.

    Do you have a link to your picture on Steam? That might help narrow it down.

    EDIT: nm, after many clicks I think I found you.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    If you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave them in this thread. I'll try to review it and add it to the list if it's appropriate.

    There is also a CoH community on Steam. I hang out there, although I'm really bad with the controls and I'm not really sure how all the friend stuff works. My public profile is gameboy1234 btw.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    By the way, regardless of IP legal issues, you're still Positron, and always will be.
    I vote we name him Posi and avoid the IP issues.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
    Cost of living in California is stupid high. The devs would probably greatly benefit from moving out of that financial hell hole.
    Note that I live very close to Paragon Studios and while expensive there's a lot of advantages. Sure it would be nice if housing were cheaper, but that's the price you pay for having a ton of profitable tech companies to work for.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    That would piss me off. I vowed to never give SOE another dollar of my money after SWG, and I won't break that vow.
    I feel the same way but would make an exception for CoH, provided the dev team is kept intact. If only the property was bought but the devs let go, I'd have a hard time following the game to its new home.

    Probably like "no chance" hard time.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    No, that's Champions Online. Champions is pencil-and-paper. Which is a good thing now that I think about it. The publisher can't barge into your house and take all your rulebooks and character sheets when they decide to stop working on the game.

    Champions (the pen and paper RPG) is coming out with a new version this fall. It's a shorter, streamlined version of their main rules. That's a nice bonus if you are thinking of getting into it since you won't need the multiple books to start off.

    If you do hang out on their forums, say "hi" on the forums, I hang out there.
  21. I don't know about "very good chance," but at least looking in from the outside it does seem a bit that way.

    For those of you know don't know, GW2 just announced that they are suspending digital sales because they've run out of room on the current servers and don't have any place to put more folks.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I ponder, is any game looking to launch soon? Because replacing the servers by November instead of expanding the data center may be a driving factor.

    Guild Wars 2 just had a very successful launch. They are in fact in need of more servers. This might be a "resource reallocation" issue.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
    In a word, it wasn't Cryptic Studios withholding license renewal that doomed CoH... It wasn't NCsoft hating on American gamers... At the end of the day, NCsoft was in the red and they cut the lowest-performing IP in their stable of games (and also the one with a significant mount of unjustifiable expense) just to rescue their bottom line... Can't say I blame them from an investment perspective. Unfortunately for all of us that turned out to be City of Heroes.

    Unfortunately this is what I feared as well. Server populations seemed to be dropping. Freedom added a lot of life, but SW:TOR hit us hard. Numbers recovered a bit in the spring but never seemed to come back fully.

    I really am confused why the whole game was shut down, and not a server merge with a skeleton crew to maintain it. It does feel like "corporate panic" is to blame on that front. I don't have the numbers in front of me of course but it really does feel ham-handed and that they could have planned this better.
  24. Don't forget Guild Wars, that was popular here in the states.

    However I think (not really sure) that the quarterly reports kept showing CoH as making very little money. I don't know if that was net, gross, or what. But I suspect that the low number had something to do with it.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    Thanks for everything Dink. I hope to see your work again sometime.
