Stop blaming gw2 already!
NCSoft deciding not to bother with the West would be a massive victory. Then the problem would be making them decide not to bother with the East either.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
Can we just avoid buying it because it's a sequel to a terrible game, with no other motives?
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
1. Money spent on GW2 means money going to NCsoft. I'm not inclined to do that.
2. I live in the UK, so...
3. NCsoft's atrocious record for killing off MMOs means the western market would be better off without them.
4. I wouldn't give them the money, even once. I wouldn't give them my time.
I don't blame GW2, but Anet is associated with Ncsoft, and when you lie down with dogs you get fleas. The only way for NCsoft to redeem themselves is if it turns out that they had to do this for some contractual/licencing reason. Other than that, the appalling way they have dropped this bomb, and wiped out PS, means they've earned all the bad feeling that will come their way over the ensuing weeks, months and years.
I'm not buying it because it's Generic Fantasy MMO Trying To Be WoW #926.
It's not City of Heroes. Ergo, I don't want to know
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I pre-ordered it, so it's not like I can go "oh I'm not gonna buy it". While City of Heroes was axed only three or four days after the release of GW2, there's nothing that really chalks it up to being GW2's fault.
Besides, I think it's much more likely because of their hard-on for Aion that this has come to be.
Also, I'm not willing to give up on my thief so soon after finding out about City of.
Pow! Kablooey! Freem! Whiff! Bop! Zow!
I already bought GW2 so I'll play it a bit. Making me spend money to expand the pitifully small amount of bag/bank slots is already grating though.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
Ironically, had GW2 launched sooner, I think it would have saved City of Heroes.
The truth is in NCsoft's August 8th earnings report - see my thread here for a fuller explanation:
Really no point in blaming GW2 now.
I am perfectly willing to say it wasn't GW2's fault that CoH is folding. But that doesn't make me any more inclined to fill NCSoft's coffers.
And to be honest, I wouldn't have played it anyway. I much prefer single-player games, and only tried this game because friends whose opinions I trusted assured me that this one wasn't like most other MMOs. So NCSoft has lost their one and only shot at my money.
"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."
Actually, with the current problems GW2 is having with its servers, and the phrase in the CoH shut down statement about "refocusing publishing support", there's a very good chance that GW2 is at least part of the reason that NCSoft is withdrawing support for CoH.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I don't know about "very good chance," but at least looking in from the outside it does seem a bit that way.
For those of you know don't know, GW2 just announced that they are suspending digital sales because they've run out of room on the current servers and don't have any place to put more folks.
1. GW2 is developed by ArenaNet who, much like Paragon Studios, are WESTERN (they actually operate in Washington State) MMO developers in the same position with NCsoft being their publisher.
I agree the notion that our demise is part of some plan to drive us toward NCSoft's other games is downright silly, but don't paint ArenaNet as some independent third party with only a contractual relationship with NCSoft. They are as much part of NCSoft as Maxis is with EA.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Im sorry, Im bitter
If NCsoft pulled out the west completly, Im fine with that.
They will never ever see a dime of my money for any game they so much as look at.
Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.
I'll quit blaming GW2 when others quit blaming Cryptic/PW.
I'm not blaming GW2, I'm blaming NCsoft. Thing is, after this I can't trust NCsoft.
If I get hooked on GW2 and the community, it's very unlikely I'll have the same 7 years there that I had here. When Lineage 3 or Aion 2 or whatever other game they decide on next is released how can I know that I'm going to be supported as a customer, as I've supported them, when they've done what they have to this community and game.
I can't take another community I've grown attached to, and invested in this much "No longer fitting with our long term goals" and getting firebombed despite being successful. It wasn't WoW level profit, but we were pulling in more money than we took, when other factors led them to a $6mil hole.
I don't trust NCsoft, and unless they change course right quick, I wont touch a game they're involved in and I'll recommend to anyone I can manage to tell that they shouldn't trust NCsoft either.
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
I don't know about "very good chance," but at least looking in from the outside it does seem a bit that way.
For those of you know don't know, GW2 just announced that they are suspending digital sales because they've run out of room on the current servers and don't have any place to put more folks. |
So yeah, I'm putting some of the heat on them for this.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Now now. We know who we should REALLY blame:
And if you don't get the joke:

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
Don't care one bit of GW2 definetly not one bit about NCSOFT , after this stunt .
No matter what the excuses , unless recitified immediately , they signed there own grave.
Simple why invest into GW2 when they can pull the same stunt there !
Give consumers one reason to bother with any products assosiated with NCSOFT!
Sorry only somebody worst then a donkey hithimself on that stone twice .
Server merger as a excuse to decrease cost fine , downright sacking of a development team
Canning Customers ! , canceling a division that was PROFITABLE !!
Who the heck do they think they are korean maffia ?
Korean highschool kids doing business ? without etiquettes ?
Sorry that boils it down too !
Tabula rasa I could understand , but this crap no way !
so bye bye GW2 ....
Can we just avoid buying it because it's a sequel to a terrible game, with no other motives?
But seriously, shame on all you people hoping GW2 fails, closes down, crashes and burns, etc. Seriously.
Wishing death on someone else's game just because someone torched this one is crap. How about you have a little consideration for those of us who adored CoH and also adore GW2 and don't want EITHER of them ended. :-/
No it is simple ! , the publisher holding the reigns of both products !
Has Gone beyond what is considered fair treatment in consumers eyes .
That another flagship of that publisher , has to take the blaim is the publishers own fault !
Do not blaim it back on the consumers !
Sorry you cannot do that anymore , we been trough this a long time .
And lies are being so transparent , it is not even funny anymore .
So those investing into GW2 congrats , you just made a bad investment !
Since the owner of that game how great the game might be , can pull such stunt anytime !
That is not acceptable to do business with !
That another flagship of that publisher , has to take the blaim is the publishers own fault !
Do not blaim it back on the consumers ! Sorry you cannot do that anymore , we been trough this a long time . And lies are being so transparent , it is not even funny anymore . So those investing into GW2 congrats , you just made a bad investment ! Since the owner of that game how great the game might be , can pull such stunt anytime ! That is not acceptable to do business with ! |
and trolling will not win over logic mister donkey ,
Go invest into a company that pulls this kind of stunt , your choice ,
But as a consumer I have the right to warn people about a publisher intent .
Since honor or dishonor slight on NCSOFT part , CoH is not a tabula rasa case .
Since this case they beter apologise and recitify the mandeed !
It even looks bad for them in the east , nobody in the east does this kind business practise .
Especially not with a profitable division .
It's raging angst beat poetry night. I'm digging it.
I especially like "recitify the mandeed."
1. GW2 is developed by ArenaNet who, much like Paragon Studios, are WESTERN (they actually operate in Washington State) MMO developers in the same position with NCsoft being their publisher.
2. Attempting to do any harm to GW2 means you're only putting more Americans out on the street.
3. This continues to tell NCSoft the West in unprofittable and further discourages them and other publishing game companies from bothering with the West.
4. You only HAVE to buy GW2 once anyway. You can get just about anything from their cash shop in game through playing, even the currency for said shop.
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