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  1. I'll quit blaming GW2 when others quit blaming Cryptic/PW.
  2. Im really sorry if my criticisms or occasional rages seemed like I disliked Paragon Studios at all WW. It was more just a symptom of how much I actually -liked- this game. Thanks for being a part of it.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
    Going to spend the final weeks here running more Skype conference calls for time with my friends. I have other hobbies but none as intense as this. Gardening only goes so far.

    Warning: nerdy fan-girl answer. I'll start shopping around in two phases. While I'm enjoying my final days here, I'll start looking around for a casual MMO to muck around in until "the next big thing" hits.

    By that, I'm not talking about a perfect game. I don't need a WOW-killer. Something fun, something that is very community oriented, something that may be rough but has promise.

    I started this game in June of 2004, my SG in December of 2004 and never took a break. It was my TV time...

    So. My checklist for "the next big thing":

    - Must be a new game. I want to be fresh and start with everyone else.

    - Gotta actually have missions and trials. Things like Second Life would not be my cup of tea. I need an adventure.

    - Must have a community setting. Where you can maintain a group larger than a team. Plus if it has private or group housing.

    - Leaning to a big name. I want the promise (even if a small one) of it lasting a few years and not just one of a million start ups that will die out quickly.

    - Prefer: Superhero, Real World/Modern, Sci-Fi .. (in that order). Just not an elves and dragon sort of girl.

    Any suggestions? Post away.
    Champions, if you never tried it.
  4. I -really- wish people would stop reposting that BS story about the Engine and Cryptic when a freaking Cryptic Employee (and ex PS employee) has said ON THESE FORUMS that it's most likely not an issue at all. It's just a last tempt ditch effort to badmouth another company that is one of 2 competitors CoH had.
  5. Should also point out, if no one has yet, Current Synapse is not OLD synapse. That TF has been revamped once, at least, to add the custom CWK map at the end.

    Citadel, to my knowledge, has been untouched since CoH launch. The Council/Column swap really doesn't count, I suppose.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    Can't you have Team Teleport do both?

    IIRC, Assemble The Team still uses a targeting reticule, it's just a very short range one.

    Make both parties happy and convert Team Teleport into ATT with the longer targeting range (and much, much shorter recharge). Now the power pulls all your allies on the map to your target location (provided they accept the prompt). It can still be used to jump into a fight, as Bill wants, and can also be used to summon your full team to you, as EG wants.

    Or is there something else I missed?

    You should PM this to Synapse or Hawk. Cause it's a brilliant solution, IMO, if it works.
  7. Seldom's Mynx needs to happen. Best piece in the thread so far.
  8. Im guessing it'd be too much work, but can we get a clean/non-rusty version of the chainsaw?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dink View Post
    Dual Wielding Chainsaws? Yep, gonna enjoy that.
  10. The issue with Dynamic Duo is the selling point of the at is under described and as written, unimpressive. Also, without the ability to customize the other half, it won't fly.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I would go for a utility power instead of another attack. Part of the goal in that was that they would not have too many attacks to pick from.
    True enough. I was completely forgetting the fact that the controls could be used for damage too.
  12. The more I think about Martial Combat, the less I actually like it, simply because it's not a martial arts set, it's a speedster set that kicks people.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Speak for yourself; I absolutely love to tank, whether it's on a Mastermind, a Kheldian, a Brute or a Tanker. Tanking on Tankers is especially fun for me since I have less worry wading in to a full spawn than when I do so with a Brute. Nothing embodies tanking like jumping in to a group of 20+ enemies and going "Hey guys. I crapped in your coffee maker." and then watching them try to kill me.
    I do this with my Brute.

    This mythical land where Tankers just lay waste to Brutes in the survivability department doesn't exist, if you're building the characters equally. Because what the brute gives up in resistance, he makes up for killing things faster, and dead is the best debuff in the game.
  14. Haetron

    Tanks vs Brutes

    The key to fixing tanks is their secondaries. They're the only AT with the melee sets as a secondary, so they should be given a look over/revamp in the same vein as the blaster sets are getting with the sustain powers.

    Don't -take- anything from the powers, but add something that makes it different from the other 3 damage focused melee ats.

    Taunt: Needs to change to, well, anything, that still taunts.
    Attacks: Visit each set and give it a themed secondary effect, or boost its existing effect. But only for tankers.

    IE: Energy melee gets "stronger" stuns, setting it up as a controllerish tank.
    Dark Melee gets stronger -tohit values, setting it up as defensive debuffer.
    Fire gets -regen added to it's attacks, setting it up as an offensive debuffer.

    By the time you're done, you've given tankers something unique that can aid them, but doesn't leap foolishly into the arms race between brutes, scrappers, and stalkers.

  15. What's the source on this image?
    And am I correct in reading it as showing Energy Melee as one of, if not -the- worst set based on these four metrics?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    I take it you are one of those people who believe that endgame is the only game.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    First post and it's to note how the ATs don't compare to a comic book character! I actually call this epic win!!!

    PS: Nick Fury and Shield are a more appropiate basis for Sergeants, IF we are to look for a correlationship.

    True. Fire/Fire would have two HotFeets. I would propose the changes be mainly on the manipulation side, where needed, though.
    Absolutely, imo, swap out the duplicates in Manipulation with either an attack for the attack light sets, or a buff/debuff of matching theme in the attack heavy sets. The catch is you also need to make sure it doesn't overlap with the Ancillary Power Pools as well.

    Im tempted to take a crack at this, just for fun.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Some more ideas:


    Role: tank

    Primary: Defense
    Secondary: Assault (but with BU or equivalent replaced with Taunt)

    Ranged damage scale: 0.75, melee damage scale: 0.8

    Def/Res scale: as tanker, HP scale: as Brute

    Inherent: Retaliation. When attacked, retaliation bar fills. When full click button gives huge damage buff for a time. (yes, another reuse of Domination!)
    The tank role is still pretty much dominated by Brutes. Tankers obviously can do it, but there's no reason to use a tank when a brute is available. It's also a horrible role.

    And the DPS role is overfilling. The solution isn't damage.

    In my opinion: Assault Primary, new Secondary called "Utility" which are hybrids of existing defense and buff/debuff sets.

    IE: Cold domination + Ice Armor, Thermal + Fire Armor, Dark Miasma + Dark Armor.

    Remove the T9s and the mez protection.

    Add Resource bar like Brutes/Dominators, when filled, the AT can trigger one of two inherents, consuming the bar and depleting it to zero.

    Inherent 1: +Dmg, +ToHit. Smaller numbers than build up, but longer duration. Set the recharge to double the duration, and immune to recharge increase.

    Inherent 2: +Special, +HP. Smaller Numbers than Power Boost, but longer duration. Set the recharge to double the duration, and immune to recharge increase.

    The fun/frustrating part comes with deciding which powers from the sets get used to make up the new 9. It also creates an open "Hybrid" AT, which isn't locked in by lore to certain effects. But restricting both sets down to 9 power options also helps it not step on the toes of existing Epic ATs.

    I think it would be an interesting new gameplay style, but I also doubt it'd be seen as worth the investment.
  19. Not gonna lie. I like the Manipulators, and would pay for that AT.

    Of course, lots of small changes would still have to be made, as some control powers overlap with manipulation powers.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Haetron
    Luckily, they've given themselves the caveat they dont balance around IOs, so if the game's broken with IOs, who cares, right?
    Originally Posted by Originally Posted by MajorDecoy
    That's not at all what they mean when they say the game is not balanced around IOs.

    They mean that no content will ever require that your character is IO slotted to be able to complete it.
    They balance the game in a way that no IO's are needed. <- Your statement.

    Seriously, I would use more words, but they'd be wasted if you can't see you're agreeing with me while you claim to disagree.
  21. Using Assault/Defense is a pretty neat idea because it capitalizes on reusing existing assets, but ultimately, it falls flat because unless it has something groundbreaking in the inherent, it doesn't really do anything different from the other melee ATs available.

    The issue is that the secondary -has- to change to make it interesting, but when you change it, you move away from the main advantage in creating such an AT, which is ease of conversion/creation.

    There's a way around it, but that's a pretty long post that doesn't belong here, but the suggestion forum instead.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Haetron
    Luckily, they've given themselves the caveat they dont balance around IOs, so if the game's broken with IOs, who cares, right?
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    That's not at all what they mean when they say the game is not balanced around IOs.

    They mean that no content will ever require that your character is IO slotted to be able to complete it.
    Did you even read what you just typed?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Why? We have been building for defense for years, its time we make resist equal.
    Because the game is already ridiculously easy when building for defense, giving ways to layer defense or have resist take its place for defense based sets is just going to wreck the game balance further.

    Luckily, they've given themselves the caveat they dont balance around IOs, so if the game's broken with IOs, who cares, right?
  24. Im betting Martial Combat will also be the new "Speedster" choice for people running off that theme.
  25. Some form of Gadget Control for Doms/Controllers, port traps to Trollers, done.