[This is fiction] 5 new ATs Confirmed for Issue 48! [This is fiction, just for fun!!!]
failed ATs
Superman is the basis for Sergeant. He often fights with weaker heroes such as batman who become amazingly tough when they fight with him. Batman often has trouble with normal people, but with Superman he can take out Apocalypse demons with one punch.
But my sergeant cannot one shot enemies like superman can, nor is he invulnerable.
until sergeants are as strong and tough as superman is, no one will play a sergeant
Not gonna lie. I like the Manipulators, and would pay for that AT.
Of course, lots of small changes would still have to be made, as some control powers overlap with manipulation powers.
I like these ideas.
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

PS: Nick Fury and Shield are a more appropiate basis for Sergeants, IF we are to look for a correlationship.
True. Fire/Fire would have two HotFeets. I would propose the changes be mainly on the manipulation side, where needed, though.
I think in terms of new ATs that I'd like to see, I'd have to go with:
Melee/Support or Support/Melee (one support power replaced with some mez protection)
Melee/Pets, with their pets being a bit more defensive-focused
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
First post and it's to note how the ATs don't compare to a comic book character! I actually call this epic win!!!
![]() PS: Nick Fury and Shield are a more appropiate basis for Sergeants, IF we are to look for a correlationship. True. Fire/Fire would have two HotFeets. I would propose the changes be mainly on the manipulation side, where needed, though. |
Im tempted to take a crack at this, just for fun.
Overseer looks plausible. Don't see any reason to remove damage from his controls.
I really should do something about this signature.
I think in terms of new ATs that I'd like to see, I'd have to go with:
Blast/Control Melee/Support or Support/Melee (one support power replaced with some mez protection) Blast/Armor Melee/Pets, with their pets being a bit more defensive-focused |
Those combos crossed my mind, but there are reasons I didnt go for them:
- I wanted to just do 5 ATs, so we could call these "Non-Epic Pretorian ATs" I guess.
- Melee sets are overused already. I wanted to highlight sets that are not overused and, as I mentioned in the intro paragraph, end up not getting new sets precisely because the effort brings less bang for the buck.
- Blast/Control combos are... risky. If you can lock down the group, and use your best attack chain, all from range against locked down foes. Doms can sort of do this already but they are forced to remove a lot of great attacks from their attack chain to do so.
- Melee/Buff is also potentially problematic. If you are forced to go into melee you need some form of mitigation, be it an armor or strong Mez capabilities.
- Melee Pets can work, but it’s a bit more fun with Assault
Nothing stops you from using an Assault set in pure melee range.
- Blast/Armor is a possibility that may also work but we already have 4 ATs using Armors, and I already added an additional one here (although using Stalker Armors that tend to be rather different.)
Absolutely, imo, swap out the duplicates in Manipulation with either an attack for the attack light sets, or a buff/debuff of matching theme in the attack heavy sets. The catch is you also need to make sure it doesn't overlap with the Ancillary Power Pools as well.
Im tempted to take a crack at this, just for fun. |
Dynamic Duo:
This dynamic duo acts like one! You guard each others back, and take on any challenge with perfect orchestrated maneuvering. Primary: Assault Primary
These will never be more awesome than the Porn Star EAT released in Issue 34.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Do have to wonder if its a good idea to spread the pets around so much. But, then, anyone who has played TA on an MM knows that without some buffs they don't last long. I mean, Ninjas without buffs can be killed by a particularly buff gnat, but Ninjas with /Time buffs (and debuffs) can take on hordes of enemies without getting hit at all.
Melee/support would be awesome.
The Dynamic Duo sounds really interesting.
As does Manipulator.
Hmmm, I sort of expected interest in Dynamic Duo, but didnt really expect much interest in the Manipulator one.
Darn wish I was able to make this into a survey
The issue with Dynamic Duo is the selling point of the at is under described and as written, unimpressive. Also, without the ability to customize the other half, it won't fly.
The issue with Dynamic Duo is the selling point of the at is under described and as written, unimpressive. Also, without the ability to customize the other half, it won't fly.
In theory, we can be given a big list of costumes to pick from, and color tint them. Cant pick every piece, but we can pick from a long list, perhaps exactly the same list we see already in the pre-made costumes.
[/LIST]Dynamic Duo:
This dynamic duo acts like one! You guard each others back, and take on any challenge with perfect orchestrated maneuvering. Primary: Assault Primary
The Overseer does not typically join a fight, directly. They tend to oversee and direct the actions of a strong group of men. When the Overseer acts, it's not to attack, but to control a situation.
The Manipulator heads into a fight, manipulating its surroundings to make things safe for him and extremely uncomfortable to those who oppose him. Manipulators have a limited range of melee attacks and no ranged attacks, but they have a way to make foes think they are being hit harder than they actually are.
I like these 3 the best

The Overseer sound like the best, I like pets :P and controllers.
Lmao Issue 48 - love it.

Sorry, but I'm still bitter about the changes to Battalion-Os in Issue 41. If the Devs hadn't wanted us to use them like that, they never should have put them in the game to begin with. Not even the Catgirl AT can make up for that nerf.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
Inherent: Every time the overseer commands their pets, he grants them a stance appropriate buff. "Aggressive" will give them a 20 second Damage/Accuracy buff. "Defensive" grants the pets a 20 second Resistance + Def buff. "Passive" will give all pets a recovery/regen aura.
Stacking or no?
Because if it's stacking, it'd be way too easy to just spam the controls before or even during fights to keep your pets completely buffed up.
50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy
Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.
Sorry, but I'm still bitter about the changes to Battalion-Os in Issue 41. If the Devs hadn't wanted us to use them like that, they never should have put them in the game to begin with. Not even the Catgirl AT can make up for that nerf.
The devs never intended you to be able to cause real world nuclear meltdown every time you used brawl while resting! Europe still is pointing their nukes at Paragon Studios over that!
(yea I may at least pretend we got to this future now that we aparently wont get there.)
I could totally see the Manipulators - that would work - it's like a reverse-dominator.
Many people said we were missing the melee/healer AT other games have but this would work better I think.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

[Disclaimer: This is fiction, just for fun!!!]
Today, August 8, 2020, The devs have finally announced 5 new ATs being introduced to the game!! These ATs promise to take the focus away from Melee and Blast sets and set the highlight in other type of sets the game has to offer: Summoning, Control, Assault and Manipulation sets. These sets have usually s been dismissed when new power sets are created, since so few ATs benefit from designing such power sets. That changes with Issue 48, titled: FINALLY!!!!
The revealed ATs are:
The Sergeants commands a squad of brave soldiers into battle, fighting among them, all as equals. On their own, each member may not be superhumanly strong, but together they can take on most meta-human opponents.
- Primary: Dom Assault
- Secondary: Summon Secondary (weaker henchmen, replace the 3 attacks with 3 armors but no mez prot)
- Epic: Dom Ancillary pools.
- Inherent: The Sergeants defensive toggles from his summon set scale in power with the proximity of his squad members.
Suppressor:Suppressors move through the battle field entirely unnoticed, looking for any opportunity to weaken the opponent and empower their allies. Suppressors are equally skilled in ranged and melee skills.
- Primary: Dom Assault
- Secondary: Buff (50% of defender values) Lose one power to Stealth.
- Epic: Defender/Corruptor Ancillary pools.
- Inherent: Suppression: All suppressor melee attacks used from hide will land a Mag 3 AoE hold. Ranged attacks will land a Mag 3 AoE Fear.
Dynamic Duo:This dynamic duo acts like one! You guard each others back, and take on any challenge with perfect orchestrated maneuvering.
Primary: Assault Primary
- Secondary: Stalker secondary (replacing hide with a permanent pet.)
- Epic: Brute/Tank Epic Pools
- Inherent: Synergy. All your toggles and passives also buff your Sidekick pet if he is within 20ft. Your pet being near slightly buffs your damage. You cant directly command your pet but he will take offensive mode for about 10 seconds with every attack. You stop attacking, the pet resets to follow/non-aggressive mode.
Overseer:The Overseer does not typically join a fight, directly. They tend to oversee and direct the actions of a strong group of men. When the Overseer acts, it's not to attack, but to control a situation.
- Primary: Summon Primary
- Secondary: Control Secondary (Overseer control effects will not inflict damage)
- Epic: Controller Epic Pools
- Inherent: Every time the overseer commands their pets, he grants them a stance appropriate buff. "Aggressive" will give them a 20 second Damage/Accuracy buff. "Defensive" grants the pets a 20 second Resistance + Def buff. "Passive" will give all pets a recovery/regen aura.
Manipulators:The Manipulator heads into a fight, manipulating its surroundings to make things safe for him and extremely uncomfortable to those who oppose him. Manipulators have a limited range of melee attacks and no ranged attacks, but they have a way to make foes think they are being hit harder than they actually are.
Issue 48! Headed your way NOT Soon(TM)!