2035 -
Entered the world of villains In Issue 5 (half way through exactly) and have seen all things during my villainy life, But as the sun sets today.... as the light darkens even more..
I thank everyone i meet and teamed with and enjoyed 90% of my time here.
and while my base has been shut down... all that's left for me is to /e holdtorch in mercy isle when the final disconnect hits the screen.
Who knows, perhaps i'll return when the skies brighten up in the future
till then.
Thank you and good night
(P.s i use my name in other games as well if ya eva wanna say hello.
Altho i do not have another MMO i go to .. tho i have been debaiting GW2 - purely as others have gone there) -
It's always been about the very customizable UI we had and the ability to decrease n increase the chat box with the ability to having other tabs fro different types of chat channels.
Having everything in one or 2 boxes ... just doesn't cut it ever. -
never able to get a uk MM
- if we are saved/return i hope a euro MM would be on the list
... with many months of notice :P
Remaining Numbers:
16, 20, 32, 35, 39, 40, 44, 50, 52, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 65, 67, 72, 80, 85, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 100 -
cheesy or what ...............
awesome figures, last one looks kool in mid flight -
I view the forums every other day just to keep up with any new info, interesting threads etc. Haven't been able to play the game much but even if i was able i'd still be slowly playing less just mostly due to numbers r getting less (as expected), and for that moment when the game actually ends i won't be hard hit as i was when it was first announced.
Tho like a few others i know, by playing less IF it is saved (somehow) then getting back into it would be almost like a fresh start/coming bk from a nice holiday -
Any dead female corpse is fine by me
..Oh like you can judge -
what a load of horse .. :@
I doubt they even really cared n tried.
Hope they crash n burn. -
Gaining the "Master of Lord Recluse Strike Force" badge on my main.
Remake the toons and play it like its a new game of
Ok wow.. So I'm from UK, Stevenage and didn't know anyone who played this lived near me yet ... Dr_Darkspeed and Forse does.. whoever you are - howdy haha
(HardRider) -
Hey all.
First of all my respec's to every single on who's out there supporting the save our game campaign, either through simple comments, signatures etc.
But lately as more people voice their opinion to why maybe the game shouldn't be saved, I have noticed people's comment's a bit too...heated really.
I know people are very positive about this game and love it to bits (me myself also) I would like to mention though - When commenting on people's views remember, while we "kinda" want bad PR for NcSoft's actions we also want GOOD PR for ourselves as a community.
Just because someone has a different view to the game then we do i don't think we should flame at them.
Lot of points they raise are often valid points and should be treated fairly.
When people say something with made up or invalid points, correct them yes - but don't go out with torches this gives us a bad view 2.
It's only recently i've been seeing a few heated comments, but thought i'd mention something before it continues and gets out of hand.
peace. -
Told people so.. but they never believed the evil Arch-Villain
It's laughable that NcSoft close us for financial reasons, yet it's costing them lot's to close us down.
Yer in the long run they might get something back, But in the short term it's murder and i doubt they truly took in the PR disaster this has been. -
lol @ the idea people think that's all this game had for players. Last report i saw (can't remember excatly where) says close to 100k + members.
The financial costs and failings is from NcSoft side, CoH has been in the plus for profits for a good while now. -
haha the first part made me laugh -
Quote:HardRider, this may be a sad commentary about the state of my inner being right now, but your little black and white cartoon of the stick figure beating the other stick figure into a pulp with all differently kinds of weapons that just magically appear has been the first thing to make me smile in days. It's wonderful! I had to just sit and watch it for awhile
That's awesome to here
I too have been quite down lately due to the news so your not the only one
And at first when i saw it i was annoyed hence the random naming of some stranger and the killing and beating of Z person.. But after a while of watching that i 2 started to smile n laugh, especially when i added music in the background
Quote:Don't worry Zwill lot of us know that talks is just that... talks.I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
But it does add to the possible hope of something happening, more at least lets us know that we as the players aren't the only ones doing...something -
Iiiiiiiii don't know, the idea of loosing all that i've worked for on my main, friends etc would be a nightmare, but if it was to save the game with a good future in it.. i'd rather have that then nothing, i can always track down my friends again
..Here's my reaction to that ... R.I.P some random guy i decided to call NcSoft
... In all fairness, they did make me ten times more happier then i have been