[This is fiction] 5 new ATs Confirmed for Issue 48! [This is fiction, just for fun!!!]




I'd personally love to see a power suit "Epic" style AT (Khelds, soliders, etc) that would combine powers like Assault bots incindary missles, Praetorian clockwork chest cannons, and maybe a tier 9 similar to the WB nukes graphically. The secondary that combines defense powers (kinetic dampeners) and some basic resists (Impervium coated armor?).

For an inherent there would be a power cell bar that would drain over time improving aspects of certain abilities. A defensive stance would apply a slow steady drain from the toggles. For example Impervium coating might normally provide 10% Res all and would be buffed up to 20% res all. Kinetic dampeners providing 12.75% def s/l would bump up to 17%

Offensively you'd get all kinds of nifty little things. Heavy ST attacks gaining small TAoE's, light ST attacks getting dots and nukes would nuke your power cell bar and become even more nukey.

Maybe for issue 52.