MoUGT - April 21st
I need just the Avatar Assassin for UGT, but I'll show up with bubbles and Radial Clarion for everybody.
Since this is after my saturday class, I'll probably be able to help with this.
I'll be there as will the wife, she needs all of the badges for this, and I just need Avatar Assassin.
I will try to make this if I don't have to much work going on.
I'm free that night and will bring some ranged damage. Still need Avatar Assassin myself, maybe we'll get lucky.
I'll be there as well with my +3 Bubbler.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I plan to be there.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
I think both my incs already have it, but I'll show up and help out if you have room.
"If you think something is impossible, check your assumptions." -- Atlas Shrugged
Forming now in Pocket D!

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
No such luck on Preservation Specialist or Avatar Assassin, so I'll have to schedule another try. Otherwise very strong league. Thanks for coming.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
It's because I wasn't there.

Thank you, Champion.
In all seriousness, we should have gotten the "bomb badge" this past run. We had more than enough ranged damage.
We failed in the "hallway of doom". First, there was someone rushing ahead of me getting too close to the bombs. This cannot happen. Being in close proximity to a bomb is what sets off the timer. This is why we use attacks that are 80ft in range and slowly move up as a group. Doing this usually only sets off the timer on the bomb we're attacking. Second, people seemingly just stopped attacking at the second to last bomb and it took more than 10 seconds to take it out. I'm still not 100% sure why this happened. We seemed to be taking out the rest with ease and then the damage just dropped. If anyone could shed some light on why this occurred, it would be appreciated.
There have been some suggestions to use Snipe for this hallway. While this method is seemingly more "secure", I really really dislike having to ask for people to bring specific powers. I have used the strategy with 80ft ranged attacks (since those are far more common) many times and most of the times it succeeds. Where it fails is when people aren't following instructions and either run up too close, have pets out, etc. Either that or we just don't have the ranged damage (definitely not the case last night).
So before I schedule another run, I'd like to hear which method would people prefer? Waiting possibly a long time for Snipers to take care of the bombs in the hallway or keep trying the way we have been?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Since you asked, I'll go out on a limb and provide some conjecture, express my opinion and hush.
Targeting through you - It would be interesting to know how many people were doing that. Where things slowed down was that bomb behind the corner. (which is the second to last bomb) My theory is that some folks were just tabbing through targets, because in that hallway, the only mobs are at the end. And when it came down to the end of the hallway, they had to take a second to click on you to find the target.
Yeah, it's weak, and pure conjecture. It's also possible that some of the inexperienced got confused seeing that large mob waiting on them. (despite clear directions on what to do)
There are times when I wish I could travel to each persons house and look at their computer screen to see if their chat box is up, or if their resolution is so poor that their screen is all squeezed into 800X600 which would be just horrible for taking in all the visual cues that are so helpful.
My opinion: I could be wrong here - but there are going to be two sides of the coin, and either way, someone will make another suggestion to do it the other way. If you continue the way you have the pros are:
- Nobody left in the big room doing nothing.
- Not a great deal of pressure on snipers.
- Blasters, Defenders and Dominators who team up regularly won't have to take a "Dog" power like snipe.
- A shorter trial time.
- a higher chance of a mistake. How much higher? Depends on the league.
- A marked increase in success.
- A larger group of bored players.
- Maybe 5 more minutes of trial time.
I suggest (because UGT is my fave) that you keep doing things the way you do them. This will keep the ones that are happy with the way you run the trial coming to the trial. And the ones that don't have that badge yet will also come to the trial, hoping for it.
Thanks for herding the cats. As I mentioned, I picked up a trick or two.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Targeting through you - It would be interesting to know how many people were doing that. Where things slowed down was that bomb behind the corner. (which is the second to last bomb) My theory is that some folks were just tabbing through targets, because in that hallway, the only mobs are at the end. And when it came down to the end of the hallway, they had to take a second to click on you to find the target.
Yeah, it's weak, and pure conjecture. It's also possible that some of the inexperienced got confused seeing that large mob waiting on them. (despite clear directions on what to do) |
Originally Posted by Ukaserex
In the end, it's completely up to you. Either way, the league wins or fails on it's own ability to follow the instructions.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
If people who actually need the badges would rather sit in the large prep room idle for the time it takes to snipe the bombs in the hallway, I would be willing to try it.
(and it wouldn't take but a couple minutes to transfer one)
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
I prefer the Spaceballs method. It's basically guaranteed as along as people are targetin' through Amy because most, if not all, powersets have a 80' foot ranged blast for the applicable ATs.
What I would suggest is somethin' along the lines o' what I would do at Hami Raids as Blue Mito lead guy. With my game interface, if someone is clicked on me, and I clicked on'em, my HP bar shows up over my head. That way I know if someone is targetin' through me.
Instead o' takin' the longer amount o' time for the Snipe method, just take a hot minute to click through your ranged people that you want to partake in the hallway o' doom and if you don't see'em targetin' through you, call'em out on League and they'll be liable for holdin' up the show. How nice you want to do that is up to you, but then at least you'll have an idea o' how many are actually clicked on you.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
I'm almost 100% positive that at least one toon out of 24 would have a sufficient snipe. And if not, I have zero problems bringing an alt that does to help in this effort. But, my money says to ask what the people who don't have the badge would like. My guess is only one or two reads the forums.
(and it wouldn't take but a couple minutes to transfer one) |
Also, quite a few people who were on the league last night read the forums.
Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean
What I would suggest is somethin' along the lines o' what I would do at Hami Raids as Blue Mito lead guy. With my game interface, if someone is clicked on me, and I clicked on'em, my HP bar shows up over my head. That way I know if someone is targetin' through me.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Second, people seemingly just stopped attacking at the second to last bomb and it took more than 10 seconds to take it out. I'm still not 100% sure why this happened. We seemed to be taking out the rest with ease and then the damage just dropped. If anyone could shed some light on why this occurred, it would be appreciated.
I targeted through Amy with my mighty boulders of doom, but I think the problem that I might have been partially responsible on is that I got a little gunshy when that mob was there, and while I'm pretty sure that I tossed a rock at that bomb, it may have been a little slower. I wanted to make sure that I was as far as I could be, and I might have been too far.
I was also caught up in lag during our attempt at Avatar Assassin and had an attack queued, but I left after the first attack past "STOP ATTACKING!" There were, I think, four distinct times you said that, and there were people who kept going.
I'm not sure everyone was fully reading League. There seemed confusion in that hallway because some people ran up and started meleeing even after a very good and lengthy description of the 80 foot requirement including time for questions.
It was a good league and a good time, let's just all try to remember next time to listen to and follow the directives of Amy, who's taking the time to walk us through this not for themselves but for the rest of us.
Dread, there was definitely someone who melee'd a bomb in the hall.
Assuming I can make the next run, I have both Snipe and LRM. But that makes for a really slow and boring way to get the badge (as I recall that's how we did it on my first MoUGT run).
We were doing quite well until the very end using Amy's preferred method. I'm not sure what went wrong there, but I'd say its worth trying again.
This Saturday April 21st at 8pm Eastern in Pocket D I will host a MoUGT run, paying special attention to Preservation Specialist AKA "The Bomb Badge". In order to get Preservation Specialist we must successfully complete the UGT (the badge will not award mid trial). Please bring your level shifted characters to give us the highest chance of success. Ranged damage is especially useful.
I will start forming around 7:30pm Eastern. See you then!
Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial