Weekend Superheroics, June 9-10
I really want to know what the deal is with Amon now. Not only does he possess a type of bending he shouldn't (energybending) but he's immune/highly resistant to another type of bending that he shouldn't be (bloodbending).

Amon is starting to creep me out. And it seemed like Korra was doing more of the old-style large scale bending today, too. Maybe they heard our crys?
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.

I'm starting to think though that he's not human, but rather a spirit manifestation. Possibly Koh (though that seems too obvious, just due to the mask).
We know that Koh stole Avatar Kuruk's fiance's face as punishment for him not taking his Avatar role seriously enough... maybe Koh manifest as/created Amon as some sort of punishment for Korra's lack of spirituality?
Eh, I dunno. Seems convoluted at best.

Young Justice: So, who called it that Aqualad was deep undercover? The "murder" of Artemis admittedly had me fooled at that point, until the reveal at the end.
Korra: So Amon isn't Tarrlok. I guess I called that one wrong. I was amazed at the amount of story they packed into this episode. By the end of the episode it felt like at least an hour had passed. I was annoyed by the "coincidence" though. The one with the two bikers using the secret passage right as our heroes happened to be next to it. There were so many other ways that passage could have been discovered without requiring a bad coincidence.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
I'm starting to think though that he's not human, but rather a spirit manifestation. Possibly Koh (though that seems too obvious, just due to the mask).
I'll say Amon's a non-human spirit of some sort.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

I was actually at the opposite end of the spectrum. I was convinced that this would be a redeem from the dark side storyline. Until the point when he stabbed Artemis and I realized it was a deep undercover arc after all.
Korra: So Amon isn't Tarrlok. I guess I called that one wrong. I was amazed at the amount of story they packed into this episode. By the end of the episode it felt like at least an hour had passed. I was annoyed by the "coincidence" though. The one with the two bikers using the secret passage right as our heroes happened to be next to it. There were so many other ways that passage could have been discovered without requiring a bad coincidence. |
I find myself really liking Lin. This episode really let her bending shine during the escape scene. I really do like that they're finally letting lose with the old school bending.

Another possibility is that Amon is a bloodbender. If there is one ability that can affect a person's ability to bend, it is bloodbending. It would also explain why Amon could overcome Tarlokk's attack. Tarlokk's father was subjected to Aang and his ability to remove bending so he could have learnt it from Aang directly. Also it would make sense to overthrow the country and start a revolution since that was what Tarlokk and his father planned to do.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Thundercats - Okay for a Part 1. So who do the Kittens bring back to annoy the birds?
Young Justice: Invation - Okay, I called it. I also sort of called the reason for the Ms M and Conner break up. I only thought they had to brainwash Aqualad to prevent someone from scanning him. Now that Artemis is "dead", will Cheshire choose to retaliate? Will Ms M mind rip him the first chance she gets before realizing the truth? Good to see Carol Ferris and "Pieface" in YJ.
The Legend of Korra - I imagine that Amon's ability allows him to resist other forms of bending. Well know that Korra started to see visions of Aang, will she go into the Avatar state when Amon tries to remove her bending? Or does he succeed and the 2nd half of the series is her quest to recover her abilities and allow her to restore bending to others? Also her kidnap and recovery is going to strain Mako and Asami's relationship. So do they both try to make him choose or is it going to be a catfight?
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
I was thinking Amon was Koh almost as soon as he showed up, for a lot of the same reasons as listed above, but not just because of a failing on Korra's part, but a failing on Benders. I figured it was Koh leading some sort of attack on the human world because he felt that Benders were squandering their talents and arts. Though I'm guessing that Amon is still somewhat human, because the Bloodbending did make him slow down for like a second before he took out Tarlok. My hope is that with the Season finale Amon gets revealed as some sort of spirit, and the next part of the season is a wind up to an all out war with the spirit world.
Another possibility is that Amon is a bloodbender. If there is one ability that can affect a person's ability to bend, it is bloodbending. It would also explain why Amon could overcome Tarlokk's attack. Tarlokk's father was subjected to Aang and his ability to remove bending so he could have learnt it from Aang directly. Also it would make sense to overthrow the country and start a revolution since that was what Tarlokk and his father planned to do.
The Legend of Korra - I imagine that Amon's ability allows him to resist other forms of bending. Well know that Korra started to see visions of Aang, will she go into the Avatar state when Amon tries to remove her bending? Or does he succeed and the 2nd half of the series is her quest to recover her abilities and allow her to restore bending to others?
It's possible also that he could remove her Water/Fire/Earth bending, but not her Airbending as she can't bend it yet... so she could still learn airbending after her encounter and possibly gain access to the avatar state. It'd be interesting to have an Avatar who was incapable of (most) bending unless in Avatar state.
There's also the possibility that Amon's Energybending simply won't work on Korra. Aang very nearly lost in the attempt to remove Fire Lord Ozai's bending, as willpower/spirit is a deciding factor.
"In order to bend another's life energy, [your] own spirit must be un-bendable, or [you] would be corrupted and destroyed."
I think ultimately her Avatar state kicking in at the last moment is most likely.
I really hope they don't do something silly like having Asami go off all scorned and break her father out of prison/join the Equalists or something.

Regarding Legend of Korra:
Korra assumes the memories of Aang she unlocked were only pertinent to her situation with Tarrlok.
But, consider that she was remembering scraps of that event triggered by her facing down Amon. I think it's a clue to Amon as well. Namely, where he could have picked up energybending.
Until now, we assumed Aang only ever energybent to remove Fire Lord Ozai's abilities. There were no witnesses to that event.
Here we have Aang energybending in the middle of the city and removing an abusive bender's abilities. That's something Amon could have witnessed and memorized, mimicking the technique and practicing until he was able to repeat it. When he removed Lightning Bolt Zolt's bending, Amon even says the same words as Aang said when he removed Yakone's bending.
Also regarding Amon, there are other things I noticed: He's used airbending moves in combat, noticeably against Zolt. Namely, the same spiral dodging technique Korra was trying to learn with the spinning fans. And he's clearly proficient at fighting benders, so he may have learned or developed techniques for countering things like bloodbending.
New crazy theory with no basis what so ever. Amon is Aang. Most Avatars live long lives. As in the 200 year range. Aang died at age 66. My crazy theory is that he didn't really die but rather turned to the dark side like Vader. As was said, if you attempt to bend life energy you have the potential to become corrupted.
As a result his soul was torn asunder. So Korra isn't a true reincarnation of the avatar but rather a partial reincarnation minus the part of the spirit that was Aang. This is the reason she can't bend air. It is also the reason Amon can't be fully blood bent. He continuously exists in the avatar state which is what is keeping him alive, but also limiting him.
Eventually it will be discovered and Korra will lead him back to the light. At which point Aang will give up his life force to Korra and the avatar will become whole again and able to bend air.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
New crazy theory with no basis what so ever. Amon is Aang. Most Avatars live long lives. As in the 200 year range. Aang died at age 66. My crazy theory is that he didn't really die but rather turned to the dark side like Vader. As was said, if you attempt to bend life energy you have the potential to become corrupted.
As a result his soul was torn asunder. So Korra isn't a true reincarnation of the avatar but rather a partial reincarnation minus the part of the spirit that was Aang. This is the reason she can't bend air. It is also the reason Amon can't be fully blood bent. He continuously exists in the avatar state which is what is keeping him alive, but also limiting him. Eventually it will be discovered and Korra will lead him back to the light. At which point Aang will give up his life force to Korra and the avatar will become whole again and able to bend air. |
New crazy theory with no basis what so ever. Amon is Aang. Most Avatars live long lives. As in the 200 year range. Aang died at age 66. My crazy theory is that he didn't really die but rather turned to the dark side like Vader. As was said, if you attempt to bend life energy you have the potential to become corrupted.
As a result his soul was torn asunder. So Korra isn't a true reincarnation of the avatar but rather a partial reincarnation minus the part of the spirit that was Aang. This is the reason she can't bend air. It is also the reason Amon can't be fully blood bent. He continuously exists in the avatar state which is what is keeping him alive, but also limiting him. Eventually it will be discovered and Korra will lead him back to the light. At which point Aang will give up his life force to Korra and the avatar will become whole again and able to bend air. |
Amon/Aang still holds the spiritual side of the avatar, as well as airbending. Maybe, akin to when Azula killed Aang in the first show, Aang technically died but was revived. When that happened, he lost most of his bending and Korra was born.
It's insane, but hey, crackpot theories are fun!
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

New crazy theory with no basis what so ever. Amon is Aang. Most Avatars live long lives. As in the 200 year range. Aang died at age 66. My crazy theory is that he didn't really die but rather turned to the dark side like Vader. As was said, if you attempt to bend life energy you have the potential to become corrupted.
As a result his soul was torn asunder. So Korra isn't a true reincarnation of the avatar but rather a partial reincarnation minus the part of the spirit that was Aang. This is the reason she can't bend air. It is also the reason Amon can't be fully blood bent. He continuously exists in the avatar state which is what is keeping him alive, but also limiting him. Eventually it will be discovered and Korra will lead him back to the light. At which point Aang will give up his life force to Korra and the avatar will become whole again and able to bend air. |
And there's still no explanation as to why Tarrlok can bloodbend at any time except during a full moon.
New crazy theory with no basis what so ever. Amon is Aang. Most Avatars live long lives. As in the 200 year range. Aang died at age 66. My crazy theory is that he didn't really die but rather turned to the dark side like Vader. As was said, if you attempt to bend life energy you have the potential to become corrupted.
As a result his soul was torn asunder. So Korra isn't a true reincarnation of the avatar but rather a partial reincarnation minus the part of the spirit that was Aang. This is the reason she can't bend air. It is also the reason Amon can't be fully blood bent. He continuously exists in the avatar state which is what is keeping him alive, but also limiting him. Eventually it will be discovered and Korra will lead him back to the light. At which point Aang will give up his life force to Korra and the avatar will become whole again and able to bend air. |
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Problem there is it's been stated by Word of God that Aang died younger than usual because he spent 100 years in the iceberg in a perpetual Avatar State. That took a big toll on his lifespan.
And there's still no explanation as to why Tarrlok can bloodbend at any time except during a full moon. |
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

New crazy theory with no basis what so ever. Amon is Aang. Most Avatars live long lives. As in the 200 year range. Aang died at age 66. My crazy theory is that he didn't really die but rather turned to the dark side like Vader. As was said, if you attempt to bend life energy you have the potential to become corrupted.
As a result his soul was torn asunder. So Korra isn't a true reincarnation of the avatar but rather a partial reincarnation minus the part of the spirit that was Aang. This is the reason she can't bend air. It is also the reason Amon can't be fully blood bent. He continuously exists in the avatar state which is what is keeping him alive, but also limiting him. Eventually it will be discovered and Korra will lead him back to the light. At which point Aang will give up his life force to Korra and the avatar will become whole again and able to bend air. |
It's not exactly crazy to think that they creators would -not- spoil the main reveal of the first season (Possibly the second) before it started.
There would simply have been no need for them to make up a smokescreen to hide anything. Particularly with the "word of god" about Aang's age.
He was old, he died, new Avatar.

Since it has been stated before that Aang almost lost to the Fire Lord when he took away their bending, Korra just needs to succeed in her willpower saving throw.
Reading the avatar wiki on energybending, there is two possibilities and both involve Aang energybending incorrectly. Aang could have accidentally imparted the knowledge of energybending to Yakone so either Yakone is an energybender and bloodbender or just an energybender. Since energybending is the primal bending and has been lost to the ages, then Yakone could have gained energybending. The other possibility is that the energybending done on Yakone caused Aang to be corrupted and somehow lost his Avatarness. Of course, Amon could be someone not connected to anyone we know and learnt energybending from some other source.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
I don't see Amon being Yakone.
If he were, why would he have taken Tarrlok's bending away? Tarrlok is his son (born ~5years after Aang took Yakone's bending away). He taught Tarrlok bloodbending, and Tarrlok was working towards the same goal his father had been. Carrying on the family business, so to speak.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
Thundercats: Wow, Tygra is being dumb today.
Young Justice: So, who called it that Aqualad was deep undercover? The "murder" of Artemis admittedly had me fooled at that point, until the reveal at the end.
Legend of Korra: Whoa, so awesome to see and hear grown-up Aang, Toph and Sokka. I think Sokka had the same voice actor, just doing a more mature version. I could hear some of Teen Sokka's voice in there.
Everything is coming to a head pretty fast, and the season finale is already upon us... or it will be in TWO WEEKS! Argh! I want it NOW!