Weekend Superheroics, May 12-13
With the revelation of Black Manta Jr., I'm starting to feel a little nervous about who else we haven't seen "5 years later" yet. But I have a couple of theories:
- Wally is now Flash, and may or may not be a member of the League proper along with Rocket and Zatanna.
- Original Speedy is now Arsenal (with robot arm). No idea yet on the fate of Red Arrow.
- Artemis... might have taken up her mother's mantle. Or not. I could see her becoming something of an antihero vigilante if not a full-blown villain like Kaldur.
- The "Competitor" mentioned (and new partner of The Light by episode's end) is probably the Reach.
And the more I see of the new season, the more convinced I become that they're really sticking with the new status quo from here on out, only relaying developments in the missing 5 years piecemeal through dialogue and flashbacks. Unless something truly apocalyptic happens to necessitate a time travel fix by season's end... we'll see.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Someone really needs to show Mako and Korra how to redirect lightning.
Also, Korra really could have mentioned the Equalists fondness for electricity to the cops who walk around in METAL ARMOR.
Lin's pretty badass when she gets going.
It's also somewhat telling that Tenzin's first reaction upon noticing the Equalist was an attack, rather than the defensive maneuver that would likely have been Aang's response.

Thundercats - another flashback to when Mumm-ra was BMOC. Lion-o isn't the world's best tactician yet.
"Okay here's the plan, Panthro, Cheetara and Tygra go get the tank while the new girl and I take the long winding route through the mountain with the glowing homing sword on my back that guarantees I'll run into the guy who we don't want to get it. I don't care if I lose it because I just want to get the new girl to like me."
Green Lantern - Yay, hawkmen. Two face, double dealing, thieving pirate hawkmen but at least hawkmen.
Young Justice - Whoa. Impressive to watch all the Bats work together. Five years seem to have improve the Super's relationship and the Wondergals are impressive as a team. Show of hands, who thinks the former Aqualad is playing a long con, even if he doesn't realize it? Miss M seems to have no problem MFing the little aliens. And with most of the original JL off planet on trial, I can see things getting very interesting.
Legend of Korra - Called it (Wolfbats getting unbent). And it wasn't just cleverly zapping all the metal benders but the Equalists seemingly took out the patrol boats and zeps with ease. Besides all the action/drama, the humor was turned up nicely in this episode.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet
I, for one, have zero issue with M'gann's method of interrogation. Figured J'onn would've said something though.
Batgirl & Wondergirl...SQUEE! Shame that Babs hasn't gotten any lines yet. Wonder if they're going to go the Cassie + Connor relationship route?
Still liking the looks Blue Beetle is getting.
Found myself thinking, "Overkill! He just got an achievement!" when Superman threw the Fastball Special there.
Aqualad and long con? Nope. Not buying it. Face Heel turn there. Especially if his girlfriend/love interest died because of them.
Am I alone in thinking there's a little bit o' hanky panky going on between Superman and Wonderwoman?
Anyone else catch the "Cabbage Corp" reference in Korra? LOL
Avengers: Great episode. Skrull paranoia is at a high, and Skrull-Cap didn't hesitate to take advantage. Also awesome to see Ms Marvel showing off how strong she is. I'm glad they didn't power her down.
I'm pissed because the girl who dumped me for my best friend, died and it was the League's fault. So I'm going to go all super villain because I'm that shallow a person and actually do Villanous things.Yeah OK, I totally buy it. Even so that really disappoints me because A lad was probably the stand out character in Season 1.
I know if an organization let a friend/love interest of mine die, I definitely would not be...friendly...towards said organization or the people within it. Add in that Arthur lied/omitted the truth about my father? Ya, not going to be feeling the warm fuzzies towards them.
Now, it is entirely possible that he is undercover, but that would be too neat. And besides, what actual villainous things have we seen him do? Other than helping/using those Rikti Monkies build a ship? Granted, he let 'em die, but eh.
Thundercats - another flashback to when Mumm-ra was BMOC. Lion-o isn't the world's best tactician yet.
"Okay here's the plan, Panthro, Cheetara and Tygra go get the tank while the new girl and I take the long winding route through the mountain with the glowing homing sword on my back that guarantees I'll run into the guy who we don't want to get it. I don't care if I lose it because I just want to get the new girl to like me." |
Thundercats - another flashback to when Mumm-ra was BMOC. Lion-o isn't the world's best tactician yet.
"Okay here's the plan, Panthro, Cheetara and Tygra go get the tank while the new girl and I take the long winding route through the mountain with the glowing homing sword on my back that guarantees I'll run into the guy who we don't want to get it. I don't care if I lose it because I just want to get the new girl to like me." |
In Lion-O's defense, the sword didn't start glowing until after they went into the caves. Right? Me not remember.
I was expecting a bit more action this week especially with all the Mechas that showed up. Instead there was two token interludes with Atticus and Kanar and the rather abrupt fight with Mumm-ra. But don't get me wrong; it's good to see all the 'how did' flashbacks with this one showing us that the two swords were forged from the same material.
Maybe we'll even see the beginning of the end for Leo's reign on Third Earth at some point.
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Young Justice impresses me more and more every week. This whole Invasion arc has been really well done, what impresses me most is character design. I've loved every single character they've done so far, from the Justice League to Young Justice, all the costume/character design is amazing. The YJ Nightwing is easily my favorite costume of his yet.
Also, Tim Drake Robin in the new timeline makes me want to play my Staff Melee characters more.
- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie
Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608
Had an interesting thought about Avatar. What if Sokka was so jealous of his friend and sister that he became Amon since they can bend and he can't? I get the impression that there is some link between Aang and Amon either through descendants or acquaintances of Aang's group.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Had an interesting thought about Avatar. What if Sokka was so jealous of his friend and sister that he became Amon since they can bend and he can't? I get the impression that there is some link between Aang and Amon either through descendants or acquaintances of Aang's group.
I doubt it. Katara has already said that Sokka is gone. Also, Sokka'd be in his 80s by now, so he wouldn't be as fast and strong as Amon is.
Sure he wasn't a bender, but he didn't harbor any real ill will or anger against benders. Most/many of his friends were benders, and he always found ways of making himself useful (often critically so) despite being "normal."

Nobody is noticing my "even if he doesn't realize it" part of my quote. I for one could see him volunteer to get brainwashed so "The Light" would accept him. Sort of a twist on what was done to Red Arrow. Miss M does the reprogramming, Robin/Nightwing tells the JL Kaldur 'Ahm flipped sides and joins up with Black Manta. Superboy not happy about all the mind messing (due to his own history) including what could be the memory of Aquagirl dieing then dumps Miss M.
They realize it may take years for the other side to trust him. Therefore, long con.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Still possible that Amon is the kid of one of the characters from Avatar. There are numerous stories where the kid of a hero turns out to be a villain. Although, I could see Amon being the son of Azula. If only for the whole evil vibe that they both give.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Nobody is noticing my "even if he doesn't realize it" part of my quote. I for one could see him volunteer to get brainwashed so "The Light" would accept him. Sort of a twist on what was done to Red Arrow. Miss M does the reprogramming, Robin/Nightwing tells the JL Kaldur 'Ahm flipped sides and joins up with Black Manta. Superboy not happy about all the mind messing (due to his own history) including what could be the memory of Aquagirl dieing then dumps Miss M.
They realize it may take years for the other side to trust him. Therefore, long con. |
My personal suspicion is that what we've heard of in bits is all connected. Ocean Master goes down in disgrace in an operation that gets Tula killed (poor girl is doomed in every continuity) which Black Manta then uses as a means to flip his son by playing it as the League and the team being responsible, building on his suspicion of them by revealing their own relationship, and then using the whole scenario to take Ocean Master's place with the Light. I guess that Black Manta is the one playing the long con in this scenario.
I'd bet that Aqualad flips back before the season ends.
I think they powered her up a bit, really. Able to stand and fight Hulk? As Binary, perhaps, but traditional Ms. Marvel strength is more in the Spider-Man range or so.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
Still possible that Amon is the kid of one of the characters from Avatar. There are numerous stories where the kid of a hero turns out to be a villain. Although, I could see Amon being the son of Azula. If only for the whole evil vibe that they both give.
I'd lay odds that Amon is the water bender from the council. His ability to take bending away could be a combination of chiblocking and water bending... or blood bending...
As for the rest.. I like the way young justice:invasion is going so far but I wonder if Megaan
might be a bit too callous with her mental powers....
S.thug ((level 50 Invul/ss tank Pinnacle))
Wild Childs ((Level 50 Nin/SR Stalker. Virtue))
Quote="Not Racist. Not violent. Just choosing to no longer be silent."
I think they powered her up a bit, really. Able to stand and fight Hulk? As Binary, perhaps, but traditional Ms. Marvel strength is more in the Spider-Man range or so.
A thought: You can probably rule out Hulk, Ms. Marvel and Thor as being replacable by Skrulls.
If they could duplicate their abilities to the same degree as the originals, why bother with an infiltration? Just send 50 Hulks in.
It's probably why all the confirmed Skrulls so far were only duping trained humans.
Everytime Korra gets conked on the head she gets flashes of an older Aang and company. Northern waterbending tribe council guy mentioned that Aang had defeated one threat to Republic City years ago and in the flashes we see someone we don't recognize who I assume was this big bad. Now what if Aang unbent this bad guy and Amon is this bad guy's son, who saw what Aang did and after X number of years figured out how to do it himself?
Sure Northern waterbending tribe council guy seems like he could be the bad guy but it's a bit to obvious. Power seeking politician I won't put past him but the actual big bad, nope.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Everytime Korra gets conked on the head she gets flashes of an older Aang and company. Northern waterbending tribe council guy mentioned that Aang had defeated one threat to Republic City years ago and in the flashes we see someone we don't recognize who I assume was this big bad. Now what if Aang unbent this bad guy and Amon is this bad guy's son, who saw what Aang did and after X number of years figured out how to do it himself?
Sure Northern waterbending tribe council guy seems like he could be the bad guy but it's a bit to obvious. Power seeking politician I won't put past him but the actual big bad, nope. |
He could just be a pompous *** though.

One thing that occurs to me is that if Amon wanted to deal some real damage, with minimal effort, he'd eliminate Tenzin. Tenzin is the only airbending master in the world, without him there's no one to train Korra so she can never become a fully realized Avatar.

One thing that occurs to me is that if Amon wanted to deal some real damage, with minimal effort, he'd eliminate Tenzin. Tenzin is the only airbending master in the world, without him there's no one to train Korra so she can never become a fully realized Avatar.
Thundercats: Wow, Mumm-Ra sure has reched new levels of evilness. He kills trillions to forge a sword. Nasty.
Green Lantern: Show is improving.
Young Justice: More and more, I get the feeling some time travel will undo all this "Invasion" plots and return us to the original team 5 years previous.
Legend of Korra: Dawwww, Aang's son and Toph's daughter used to be a couple! LOL