616 -
Quote:And we can't even see that VFX work. ;_;AMG LEAK!!!
I never got to play with Psionic Melee, alas. When I first heard about it, I didn't think it'd be very fun. But once I saw the incredible VFX work Leo "Honey Badger" Can't Spell His Last Name put into it, I knew I had to check it out.
I'd probably have made at least one Matrix-homage character for marketing assets.
*bangs futily at the beta Market* Gimme... -
Taken: 1, 13, 27, 33, 36, 42, 44, 48, 57, 69, 88, 99 -
42. Because someone had to.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 -
Congrats to the Best of Show winner for the 8th Annual Golden Age Festival, Warbox! Warbox has won art by the Golden Age Heroes own Commander Crimson.
I also posted this to the Virtue forums, but since not everyone looks there... here we go. -
Thanks to everyone who came last night, and special congratulations to all our winners!
Event #1: Golden Age Costume Contest #1
1st - 500,000,000
2nd - 300,000,000
3rd - 150,000,000
1st. Warbox
2nd. Yankee Sword
3rd. Ample Lass
Event #2: Silver Age Costume Contest
1st - 500,000,000
2nd - 300,000,000
3rd - 150,000,000
2nd.Kiena Rosai
3rd.Orgone Man
Event #3: Character Bio/Backstory Contest
1st - 500,000,000
2nd - 300,000,000
3rd - 150,000,000
1st. Sunny Skies
2nd. Mother Nimune
3rd. Infinity Sabre
Event #4: Golden Age Costume Contest #2
1st - 500,000,000
2nd - 300,000,000
3rd - 150,000,000
1st.Mars Maiden
2nd.Spectacular Man
3rd.Lady Water Star
Event #5: Emote/Battlecry Contest
1st - 400,000,000
2nd - 200,000,000
3rd - 100,000,000
1st.Parlor Tricks
2nd.Lady Nimune
Event #6: City of Heroes Trivia Contest
1st - 400,000,000
2nd - 200,000,000
3rd - 100,000,000
1st. Prime Sentinel
2nd. Parlor Tricks
3rd. Moment Man
Event #7: Best of Show
Overall winner of the 3 Costume Contests and Bio
1st - Art!
2nd - 800,000,000
3rd - 400,000,000
1st. Warbox
2nd. Mother Nimune
3rd. Parlor Tricks
Special congratulations to Warbox, our Best of Show, who wins art by our very own Commander Crimson!
We here at the Golden Age Heroes would like again to thank everyone who helped make this night special, especially Posthaste and the Cape Radio for providing the classic tunes and music year after year.
As a team we have decided to stay together beyond the end of City of Heroes, and are transitioning to Champions Online, where we will continue to operate as a Gold and Silver Aged themed heroic roleplaying group. You'll find us there as "The Golden Age Heroes" and "The Young Golden Age Heroes." -
I like free things, especially art.
What do we do for it?
Maybe I missed the train on this one, but how does this all work? Where do we have to be? Just a mite bit confused.
I commissioned VividAnima/@Therianthrope for art of my Titan/Elec brute Nemesis automaton heroine, Nemesister, aka Ophelia Lang (she's from a world where the automatons built their own Fritz Lang-esque civilization and she ended up here because of portal shenanigans), and I wanted to share/show off.
Link to the original on DA!
She's just a mechanical girl in a digital world... -
This has been the response to me petitioning NCSoft Support through their Support submission thing:
Quote:The link fails to answer my question of what happens to those of us that bought points BEFORE August 24th, and provides no way of getting in touch with the company to get an answer. There's bad customer service, and then there's this.**IMPORTANT: YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL RESPONSE TO THIS E-MAIL UNLESS YOU UPDATE YOUR QUESTION.**
We would first like to thank you for your support of City of Heroes. It is never easy to make this kind of decision. You can read the official announcement at http://na.cityofheroes.com/en/news/n.../thank_you.php. There is a discussion on the forums that you are free to join at http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=295621.
For details on VIP accounts and refund information, please read the update at http://na.cityofheroes.com/en/news/p...tus_update.php. I apologize for any inconvenience, but any accounts that were not VIP status on September 1st, 2012 will not be able to upgrade to that status.
City of Heroes will be available for at least the next three months. Please watch the forums for updates on special events that will be run in that time.
Don't think NCSoft is getting another red cent of mine ever again. Because they still owe me $42.50. And before you ask, that's AFTER I removed all the stipends and remaining other points from other purchases, and just assumed that everything I bought since late May, 2012 was with the 8000 (9600 after bonus points) points I'd bought. -
That number just gets me to a recorded message that directs me back to the NCSoft Support website... which has no way of actually contacting NCSoft support.
How exactly does one go about contacting NCSoft support? That is what we were told to do if we had further questions regarding the refunds. And I did as told and tried to.
The live chat for all CoH accounts currently is four hours every Friday.
Filling in the questionairre to get answers gets an automated message saying "We explained that!"
Except they didn't tell us what happens if we bought points BEFORE August 24th. I've got 3600 points (after taking out monthly stipends and all) left that I bought in May that I want refunded. That's $42.50. I kind of want that money back.
So how does one go about contacting NCSoft Support? Is there a phone number I can call, an AI I can email, a dark god I can sacrifice to, that gives me something other than "We posted all about this! Buh bye! 8D"? -
Quote:Tell me about it! Even though I get that the arc would be more or less a giant cutscene, with us playing through a whole story as Scirocco, it would've been awesome to be there.Same here! My main/lead Villain (who made the morality arc-jump to full hero and is now on her way back full circle.) Really respected the HELL out of Scirocco. He and Ghost Widow are tied in my head for favorite redside signature characters.
And yeah - very disappointed not going to get to play that. ;_;
And man, some of the stuff... the Dimensionless, Ultimatum, the True Rikti... all sounds awesome. Little concerned about the bit with us releasing Rularuu in the middle of their empire... wouldn't that be, y'know, the deaths of billions? I get that it's an "us or them" situation, and Rularuu's our last ace in the hole, but still...
Guess it'd depend on how well it's sold that humanity's only options are either annihilation or basically going nuclear on the Batallion by deploying Rularuu.
Now I'm sad that I won't see this.Well even more sad.
What about those of us who bought points before August 24th? I've still got a ton of points left over, probably a good 3000 at least, that I bought back in like... May or June. Am I just out all that money I threw at the game, with no chance of a refund?
These points are NOT from monthly allotments. They're points I BOUGHT, that I threw down a good $100 for. I kind of want some of my money back. -
My favorite bug was with BAFs crashing out of the trial and into other people's Task Forces and missions. I always loved the image of a team being crushed by Romulus and his Nictettes when suddenly two dozen Incarnates coming swarming over the hill.
This is really cool. A pity it didn't become part of the game.
... y'know, I imagine given this community, if you guys could figure out how to make these for other players at a reasonable price, you could make a decent amount of money on it. I mean, I'd be willing to pay for 3D models of my characters. Figure a bunch of others are too.
Oh who am I kidding, I want action figures of my characters. -
Positron, Matt, whatever we call you... thanks. I started playing almost exactly four years ago, and this game has lasted me through being thrown halfway across the country, living in the middle of nowhere, graduate school, and ever since. City of Heroes has been a part of my life through some very stressful times, when I needed sometimes to just step back and out of myself... and go fight crime.
Or commit them. In grad school, the opportunity to turn a city into your personal playground of destruction really helps blow off some steam.
I doubt you remember me, but we did meet once. It was PAX East 2010, at the NCSoft Meet and Greet. I was the dork with the glasses concerned about mainly if the (then) new Trials would shift attention away from Task Forces and away from smaller teaming, as well as just curious how the new Incarnate stuff would work. Glasses, blue flannel shirt, curly hair. That was me.
What struck me about you and Second Measure was your, well, honesty and sincerity about it. You made the game and the stuff in the game because you liked games and were designing a game you wanted to play in. There wasn't that sense of Marketing Talk off of it, just that you were gamers too. Like a GM. It was really interesting, and I just enjoyed talking to you.
So, the point of this... well, it's been a hell of a ride the last four years. Thanks for being our GM, Matt. Can't wait to see what you dream up next.
... with a moonbase. -
Yeah, that's kind of the thing with scythes. You can make a passable weapon in a pinch with some work, but that involves turning it into a decidedly un-scythe-like spear or polearm.
Titan Weapons, from the animations, works best for either a large edge weapon capable of both stabbing and slashing (i.e. a large sword), a double edged weapon (a large sword or a double headed axe), or a massive blunt object or bashing or crushing weapon (cudgels, clubs, hammers, cars on a stick, etc). The scythe would be tricky, as Rend Armor is a direct stab with the weapon, and Arc of Destruction has you smashing it down with the back of the weapon. -
Have to agree with Sam here. I'm kind of curious as to what people have in mind here when they think "scythe." Because this is a scythe in action:
It's a farming tool. It's really on designed to be held one way. The Grim Reaper carries one not because he's such a big badass, but because when the Reaper became a symbol the Black Death was tearing it's way through Europe. The Reaper was carving through humanity like a farmer does wheat. As if humanity itself is being harvested. It's the lack of individuality.
I don't think there's any history ever of it being used in warfare, beyond the occasional desperate peasant who picked up the closest thing to a weapon he owned (which is also where kama, nunchuku, and similar martial arts weapons come from: they're farming tools). It's wildly impractical as a weapon. Because while anime may show it doing big fast sweeps and stuff, you know what a scythe mainly is? Heavy and slow and easily breakable.
But this is superhero stuff, so whatever. I can see one maybe as a Titan Weapon, though I notice that Titan Weapons don't really extend out to the left or right very far. Still possible. I don't see one as a Staff, though. In large part, this is due to how staffs animate. With all that flailing around, you'll likely catch yourself on the blade.
But you should establish what you mean by "scythe": do you mean the real world farmer's harvest tool, or the anime sideways blade on a stick?
Though I do want spears for staff melee. I want everything from a standard pilum to a boar spear to a magical anime harpoon. -
I think to myself, why is there no statue to honor the accomplishment of Mr. Armstrong? And then I realize that there is no statue large enough to sufficiently capture the magnitude or importance of what Neil Armstrong did. In ten thousand years of human history, he is the first human ever to set foot upon a world that was not Earth.
You want to see the memorial honoring him? Look up at the night sky.
You want to know how to properly honor him? Walk in his steps... and then keep walking. -
Only done the blueside version so far, but I had a lot of fun doing it. A little bit heavy on the running around, but I can live with that. The last mission was something else.
And it raises all kinds of interesting questions about groups like Malta. Like for me, the big one is that if the power suppression field in the Zig is built using Pandora's Box... then is it also the basis for Malta sapper technology? -
Quote:Honestly, I found the ranting to be the worst part and just not very funny at all. Especially went downhill after the Bronie thing. Kinda thought it spoiled the mood and moment. Mako being worked up and angry because of the "kittens of the sea" thing? Fine. Turning the entire thing into more Internet "humor" (Internet humor: bash a dead horse with the same joke until it becomes funny)... not so much.I really enjoyed the story, and Mako's ranting last night on Virtue during the invasion was pretty funny. (The event itself was fun too - I don't mind invasion events just cause they have such fantastic turnout and tend to generate lots of fun, light RP.)
The event itself, except for all the stuff in the inescapable Redtext, was fine.
I really, really hope this isn't the future of events, with now LOLcat lines and memes everywhere in place of, y'know, story, dialogue, or actual humor. -
Quote:That's because skulls have a big hole in the middle where your nose goes. That's just how skulls are shaped.Hey, me too! (And thumbs up for Ball Park hotdogs... *homer drool*)
ANYWAY, my actual feedback on the Skulls revamp: I like everything EXCEPT for the noses poking through the Skull masks. The first time I saw that, I thought it was just a buffering mistake. It looks silly on a group of dudes (and now dudettes, thumbs up for that as well) who glorify death like the Skulls.