Behind the Scenes with Hulk
Dammit, why isn't this on Blu Ray yet?
I actually liked "The Incredible Hulk" much better than Ang Lee's "Hulk," and was disappointed when I heard that Marvel was dumping Ed Norton for Mark Ruffalo. However, the version of Hulk in the Avengers was the best by far. I think the credit goes to the writers, director, SFX guys and Ruffalo, combined.
I'd love to see a new Hulk movie featuring Ruffalo . . . but I wonder if it might be better if it was some kind of team-up with another hero? Both of the Hulk movies were somewhat similar and the character lends itself always to a "Hulk Smash" conclusion. A partner might make it substantiall different. Hulk and Dr. Strange? Hulk and Black Panther?
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
Both films where weak because they focused too much on Banner/Hulk's plight.
The second film, in particular, didn't have a proper villainous antagonist.
General Ross? He is misguided rather than evil, and is just a victim by the end.
Blonsky? He is really just a thug to whack on. He isn't even portrayed as particularly evil. If he had massacred a few civilians down the line, his defeat might have been more satisfying. And he doesn't have any sort of plan apart from become powerful and smash stuff.
Sterns? He is the only proper villain, but he really doesn't get to do much.
Avengers worked because the Hulk had a proper antagonist with a proper evil plan. Hulk 3 will need to do the same to succeed, with pursued-by-the-military and looking-for-a-cure relegated to minor sub-plots if included at all.
I really should do something about this signature.
Blonsky? He is really just a thug to whack on. He isn't even portrayed as particularly evil. If he had massacred a few civilians down the line, his defeat might have been more satisfying. And he doesn't have any sort of plan apart from become powerful and smash stuff.
Avengers worked because the Hulk had a proper antagonist with a proper evil plan. Hulk 3 will need to do the same to succeed, with pursued-by-the-military and looking-for-a-cure relegated to minor sub-plots if included at all.
Also for Superman. For the love of Pete, would someone make a Superman movie where he fights?
I wouldn't mind a Superman Movie where he just saves people all day if it was actually a good movie.
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
Cool video featuring how Mark Ruffalo and the Avengers film crew brought Hulk to life.