Costume pieces that have "finished" a character for you?




So the costume creator's had a *lot* added to it over the years. It's gone from "Hey, I can get a lot of different looks" to almost overwhelming at times. Still, it's seemed lacking for some ideas at some points.

Then they add more costumes... and sometimes a bit or set lets you *finally* make a character look the way they're supposed to. (Which, for me, can really add to them.)

For instance, this one - Fire/fire Dominator I made back when COV launched, named Incineria. Rival, basically, of Ignia Elemenia (and the one who killed her family.)

The idea I'd had initially was that she was from one of the "fringes" of their world - and since Ignia's essentially a fire elemental, this meant a cold, ember-like, cracked look.

Well, that didn't *quite* exist at COV's launch - but it does now, with the Fire and Ice set.

So, before and after:

The Elemental Order faceplate (and Celestial chest) were mostly just nice extras that, to me, fit the character - the Elemental bit looks properly forged, and Celestial - let's just call it life support for an ember.




my undead cowboy had fake chaps using leather pants and pattern 2 (I think) for dark chaplike pattern on the legs.

but the real chaps make it look so much better

that's the only thing he wears from the gunslinger pack, but it really adds (technically he has the star belt but you can't see it under his vest)



Celestial rifle was finally something that looked like a grenade launcher for my SoA.

One of the first things I did when I returned was get out my old blaster, Lord VKhaun, and look at belts. Nothing had ever really worked for his belt, and that had still not changed. Nothing fit. Then I did the incarnate stuff for a night and got the celestial belt... changed my chest detail to match, and he's 'done'. This costume is exactly him and I don't want to change it anymore. It's funny, I don't actively play him and it wasn't until this thread that I actually logged on and finished tweaking the costume.



I love all that is added to the character creator! I've gone through all 48 of my characters and updated them several times since they were first created.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The ones I need haven't been made - yet
My curiosity has been piqued. Care to share what sort of pieces you'd want/need?

As for me, my main was "finished" once I was able to use Imperial Defense boots and gloves.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



The CoT Kilt finished Surge Warrior for me. Before I was just using tucked in pants from the Samurai Vet rewards.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



The Celestial Wings finished a couple characters for me.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



The Circle of Thorns shoulder piece really helped finish off a character costume for me.

The new Imperial Defense, Olympic Guardian, and Circle of Thorns are all very well used on my current characters!

@Radmind - Justice Server
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When I created my main gadgeteer blaster, there were only a couple of bandoliers and one or two tech goggles. He wanted a HUD and a tactical harness. The Stealth Chest Detail, Maverick Goggles, and Rocket Boots completed his costume, at least until the new mecha and sci-fi backpacks come out.

Archon, my Thor-homage angel is just a giant winged man with a helmet and a big sword. He was very happy when the Vet Angel Wings were added.

My first scrapper is still waiting for a proper sleeveless Chinese dress, but was able to get much closer to the look with the female Tanker Top with Skin.

My Robot Pirate Ninja Master still lacks a proper swashbucklin' sash, but the Circle of Thorns belt is fairly close to what I originally pictured. The Techbot chest also improved his look. I will have to test some of the Mecha Wings on him.



Martial Arts Pack



Martial arts pack and Imperial dinasty.



Some of the Elemental Order pieces have been perfect for my jewel-themed characters.



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
My curiosity has been piqued. Care to share what sort of pieces you'd want/need?
I need a Shag and Shy mash-up to get a hairstyle more like my real one, a square necked tights option that either uses refined geometry or normal mapping trickery to give a more realistic bust shape with proper cleavage and stretchiness across the front, and a tights texture that actually looked like spandex with seams and edges, instead of looking painted on, and which would allow for a proper white color instead of a the semi-transparent way white white shows up on tights.

Separate fingers are optional

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



The swirling electrons aura really finished off my namesake character.

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



Two come to mind...

The first was for my dragon-themed Spines/FA scrapper. During one of his fights he acquired the recipe for Draconic Wings. After I crafted them, his appearance became exactly how I envisioned him.

The second was for my BS/WP scrapper, who I created after buying the Animal Pack. I made him a humanoid tiger and tried to give him clawed feet, but didn't like how they looked with tights or any of the other options. Finally, I abandoned the claws and put him in camouflage fatigues with combat boots and it just worked. To explain it, I figured that upon his naked and furry arrival to Paragon City, someone said to him, "Dude, put on some pants." He just selected the most comfortable and utilitarian type he could find.



Unlocking the championship belt for my Luchadore.



beast head 6 for rian. I was kind of bodging dragon-ish looking heads and then boom, great looking dragon face right there. wouldnt say no to horns though. the martial arts robes from issue 4 helped as well, as did finally being able to use them with tails in issue 17.

also, wings for my various angleic characters., particularly the armored valkyrie wings. didnt mind the winter naughty/nice halos either.



Backpacks and the Officer and Gunslinger toolbelts. Ranger Emily (and laser variant, Star Ranger Emily) have needed those since the beginning. Still need quivers, scabbards, etc etc for my other toons, as well as holsters, webbing, knife belts, tactical corsetry etc.

...hmm. Hey, devs, if you want me to spend my points on something... KoA accessory kit thankyou please?

Regarding the Mecha pieces, Capt.Thunder (the PPD's bucket-shop answer to Iron Man) has needed popout Buzz Lightyear wings since the start...

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



This thread had me going through my character roster to check...
And it made me realize that I don't update my characters' outfits. It's not that I necessarily have a rule against it, but I haven't done so. And I didn't want to start out by saying that I "haven't" updated them, as that sounds like I intended to or that they needed it, hehe.

It's strange, because (as many like to point out to me) I am "overly" picky. So, you'd think that I'd tweak and update a good amount, but I apparently haven't.

Anyway, I can't really think of any costumes, off hand, that came to life because of one piece that finally was made available to us. I keep thinking that I must be forgetting something, but I haven't found it yet, if that is the case.

Still... fun topic!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



2 words. "Animated Tails"

On a similar topic, when i showed this game to a relative, he made a character. He went through the AT and power choices quickly. When he got to the costumes, i said "This will take an hour, and not because it has to". It did



Smoldering Wings (or is it burnt wings?) on my Plant/Emp. Originally she had pretty standard wings but the Smoldering ones really worked better as membranous plant material. She was inspired by the fauna/flora in the Airsphere in Look to Windward so a ragged, organic look and the concept of spores coming off them really suit her.

On my Traps/Beam character the crossbow-like gun with the crystal on it really suited her the most and made her character. It had been delayed as well so it was really frustrating waiting for it



WOW - I have always hated burned wings and never thought outside their box like that. They do look perfect for ragged flora and spores/pollen.

Mind blown.



I've enjoyed the heck out of being able to make such fun new costumes lately! And male jackets being ported to females has been huge, making certain types of characters suddenly "doable" where they were not possible before.

But I believe your question is referring to specific costume pieces, not general stuff we like. Specifically, 2 things really stand out for me:

1. "Club" hair. It's a bit bigger than most of the hair selections, without being silly-big. It balances out armor or boleros, or other "big" costume pieces that can leave female characters looking like they have itty-bitty little pinheads. The fact that it's also quite flattering to a lot of the faces we have is a nice plus - but it's the balance issue that makes otherwise "pretty good" costumes suddenly look extraordinary.

2. That weird little neck piece that comes with the Imperial Dynasty set. I don't use it a ton (it's a quirky little thing), but that little bit of wire and netting has made about 10 previously created costumes suddenly look polished and complete. I guess, like #1, it's not the thing itself (though that's fine) - it's what it manages to achieve to the overall costume effect.



Plenty to tell about. So many, in fact, that I have to use links instead of embedded pics to save space.

Xanta uses a fairly stock costume with items that all date back to 2004. All but her weapon, which is the Razor Titan Sword. The look of that weapon and the way in which it is used fit her SO much better than Broadsword ever did that rerolled her even though she was a level 50 Sword/Inv Scrapper. Now she's a level 46 Titan/Inv Brute. So much better.

Hatarla would probably have been deleted years ago if it weren't for the Rularuu Katana. I simply couldn't work any of the weapons at the time, and this "demon blade" works with her backstory so well it's hard to describe. This character would have been doomed without it.

Lady Isabella Worthington simply couldn't have worked without the Victorian set from the Steampunk pack. It has that look of high class and regal menace which works really well to hide her true form. Speaking of which, that true form would never really have worked without the Omega face. It would have come off as needing "something" until I deleted the whole character, eventually.

The only reason 13 even exists is the Praetorian Clockwork set. If I'd never seen that set and stopped to wonder why Anti-Matter chose to give his robots breasts, I would never have realised I really like the concept. 13 exists because the Praetorian Clockwork set looks good and looks like a robot rather than a person in a suit. That exposed spine pretty much MAKES the whole costume. Plus, the red paintjob is my homage to Sentry/Rook from Rise 2: Resurrection.

Kim was a lost cause when I abandoned Blasters. She was a Pistols Blaster who died a lot and I hated playing her. I could never figure out what to reroll her as, I had no real story for her, so I was THIS close to deleting the character entirely. Then the Vanguard Pack came out, and those loverly, lovely dual swords simply MADE the character. I redid her costume, wrote a giant story about her and made Kim my highest-ranking Incarnate. All because I could get those blades at level 1, rather than level 35 which she would never have reached.

Artegor is something of a cliche character. A vampire in all but name, he's something of a lost soul searching for the purpose of his eternal life and ways to control and direct his hunger. Without the Baron set making him look so damn pretentious, this would never have worked.

Grimwall exists because I wrote a ginormous story about her, so I'm forever tied to the character. However, her original design was something more akin to Warrior Within's Empress of Time (and her story in the "good" ending), which just never really worked before the Magic set came out. She wore a bridal set, but it looked more like frilly dress than regal attire. The Bolero simply MADE this character and made the costume memorable, at least to me.

Stardiver really couldn't have existed without the Celestial set. The body aura, the wings, the eye aura, these just give the character that cosmic look. The IDF costumes really helped, though. Stardiver is my homage to my chibi character in Spiral Knights, and these were some of the first big boots and gloves women had gotten in ages... And they glowed! Awesome!

And, of course, there's Praxis:

Praxis could NEVER have existed back in 2004. She's using the Fire and Ice set, the Celestial Armour set, the Circle of Thorns set, the Imperial Dynasty set, the Carnival of Light set and auras purchased to be available at level 1. Literally the only thing that character could have had back then was the glam hair, and only because in the eight years since, the art team has given us only a small handful of hairs, pretty much none of them very long. I didn't mean for Praxis to turn out like this, but she really is an example of everything I couldn't have done back when the game first launched.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.