210 -
I do hope that you get to run this a second time before lights out. I'll be at work for it.
It sounds AMAZING though, so at the very least I hope that Samuraiko is there filming it all. -
Not the plots. The steampunk:
It kind of explains a lot about why those Nemmy rifles are so chunky.
(Disclaimer: Really?) -
Forget Plan Z. We need a Big Red Ball™ emulator!!
I LIKE the auto-spin. I've been playing GW2 lately and what drives me APE the most in combat versus multiple opponents is that my constant camera-spinning to maintain battle awareness makes me lose target a lot. It's infuriating in large PvP fights.
Your best work, and probably the best fan-created machinima I've ever watched.
If not, the most touching. Assuredly. -
I'd have loved to read another account of the joy this game has brought to a fellow player, but I couldn't make it through even two paragraphs of the disclaimer before I started to read it in "OP must be off her meds" voice and the effect of the post was entirely lost on me.
It's a pity, too. I usually love these sorts of anecdotes. -
I'm in NJ. I'd try my best to go.
Feel free to answer this question last and to make up the answer out of whole cloth:
When all is said and done, did we ever get to win? That is, do the heroes and villains of Earth ever get to finally triumph over the aliens, Wells, extra-dimensional entities and humanity-destroying gods and finally at last have the Earth to ourselves, to find our own future the way we ourselves make it, for good or ill? -
This goodbye post is maybe the sweetest and the saddest so far. I'm in tears.
Quantum Evil - 50 Rad/Rad Corr. A superenergetic particle of the force of evil. My namesake and my most favorite "evil for the sake of evil" character ever.
Latvian Lass - 50 Ice/Eng Blaster. I made her to look just like my Latvian girlfriend. Not a gamer, she thought I was just being a dork. A cute enough dork to marry, thoughm so I won in the end. :P
Riga Terror - 50 Ice/Psy Dom. Easily one of my favorite alts. Though not my most powerful, storming into a mass of enemies and laying ruin to them with confusion, knockdowns, and -rech never got old.
Night Widower Hume - 50 Night Widow. The recipient of most of my ill-gotten gains from being an ebil marketeer, he is my most tricked-out and most powerful character. Having an attack chain for every circumstance and maxed def just never gets old.
I'm A Crab Mon - 44 Crab Spider. Two friends and I decided to make Jamaica-themed Crabs on a lark and give them all Beast Run. Some of my most hilarious teaming experiences were with people either getting "into da ting of being a Crab, mon!" or not getting the joke AT ALL.
.5 M Over V Squared - 50 Kin/Energy Defender. He was a Crey robot made to teach physics to all of the recruits they kept having to hire, and went bonkers from how bad they all were at science. Only one person ever commented that his name got the equation wrong. THAT WAS THE JOKE, PEOPLE.
God dammit, I'll miss this place. -
Even after identifying far more with my namesake villain for years now and even after all the side-splitting laughter I've had from your lists, this is your best post by far.
Quote:I'm talking from a solo'ing perspective, but one big difference is that this game tells YOUR character's story. Every other MMO I've played sets your story in place from the beginning, and you're never anybody significant. You're the latest human mage fighting against the orcs or you're a Jedi padawan preparing to take on the Sith and so on. You're always just one more soldier in a war of some sort. This game didn't do that with its missions. When you talk to Detective Habashy, he doesn't welcome you with "alright you maggot, get out there on the front lines," he immediately respects your character as a hero and asks for your help. The NPC's all treat your character as the only one they're dealing with, not as another grunt, and the stories are all flexible enough, and focused away from your character enough, to accommodate any background. So the game becomes the story of each character's growth from wherever you started them. A brash and attention-seeking heroine gets mixed up in the lives of everyone from Penelope Yin to Percy Winkley and begins to grow into a more compassionate character who truly wants to help people. A vengeful ghost gradually reconnects with her humanity as she makes friends with her contacts and a newly bonded Warshade tries to find his place in the world and what he truly believes is worth fighting and dying for. All these characters and stories came to life for me because the game's lore made room for all of them, without ever stepping in the way of anyone's motives. The game's population might be huge, and we might be living in a whole city of heroes, but the story always treated your character with respect: the game's story was your character's story, and you always felt like the main character. No other MMO I've seen has even tried to do that, and, once CoH is gone, I'm afraid none others ever will.
THIS. So god damned much, THIS. -
On a side note, I had no idea that the Coming Storm would either be in this form or kick our ***** so easily. =(
Quote:Matt, I have played many MMOs over the years, from my start in DAOC to WAR to Rift to several others. I started in COH just a few weeks after the game came out and every single MMO I have played, I have held up to CoH and found them wanting on so many levels. You have run the best dev team I have ever seen. Between giving us what we want in powersets, costumes and just plain FUN and giving us what we need in the form of real numbers, communication and excellent game balance... you have run an amazing ship and I am distraught to see it sunk. Thank you so much for the many many hours that I have spent both alone and with real-life friends playing this excellent, excellent game.I can vouch for that really being Chris (BAB) and Floyd (Castle).
We're at lunch now. I'll post more later but I am sharing your thoughts with the team.
If we still have forum access next week the writers and I will do an "ask us anything" about CoH lore. And we mean ANYTHING lore related. If we not know it we'll make it up on the spot.
Cheers to a long, great run,
Quantum Evil a.k.a Tim Wilson -
I'm now drink right so.
Nooo I made myself have to drink again -
Quote:To not let him feel alone, Recluse's Bane Spider Executioners and Arbiters also fart. Then Red Widow farts. Black Scorpion farts not to be left out, Mako, thinking everyone's just decided to loosen on formality says 'thank god' out loud and lets out a stinker, followed by Sciorocco who ends the meeting by proving himself worthy of the title "The Desert Wind."
Bra-VO, good sir! -
Six slots in everything? Do you know what kind of power level we'd have?
Quote:The Malta Code
Part 255d: Viridian blows it, again
I apologise, $name, but a stray dog stole my only codebook right out of my hand and ran off to the Shadow Shard. I'm somewhat at a loss as to how to proceed, as without it I can't decode that message you showed me.
Let's go hang out at the mall.
Linguam Anglicam nescio. Latine loqui?
I assure you, my good man, $name is "down with the street."
Ise gwyne fine dat code book ef ah hafta ketch ebry dawg in the Chantry.
Punch Viridian
This made me LMAO in real life. Good work.
Anyone have some buttglue? -
I am really torn about making a villain named Urine For It Now.