2006-2012 in the game.
holy crap
OMG another long one!
yea I think it was needed, so that it was absolutely clear as it seems that when make a post, first thing someone do is find the tiniest mistake, find a misspelling, ignore the entire subject and say I'm wrong for what ever reason, or ignore the entire point and find one little half of a sentence and make it into something it was not. or saying it was too long to read. So yeah, instead of writing about it later, I went on ahead and wrote it up front. That means if anyone does any of the above it's no question at all that it's not just a form of miscommunication, misunderstanding, or they just didnt know, but just a mere blantant attempt at being nothing more but a troll looking for trouble. And given the amount of the percentage that I make a post and one of the above happens is way too high, so I maybe it was that they didnt know. Now they do, no more excuses now. All new threads by me will have the first disclaimer and warning from now on.
The costumes matched what I was going for there as a fallen angel themes character. The look of the stereotypical angel in many ways but as evil yet not evil as it can, and righteous but not righteous at it can get. She is one that is trying to get her own kingdom and rather upsurp both the heavens and the underworld and rule them both than follow either one of those pricks.
-Female Player-
Not to be Conan the Grammarian or anything like that, but this:
2006 was a good year for me. I was still working my up in my job field, my husband was doing well in his field, and there was this game that I bought a year ago sitting the on the shelf. All other games that were bought and not played within two weeks stayed in the box on the shelf. That is, except this game. The money that was paid to buy it was long written off about two days after I bought it, something about the description on the box that kept nagging at my curiosity. Up to this point I have yet to try any MMOs, and yet to try a super hero themed game. So one day I just decided to install it. January 2006 it was and after two days of playing, people in the game kept talking about a villain side of the house, so I went and bought COV too. Started on the Victory server at first, when PVP still existed there, the players were friendly even in the PVP zone, and the game was good. After getting the first hero (AR/Fire blaster) to level 25, I decided to try the villain side. I found out I liked being a villain a lot better and thus the blaster became a side show while the dark/dark corruptor rose in level quickly solo. Yet, I did occasionally teamed up with some old friends that I met up on hero side and had some PVP fun. If one side got thin, a couple of us would switch to the less populated side to keep the fights going. Fun times. Eventually the corruptor hit the level 40 cap (the level cap for villains at the time) and was put on the shelf while I traveled over to Liberty to make the first brute while at the same time making the first scrapper. Both reached 50 about the same time becoming the first level 50 hero and villain.
Then the warshade was born. The Warshade shared time between it and the old corruptor until both hit 50 within days of each other, the Warshade hitting 50 first. Then after that didn’t play so much with occasional play on the blaster until it hit 35 then it was shelved again. Then the Stalker and the electric/electric brute and energy melee/stone brute came into existence. The stalker was fun and dabbled in PVP but by this time on Victory, the population started to wane. The Elect/electric brute was the pioneer for the stable for Freedom server. Although PVP has not decreased to near non-existence on Freedom at this time, so the elect/electric brute dabbled in it up to level 25 and then was shelved to work on the stoner brute back over on Victory. Teaming at this time, especially with the time difference of Germany, was rare and hard to come by so it was a solo effort. Actually the stone brute rolled through the levels like butter. Once the stalker and stoner got to 50, it was back over to Freedom to finish up the electric/electric brute until it hit 50 and then it was transferred over to virtue to join the newly created BS/regen scrapper, the WP/DB tanker, and the SS/WP brute. These three was probably the most fun to level to 50 solo overall and did it so quick solo that quite frankly, it was a blur and they all was shelved after hitting. Then it was back to Virtue and two MMS and on Dominator was created. The Merc/dark MM hit 50 very well and then the Dominator who hit 50 and then got transferred to Freedom but the other MM, the Thug/FF went to back burner for the moment as a new trio of toons was created. The toons that were the new trio, toons that had no ties what so ever to the prior creations were a WP/WM tank, which was a very fun ride from level 1-50, an earth/fire dom which was also fun and very sturdy for a squishy, and a SoA, which was interesting to play after level 26. Then there were three more a Demon/Thermal MM, one of my favorite concepts and costumes that fit the character like a glove, a shields/WM that was good concept but meh to play over all after playing the WP/WM, and an illusion/storm controller. After playing these there was another break for a few months and then came back with a wide range of characters that I barely remember, then one of the best sets of toons I found most enjoyable to play in a while was created; the electric/Staff Tank, the SS/WP tank and once that toon got to 40, it was followed up with a Fire/WM tank, which made me wonder why I didn’t create a fire tank a while ago. When all but the fire tank got to 50, then it was a focus on iTrial stuff again in full force. The electric/electric brute was the first one to get the alpha slot out of the stable the second day that incarnate materials went live. In the meantime while the rest of the incarnate content was being released, the fire/tank got to 50, a TW/Regen was created and got to 50 and few more toons were created. Then the electric/electric tank got into the incarnate stuff, with the SS/Regen brute and TW/Regen brute and all got to the various levels until I felt there was nothing more for them to do or had use for anymore and all was put on the shelf with the focus going back to the up and coming characters, like the Fire/WM tank, very powerful stuff; the dark melee/wp brute, also good stuff; the MA/Invul tanker, cool stuff; and the electric/energy melee tank, which is also a cool set to play with solo like the rest. At this point, most of the character’s storylines have ended. A few, especially the new ones didn’t end yet until the famous announcement was made and then that is when I came up with few endings for the newer level 50s. A few of the character's storylines will not end until Nov. 30th. After that day, all of that from 2006 until Nov. 30th 2012 will be a memory. At first it will be fresh, then it will be distant and probably by the time 2013 roll in, I probably won’t remember any of them but it was some good years playing most of those builds and the ones that have not been mentioned but if the story never comes to an end, the journey cannot be appreciated. |
Would have suffiiced. And you've got a lot of alts on your hands, and all of them high on up. Which shows that this was a heck of a ride for you, and that's just lovely. Thanks for sharing.
Now, please, stop doing the **5 paragraph** disclaimers. That's ridiculously paranoid of you. Accept there will be nitpickers and you can choose or not choose to respond. The nitpickers are either trolling to get you angry, or needlessly pedantic about how to spel. Or a crazy insane Gir... >.>
Frankly, all that wall-of-text does is tick people off, and then your story of how things were is ignored, or read with a touch of bitterness, and I almost didn't read the part that mattered. And I'm glad I just skipped to it, so I could read it, and ignored the whole warning. Seriously. I know you asked for no help and all that, but this must be said, you don't NEED that here. We're not all jerks.
Again... like your story of your characters. Just post that next time.
/yes, I spelled 'spel' incorrectly on purpose. Because it's funny, that's why.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
yea I think it was needed, so that it was absolutely clear as it seems that when make a post, first thing someone do is find the tiniest mistake, find a misspelling, ignore the entire subject and say I'm wrong for what ever reason, or ignore the entire point and find one little half of a sentence and make it into something it was not. or saying it was too long to read. So yeah, instead of writing about it later, I went on ahead and wrote it up front. That means if anyone does any of the above it's no question at all that it's not just a form of miscommunication, misunderstanding, or they just didnt know, but just a mere blantant attempt at being nothing more but a troll looking for trouble. And given the amount of the percentage that I make a post and one of the above happens is way too high, so I maybe it was that they didnt know. Now they do, no more excuses now. All new threads by me will have the first disclaimer and warning from now on.

But nearly no one's going to read it. And you know this from experience. You're taking a course of action designed to justify to yourself an oppositional mindset.
But the disclaimer thing is jus ta response to what has happened. The funny thing is, that when it do happens, no one speaks up and tell them to leave it, no one points out that they are trolling, no it's all up to me to do that when someone does it. Then when I do address it, people come out the wood work about how rude I am, and over reacting and stuff. So yea, if it's going to stop and people dont have to guess, and based on what has happened, then yea it's very nesseccary. When the disclaimer wasnt posted for my posts and thought maybe "ok, they probably know by now, it went back to the same old crap.
And no it's not "ridiculously paranoid of you." If it has happened, been happening even recently. Yet, everyone remains silent then call me paranoid when I write the disclaimer. Hey, what other choice I had? I guess I wasnt making myself clear without it. Now it's clear, there is no gray area and anything like that then everyone will know why if they respond with rudeness, and I reply back, then they cant say "oh I didnt know you would respond like that." or "You're over reacting." Now it's easy, let them know the post is long so they dont have to be a smart *** and post some pic or gif that says "Wall of text" even though there has been posts that are nearly as long and longer than most of my posts, they know that they dont have to point out mispellings then play victim when I react to them doing so but not doing it to anyone else, now they know what to expect instead of acting like it was forced upon them.
If they chose to read and respond, fine. If not, I dont care. I dont write for them. I just share my experience and that is that. I'm not going for a popularity contest or trying to stroke my ego with how many people respond or cry because no one responded. But I rather no one respond then get on here and start trouble. And if they choose to respond, no more trying to make it seem like I made them read it, forced it upon them or anything. Within the first line is says this post is long, if they continue to read after that, it's on them. It says that there might be mistakes, no point in pointing them out, and if they do, they are now obviously trolling. If they try to offer help, like in the past when they offered help then act like I'm inappropriate when I dont worship them for the unasked help, now that is no longer a problem. It's stated right there, help not needed. If they offer it, it's obvious troll and they cannot expect me to react in a kind manner. And they can no longer act surprised when I dont react to it in a kind manner especially when it wasnt asked for. The whole point of it, and it's important because seems that many people cant respond civilized on their own, now they cannot say they wasnt prepared and everything is obvious, clear cut and dry. In the past, Ive gotten good results this way so I'm goign to continue to do so. When it's not there, the thread/post hardly ever make past the first page before some nutcase comes in and mess it up trying to act grammar nazi and act like they was doing me a favor. Now it specifically states, they are not doing me any favor and it's not needed.
-Female Player-
Not to be Conan the Grammarian or anything like that, but this:
Would have suffiiced. And you've got a lot of alts on your hands, and all of them high on up. Which shows that this was a heck of a ride for you, and that's just lovely. Thanks for sharing. Now, please, stop doing the **5 paragraph** disclaimers. That's ridiculously paranoid of you. Accept there will be nitpickers and you can choose or not choose to respond. The nitpickers are either trolling to get you angry, or needlessly pedantic about how to spel. Or a crazy insane Gir... >.> Frankly, all that wall-of-text does is tick people off, and then your story of how things were is ignored, or read with a touch of bitterness, and I almost didn't read the part that mattered. And I'm glad I just skipped to it, so I could read it, and ignored the whole warning. Seriously. I know you asked for no help and all that, but this must be said, you don't NEED that here. We're not all jerks. Again... like your story of your characters. Just post that next time. Mike /yes, I spelled 'spel' incorrectly on purpose. Because it's funny, that's why. ![]() |
-Female Player-
See that is assumption people tend to make. I dont care how many people read it. If someone reads it, that is cool. If not then that is cool.
But the disclaimer thing is jus ta response to what has happened. The funny thing is, that when it do happens, no one speaks up and tell them to leave it, no one points out that they are trolling, no it's all up to me to do that when someone does it. Then when I do address it, people come out the wood work about how rude I am, and over reacting and stuff. So yea, if it's going to stop and people dont have to guess, and based on what has happened, then yea it's very nesseccary. When the disclaimer wasnt posted for my posts and thought maybe "ok, they probably know by now, it went back to the same old crap. And no it's not "ridiculously paranoid of you." If it has happened, been happening even recently. Yet, everyone remains silent then call me paranoid when I write the disclaimer. Hey, what other choice I had? I guess I wasnt making myself clear without it. Now it's clear, there is no gray area and anything like that then everyone will know why if they respond with rudeness, and I reply back, then they cant say "oh I didnt know you would respond like that." or "You're over reacting." Now it's easy, let them know the post is long so they dont have to be a smart *** and post some pic or gif that says "Wall of text" even though there has been posts that are nearly as long and longer than most of my posts, they know that they dont have to point out mispellings then play victim when I react to them doing so but not doing it to anyone else, now they know what to expect instead of acting like it was forced upon them. If they chose to read and respond, fine. If not, I dont care. I dont write for them. I just share my experience and that is that. I'm not going for a popularity contest or trying to stroke my ego with how many people respond or cry because no one responded. But I rather no one respond then get on here and start trouble. And if they choose to respond, no more trying to make it seem like I made them read it, forced it upon them or anything. Within the first line is says this post is long, if they continue to read after that, it's on them. It says that there might be mistakes, no point in pointing them out, and if they do, they are now obviously trolling. If they try to offer help, like in the past when they offered help then act like I'm inappropriate when I dont worship them for the unasked help, now that is no longer a problem. It's stated right there, help not needed. If they offer it, it's obvious troll and they cannot expect me to react in a kind manner. And they can no longer act surprised when I dont react to it in a kind manner especially when it wasnt asked for. The whole point of it, and it's important because seems that many people cant respond civilized on their own, now they cannot say they wasnt prepared and everything is obvious, clear cut and dry. In the past, Ive gotten good results this way so I'm goign to continue to do so. When it's not there, the thread/post hardly ever make past the first page before some nutcase comes in and mess it up trying to act grammar nazi and act like they was doing me a favor. Now it specifically states, they are not doing me any favor and it's not needed. |
That's cool you enjoyed the game as much as I did. You made "lived" for your toons.
I took my PB pretty seriously in which I made it have the perfect costume and the story was in pvp zones I would be the flying guy helping out the heroes that were being picked up. Basically a guardian angel.
Fight The Power
It's not paranoid when without this, when I would address the nit pickers, grammar nazis or trolls, then everyone and their mammy come out the wood work acting like I was the one in the wrong. This lays out specifically that those things probably wont be welcomed and now, they cant say "I didnt know she would react like that. I was just trying to help." Or none of that.
They *want* you to react. They *need* you to react. They *live for nothing else but you to react, it **FEEDS** them...*
Which is sad, really.
But you do what you need to, just be realizing that many are not going to do *anything else* in your threads except complain about the warning system... and I won't bother to read your posts, likely, because I gotta figure out where the real post begins.
Your thread, though. Do what you gotta do, I suppose. I just wish I could read your stuff without having to navigate half the post to see what you *really* were tryin' to say.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
The reason they chose not to read it because it takes up their time and is unnecessarily long. Expecially the beginning.
They will choose any reason to not read it or complain. On the short ones, they nit pick everything that is left out, meaning I would have to write three or four pages anyways, and then when it is three or four pages, they complain it's too long. There is no winning with those types of people and they will not read it either way and always find something to say about anything and everything except actually reading the subject and commenting on that. There are some posts that are barely three sentences long, and the responses are, "what about this, what about that. You forgot that, you forgot this. You did not spell *insert any word* correctly and so on. If they stop doing that, which the beginning is in response to, then there will be no need for it. But since they probably wont, I see the beginning is going to be around for a while until Nov 30th and or when this forum is shut down. If they didnt complain either way, then it would be easy to try to make things shorter but given history is that they stilled complained. They complain when it's too short, they complain when it's too long, they complain when something is left out they complain when something is added. There is no pleasing them so what did they expect to happen? For me to continue to play that game and go in circles trying to please someone who cant be pleased and will complain no matter what? Nope, so I just post until I get the entire thought out regardless of length because regardless of length, they still will complain. When they stop complaining, then we can work something out. If they chose not to read it, then good for them. I'm not worried if they read it or not anymore. They dont read anything I write anyways, so what is the poitn of shortening it for people that are not going to read it even if it's one word and then take the topic off to another tangent.
I bet I can make a post that only have one word, "ugg" and someone will come in starting trouble, one of the usuals that no one ever calls out because they are popular, and say something like "I'm not a caveman! You're a noob!".
-Female Player-
No, it's exactly paranoid. Or possibly control-freakish. And that's not a slam on you, it's... just what I'm seeing here. A person trying to take control of something that can't be controlled, or trying to keep from getting attacked. And it will do NOTHING to keep the jerks out. Not. One. Thing. You can't stop them, and they know it. All it will do is make sure they come... In droves.
They *want* you to react. They *need* you to react. They *live for nothing else but you to react, it **FEEDS** them...* Which is sad, really. --- But you do what you need to, just be realizing that many are not going to do *anything else* in your threads except complain about the warning system... and I won't bother to read your posts, likely, because I gotta figure out where the real post begins. Your thread, though. Do what you gotta do, I suppose. I just wish I could read your stuff without having to navigate half the post to see what you *really* were tryin' to say. Mike |
It's not controling other people nor is the intent is to prevent attack. I know it will happen but this is merely to clear up any miscommunication on things. Sometimes someone might be actually just be trying to be friendly and help but do it in a snarky way that I dont get. Then some might have the pure intentions of causing havoc. The problems with letters on a screen is that intent cannot be read. It's hard to do in real life and hundreds time harder online. That way when i respond, some joker that walks in on middle cant say, "You're over reacting!" or being unreasonable. Now it's all laid out there.
I dont think they will come in droves because of this. They already do come in droves even more so without it, like some of my posts about specific builds that dated pre-this warning. Yea, some went ten pages of nothing but stuff that had nothing to do with the topic, that might have been just a misunderstanding. And that is the point of the first part to eliminate the misunderstanding and make everything clear, aka, my mindset. So then they cant play innocent. I dont care who reads my posts or respond. My posts are my thoughts that I write down.
When people stop with the nonsense and over look their behavior but get on my case as soon as I address their rudeness then the first part will become moot. Until then, it stays as things dont seem to be clear without it and noone now can say I'm "jumping to conclusions or anything."
Like one example, before the first part existed. One guy corrected a mispelling that I made in a way I percieved in a rude manner. Oh man, did people come out the wood work. Come to find out after a while, he didnt mean anything by it and he didnt know that it seemed rude to do that. Even when things was clear between us, oh hell others couldnt let it go. When they called me all types of stuff, including paranoid and worse, which I really dont like to be called because it do kind of come off as saying I'm crazy, and I really dont like to be called crazy. Yet when I addressed the rude people, more people jumped on my case even before I got rude with them. Yet, not a single person came in said, "hey, maybe you guys are taking this too far." Not a single person. Yet, without hesitation, they jumped on my case. No more misunderstandings. Now people know what exactly they are getting into and if they choose to read fine if not, good for them. If they choose o respond, now they know what type of response to expect back in return.
People will complain about anything and they have. They complained when it was too short and baout the details left out, they complain it's too long and etc. Now they cant complain about it being too long because the first statement clearly states, this post is long. If they complain it was too long too read, then what can I say? I told you so? It said so right there, didnt even have to read two sentences before it said it's a long post, in bold letters. So since they complain about anything, I expected them to complain about the warning but hey, it didnt come to gain a response. It was created in the response I have been treated on this forum. No more misunderstandings is what it eliminate. Some people might think they are being helpful when they nit pick. I find it rude as hell. They wouldnt know this unless I said so. And when I wait for them to nit pick and say so...well you can see the result in other threads. Now it's written. Now I can easily see a troll from a mile away.
If they lay off with complaining about everything I post and nit picking this will go away. But since they dont have the maturity to do that, then it stays and they can whine about it all they want. It's expected as that's all they do anyways.
I'm not sure where people got it in their heads that I write for them. No, I write for me as no matter what I write, they wont stick to the subject anyways and the non-jerks dont have the balls to call them out on it because I guess they are afraid they will get kicked out the "cool kids club". So I'm on my own and had to create my own way to deal with it. What else was expected?
If people come and in join in on the subject that is fine. If not, that is cool too. If the warning is keeping them away, then that is cool too. Most of them dont even reply to the posts without it, so then I doubt it's the warning or the length of the post it is just something convienent for them to complain about.
But on the topic, yeah I had a good time in the game playing those characters. I'll probably make a post about the times I had with the ones that didnt make it to 50. Guess I might as warn them now. That post will be longer than this as there about as twice as many characters than have been mentioned here. Fair warning. It will be titled 2006-2012 less than 50. Now if long posts keep people away and they just so happen to come here and find this one too long, I must say now, when you see that title, no point in bothering. It will be long.
-Female Player-
No, it's exactly paranoid. Or possibly control-freakish. And that's not a slam on you, it's... just what I'm seeing here. A person trying to take control of something that can't be controlled, or trying to keep from getting attacked. And it will do NOTHING to keep the jerks out. Not. One. Thing. You can't stop them, and they know it. All it will do is make sure they come... In droves.
They *want* you to react. They *need* you to react. They *live for nothing else but you to react, it **FEEDS** them...* Which is sad, really. --- But you do what you need to, just be realizing that many are not going to do *anything else* in your threads except complain about the warning system... and I won't bother to read your posts, likely, because I gotta figure out where the real post begins. Your thread, though. Do what you gotta do, I suppose. I just wish I could read your stuff without having to navigate half the post to see what you *really* were tryin' to say. Mike |
When this all started, the first few people directing posts towards EL were not rude in anyway. EL's responce was...overdramatic. Trolls did come out in droves then, just to get further reaction from EL. Which of course occured. Then those who felt the need to say, "hey, I wasn't being rude, just trying to help" were all lumped together with the trolls.
There is no helping someone who apparently, cannot be "wrong" because they simply believe that they have a right to say what they want to say, in the manner of which they choose to say it. Add to that, I'm not certain if EL wants to actually carry on any discussions with anyone else. Not unless it's of the most superficial kind that has no indication of any language that may be deemed to be contrarian (inteded or not) by EL.
It seems to me that EL wants to post something in a public forum without any thought put towards whether it will be read or not. EL places the burden upon the reader to understand what she has typed irrigardless of any difficulty associated with the presentation.
Personally, what I've had to do is copy the text, paste into notepad, and break it apart into more logical paragraphs and ignore many of the other errors like conflicting present and past tense within the same sentence, or even the occaissional word or phrase being completely misused. I tend to not post about such things because I always keep in mind the person posting may not speak or write english natively. There isn't any excuse for large blocks of text that are difficult for many to read on a forum webpage, but as I said, EL doesn't seem to have the reader in mind when writing.
houtex, there is no helping EL. As you can see by painstakingly reading through the ginormous legaleze that precedes the actual post of contining massive blocks of text, any such attempt at discussion has already been deemed moot by EL.
When this all started, the first few people directing posts towards EL were not rude in anyway. EL's responce was...overdramatic. Trolls did come out in droves then, just to get further reaction from EL. Which of course occured. Then those who felt the need to say, "hey, I wasn't being rude, just trying to help" were all lumped together with the trolls. There is no helping someone who apparently, cannot be "wrong" because they simply believe that they have a right to say what they want to say, in the manner of which they choose to say it. Add to that, I'm not certain if EL wants to actually carry on any discussions with anyone else. Not unless it's of the most superficial kind that has no indication of any language that may be deemed to be contrarian (inteded or not) by EL. It seems to me that EL wants to post something in a public forum without any thought put towards whether it will be read or not. EL places the burden upon the reader to understand what she has typed irrigardless of any difficulty associated with the presentation. Personally, what I've had to do is copy the text, paste into notepad, and break it apart into more logical paragraphs and ignore many of the other errors like conflicting present and past tense within the same sentence, or even the occaissional word or phrase being completely misused. I tend to not post about such things because I always keep in mind the person posting may not speak or write english natively. There isn't any excuse for large blocks of text that are difficult for many to read on a forum webpage, but as I said, EL doesn't seem to have the reader in mind when writing. |
You chose that burden to read it or what ever you had to do to read it. I didnt force you, didnt twist your arm, didn even PM you and tell you that you should read this. Nope, you went out of your way, chose to click on it, chose to read it, chose to copy and paste it, and chose to reply. Those are your choices. Dont put that crap on me.
Well I Think that covers everything that is needed to be explained. When you are ready to talk about the actual subject, let me know. Until, then I'm not changing a dang thing. That is my choice. It's your choice to read it or not. No one is forcing you, no one even asked you to read it. You made the choice. You could have easily just ignored it but you chose not to. Your choice to make, not mine. There are thousands of other posts that may be more of your taste. This one may not be to your taste standards or whatever.
I guess you missed the part where I said I didnt need/want any help. If they was trying to help, which seemed to me they was just trying to understand something, and the results wasnt to their liking, it clearly states in the warning that no help is need/wanted.
Wake me up when you are ready to stick to a topic for once. Even on short posts, you never managed to do that. Well nothing more to say on the purpose of the warning, unless I have to post these last three posts and add it to the warning too as it seems that I may have missed something that you are not getting and wouldnt want other people to miss it too.
You really proved why the warning is important. Thanks.
-Female Player-
Your "warning" brings more attention than the actual content of your post. I guess if you don't mind your warning derailing your own thread then go for it.
In your own posts you say that people are going to troll/harass/poke at you regardless, then why even have the warning? Your warning is really just a magnet. Curious to see how long of a novel you have for a response to this.
Read the prior posts. This has been covered already. Except the attention part I think.
And none of my posts have been novel length at all. I believe that most novels have beyond 2,500 words, the total length of the original post and the rest been less than that. I write enough until I feel I get my point across not according to what you or anyone think is appropriate as it seems no one can decide what is approiate. When it's short, people complain when it's long, people complain. When there is no win with pleasing people, I stop tryign to do that and write as I pleased and to the length I feel is enough. Funny people flaunt what degrees they have and how educated they are but complain about a measely 2,500 words. I kind of doubt they went to college as even my assignments were longer than 2,500 words for an essay question.
The posts that existed prior to this warning, and the ones without the warning still, people did not stick to the subject. So the warning has no bearing on that. Just it seems to be easier to blame it exist yet ignore the posts that where I posted and the topic was still avoided and derailed. Same with posts that were as short as two line and in between up to this length. So length has nothing to do with it either. So it must be that they will avoid the topic either way and the warning is not a magnet as overall there have been way less attention then in the past post that didnt have it. People like you have something to say about the warning yet nothing when people was derailing the post that didnt have it and before it existed, yet you want to come in here and blame the warning. Have at it. But like I told the rest, your choice to read it or not. The warning is there. Nothing I can do beyond that. I put the choice in your hands. It lets you know exactly what you are getting into so no more "you forced me to read this." Or "Wall of text." and ext. Even if you read the first line it would let you know that this post is long. I dont think some people read a single line and just post random stuff to complain about.
I might try ONE MORE TIME eventually without the warning and if people cant be mature enough to not be petty, then back to the warning. If people dont have the balls to call out people that are rude, but jump on my case when I address them, then back to the warning. postings. This was not created out of the blue but as a response. If people noticed this stuff and said nothing about it or did anything, of course I had to do something since no one else would. If people called out rude behavior as there were, then none of this would of been needed. But since they didnt, then I did what I needed to do. Now there should be no more misunderstandings, without it, people called me all types of stuff but as soon as I said a word to them "Oh I'm the one over reacting." Ok, then, here we are, now you know it's laid out. Like skipping all the bullcrap and no one cannot say they didnt know. But I'm not going to stop posting because they want me to as I put just as much if not more into this game as them. If they cant accept my posts, as they shown in the past regardless of how I do it, then what is the point in writing for them? Or even with them in mind when they clearly showed that they do not have me nor my feelings or even view me as a person? What I'm suppose to let them kick me in the face and then tell them I'm sorry? I'm sure if you work that way, but I dont. Kick me, dont respect me, then I cant respect them. They keep spouting, "OH EL dont write with the reader in mind." Damn right I write without the "reader" in mind especially when they are the ones that done everything they could to disrespect me and treat me lower than a dog. There is not a single logical reason why I would even keep them in mind when they never have and dont seem to never will keep me in mind. If they cant make a feeble attempt I'm no longer to attempt to make any. Now it's beyond me making an attempt. I have, and still got kicked. Now, no more attempts from me. If they make an attempt, that is fine and until they do, I dont have them in mind when I write.
-Female Player-
Stupid people who can't even manage to type out a few words for their trolling. In this case, a picture does say 1000 words..1000 more words about what a tard you are.
Even more hilarious..the people who moan about a Wall of Text, and they QUOTE said WoT, in their reply..just making it worse. Who is the bigger fool, the one who made the wall (given that odds are..they don't care about perfect formatting) or the whiny person who complains, and shows it again?
you said they wasnt rude, you said they didnt come in drove. I viewed it as different story.
And you actually proved a point why the warning is needed. |
I'm going to post what I want to post. If you don't like what I have to say, how I write it, or disagree with any personal opinion or even facts I may provide therein, I don't care.
The problem is, even if someone says anything about your methods, even without being derrogatory, you still seem to take exception and post a reply. If your "warning" had any merit, you'd post whatever you wanted, and never bothered replying to anyone. The warning doesn't stop anyone from replying to you, or saying what they want to say about you, what you wrote, or how you wrote it. And if they do, coming back in and saying "but I warned you not to do it!" Doesn't stop them from having done it or continuing to do so.
If you don't like what someone has to say about what you wrote or how you wrote it, ignore them. It's obvious you don't intend to carry on a conversation.
By the way, but even if you are posting something with a positive message, it will be lost due to the overwhelmingly negative tone of the warning message preceding what you want to say. It's proving to be more of a disservice to you.
Now, there is no more "hey, I was just trying to help." and no more accidentially putting people that may have and or may have not been trying to truely help in the wrong place. And yea I can be wrong and have admited it when I was. 90% of my posts are not about trying to be wrong or rigth but rather what I feel, and people come in say I'm wrong like they know what I'm suppose to feel. |
It's not about who is right or who is wrong. Or how I feel versus how you feel. And even if your feelings got hurt once, let it go so they can heal.
You chose that burden to read it or what ever you had to do to read it. I didnt force you, didnt twist your arm, didn even PM you and tell you that you should read this. Nope, you went out of your way, chose to click on it, chose to read it, chose to copy and paste it, and chose to reply. Those are your choices. Dont put that crap on me. |
It is indeed difficult for anyone to read what you post. You generally don't take that into consideration. You post what you want to post, how you want to, and leave it up to everyone else to decide if they want to go through the bother of reading it. I get it. I know it was my choice to do it. That's because I think you are a person that generally means well, and may have something positive to contribute, but honestly getting there can be difficult at times.
Well I Think that covers everything that is needed to be explained. When you are ready to talk about the actual subject, let me know. Until, then I'm not changing a dang thing. |
I guess you missed the part where I said I didnt need/want any help. If they was trying to help, which seemed to me they was just trying to understand something, and the results wasnt to their liking, it clearly states in the warning that no help is need/wanted. |
If you don't like what someone has to say about what you wrote or how you wrote it, ignore them. It's obvious you don't intend to carry on a conversation. |
Now we are getting somewhere. The intended audience is meat this point. I prefer this format and I can read it.
-Female Player-
I love the fact there's a 5 paragraph disclaimer trying to cover all angles of likely criticism from people, but most of this thread is people criticising the 5 paragraph disclaimer.
The problem is, many gaming forum posters approach a forum and any of its contributors with the "Idiot until proven otherwise" mindset. You're never going to be able to do anything about that and so all you can generally do is post what you want to post and hope the narrow minded take it how it was meant. Generally the more you try and explain what they misunderstood, the more they take pleasure in taking minutae out of context and using it as a stick to beat you with.
As someone once said in another thread "that's the internetz for ya"
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Disclaimer: This post is long, AGAIN THIS POST IS LONG! If a person don’t have time to read it, that is fine, come back later when you do have the time and it's ok if you don’t read the post at all because you don't have the time. Yes, there may or may not be spelling and grammar mistakes, just like any other thread on this forum. I know that, no point in pointing them out. The format of this post is single spaced sentences with an extra space between paragraphs. I'm not a mind reader and don’t know everyone's format preference but if it the point is not clear, just ask in a respectful manner or don’t worry about it. If this format is not for you, this may be a good time to stop reading as the rest will be a waste of your time and at this point is not responsible if you choose to continue and waste your time. There are not many questions in this post; this is not a post about help. Help is really not needed here but if you insist on offering it and it is turned down, don’t get rude. Once again, I am not responsible if you decide to not heed this and feel like you wasted your time trying to be "helpful" anyways. I'm not trying to be rude for turning down your help, but really, none is needed here. Criticism, negative criticism, or "constructive criticism" that isn’t actually constructive, is not needed here. Apparently I have a hard time distinguishing between people trying to be "helpful" and people who are not here as some "helpful" people have ways of showing it that I find odd. So let’s do each other favor and just let it be. Just post your version about how you would play and keep to the topic. Lastly, this is my experience and my view, if your view is different, that is cool too, do tell, but please be respectful. The point of all this is so people now knows what they are getting into. If this is fine, continue reading. If not, it would be best to move on to another thread. Of course this is free country and you are free to do what you want, just keep in mind, so am I and that alone is enough reason for this post. Not trying to be rude at all, just letting people know exactly what they are getting into. For those that don’t know or don’t see the point of this introduction, this is to prevent any problems from past threads to carrying over to here and to keep things [b]strictly on the subject[b] at hand. If all of this is ok, read on and have fun. If you have anything to add about your experience with electric armor, by all means share. This is my Electric Armor build that fit my play style which may or may not be fitting for everyone else's play style thus I'm making not and guarantee, assumptions, vouching, or suggesting that my way is the way to build the Electric Armor nor am I insinuating, suggesting, or trying to prove that my opinions are fact. They are just my opinion and if your opinion differs, that is good too. Please share your version here but try to be respectful of my opinion and others as you would want them to respect yours.
This disclaimer is not to cause problems, flame, troll, and excite a riot or anything. It is to just clarify things so things will not be misconstrued, misinterpreted, misquoted, or wasting anyone time because they didn’t know what they was getting into. That is all, nothing more nothing less, no disrespect intended, just trying to prevent repeat negative actions on threads from happening.
Remember words on the screen are words on the screen. There are no physical social queues, tone of voice, nor other things that can be picked up in face to face contact. While it is best to not direct anything personal at me, or probably anyone else for that matter, keep in mind how the words can be interpreted by just reading. Let's not make a big deal out of nothing, again. Remember everyone is not the same nor will perceive messages and words on the screen the exact same way as you may have intended them to come out in your head. Reason for this disclaimer is to prevent the same things that have been happening in the past from re-occurring and that is all. Remember, as mentioned before, this is not to be rude at all.
I just don’t want anyone feel like their time is being wasted, or feel they was blindly lead into a long post, or got the wrong assumption. On the same token, I'm not responsible for your time you feel you wasted, or offer help and feel dejected for it being turned down as I'm politely turning it down and all "help", "constructive criticism", "suggestions" right now. "Thank you for your concern and trying to help but I have the build and any other build the way I have found that I have the most fun with playing in the manner that I find the most enjoyable for my experience." Any help on a personal basis is turned down also in a polite manner also- "Thanks for your concern and trying to help but I think your help would be more helpful on someone else who is probably itching for that type for information you have available to share. Thanks for understanding." If you choose to not heed this information, then all I have to go by is what you write and what I perceive, which may be right or may be wrong but I'm leaving nothing to chance this time. If I missed something, it will be added to the next thread.
: End Disclaimer
!!WARNING!!-This is my experience and going through the thoughts of the time I spent in the game. This is not in any manner, way or fashion is trying to insinuate, suggest, tell, or demand that others should have same experience. This is neither a right nor wrong situation and thus everyone may not have the same experience as I have and thus I can only speak on mine and my time I spent in the game. There is no expectation to agree with anything here or meant to incite anything or hinder efforts, put anyone down, bring down hope, or anything. This may or may not be in the lines of the hopeful way of thinking. THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE IN THE LINE OF HOPEFUL THINKING! Making sure I said it twice just in case it got missed so that no one has to go out of their way to point that out or feel like this was pushed upon them. This way of thinking may or may not be in line with anyone or everyone's view and way of thinking. This is a fair warning. So if that is ok and can handle something that truly may not be anywhere on the same tangent of your way of thinking or view, then read on. If not, YOU ENTER AND READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!WARNING!! However you respond I'm more than likely will respond in kind. Attack me I'll attack you. Nitpick me, I'll nitpick you and so on. So we can actually discuss thing like adults for once, or go to the same thing as usual but you can never say it was forced upon you and stuff. You chose to come here, you chose to either read or not read heed or not heed the warning and that's on you. And yes I realize there may be misspelling mistakes, grammar errors and stuff so no need to point that out unless you never ever made a mistake of grammar/misspell in your entire life so pointing it out can only be taken as a blatant attempt to troll and will be responded to in kind. I rather not make a big deal over little things but if a person chose to try to pick something and make a big out of it, then I will respond in kind, fair warning. Many things have been said twice or more so that NO ONE can somehow miss it unless they just chose not to read it or take it. !!WARNING!!
2006 was a good year for me. I was still working my up in my job field, my husband was doing well in his field, and there was this game that I bought a year ago sitting the on the shelf. All other games that were bought and not played within two weeks stayed in the box on the shelf. That is, except this game. The money that was paid to buy it was long written off about two days after I bought it, something about the description on the box that kept nagging at my curiosity. Up to this point I have yet to try any MMOs, and yet to try a super hero themed game. So one day I just decided to install it. January 2006 it was and after two days of playing, people in the game kept talking about a villain side of the house, so I went and bought COV too. Started on the Victory server at first, when PVP still existed there, the players were friendly even in the PVP zone, and the game was good. After getting the first hero (AR/Fire blaster) to level 25, I decided to try the villain side. I found out I liked being a villain a lot better and thus the blaster became a side show while the dark/dark corruptor rose in level quickly solo. Yet, I did occasionally teamed up with some old friends that I met up on hero side and had some PVP fun. If one side got thin, a couple of us would switch to the less populated side to keep the fights going. Fun times. Eventually the corruptor hit the level 40 cap (the level cap for villains at the time) and was put on the shelf while I traveled over to Liberty to make the first brute while at the same time making the first scrapper. Both reached 50 about the same time becoming the first level 50 hero and villain.
Then the warshade was born. The Warshade shared time between it and the old corruptor until both hit 50 within days of each other, the Warshade hitting 50 first. Then after that didn’t play so much with occasional play on the blaster until it hit 35 then it was shelved again. Then the Stalker and the electric/electric brute and energy melee/stone brute came into existence. The stalker was fun and dabbled in PVP but by this time on Victory, the population started to wane. The Elect/electric brute was the pioneer for the stable for Freedom server. Although PVP has not decreased to near non-existence on Freedom at this time, so the elect/electric brute dabbled in it up to level 25 and then was shelved to work on the stoner brute back over on Victory. Teaming at this time, especially with the time difference of Germany, was rare and hard to come by so it was a solo effort. Actually the stone brute rolled through the levels like butter. Once the stalker and stoner got to 50, it was back over to Freedom to finish up the electric/electric brute until it hit 50 and then it was transferred over to virtue to join the newly created BS/regen scrapper, the WP/DB tanker, and the SS/WP brute. These three was probably the most fun to level to 50 solo overall and did it so quick solo that quite frankly, it was a blur and they all was shelved after hitting. Then it was back to Virtue and two MMS and on Dominator was created. The Merc/dark MM hit 50 very well and then the Dominator who hit 50 and then got transferred to Freedom but the other MM, the Thug/FF went to back burner for the moment as a new trio of toons was created.
The toons that were the new trio, toons that had no ties what so ever to the prior creations were a WP/WM tank, which was a very fun ride from level 1-50, an earth/fire dom which was also fun and very sturdy for a squishy, and a SoA, which was interesting to play after level 26. Then there were three more a Demon/Thermal MM, one of my favorite concepts and costumes that fit the character like a glove, a shields/WM that was good concept but meh to play over all after playing the WP/WM, and an illusion/storm controller. After playing these there was another break for a few months and then came back with a wide range of characters that I barely remember, then one of the best sets of toons I found most enjoyable to play in a while was created; the electric/Staff Tank, the SS/WP tank and once that toon got to 40, it was followed up with a Fire/WM tank, which made me wonder why I didn’t create a fire tank a while ago. When all but the fire tank got to 50, then it was a focus on iTrial stuff again in full force. The electric/electric brute was the first one to get the alpha slot out of the stable the second day that incarnate materials went live. In the meantime while the rest of the incarnate content was being released, the fire/tank got to 50, a TW/Regen was created and got to 50 and few more toons were created. Then the electric/electric tank got into the incarnate stuff, with the SS/Regen brute and TW/Regen brute and all got to the various levels until I felt there was nothing more for them to do or had use for anymore and all was put on the shelf with the focus going back to the up and coming characters, like the Fire/WM tank, very powerful stuff; the dark melee/wp brute, also good stuff; the MA/Invul tanker, cool stuff; and the electric/energy melee tank, which is also a cool set to play with solo like the rest.
At this point, most of the character’s storylines have ended. A few, especially the new ones didn’t end yet until the famous announcement was made and then that is when I came up with few endings for the newer level 50s. A few of the character's storylines will not end until Nov. 30th. After that day, all of that from 2006 until Nov. 30th 2012 will be a memory. At first it will be fresh, then it will be distant and probably by the time 2013 roll in, I probably won’t remember any of them but it was some good years playing most of those builds and the ones that have not been mentioned but if the story never comes to an end, the journey cannot be appreciated.
-Female Player-
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard.