2006-2012 in the game.




Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Your problem not mine. Solve it.
You assume it's a problem, but I enjoy not reading your posts and just looking at them as some kind of experimental art thing. It is literally walls of text and there's an artistic feel to it. Then there's the raving lunatic angle and people reacting to that, and drama is always fun. No matter what you have to say, the actual content of your OPs can't possibly match up.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
I love the fact there's a 5 paragraph disclaimer trying to cover all angles of likely criticism from people, but most of this thread is people criticising the 5 paragraph disclaimer.

The problem is, many gaming forum posters approach a forum and any of its contributors with the "Idiot until proven otherwise" mindset. You're never going to be able to do anything about that and so all you can generally do is post what you want to post and hope the narrow minded take it how it was meant. Generally the more you try and explain what they misunderstood, the more they take pleasure in taking minutae out of context and using it as a stick to beat you with.

As someone once said in another thread "that's the internetz for ya"
Yep. And that is why the 5 paragraphs are not going away. People react to stupid behavior in different ways, and like I said before the warning is not to prevent, it's just points things that people may not know that I find a tad rude. As one guy said (before this warning even existed) well how was I suppose to know? You never told me and Im not a mind reader." IN a way he was right, maybe although he came off as rude maybe he didnt mean to or was normal for him. Now, I dont even have to try to figure out if I over reacted to an innocent or what not and stuff. Now it's laid out, so now, trolls are easy to spot. And you think this criticism is bad. Actually this is slow. You should look at the posts that dont have this warning and nothing but rudeness, misunderstandings, insults, and the likes. This is actually going very well overall in compare and same with the other two post that have the warning. Not many replies, but it's quiet and not many trolls, not mnay ones that trying to look like they are trying to help, not people that are actually trying to be helpful when there was no help wanted ot needed. I'm liking this compared to the rest.
There will always be some complaining and one or two. But it's day two and barely through the second or third page. The other posts have been beyond 8 pages by now. I know it may be annoying to some that dont know the history but look back on it and you might even realized I should of made it longer.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



For the record, I don't find it annoying, I just find it ironic that the emphasis is not what you posted about, but the disclaimer.

I have first hand experience of the way people can take things, incidentally. I am fairly direct by nature, and I'm sure this is often misinterpreted by many as me being abrupt or unpleasant. I just tend to say things how I see them without any personal "fluff". Some people I know value my honesty and directness, others are affronted by it. You're never going to please all the people all the time. On a gaming forum it's unlikely you'll please anyone at all, and generally go unnoticed until you upset someone.

Or write a 5 paragraph disclaimer.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
For the record, I don't find it annoying, I just find it ironic that the emphasis is not what you posted about, but the disclaimer.

I have first hand experience of the way people can take things, incidentally. I am fairly direct by nature, and I'm sure this is often misinterpreted by many as me being abrupt or unpleasant. I just tend to say things how I see them without any personal "fluff". Some people I know value my honesty and directness, others are affronted by it. You're never going to please all the people all the time. On a gaming forum it's unlikely you'll please anyone at all, and generally go unnoticed until you upset someone.

Or write a 5 paragraph disclaimer.
dang you acting like this is the first time, people started this. Lok at the thread history as you can see it's been going on for a while and I just got tired of it. So to prevent any "innocent" coming here and unwittingly disrespect me or offering unneeded help, that is what it's for. Trolls will be trolls, this just make them easier to spot and less assumptions.

This isnt my first thread yet only three others have this disclaimer.
The three with thre disclaimer usually have a little fuss, yes, but none ever went 5-12 pages or more of pure nonsense.

I'm sorry if you or anyone else "just now notice" things like this but I've been noticing the things for a long time so the diclaimer didnt start anything. It wont end it all either but it do prevent people that dont mean no harm coming off as if they do mean harm.

The disclaimer is staying that is the end of the story, read it or dont, complain about it or dont. People will always find something to complain about and as much ayou or anyone else think it's a bad idea, so far it is doing it's job just perfectly. Less stress for me and less wondering if the guy really meant any harm or not. It worked for me and served it's purpose for me, and that's all that matters. Really dont bother me much if people stay much on the subject or not as it's been proven they they wont either way.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Your problem not mine. Solve it.
"I started playing in 2006 and I played some alts and it was fun but in a year I'll probably forget most of it. Also, something something about the Magna Carta."

Problem solved.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
"I started playing in 2006 and I played some alts and it was fun but in a year I'll probably forget most of it. Also, something something about the Magna Carta."

Problem solved.
And there you have it.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



I'd have loved to read another account of the joy this game has brought to a fellow player, but I couldn't make it through even two paragraphs of the disclaimer before I started to read it in "OP must be off her meds" voice and the effect of the post was entirely lost on me.

It's a pity, too. I usually love these sorts of anecdotes.

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