501 -
As an intelligent human being you would normally choose the known commodity because you know what you will get and won't end up with nothing.
But Corporate leaders are not intelligent human beings. They are ultimately SALESMEN. Their entire goal is to make people think their company is worth as much as possible. It is hard to sell a known commodity as growing 20% next quarter when everyone knows it's been around 8 years and isn't likely to go anywhere.
So instead they push a new project saying it will earn much more than the old one, even though they have absolutely no proof of this. Look at all the failed MMOs in the last 8 years, every one of them had corporate supporters telling people how much money they were going to make off of it. You are buying a pig-in-a-poke.
Corporate leaders have to justify their salaries by showing they were responsible for doing something, usually lots of realignments that accomplish nothing except irritating the employees. Their other options are Firing a lot of people, Buying another company (even though most of the time that makes no sense, if stockholders wanted to own that company they would have invested in it) or closing down profitable lines which have no way to grow (stock holders expect to make more money for their dollar each year, another fallacy). -
I realize boycotting their product and advising others that it is bad and they shouldn't try it may not be CoH back but this is what you get...
At least EQ1 left the old servers running for those willing to play as is and continue paying for subscriptions. -
One good point is "Why can you only have 1 specialized pool?" Are they THAT overpowered that they are so much better than 3 AT powers it would be unbalancing? Not that I've seen.
Almost all still require you to take a power you probably don't want, or don't want much. I say if you have that many picks to spend take all the PP sets and specialzed powers you want. -
I wouldn't mind seeing some good resistance bonuses BESIDES psi getting into the game. Most resistance bonuses are very limited (only negative energy) or so low it would take 10 sets to add up to anything. .76 Smashing resist doesn't exactly make me wet my pants.
The real problem with moving Tough up is that it is like giving 70% of the player base a free power pick. Plus this is hardly the only power pool with this problem. If you made heal self a 1st level pick you would see it taken a lot. Same for Fear.
You can already pick pretty much all the powers in your sets we don't need additional power selections as it just makes everyone even more generic. (unless the new power pool powers are really, really good, so good people start dropping their regular powers for them. Example if Afterburnner didn't require 3 picks it could be very sweet.
What is needed is another power tacked into every power set. (yes that would be a big job) but then things like this could be done without making power choices virtually meaningless since you get most everything anyway. -
I would be satisfied with being able to email Super Group invites so you can invite your own characters without having to bribe players to join just to do invites or convincing someone to drop their SG, join yours do invites then get a join back into their own again.
For those of us who like creating characters this is very annoying. -
A real lie is when they sent out an email annoucing that the Task/Strike force of the week is not Lady Grey when it isn't.
Cruel to get hopes up for those playing red side who can't get Notices of Well except when it is a joint TF.
Power Diversification was a good thing, even at the time. Things were way out of control and only the Muchkin crowd liked the way the game worked. Defenders that did so much damage that they could clear spawns in the time it took a Scrapper to GET to them and Tanks that could clear entire missions at once had to go. Yes it was a shock at the time but the game was much more fun afterward.
It isn't fair to blame or praise Statesman or Positron for everything. They had long range plans for the game even back then, including Incarnates even if they didn't have it down to exact numbers and such yet. The game has come along nicely and everyone concerned should take a bow.
Devs have always listened to player base which is part of what makes this such a cool game. I remember a few years back a high profile MMO that went into Beta and the game was based on "X's Vision" of the game to the point that you weren't ALLOWED to post suggestions on the forums. The game lasted like 3 months.
People forget there is pretty much the only MMO that has been around longer is Everquest I which is so dated it is painful. (yes CoH is older than WoW and had a much better release).
Personally the Incarnate powers so far have kind of suprised me they are kind of all over the place. I'd be happy with one that just gave you more slots to assign. I have a few builds that just scream for 3 or 4 more slots.... -
The point being this is a GAME first, a work of fiction a distant second. If the game doesn't work then no one will ever care about the fiction (unless it is really, really good I suppose). 1st Star Wars game is proof. If there was ever a fan base based on story there it was, but they still failed because game stunk.
Complaining about a game because you don't like the story behind it is like complaining about a book because it won't make a good movie.
The opposite is also true. When the cut scenes get in the way of the game the story has to go. The game comes first. This is what they did with BAF cut-scene for example.
The story and all the fiction going with it is a nice to have, not a requirement.
Personally I like some of it a lot and others I completely ignore. I liked the original idea of telling the story of the villain groups through a series of story arcs as you leveled up. I thought that was cool. -
Petitioned yesterday got a response that GM doesn't know how to read an audit log and says they were never there. So it is to battle I go I guess since I can see them in my log.
For some reason all my Overwhelming Force Enhancements stored in my SG storage were deleted last night. Log shows them being checked in but not out.
Yes they should be able to add a suppress effects to all toggles then turn that on for the duration of the costume change. (at least it seems logical)
Nice thing about that approach is that once you have a suppress effects flag on all toggles you can add it to the costume design screen so you can turn off whatever effects you don't want for your toon. So no one has to complain about a "stupid" effect again. lol -
I disagree with the poster this is a bad idea as it defeats the purpose of the zones. The idea is that on the way to the missions you have to deal with mobs of your level possibly attacking.
On the Hero side mobs are mostly pretty easy to avoid. But Red side it is a different story. Grandville in particular can be very tricky at times unless you have stealth powers since half the mobs there use immobilize.
The game isn't supposed to be about standing in one place and having money thrown at you. You are supposed to be a hero who goes where they are most needed, not a bully who spends the entire game smaking Hellions around and cowering in Atlas.
There is no good reason for this change other than laziness. The game has enough gimics for getting around fairly quickly that it isn't that onerous a task.
Now I might agree with you if you had said that all Tip missions should be in the level appropriate zone like Radio/Newpaper missions are. The constant zone to zone thing can get old but since you only do 5 a day it's hard to get too worked up about it. -
After another painfully long respec where I realized I can't slot my high level powers the way I want no matter what order I choose them in, I started thinking:
"I would pay to be able to bank a slot or 2 (put the slots aside so they can be used at a higher level)."
This is especially true for you level 40+ powers where there just aren't enough slots to go around particularly for your level 49 power.
Being able to move a slot to higher level powers isn't unbalancing, mainly it is for set bonus purposes or such. But it would be very nice not to have to worry about which powers you can put how many slots in after you've hit 50.
Don't know if others run into this too but this isn't the first time for me. -
There is a Roleplayer in CoH? I must have missed him.
I have that problem a lot apparently.
I really disliked the new Circle of Thrones outfits and thought they were very derivitive until I started using them. Then I found I liked them a lot.
A lot of the auras are like that though. On the right character they are extremely cool but otherwise they look ridiculous.
Being able to color your powers really didn't excite me much. But then I made a Steam Scrapper by recoloring Fire and a Ice/Ice Dom by recoloring Energy and fell in love. I don't care that it is the same powers I had before, it feels different. -
By definition if you consider the change small it doesn't matter that much to you.
Oddly the one thing that I like a LOT about CoH (that wasn't popular at launch) is the fact that you can't mix and match any powers. I would not have lasted since launch if you could. It is impossible to make all powers equally powerful so you end up with a world full of like 3 clones and the hand full of characters they make fun of for not maxing out their toons.
The archetype system makes me build a lot of characters I wouldn't otherwise. I would like to see like an extra power added to each set though. With various changes like Fitness being inherent you don't have to make the hard choices you used to, which made for more variety. Having to choose between awesome powers hurts so good... -
Thats the really the problem with having an evolving world. What happens to all the Incarnate Trials if the world is supposed to be Post Tyrant? Do they all move to Obo?
At that rate pretty soon most of the game will be played in one zone. lol -
Actually CoH has followed the same general theme as comics in general, saving a person isn't as cool as saving a city, but saving the world is even better but not as cool as saving the universe, but saving the MULTIVERSE is even better.
I am sick of that in comics too but it's the American way - "Bigger is Better".
Some crime would be nice but some "Other" would be even better. Escaped monsters, Government cover-ups, or just people with way too much power and way too little sense (or maybe we see enough of that in RL).
Abosolutely silliest event? Wildstorm did an event where all the heros suffered a temporary sex change. It would have to leave out the Huge characters (and there would be a few clipping issues boo hoo) but it would certainly be different. -
Yeah but arc is so easy and you have to do something either way. I know some people have trouble with the spider guy splitting up but I have done solo with an Pain Corruptor and finished him immediately. Soloed many times and have yet to see any of the difficulty I keep hearing about.
I suppose if you didn't have any Knockback (or Veteran Powers for Nemesis Staff) it would keep you from knocking him in lava (which does still work at least as of a month or so ago) but calling someone else in for help would still seem a LOT faster than doing trials and wasting your Astrals.
You need to do a ton of trials as it is, why not do the one arc you can do instead, if only to keep your brain from exploding? -
There is a difference between raising the difficulty and being able to fail missions. If you are running mission at the highest level you can handle, that's the most you can handle. Raising difficulty isn't risking failure it is pretty much guaranteeing it.
In the larger sense though you can die 20 times in a mission/trial and it usually means nothing, especially if you are 50.
Now make an iTrial with increased chance of VRare/Rare but for each person the maxiumum reward level is reduced for each death (no deaths VRare-Common, 1 death Rare-Common, 2 deaths Ucommon-Common, 3 Deaths Common, 4 deaths threads) and people would play that Trial very differently.
If you did a LAM like this, people wouldn't be able to run around like chickens with their heads cut off while getting nades/acids.
This is a chance at failing without just increasing difficulty. The downside is that some trials are so complicated you just run them with a core of people who know what they are doing and drag everyone else along. Add this wrinkle and the core groups would start to scheduling things and not invite anyone else.
Personnally if it make it fun/interesting I don't mind a chance of failure as long as it is only a chance. Feeling like you lose everytime is why a lot of people hate PvP. I don't like PvP but I'd play missions where a hero team goes in same instance as villain team and competes for glowies. That could be fun provided the idiot brigade doesn't "game the system" so that they always win. -
Knock on door....
I got a zombie!
I got a witch!
I got a vampire!
Awww... I got a Statesman. -
You shouldn't have choosen "Air Head" from special heads.
Oddly enough if you could do this on purpose but have the head Aura display, it would look really cool. -
You leave out the fact that not all STORES buy enhancements at the same price either. When you sell items it makes a significant difference which store you are at (well at least it did before prices went into the billions). Before Auction House and IOs the only way to afford SOs was to run store to store selling enhancements at best prices.
This was made worse by the top level zones where the only store in PI/Grand buys at the "bad" prices for everything.
AH prices now are so high that it hardly matter though. 1 Rare Salvage sells for more INF than you used to get in the first 25 levels before. -
Every petition I have sent in they show up and ask me to explain exactly what the problem is. I'm sure there are reasons for it even if it is annoying. Things like:
1) You opened 2 petitions one saying the boss in a mission was missing and one reporting a player name. You find the boss go on to the next mission. GM shows up, you think it is about player he thinks it is about boss.
2) Some people's written skills are so bad I'd want them to type if 4 or 5 times in the vain hope that by combining them all you might get all the words correctly spelled once.
I am happy they show up so fast you managed to get 2 at once. Try reporting someone in WoW and see if you ever get a response.