Role players How to seprate them from normal gamers
Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
Internment camps, branding, tagging, and a DNA database.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
rpers type in brackets
a roleplayer flag would be nice
what use is local besides roleplaying?
Problem Role Players are always using broadcast and local chat to spam the start zone and any other zone they feel like hanging out in . |
Besides, it isn't just Role Players that spam Broadcast and Local (as Slaunyeh pointed out) it is players in general.
The small amount of chat I've seen by role players in broadcast and local has seldom been spam. It's simply chat.
Now the people standing around in AP or other zones saying LFT or LF DFB every 15 to 20 seconds is more what I'd consider spam.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
What server are you on?
Because I would like to join that server.
RP Spam is a problem? Having never, ever, run into this problem, I have to wonder what server it is that has such a problem.
If the server in question is Virtue, then the most obvious solution is to play somewhere else.
I’m not sure this is even the right place to post this but maybe a developer will read it a say that my idea is a good one instead just a complaint so here goes.
Problem Role Players are always using broadcast and local chat to spam the start zone and any other zone they feel like hanging out in . Solution make a chat channel that is for role play chat only. That way us non role player can be left in peace. Second problem how do I know if this person wants to role play or just play the game. Answer you already have the help me and helper tags people can turn on. Add a third Roleplayer tag that all of them can turn on to let anyone who looks at them know at a glance that they welcome Role-play. that’s all I got to say If any of this sounds like a good idea or just hogwash feel free to let me know. |
Oh my god! People are role playing in an online role playing game? The nerve!

Seriously tho. What did you expect to see happening in an MMORPG?
Do you get mad when you go to the library and see people reading books?
There, fixed it for you. I think, what you consider the "roleplayer" problem, is really an "other people" problem. The solution should be simple: single-player games are notoriously free of people who are not you, bothering you with their not-you'ness spam.
Solution: Remove Broadcast and Local from your chat windows.
Besides, it isn't just Role Players that spam Broadcast and Local (as Slaunyeh pointed out) it is players in general. The small amount of chat I've seen by role players in broadcast and local has seldom been spam. It's simply chat. Now the people standing around in AP or other zones saying LFT or LF DFB every 15 to 20 seconds is more what I'd consider spam. |
Hopefully the LFT spam in broadcast will be less in i23, with the new channel.
There's no need to segregate RPers from "normal players" because of the fact they enjoy the game by acting out the parts of their characters: it's their form of productive communication. If you think it's impacting your ability to get teams or follow chat that is more important to you, move out of the range of their local.
(Mind you, there are some RPers that act spammy every once in a while, but this is assuredly in the minority.)
Problem Role Players are always using broadcast and local chat to spam the start zone and any other zone they feel like hanging out in .
Solution make a chat channel that is for role play chat only. That way us non role player can be left in peace. Second problem how do I know if this person wants to role play or just play the game. Answer you already have the help me and helper tags people can turn on. Add a third Roleplayer tag that all of them can turn on to let anyone who looks at them know at a glance that they welcome Role-play. thats all I got to say If any of this sounds like a good idea or just hogwash feel free to let me know. |
Solution: Make a chat channel for l33t bigoted gamers only. That way, us non l33t bigoted gamers can be left in peace.
Second problem: How do I know if this person wants to wage their bigoted garbage in the channels or just do what THEY PAY to do?
Answer: We already have the Help Me and Helper tags people can turn on. Add a third "L33t Bigoted Gamer" tag so that everyone can turn on to let anyone who looks at them know at a glance that they welcome bigotry.
If any of this sounds like a good idea, or just hogwash, feel free to let me know.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Just in case you didn't know: /ignorespammer is not just for goldfarmer spam. It's intended to be used on ALL kinds of spam. Be it RP, macro spam, or anything you might find spammy, use it. You won't hear any more of it, and if enough people ignore someone as spammer, the spammer loses chat rights for a while.
Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"
RP Spam is a problem? Having never, ever, run into this problem, I have to wonder what server it is that has such a problem.
If the server in question is Virtue, then the most obvious solution is to play somewhere else. |
Since it was local, I solved the problem by walking a few feet away.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
This is why I keep Broadcast in a chat tab with other in game stuff that isn't a high priority to be constantly reading.
Don't I know you???
Step one:
say "You wake up on a beach! Nearby is a rowboat buried in the sand! In the distance you can see a shack in the dunes! What do you do?" in broadcast.
Step Two:
/ignore anyone who answers.
Step Three:
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I'm not by any means a roleplayer when it comes to MMO's, however I'm a bit curious as to how the random roleplayer using the local chat (never personally seen them use broadcast on Virtue) is any more disturbing than the countless "LFG DFB"s would be to them.
In other words; we choose not to segregate our Community based on play style and I (personally) feel we're the better for it. Understanding, and being exposed to, different ways of enjoying the game should be considered an opportunity, not a hinderance. And if something is really annoying you, ignore is just a right click away.
P.S. I am not encouraging you to participate in any...inappropriate...behavior around others.
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
Just make everyone fill out a 140 character form of their history to get through a gate. RPers will never be able to do it.
*Cackles madly at evil RPness* I have soloed the gate!
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
This is actually reminding me of a situation where I was spectating a roleplayed interview in the KR Architect building's B room and someone decided to try and call us out for "spamming our SG business" when we'd already been there for 45 minutes before he and his group arrived on the floor above us.
(The situation was resolved peacefully, by the way, but it turns out that Local in Studio B rooms bleeds into the main mission staging area above it. No big deal.)

I love you, GG!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Im not sure this is even the right place to post this but maybe a developer will read it a say that my idea is a good one instead just a complaint so here goes.
Problem Role Players are always using broadcast and local chat to spam the start zone and any other zone they feel like hanging out in .
Solution make a chat channel that is for role play chat only.
That way us non role player can be left in peace.
Second problem how do I know if this person wants to role play or just play the game.
Answer you already have the help me and helper tags people can turn on. Add a third Roleplayer tag that all of them can turn on to let anyone who looks at them know at a glance that they welcome Role-play.
thats all I got to say If any of this sounds like a good idea or just hogwash feel free to let me know.