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  1. I’m not sure this is even the right place to post this but maybe a developer will read it a say that my idea is a good one instead just a complaint so here goes.

    Problem Role Players are always using broadcast and local chat to spam the start zone and any other zone they feel like hanging out in .

    Solution make a chat channel that is for role play chat only.
    That way us non role player can be left in peace.

    Second problem how do I know if this person wants to role play or just play the game.

    Answer you already have the help me and helper tags people can turn on. Add a third Roleplayer tag that all of them can turn on to let anyone who looks at them know at a glance that they welcome Role-play.
    that’s all I got to say If any of this sounds like a good idea or just hogwash feel free to let me know.
  2. ok so building the base if i got the money and knew how to build one is not the real problem i have the question i have is how do i invite my own alts into my sg so all of my press goes to building the base the launcher may allow more than one instance of the game but it wont allow you to log in to the same account at same time do i got to pay for anoter account or is there a trick of some kind and no i dont got a friend i could get to join im on beta testings stuff so even if they were online it would not help. what do i got to do pay someone to help me out then leave the sg money on beta is worthless. after all you can copy you main as many times as you want and email its money then delet the xetra copy and do it again lol.
  3. on guy toons the chainmail gloves and hat show in my taylor window but that are not really thir you end up with fetuerless white hands ora bauld head is anyone working ot fix this
  4. I have a brand new computer with Windows 7 64 bit installed on it. i used City of heroes Architect Edition to install the game no matter if XP compatabliity mode is on or off or if the cursor hack -compatiblecursors 1 is in the target or not the game gets to the zone load screen and locks up after 10 minutes it boots me out to log in screen again I even have the latest drivers for my ATI Raidon HD 4350 video card installed Nothing works is there anyway to fix this please Help me