Role players How to seprate them from normal gamers

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I'm not by any means a roleplayer when it comes to MMO's, however I'm a bit curious as to how the random roleplayer using the local chat (never personally seen them use broadcast on Virtue) is any more disturbing than the countless "LFG DFB"s would be to them.

In other words; we choose not to segregate our Community based on play style and I (personally) feel we're the better for it. Understanding, and being exposed to, different ways of enjoying the game should be considered an opportunity, not a hinderance. And if something is really annoying you, ignore is just a right click away.

P.S. I am not encouraging you to participate in any...inappropriate...behavior around others.

Yeah as soon as you put one section of the community into a corner then you open a whole can of worms.

The only server i've seen nonstop RP broadcasting has been Virtue and everybody knows that its the roleplay server so it is to be expected.

When i go and play on Freedom, i have to turn off the help channel and broadcast because it is full of "farms/powerlevels/i needz moneyz!" etc. As a non-roleplayer we should respect that people like to roleplay and not try and make a section of the community feel unwanted around others.

How would you feel if you got told that the way you play is annoying others and so you have to go sit and talk in the corner?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!





Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
P.S. I am not encouraging you to participate in any...inappropriate...behavior around others.
How about "Stand around Atlas Park periodically releasing messages in local/broadcast that, while technically not NSFW, could easily be interpreted as such, followed by a *oops. MT*"

Its a wonderful way to make new friends. Its kinda like "LFG DFB" for those inclined to... alternative gameplay...

... or so I'm told.



just wait until some player posts "Level X <AT> looking for anything"

then give them a /tell with anything you can think of doing with them

which reminds me - who thought that a server called "virtue" was the place for online roleplaying?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It wasn't a serious suggestion

Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
Hey now! Back off, buster. Golden Girl is mine!
The lady can speak for herself!
Of course, I meant it in an entirely harmless platonic way...
Still, you made your move, but... sorry, bud, but how'd that work out for ya?

Still... I just love the use of "normal" in the thread title.

And, also, thank you very much, Zwill.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
just wait until some player posts "Level X <AT> looking for anything"

then give them a /tell with anything you can think of doing with them



Originally Posted by later_k View Post
I’m not sure this is even the right place to post this but maybe a developer will read it a say that my idea is a good one instead just a complaint so here goes.

Problem Role Players are always using broadcast and local chat to spam the start zone and any other zone they feel like hanging out in .

Solution make a chat channel that is for role play chat only.
That way us non role player can be left in peace.

Second problem how do I know if this person wants to role play or just play the game.

Answer you already have the help me and helper tags people can turn on. Add a third Roleplayer tag that all of them can turn on to let anyone who looks at them know at a glance that they welcome Role-play.
that’s all I got to say If any of this sounds like a good idea or just hogwash feel free to let me know.
I've been playing for 6 years almost exclusively on Virtue, and have never experienced this before. I suppose if you want to hang out at the Ski Chalet or Pocket D where the RPer's congregate, then you'd hear a lot of it if you rest your chat on Local. That is extremely ignorable - just set your channel to rest somewhere else. Or, set a tab to receive everything your Local channel gets, and remove Local Chat from the list, then you'd see everything but the local chat you dislike.

I appreciate your trying to take a proactive approach, by suggesting an RP channel, and flags for RPers. I think this would be a fun idea, and would probably get more RPers into the game, by way of a sort of "official endorsement" of such activity. I am not certain that's your goal, however.

I think many may take exception to your references to RPers not being "normal gamers." In answer to your question about how you can tell if people want to RP or "play the game," I would suggest that RPers ARE playing the game. They may or may not be running missions, however. If you are in doubt about this (which I sort of can't imagine. Are they Broadcasting "Lvl 22 team looking for more, for surprise activity"?) why don't you just ask if they are running missions, or whatever activity it is that you consider to be "playing the game"?

Personally, I've seen more of an issue from hateful people mocking the RPers, than I ever have from RPers themselves.



I think the OP is simply mis-using the term "roleplayers" when "socializers" would be more appropriate.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
just wait until some player posts "Level X <AT> looking for anything"

then give them a /tell with anything you can think of doing with them
I would probably cry. I haven't really recovered from the creep who sent me pictures of his *****.

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Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Just in case you didn't know: /ignorespammer is not just for goldfarmer spam. It's intended to be used on ALL kinds of spam. Be it RP, macro spam, or anything you might find spammy, use it. You won't hear any more of it, and if enough people ignore someone as spammer, the spammer loses chat rights for a while.
Just to be clear: Normal role-playing is *NOT* ever spam. Just because one doesn't like it, doesn't make it spam.

Now, role-playing *can* be spammy if it's the same thing over and over again. E.g., someone types in /broadcast, "I'm a cat, meow, meow" twenty times a minute... then *that's* spam. In that case /ignorespammer is appropriate.

But, if they're not truly *spamming* and you don't want to 'hear' them, then just simply use 'ignore.'

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
P.S. I am not encouraging you to participate in any...inappropriate...behavior around others.
I sometimes roleplay someone with no ability to recognize social conventions, so all behavior is appropriate to me.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I sometimes roleplay someone with no ability to recognize social conventions, so all behavior is appropriate to me.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Ahh, good, I don't have to break open the image stash. Carry on

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




RPers *ARE* normal gamers.

So are PVPers. So are min/maxers. So are people running concept builds. So are people on SOs. So are people hanging around for a costume contest.

And even on Virtue, I have never seen broadcast "spam" of RP - SG recruitment or TF recruitment in an RP vein, sure, but nto "spam." Local, sure. Solution: Move two feet farther away. If you're getting one side of an RP conversation in broadcast, go tell (or /tell) the person "Hey, you're yelling that to the entire zone, use local or team chat, please."



I've been roleplaying an ordinary citizen slumped next to a wall outside a mission door, where groups of heroes have been trampling me carelessly day after day, on their way to "save the city"...

You people disgust me.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Understanding, and being exposed to,
P.S. I am not encouraging you to participate in any...inappropriate...behavior around others.
Sure, NOW you say that, after mentioning role-players and "being exposed" in the same post.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Just make everyone fill out a 140 character form of their history to get through a gate. RPers will never be able to do it.
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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I've been roleplaying an ordinary citizen slumped next to a wall outside a mission door, where groups of heroes have been trampling me carelessly day after day, on their way to "save the city"...

You people disgust me.
What about the one's on their way to "save the cheerleader"?



/em checks to see if OP has returned to post

Of course he hasn't. I am Jack's utter lack of surprise.

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Really. RPers Rping in broadcast? That's the one channel I hardly see RPers RPing in.

Local, Team, SG, Coalition, a few Global Channel's specifically for RPing, and the occaissional League chat, but Broadcast it usually the least for RPers.

Unless you mean they're using brackets and looking for teams or chatting away. Then that's no different that the non RPers.

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You know someone is a roleplayer when they start ((talking like this to denote out of character chat)) squawking like a duck.

((but that is only if they are roleplaying a duck.))

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Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
You know someone is a roleplayer when they start ((talking like this to denote out of character chat)) squawking like a duck.

((but that is only if they are roleplaying a duck.))
Quite honestly? I've never done that - then again, the groups I tend to RP with can pick up that "Got that running *****" is RP and "Anyone have a wakie" isn't fairly easily.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Quite honestly? I've never done that - then again, the groups I tend to RP with can pick up that "Got that running *****" is RP and "Anyone have a wakie" isn't fairly easily.
I can too. And I've switched between it easily enough. But some players, they just don't like it!

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