4808 -
If somebody was to buy out the game after it had closed down, how long does everybody think the game would remain offline before they re-launched it?
Just wondering what kind of timeframe people were thinking of here. -
I've always been saying that IF CoH does get sold that it would need to be shut down for a few months in my opinion and re-launched.
Plus say another company does buy out the game, what would happen to i24? Earliest that would be released [if they kept CoX open] would be March! That is so not keeping with the 3 issues a year statement! -
Was only able to pop in and out now and then for a few hours before the actual official time, but was able to stay until we hit Atlas number 30 on Virtue x)
Got gold title "swimming with sharks" and "paragon backer" so i was happyIf this shows anything its that this game doesnt have just people playing a game, it has a community!
Quote:Back to the wall, surrounded by enemies, in the middle of my final attack. Live like a scrapper, die like a scrapper.
Oh scrapperlock, the best "mechanic" any game ever had! Speaking of that, i think i would like to debuff my character as much as possible via ouroboros and go on the hardest settings and give it a final test! -
I would like a big countdown to appear on the game and not just a "lost connection to server" message to appear out of nowhere.
If that was possible then i would like be on auto fly towards the chantry/storm palace as the countdown is on. This way, when the timer reaches 0 i should be almost at the palace and it [to me] makes it feel like a cliffhanger. The story has not ended for Rashnu Damz, it is simply to be continued! -
I am really bad at saying goodbyes and even though i've been thinking for a few days what i would like to say, this isnt going to come out as good as i wanted but hey when does anything i say come out right so why change now?
Before i say my goodbyes though, there are a few people who i would like to personally thank for making my experience within the city such a great time.
Salacious - Thank you for being the best badger i know and keeping the sals badgehunters channel in check and organising events for those really hard to get badges. Really doubt most of us would have got so many badges if it wasnt for your teams. Will certainly be one of those people i remember when looking back at this game.
Tsu Zero - One of the best people i know at organising events and not only getting people interested in them but keeping everybody wanting to join on a regular basis. Always looking at ways to improve the community for the better via events and for that, thanks!
Zoph/Storm - I know i shouldnt write a thank you for the both as you as one post but it applies to you both. I remember way back when we were the only ones talking on Union Chat and i am so glad that we did. Not for the revival that we did for the channel, but because i gained two great friends and two of the best people i know ingame. Thank you both for the great laughs [For some reason i remember me and storm talking about a house with a swimming pool!] and also Zoph, hope wherever you decide to play next that you can outbrute the others on there too x)
Mothers Love - One of the actual people ingame who i think everybody can agree is a legend. Even though you stopped playing regularly, your name still popped up from time to time in conversations on the channel and everybody had nothing but nice things to say about you and our memories of you keeping us all alive in the hollowsA genuine nice person and was a pleasure to speak to you ingame!
Kisana - I honestly cant say thank you enough to you for the trials you ran. Sadly we did not speak enough outside the trials but always thought you was a great person and wow what a leader! One of the VERY few people i would actually have no hesitation in joining on in a hard/new event/trial of some form. Best memory though? Thanks to you we were the first team to get the RHW badge! That can never be taken away from us!
Union Chat - To everybody on union chat, thank you for all the random times we had. I can't count the amount of times that i ended up just stopping what i was doing to just chat and have a laugh with you all in the channel. It really did become one of the most active and best channels that i had ever had the pleasure of being part of. While we did have one or two bad times, 99.9% of the times were amazing! You are all amazing in there!
So many more people i want to thank for the amazing times, most of who i know i will be talking with for some time to come so i think the best way to end this now is for me to say thank you all for making this place a second home for me [actually shed a tear there!]. You are all amazing and i will never forget any of you or the times we shared.
Thank you
As a side note, i remember how many different personas i've had that people have recognised me by. Years back i was known as Super Damz, that quickly got changed to Damz, then to Noob Buster [that name seemed to stick with me for quite some time, even to this day some people were asking if i was the same person] before the forums merged and i became EU-Damz [people on Champions now called me eu-damz to begin with!]. Now though i am simply known as Damz again!
Its funny how as times change, your persona ingame changes. Just a little happy memory for myself there. -
Quote:You're right, but at least for right now, I don't even have the will to play.
This is how i think a lot of us feelI will probably log on now and then, but it will mostly be to do community things like catch up with everybody and to take part in events for one last time as a community.
Im terrible at goodbyes but all i can say is thank you to yourself Zwill and to everybody else on the team for helping make this community and the communication one of the best experiences of my life.
Really do wish the best for the future for every single one of you -
I will be playing Final Fantasy 14 on the Excalibur server though i dont think i will ever spend as much time/effort in another MMO after this
Anybody who wish to keep in contact with me, my skype ID is Damz1986.
I really like it and i hope they continue on revamping older enemy groups.
Quote:They really need to put in some FAQ that the best way to install the game is to manually download the game using the launcher as it seems to solve so many questions before they're asked.
Stage 4 got stuck at 93% and refused to budgeSaid it was connecting but no download, no problem with my internet since was actually on the game in Atlas and watching clips on youtube too with zero problems . . . .
So looks like i'll have to delete the entire thing and restart the whole process, which if thats the case i think i'll take a little break as FF14 is calling me to play it i think -
Had to download the game from scratch again and while the majority of the downlaod has been fine, i am now stuck on stage 4 download it seems.
Logged in Atlas and this morning it was at roughly 75% of stage 4, just logged in now and it is at 0% stage 4. Now i know sometimes it can take a while for the true percentage figure to appear, however i have been logged in for 30 minutes now at least and it has remained at 0%.
Have tried rebooting the game but to no avail, any other way i can monitor if the game is actually downloading?
Edit: Just to add that i can do everything that im allowed to in Stage 3 just fine. Talk in globals, run around in ultra mode [weeee!so beautiful!] and just relax in Atlas, its just that no download progress is being registered.
Edit2: Nevermind found a solution! Had to cancel the download of it, manually start it again for it to actually continue. 82%, now thats better than 0%! -
Good luck on downloading the game again! Downloading the game is fine, but as im finding out right now . . . . the stage installation takes the mickey
Swear it was much faster pre-stage era!
First thought: WOAH! OMG YES!!!!!
Second thought: I hope this is in a zone and not in a single mission -
With my post i meant to say that i havent heard a person say its the "fix everything" issue on live. Which is true since i havent
Of course the i24: Fix everything? thread i found to be more about fixing a lot of issues [which they are] and not fixing everythingNot a single mention about bases, pvp, supergroups, costume clippings etc
I am yet to hear a single player say that i24 is the issue that is going to fix EVERYTHING! We've all said its looking a huge issue, but thats about it
I hope Marauder doesnt turn good, would much rather see him join Recluse and them start up a new and stronger Arachnos than become good.
I created a character whose concept was originally of a dark magician who [long story short] met his end when drowned in oil.
Instead of dying though, the magician mutated and is now able to call on the power of oil to aid him in is his battles.
Water Blast looks great as oil! Also, called him Oil Spill on the Union server.