The Last Day
Well..if that day comes...
I think I am going to take all my toons into the Hive and battle giant monsters till they are killed and let Hamidon absorb their bodies. Might as well go out swinging.
@Battle Ant
The Omega Guard / Evil Midgets Incorporated
Liberty Server
I'd go with a Rikti Invasion as well. It was being caught up in a Rikti Invasion in Kings Row that originally sold me on CoH, back when I had a trial account.
I had literally no idea what was happening when the sky turned green and the War Walls went down - I still love that noise. The running battle I had with the Rikti that day remains one of my fondest memories of the game, so yeah, if we have to go out, that's as good a way to go as any.
i will probably just get $hitcanned and hang out under atlas, thats how i usually deal with my problems
Back to the wall, surrounded by enemies, in the middle of my final attack. Live like a scrapper, die like a scrapper.
TW/Elec Optimization
I'd like to see it as a celebration of the game. No bemoaning that it is ending, no end of the world or save the world sort of event. Just groups of players all doing what we have always done all along.
Run your favorite missions, run your favorite taskforces. Get as many people playing within those last few days as we can and simply celebrate the game, the studio, and community by simply playing and having a blast while we do so.
And when its time we take those memories always with us to whatever games we find ourselves playing in the future. Then we remember CoH in every feature that they swipe from the game.
I would like a big countdown to appear on the game and not just a "lost connection to server" message to appear out of nowhere.
If that was possible then i would like be on auto fly towards the chantry/storm palace as the countdown is on. This way, when the timer reaches 0 i should be almost at the palace and it [to me] makes it feel like a cliffhanger. The story has not ended for Rashnu Damz, it is simply to be continued!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Back to the wall, surrounded by enemies, in the middle of my final attack. Live like a scrapper, die like a scrapper.
Oh scrapperlock, the best "mechanic" any game ever had! Speaking of that, i think i would like to debuff my character as much as possible via ouroboros and go on the hardest settings and give it a final test!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
When that final map server message comes into view I shall shed tears for the last time over this mishandled, depressing mess.
Twitter @FiveIronBrony
I'll probably just not log on that day. Too bittersweet.
This is really doom.
I may run one last patrol through the Hollows. I doubt I'll run into anyone in need of a quick patch up or teleport to safety, but, well, yeah.

Most likely I'll login sometime during the day, move my "main" to the echo of Galaxy City and log out for the last time under the statue of Galaxy Girl.
Back in the day when teams would wander into the sewers to get those first 7 levels or so a friend of mine who use to play would take her level 50 Empath into the sewers and follow the lowbie teams aroind healing them and helping them out. I have done this before myself. Nobody does the old sewer runs any more not with dfb out now but if they did I would get my toon that started it all my first lvl 50 Elfin Medic and hang out in the sewers helping. I am Elfin my friend was ICE RAYS. Her Empath was Green Medic
Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
We could always go out like Tabula Rasa.
For those who may not know, Tabula Rasa was another NCSoft MMO, one which met the same unjust fate the company has planned for CoH
Tabula Rasa went out with a huge invasion and a battle to retake Earth from the game's master villains, the Nephilim. The devs played the part of the Nephilim and the battle progressed across the game's planets, Foreas and Arieki, gradually overrunning every zone until the players were forced to all regroup on Earth for a final showdown with the Neph.
Here's some of the action from that fateful night, taken from the EU server -
(I'm actually in this video briefly btw - Starstone was my game handle. I still miss that game, even now. And I can't even begin to think how much I'll miss CoH)
A few hours after the EU server closed, we all met up again, for the absolute last time, on the US server.
We fought our way to the final rendevous, beating the mobs back as we went until all that remained was the players and the devs (still in their guise as the evil Neph).
And...we danced.
Players and devs alike, we danced and unloaded our ammo clips into the air, and then we danced some more until the final moment of shutdown.
There are worse ways to go than in mid-dance, that's for sure!
Beat up Frostfire then dance under Atlas with my friends

Thelonious Monk
I WILL be there on the last day, painful or not. And I've already started to think about where the five or six characters I've invested so much time in will log out for the last time. God, I'm a grown man and typing that almost made me cry. The last time.
Plant dom? Probably the Hive. Thug MM? Right next to Recluse in Grandville, his rightful place at last. My precious Empathy defender, and my first character...has to be Talos. Had some great times there back in the day.
And my beloved Ultra Woman...fighting one last battle somewhere with the fine heroes of Protector.
I'd like to see a Rularuu invasion. Unfortunately, that's not a coded event so it would take the devs manually spawning mobs and controlling AVs which isn't likely to happen. I do hope the players can come up with suitably epic adventures for that day though.
i will actually probably finish all of my farms that day, why not?
If we can get an actual countdown for the last minute or so...
I'd like to get everyone in Virtue into Pocket D. And at the 30 second mark, have EVERYONE hit Self Destruct, or the biggest powers they have. I want to crash the zone, and maybe the server.
If the server must go down, I'd like it to be by our hands, close enough to the end that they don't bother to restart it. So that we, in some small way, never face that end.
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
Hopefully Z or somebody will at least be able to release a final Giant Monster swarm in Atlas Park.
And I have decided that, chosen from all my 50s, I'm going to be on with All Hallows Eve on Virtue. She's my 50 fire/empathy troller. And I am going to continue to lock down those monsters, heal and buff and rez against all the odds, and keep every hero able to fight the good fight until that very last second when the lights go out for good....
And if Paragon Studios is somehow, some way able to rez the servers, even if only a couple of them, and even if they're empty of data and have to be filled up once again from scratch.... All Hallows Eve is going to be the first one I re-roll.
Hey, no one will have any influence. They'll need all the buffs and crowd control they can get. :P
Probably play my main. I have already set up all my toons where I want them to be.
The Main is the only one I have no play to have him. I am thinking MSR. Go out with a bang, and when the last second happens, I hope I just set of a self destruct, taking as many of them with me as i can.
I plan on playing around with Palrah as long as I can... Then just taking him back to the Chantry, where I've already parked most of my crew. I'll leave him logged on there until I get the "Lost connection to server" message.
While going out in a blaze of glory definitely has it's appeal, I think I'd prefer to say my final farewells to him more quietly.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
I'm going down fighting! I want the servers to close on me and my team during an intense battle!
Assuming we DO finally go dark on Nov 30th, how would people like to go out?
If it's possible, it would be great if the Zwill could get the server guy to turn on a final mass Rikti invasion, and spawn motherships over every zone, then pull the plug right when the load is as its highest... Just like the end of CoHBeta! I think that would be the BEST way for us to go out!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.