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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    yeah but writing someone name in red to some Asians, is offensive, especially when it's their name that is written in red by another. It's like many other "offensive" things tha tare just words an symbols. It's not going to be offensive to everyone.


    To keep writing people name in red after it has been poited out as offensive to that culture is a total disrespect to that culture and that person and the way people react here to when they are disrespected the reactions from the people that take offense to it is not out of the ordinary when people are disrespected, including some that they say that only whiners gives a toss if they write in red or not, but it's not just writing in red that is the offensive part its the context and subject of it. That about whiners can be said about anythign that is offensive in reality. It could be said that only whiners only give toss that they are called the n-word or only whiners give a toss if they served pork and so on, by that logic in that statement about whiners.
    Can I change my answer to "Send him GG"?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Actually, I think that GW1 is probably the closest one to the chopping block
    I'm not so sure on that.

    There's some kind of system where you can do things in GW1, and get a reward in GW2. Having never played GW1, I'm not sure what it is or how it's done, but it's there. Shutting down GW1 kills that, and gives old GW1 players LESS reason to try out GW2.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'm like the Force - I'll be with you, always
    That's going to be REALLY creepy during the middle of the night.
  4. Tasha Lynn Bold.
    Virtue Server.
    With friends.
  5. No hate here... well, okay. Maybe just a little.

    I just want him to realize how special this game is, and to save it. Or at least, share our pain when it closes.
  6. I would send him dreams. Wonderful, unforgettable dreams.

    Dreams where he wields an ancient sword to fight off the unworthy. Of calling forth mystical blue flames to purify ancient temples of the unholy beings of the night that have gathered in their shadows. Dreams of flying into the sky, hovering with the moon between the city lights below, and the star filled heavens above.

    Dreams that would leave him wanting to experience it again, even just a little bit, to try and recapture that feeling once more.

    And I'd give it to him on the night of November 29.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
    Wondering if we shouldn't start promoting that people use their remaining server xfer tokens to migrate to a single server for one last gathering?

    If we get too many people on one server, then other people will get locked out. I don't want anyone locked out of logging on to their favorite characters and saying goodbye to friends at the end.
  8. Rabid_M

    Last Dance

    I'm going to miss you, scary numbers person!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Except their stock prices have nothing to do with CoH. If you read anything in the Korean news; ya know where NCSoft is located, you would know why their stock has fallen.
    Care to share the insight with those of us that don't read the Korean news?

    [Edit] Please?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Oh and if Vachon wants to expand their Canadian manufacturing and sell Twinkies to the US market, I say good for them. They'll be doing it without employing any of the people in the bakers union that worked for Hostess.
    I guess that explains the emails I've been getting saying I can get "cheap, Canadian Tw1nki3s" from them.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fantabulous View Post
    I'll Ask the obvious question.

    If it was so hard for Paragon Studios how come every other game I play can take care of business ?
    I'll give the obvious answer: Documentation.

    It's a sad truth that HOW the game works is something that wasn't recorded very well when it was first made. Later Devs had to do their best to pull it apart and figure out how it worked, but that's never easy with something this complex. They did their best and did some amazing things, but some parts of the program (bases, for example) were basically labeled "Here there be Dragons" and mostly left alone to avoid breaking things they couldn't fix.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I don't particularly care for unions or management... but I do like Little Debbie snacks far more than Hostess. And isn't that what's really important?
    Well....no. Little Debbie snack cakes and fruit pies can't stop a jaywalker, much less a super villain.

    Still, I'd be thrilled if Little Debbie purchased Hostess and managed to reopen the factories and save most of the jobs.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    No, they license the engine. You'd have to ask someone who knows the contract details whether the license is transferable, but it'd hardly be unusual for it to be. Certainly people who *ought* to know are behaving like it is.
    Ohh, good point. I didn't think about it being transferred.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Except the rumor du jour is that the sale is on hold until the game shuts down in order to clear contractual entanglements. To me, that sounds a lot like NCSoft didn't want to get involved with the mess of transfering accounts, subscriptions, points, character data etc...

    My bet would be - even if the long-shot comes through, it'll be a fresh start.
    They can't sell "the game", because they don't own the game engine. They can sell the IP, and I'm pretty sure any art from the game, but not the entire game.

    Given that, I'm not sure if anyone other than Perfect World would really get much use out of customer files for a game they have to rebuild.
  15. It wasn't the best set, and I REALLY had to watch my pack to make sure they didn't die, but it was still a blast to play. Yes, I hoped it would get "fixed" some day, but even if it didn't I was willing to trade a bit of power for fun and concept.

    What I REALLY wanted was animations/emotes for the pets, so I could tell them to sit, or lie down, or SHUT THE HELL UP!!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    It was the lack of animated hair, I think.
    I kept meaning to push for a "Strong and Pretty" pack. It would have had muscular builds for females, and frilly stuff for males/huge. (Let's face it, some swashbucklers were really into lace.) I also would have asked for animated hair...

    for the males. Females were getting the Strong stuff, not Pretty.
  17. Let's see...
    • ED: This one could have been handled much, much better back when it happened. Still, there's little that could have been done about it after Jack left, so I'll leave it at that.
    • PvP: I'm not sure PvP can ever be balanced in a game like this. I think the best you could have managed was a Rock-Paper-Scissors situation between the ATs.
    • IO Set Bonuses: These were just flat out broken when people learned how to use them. Some extra defense is one thing, but when a non-defensive AT can be slotted to have a higher Def than a Super Reflexes scrapper running "standard" SOs, there's a problem that needs fixing.
    • Incarnate System Advancement: This was, to be honest, something that belonged in a totally different game. And in another game, it might have been outstanding. This wasn't another game, though, and fit in as well as a sensitive body part getting shoved into the spokes of a spinning bike wheel. (Opinions differ as to just WHICH body part, however.)
    • Super Boosters: These generated a LOT of bad will on the forums, and for good reason. All it would have taken was saying that any exclusive items in them would eventually be for sale in the market, and that would have disarmed most of it. Keeping it as it was traded some player good will for a few more sales. In the end, it doesn't seem to have been worth it.
    • AE: Handled poorly before it even went live, and it went downhill from there. AE needed a complete overhaul of the rewards and the rating system. New powers and maps needed to reach AE faster, and new methods/tools for storytelling needed to be added. You could have also made a few extra sales by attaching a small price amount to allowing a "Real World Publish" of a slot that would have let them use "blank" NPCs and normal doors for the missions.
    • Point Cards: While this was not anything IN the game itself, this was still a massive failure for CoX. Many times I would have purchased a points card and given the code to a friend if I could, and I know I was far from alone in this. These were lost sales, pure and simple.
  18. I've been thinking about this, and I don't see any way they can pass on the information and have it be anything less than a nightmare in the making. Both the legal problems that may come up with sharing someone's account data, and the chance of data coming out messed up.

    IF someone else was to buy the game and SOMEHOW get it going on the old game engine again, I see only two choices. Buy everything again, or everybody gets all permanents that were already for sale. Consumables will likely be lost, I'm afraid, as will all characters.
  19. If Clinton was still president, he'd offer them a bailout.

    If Obama tries that, his heath-nut wife will slap him.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    If NCsoft are allowed to "release it to the masses" is another thing, one which I believe that only Cryptic are allowed to authorise.
    If they did, it would be an interesting move on their part. Good PR from the masses, and a nice kick at NC Soft, all in one.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    Well, once NCSoft was done with CoH, they could have officially declared the server and client code as "open source" and allowed anyone to play with it or use it however they wanted. I seem to recall that happening in the past, though not with an MMO that I can recall.
    I don't think they can. They didn't own the game engine, and I'm sure some of the server-side stuff is from the Cryptic side as well.
  22. A couple friends of mine are reporting similar problems, though I don't know what they tried to buy.
  23. Rabid_M

    Wreck It Ralph

    I'll agree that it's a "must see" movie. The idea of characters being left homeless when a game shuts down was more depressing than it normally would be, considering current events.