I'll be boycotting...
A boycot tends to be a temporary measure you keep up until the company changes his ways.
There is no changing this, and I am not boycotting. But as far as I can remember this, I wont be giving NCSoft any more money.
Nc soft is dead to me....
A boycot tends to be a temporary measure you keep up until the company changes his ways.
There is no changing this, and I am not boycotting. But as far as I can remember this, I wont be giving NCSoft any more money. |
1.) Change their minds based on fan support and reinstate Paragon Studios and continue development. Unlikely, but possible. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
2.) Sell the game to another publisher so it can survive
3.) Release the source code so the game can live on
A boycott can definitely put pressure on a company to do these things. But since NCsoft seems disillusioned with the US market anyways, I don't think it will be successful.
But it's worth trying.
The best chance is they sell it.
Its still unlikely but its the most possible
the second most possible is someone unauthorized releases the source code by mistake
Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.
I will never buy another NCSoft product for as long as they are a company and I am alive.
Yeah, no way am I buying anything from NCSoft again after this.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
I realize boycotting their product and advising others that it is bad and they shouldn't try it may not be CoH back but this is what you get...
At least EQ1 left the old servers running for those willing to play as is and continue paying for subscriptions.
You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.
If I was one of these crazy lotto millionares I'd put in an offer, but I think they still wont be selling.
There is also a bit of legal issues there, from what I understand, they never actually purchased everything from Cryptic. They licensed the engine and may had bought the IP, but there still are ties between this game and Cryptic that make a purchase or open source extremely unlikely.
It can happen but again I wouldn't count on it. Though Perfect World did sweep in and grab Cryptic, STO & Champions from Atari when they decided to close things.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
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I am truly disappointed in how this whole thing is being handled. They posted on FB info on the upcoming new content for i24 then a few hours later post THIS. I personally will never trust another NCSoft product... period! If they had any brains at all they would kill Aion (which turned out to be the real financial disappointment) or even better try to find a buyer for the CoH franchise who would actually care about it.
The closure of PS could have a lot to do with factors. PS never managed to get a side project greenlighted, so far as we know, so the studio and the game were really an all or nothing proposition. They may have even incurred losses trying to get another project going. If they had managed to have multiple products on the market, NCsoft might have had more reason to sustain the game.
That said, I can't really speak ill of NCsoft. I really think they have let their developers try some innovative things, and we see that with Arenanet as well.
One of Six, Cannibal 6
If someone did sweep in and buy City Of Heroes they would have the most appreciative, loving loyal players any game could hope to have.
If someone out there is thinking of doing so...please do so.
Lisa-Hoping for a miracle.
So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try
***Dennis DeYoung
I won't be boycotting NCsoft because none of their other products are, to be perfectly honest, worth my money or my time. Neither Lineage nor Aion are something I'd play even for free, Blade and Soul never interested and and Guild Wars 2, for as much as ArenaNet put into it, just doesn't have enough in it to set it apart from the pack. Sure, it has gimmicks, but it looks, sounds and smells like a Fantasy MMO.
What I'm saying is I won't be buying anything from NCsoft again, but mostly because City of Heroes was the only game they owned which was worth a crap. Smooth move shutting it down, folks. I guess shutting Aion down within... What, a year of launching it? Yeah, that might have been an embarrassment if you'd kept the 8-year-old game around.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
There's things they can do:
1.) Change their minds based on fan support and reinstate Paragon Studios and continue development. Unlikely, but possible. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes 2.) Sell the game to another publisher so it can survive 3.) Release the source code so the game can live on A boycott can definitely put pressure on a company to do these things. But since NCsoft seems disillusioned with the US market anyways, I don't think it will be successful. But it's worth trying. |
IDK about the rest of you but I am a HUGE fan of CoH lore and stories. I loved the books and comics and almost anything CoH related. I'm more saddened by the death of its lore and franchise then I am about the game.
So I'll be boycotting until it returns.

Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at cohcomicindex.com
www.jkcomics.com for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,
The sad thing is, I've had to experience this a number of times. City of Heroes is just the latest title published by NCSoft to get the axe. Auto Assault, Exteel, Tabula Rasa ... A number of others came before it.
I used to play Tabula Rasa and City of Heroes together. On the month leading up to Tabula Rasa's shutdown, NCSoft tried really hard to get everyone who played Tabula Rasa to try out Aion. And when I later found out what was really going on behind the scenes with TR's death, I vowed to never touch another NCSoft game outside of CoH. I thought that City of Heroes was one of NCSoft's pillars, a vernerable game with a large enough player base and sizable prestige that NCSoft wouldn't kill it on a whim.
I guess I was wrong. And for that, I am never playing another NCSoft title.
This is the best chance of any future for the game. Now don't rule it out some other producer could sweep in and grab up COH/Paragon Studios. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on it but the game and IP are pretty good, the studio has other projects in development that would likely be useful to a producer as well. They can likely do it for a fairly cheap bargain of 10 - 25 million and it is likely that NCSoft would take that.
It can happen but again I wouldn't count on it. Though Perfect World did sweep in and grab Cryptic, STO & Champions from Atari when they decided to close things. |
Without a team in place, the value of the franchise goes down dramatically. So much so that you have to think that NCSoft looked around for a buyer before making this decision, and didn't find one.
The sad thing is, I've had to experience this multiple times. City of Heroes is just the latest title NCSoft published that it's shut down. Auto Assault, Exteel, Tabula Rasa ... And a number of others.
When I learned of the details behind Tabula Rasa's closure, I had already been playing City of Heroes for a while. I vowed to never touch another NCSoft game outside of CoH, because I thought that City of Heroes was one of NCSoft's pillars. A vernerable game with a enough prestige and player base size that the company wouldn't kill it off on a whim because it gave them a steady flow of income at the very least. I guess I was wrong. And for that, I am never playing another NCSoft title. |
The best I can guess is that they probably do some sort of accounting trick when they close a game that lets them write off a big chunk of cash that makes their books look good. They do it so regularly that something like that is the only logical reason. Particularly when you see lots and lots of games rolling along years after they peaked yet still they are out there. Sometimes doing well sometimes just lingering.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
List of Invention Guides
Its like they are pulling out of the western market.
Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.
I will never give NC Soft a penny - this was the only game I played and looks like will ever play.
Not another dime, NCSoft ! My first and my last NCSoft product. You and your affiliates can go to hell.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "
NCSOFT is the EA of the east. If I hadn't already bought GW2, I probably wouldn't.
It doesn't make sense that they would do this. It seemed the CoH was making more money since it went FTP than it did when it was subscription only. They certainly were putting out more content.
Yes NCSoft has a bad habit of closing games that could go on for years bringing in money without a huge cost associated with them. Throw a bit of development their way occasionally and the games will last for years bringing in money.
The best I can guess is that they probably do some sort of accounting trick when they close a game that lets them write off a big chunk of cash that makes their books look good. They do it so regularly that something like that is the only logical reason. Particularly when you see lots and lots of games rolling along years after they peaked yet still they are out there. Sometimes doing well sometimes just lingering. |
My personal theory on why otherwise healthy or stable MMOs get killed off is because the executives are too focused on dethroning the Market Leader, or taking a big chunk out of its income.
NCSoft doesn't have anything else I'd spend money on.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
... NCSoft has other games?
News to me.
Not that it makes a bit of difference, won't be touching them.
I'll be boycotting everything NCsoft related once CoH goes dark.
Based on that, it seems they are banking on GW2 over CoH. And I say you spread the word and DONT let anyone buy or play GW2. Show the evil South Korean NCsoft execs what happens when you fight against Superheroes and villains, for the purpose of "War"!!!
Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at cohcomicindex.com
www.jkcomics.com for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,