1203 -
So long and thanks for the fish!
I actually saw a very interesting discussion on what happens with intellectual property rights when the author/creator dies and doesn't make solid plans for handling it. The worst that can happen is a creative property just dies because whoever controls the rights doesn't want to let them be used anywhere. Usually in some misguided vision that they are being protected.
It looks more like Lucas looked at things and decided ahead of time to sell the rights off and enjoy the retirement.
oh and the mentioned article is Here by Author Kristine Kathryn Rusch. -
Quote:Yep that is why Andy is still helping to hold the Sheriff's station against the hoards of undead.The only people that have disappeared from the forums recently have been extremely vocal and argumentative folk who belittled anyone who disagreed with them. Some crossposted their views onto every board and when asked not to by some, lit into them.
Even at the end of the world, you still will need the police to remove those who are making the lives of those who simply want to spend their remaining days with some quiet dignity miserable. -
My guess this is started by the guy who tried to engage in Credit Card fraud with NCSoft and then whined in the forums about his account being banned before his thread was ultimately moderated.
Quote:And that is why ultimately I don't wind up black balling the various publishers. Because if I did I would soon have nothing to play.Dont play games from Take 2, Electronic Arts, NCsoft, Sony, Ubisoft, CCP... basically any publisher that has dropped/Closed games studio's for any reason.
Oh, and 2K Games are on that list, as they are a subsidary of Take 2, so that is X-Com out of the window as well.
Frankly GW2 is a pretty fun fantasy MMOG. But there is nothing wrong if you don't want to play it. -
Quote:Got a chance to briefly check on this last night. I had already switched to DX9, but taking the veg and shad down to .2 each was amazing. I didn't get to stay in long but I had been getting frame rates of 12 - 15 with occasional bouts of 1 or just frozen. Last night for the bit of time I had to check I was getting framerates of 29 - 32 with the occasional slowdown to 15. I'll have to give this a longer term run and maybe I can bump one or the other up a notch but thank you very much for the specific slider adjustments that I had missed.Have you tried changing to DX9 TerraDraconis? Also, turning vegetation and shadow levels down? I had to do all of that and I now have very minimal issues (except really low fps in London). Even turning those settings down, the game is still beautiful.
I do like TSW and what was keeping me from enjoying it was the bad framerates and lockups in combat. -
Quote:I was surprised it went away at all. But pleasantly surprised. In the old days when I had to walk up hill five miles in the driving snow to school the moderators would have removed it within hours of it first appearing....With the direction that thread was going, is anybody surprised (even a little) that it went away?
I've tried some of the settings lower but I'll go ahead and lower those other ones as well. Thank you for the suggestion. I do like the secret world if it just wouldn't freeze up regularly on me. ::Sigh::
Quote:It wasn't just that he made the claim about how rude we all where, it was that he went on and on in post after post about how mean and cruel we all where to the poor OP.Here ya go.
I just got Banned on my Account!
TerraDraconis just dropped the hammer on Evil Legacy for accusing everyone of picking on the OP. Too funny. I always get a kick out of watching someone have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
So I went back to double check and then I simply posted the notes I had been taking. Result Posts 2 - 64 pretty much unsympathetic but generally helpful and aside from 1 or 2 nonsequeter posts all were ok. Post 65 is a mocking picture and post 66 is the OP giving everyone in the thread the finger. Post 72 is EL dropping on everyone about how horrible we had been to the OP etc, etc, etc. And posts 73 - 91 are mostly EL complaining about how horrible the COX community is.
Sorry about all that but I figure having done the research ....
Oh and thank your for the award of The Internet Forbin_Project.
Now on to Secret World. I wish it worked a bit better with my graphics card. I hate dieing to the game freezing up. ::sigh:: -
Quote:Pepper doesn't look to happy.Stumbled across this link for a peak at the teaser for Iron Man 3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?featur...&v=askHCPHNRsM -
Quote:Because they both aimed to be console games.Sigh, it really sucks having no where to go. Champions online was boring. I played that for like 2 weeks and was bored outta my mind. DCUO was one of those 'get to top level and raid over and over and get leet gear' and I hate that kind of setup. And now I just looked at the thing Marvel is releasing and it looks godawful. Basically Marvel Alliance in MMO form. Why is CoH the only game to get it right? And why is it being shut down while the others stick around (well, minus the Marvel one, which hasn't come out yet)? I hope Matt can round up at least some of the Paragon City devs and kickstart another super hero MMO. Nothing else compares to what they have done. About a month left and I'm gonna have no where to go.
Right now, I should be playing my Bio Armor/Dark Melee tank, not be in a state of mourning...
No seriously I blame it on the limitations of the console controller. You have to limit powers and commands and menus and all that in a console controller. I've noted that ever since a couple of Elder Scrolls ago. The first one moved to a console showed definite signs of the dumbing down of the interface. The same with other games I've seen go from PC only versions to the next version having a console version. Because of the limitations of the console controller the entire play experience changes.
Mind you not always in a bad way but it usually winds up somewhat limited compared to what you can do with a full keyboard.
Both DC Heroes and Champions Online aimed to be console/PC games. In DC Heroes case they succeeded in Champions Online's case Microsoft changed their mind at the last minute and didn't allow the planned Xbox version to release. But since the game that became Champions Online originally started as a Marvel Heroes product and then had to be rebranded to another IP it had been planned as an Xbox/PC game. as late as 6 months post launch of Champions Online Cryptic was still trying to get Microsoft to approve the Xbox version.
So in answer it's because they are designed to be console games and I'm not certain that a proper super hero game can be built using a console platform. -
Quote:It maybe your video card. I have a GeForce 8600 GTS and it barely works for me. I definitely need to upgrade my video card to play it well. I usually have around 15 FPS but after a while it can drop to 1 FPS and lock up on me.ty ty ty -- I've actually been around a bit before but haven't been able to post since Freedom (not being premium donchaknow).
I had to come back and check in here when I noticed an influx of superheroes in TSW. So sorry your game is closing my friends - it is a great one!
FYI -- Katatonic, Illuminati, one step up from hostage. Put me on your friends list and I'll help all I can.Not fun but when it isn't doing that it is great. I've explored Kingsmouth town itself and have just started the areas nearby. Just took the Kid in the skate parks missions.
It is definitely a fun game. -
Quote:Oh I agree something doesn't add up. I have my own pet theory that somehow they gain a short term positive benefit from shutting down a game and or studio. But I have no idea what and my attempts at a coherent reason get shot down by people who say that it doesn't work that way. Maybe yes maybe no. But I'm convinced that NCSoft learned from their first shutting down of a game some trick that makes them a short term profit. And they keep going back to that well.SOMETHING doesn't add up here. I might never be able to prove it, and you might not believe it, but I personally believe that something fishy is going on inside the halls of NCsoft that we're not privy to, an ulterior motive at work. Something has changed the past few years, something I can't put my finger on, but something that I think isn't in the company's best interest. Unlike how I felt when the game launched, it's pretty obvious to me that gaming communities aren't exactly a priority at NCsoft now. That's not to say that sometimes they don't luck out with studios that provide awesome community relations folks like ours did and that sometimes we even get good GM support like we did. But in the big picture, I feel like NCsoft just doesn't know how to treat its customers well, and I for one won't be supporting their games in the future. Right now, it seems that those "long term goals" they referred to are to churn out a new shiny every couple of years or so, let it run for a little while, then burn it down and move on to something else. As a gamer, I have to say no thank you.
Anyway yes there is something fishy about it but what? I don't know and I suspect you would have to be an NCsoft Korea insider to know. -
Thank you. It has been a pleasure having you as one of our GMs. May you do well as the future unrolls before you.
I miss my Amiga 1000. The most awesome of machines. Well ok it's in storage somewhere but still it was great and showed how a computer could be built. ::sigh::
One of the local BBS people The Dirty Duck ran his BBS Duck off and Fly from his Amiga 1000. He had two 10 Megabyte yes I said 10 Megabyte IBM hard drives that he ran it from. -
Best of luck to you and the other's at Paragon Studios. I hope all of you land on your feet. Oh and I don't think we should chest bump because it would look like two sumo wrestlers.
May life treat you well. It has been a pleasure having you tell your stories to us.
I've actually seen in another thread a better theory. Basically that Nexon which owns NCSoft told them to do something about their problems. Fast decisive action such as cutting a game and studio that is making you money but whose loss won't particularly hurt you counts as such action.
Note the speed that NCSoft moved at. So it looks like their answer to their owner when told to do something is to take a harmless to them show action of cutting Paragon and COH. Just look at the suddenness and speed of the shutdown. This does not have the look of being planned but instead of an action taken in haste.