Do you look forward to more Incarnate slots? What would you want to see?
I know I'm hoping Omega would augment an existing Incarnate power into OH MY GOD WTF IS THAT?! proportions. In my mind I imagined an Omega'd Lore slot to look something like what Altair can do with the apple here.
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I'd like to see something similar to the powers you get in the first alpha arc mission. The unresisted damage proc, and the phasing proc. Maybe it gives you a chance to be unaffected by each attack or something.
As too looking forward to more slots...yes, the powers. But totally not looking forward to getting them. Even with the amount of trials we have now, with possible at least 4 more to come (one for each new slot) that is gonna be a huge amount of grinding. Look at how the Mag trial mostly gets farmed.
Hopefully they will surprise us
Yeah, looking forward to them. Totally unsure what else we'll be getting since they covered a lot of the most basic stuff and they don't want to just keep giving us 'bigger numbers'.
be interested to see what they come up with.
Couldn't care less about Incarnate content, tbh.
I'd like to see a counterpart to Judgement; basically a massive single-target attack. Think KO Blow + Rage, or Energy Transfer on steroids. Beyond that, I'm pretty open.
Still need some good 'ol fashion mez.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
I don't know how reliable the source was, but a friend mentioned that Genesis is supposed to augment your existing powers. Sort of like 1 tree improves judgement, 1 does destiny, 1 alpha, etc. Probably just a rumor, but if it is real, that'd ruin Omega being what AzureSkyCiel suggested, unless they want to risk everyone doubling up for SUPER JUDGEMENT.
Honestly, I thought Genesis would be something to buff up what you are already good at. Scrappers gonna scrap. Not sure how that'd work though, since Hybrid already kinda covered that. If it is possible, I'd suggest that anything higher than Hybrid/Genesis shouldn't be available outside of iContent. This would make power creep slightly less of a concern, assuming future iContent is of sufficient difficulty.
The only thing I actually *want* out of future iPowers? Mostly that they look literally awesome. I'm a borderline god. I want my enemies to gaze upon My form and be awed.
NCSoft will be getting no more of my money and my GW2 purchase was halted the day of the announcement. I'm a loyal and very profitable customer. I hope to return to giving them all of my money, should CoH survive.
No, not looking forward to more Incarnate powers. It's obvious they've already bitten off more than they can chew. More powers will just mean more balance problems which will likely be solved by more cheap tricks.
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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
Yeah incarnate powers are already 45+ as it is and there's really not as much content in that range as you'd think. Pretty much anything endgame is already going to -be- Incarnate content unless they toss freemies a bone with some new normal 40-50 content.
Look at how the Mag trial mostly gets farmed.
Hopefully they will surprise us ![]() |
So for me I'll be looking forward to Hybrid when it arrives

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
I enjoy making new characters too much, and don't really get into the trials.
I've so far taken one character to anything above Alpha slot, (I got up to Lore and Destiny the long way, using Notice of the Wells and merits to create threads to create XP).
I'm currently working on my second character to unlock Judgement and Interface, and may not go much further than that.
yes, more incarnate stuff would be fun, however i am looking for more passive buff type powers
hybrid originally was something i was really looking forward to, but they turned it into an abysmal power thats like a rehash of destiny with a negligible passive buff to try to appease poeple for not making it a perma toggle, its current form is arguably one of the weakest incarnate powers to date and i havent even bothered to try to work towards it on any of my toons except my main since he needed the badge for the unlock

Why would I want to work towards something that can only be used in something that I'm grinding in order to work towards something I can only use while grinding for more of the same thing?
I might, for alts that I really like, unlock and slot up to Tier 2 Judgement and Interface using DA content (which doesn't take too much grinding). Beyond that, the Incarnate system might as well not exist as far as I'm concerned.

Actually, honestly, I think I look forward to more incarnate content than I do new powers. The trials are alright but really they're pretty quick. Dark Astoria and the Emperor's sword are fantastic, but I'd like -more-. Another zone at least.
I really want on of the powers to let us turn into something awesome and kick 18 assorted kinds of *** for a short time. Like a dragon, a giant demon, or something of the sort.
Also? I don't get people complaining about balance issues with incarnate stuff. Its very purpose is to make you OP. There aren't any balance issues because it isn't meant to be balanced, its meant to be awesome. If you don't want to be awesome, don't become incarnate and let us keep our awesome.
I am ever the proponent and hopeful for the transformation incarnate power. What this will be is a form shift similar Kheldian Shifts, except temporary and granting several powers into the temp power tray. It is likely that it is coming, since they have experimented with something similar with Shadowhunter and his transformation halfway through the battle. This will also be quite easy to balance, since each transformation provided will be contained within itself, and can be tweaked to perfection outside of any powersets in the game. It can also be really cool to have players turn into giant monstrosities or something like that.
I'm also waiting for the self destruct power. The idea is that it is one of the other incarnate powers on steroids, so much that it crashes the player to 1 HP and 0 Endurance or just outright kills the player. Not sure if they would put this in, since Crashed Nukes were rarely used, but something like this could be done.
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Nope. Did my stint raiding in that other game, don't like seeing it invade this one.
I'd be less annoyed with incarnates if only Alpha functioned in normal content as was originally planned. Judgement and Destiny turn everything into roflstomps.
Incarnate powers are fun, but they force me to nerf people in AE arcs. I've gotten a few complaints (Can count them on one hand) about folks wondering why my arcs are 44.
Well, because at 45 you get access to all your Incarnate Powers, which basically ruins any challenge AE has if you're going for a challenging arc. If there was a way to lock out Incarnate powers, I would.
Luckily Incarnate level mobs have been given to us for use in AE, or that helps a bunch. I wouldn't mind the ability to give enemies level-shifts or that Chimera "Give-myself-shifts-on-the-fly" ability.
Otherwise I can't wait for more.
Pre-Nerf Keyes was and has always been my favorite trial
you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3
Everytime we have received a new incarnate slot our characters have grown in power. Do you look forward to more? I personally do as I tend to play one character. I know some are fearful of the power creep or the fact they want to incarnate every character they have.
If you do look forward to more slots, what would you want to see? Personally, I would not mind another click power that acts as a massive debuff like judgement but debuffs. Could be an extreme amount of -Res or -Regen. It could be an AOE power.
Another power I would not mind would be some type of power that adds a new inherent. It would be passive and could do things like maybe reduce endurance cost based on your health or something like that.
Finally, I would not mind a purely cosmetic incarnate slot. Imagine a slot that adds new graphics to your attacks. Think of the overwhelming force proc which has a cosmetic proc of a nuclear explosion that shakes your screen when it goes off. Its really neat if you haven't seen it.