Do you look forward to more Incarnate slots? What would you want to see?

Adeon Hawkwood



I don't look forward to any new items that are liable to bring with them more new forms of XP/currency/salvage. Particularly if said XP/currency/salvage is only going to be sparingly available from an exceedingly narrow source.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Perhaps a combination of popping your destiny, lore, and judgement consecutively gives you the requirements to use your omega, which im hoping could be a transformation power.



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
Congratulations. You have now beaten every massively multiplayer online role playing game.
I think this made less sense than what I originally posted.



Since getting incarnate powers requires grinding through trials I don't care much about them. I still haven't gotten around to doing half of the incarnate trials, I simply don't enjoy trials/TFs and so on very much.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I really don't look forward to Incarnate Powers too much. I feel like the ones we have really cover the bases well enough as it is... I mean, Hybrid seems rather... out of place? Not sure that is quite the right term, but it just doesn't seem to fit. Mayhap since it was added without a companion slot.

I view the Incarnate Powers as a bonus... that is mostly un-needed.

What I do look forward to is new content. Like, you know, actual story development. While I don't specifically look forward to new trials, that is the vehicle that most of the content is delivered through, so I take what I can get. I honestly get stoked to see the video portion of each trial for the first time, since they really knock home storyline development. Notably exciting were the UGT's video and the one in the midst of MoM.

What do I expect from further powers? I haven't a clue. I really don't think our characters need any more power. Mayhap that opinion will change once Battalion comes around.

I just thought of one thing that I do hope for for sure: That one of the iPowers ISN'T a transformation power. I would like my characters to not have a form change thrust upon them. I really don't like the idea of all characters suddenly looking the same for periods of time either... iPowers have done enough to homogenize the game as it is... let alone the one bastion of individuality we have left.



I want a single target melee attack that do great damage and a status effect, maybe T1 = immob, T2 = sleep or fear, T3 = stunned and T4 = hold. Power customization allow for several animation types, including the good old Knockout Blow. Same goes for the effect animation if the enemy is mezzed.
Some ideas for effect animations:
T1: Webbed
T2: Clutching injured body part, fear, sleep, coughing (no vomit)
T3: Dizzy, crawling, gasping for air
T4: Vomit, tantrum, frozen, collapse, contained in force field (as some hold procs do)

Maybe allow T2 and higher to put enemy in walllean or assumeposition if near wall.

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I'm only fully incarnating (ie: done all trials successfully and T4 in all slots) 4 characters. A handful of other will get their T3 Alpha, but the vast majority of my characters are retired at 50.
I look forward to new slots and new trials the same way I look forward to new powersets and such.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



I'm looking forward to new slots, yeah, and new Incarnate content in general. I've got two characters more or less completely Incarnated (both are +3; one has most slots at T4 except for Judgment, which is still at T3; the other is at all T3s except for Alpha), one who is fairly early on in the process (T2 Alpha, T1 Interface, nothing else unlocked), and one who will probably start the whole shebang in the next week or so (he's level 48 at the moment, more than halfway to 49). I don't even really care if the power seems underwhelming (see: Hybrid), I just like to have it. They're still generally less work than some of the Accolade powers I've picked up.

It's a weird situation for me. I generally don't like team content. I like to solo, so I can be the star of the imaginary story in my head. But I really don't mind and even enjoy most of the iTrials. (In fact, most of the team-only content in CoH in general, which is one of the reasons I stick around) And I'm looking forward to more New Stuff to Do with my Mostly-T4'd guy, even if it's just another arc or two like the Emperor's Sword.



I am very much looking forward to new incarnate abilites. My main is a Invul/SS tank and the incarnate powers have really helped me find way to "fix" every kink in his armor. I have the same goal for all my incarnated character. I take the powers that either improve or overpower that characters Pre- incarnate content role in teams or solo content.

I should also mentiopn that I always find it odd that these type of threads bring out the anti-grind, anti-raid, anti-teaming , anti-endgame crowd...when that's usually the lifeblood of an MMO. I know I personally left this game for a number of years because we DIDNT have the things we are getting now while other more popular MMO's did.



I think there are two main reasons all the "antis" you mentioned come out in force to these threads:

1) This game survived for a very long time without end game raids... as such, there are many of them around.
2) Their opinion to the question in the OP is just as valid as anyone else's.



More power slots, I know they said they tried at early levels and had issues, but I really wish we had a incarnate power that gave us 2-3 more power slots.

The only thing else I would like for my main is a very high damage single target attack, maybe have the different powers 2 melee styles, the other 2 ranged style, 1 side of tree damage the other mez/debuff.

Another option would be a free travel power, it may not be much but could help some builds or just add that extra flair for a concept.

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
I'd be less annoyed with incarnates if only Alpha functioned in normal content as was originally planned. Judgement and Destiny turn everything into roflstomps.
Link? First I've heard that. And Inventions have been making content into roflstomps for years.

ON-TOPIC: I'm looking forward to three more level shifts, and hopefully 3 of the 5 remaining powers being passives boosts. I'm hoping that Omega's level shift is usable outside of Incarnate content.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I think there are two main reasons all the "antis" you mentioned come out in force to these threads:

1) This game survived for a very long time without end game raids... as such, there are many of them around.
2) Their opinion to the question in the OP is just as valid as anyone else's.
Prior to their implementation, the opinion "I don't want any end-game raids" was valid. Now it no longer is. They're here, they're staying. It's just as invalid as saying, "I wish they would remove Blasters from the game."

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I want the omega slot to be a mirror image of alpha i would love to run cardiac and spiritual at the same time..........

Scrappers: (50) BS/SD,(50) Spines/INV, Controllers: (50) Fire/Kin (50) Fire/Storm, Tankers: (50) Stone/SS (50) Stone/DB (50)Stone/Elec (50) Ice/Stone (50) Fire/KM (50) Elec/SS +3, Blaster: (50) Ar/Devices, Brutes: (50) Claws/WP +2 (50) Elec/SD +3 (50) Claws/FA +1 (50) SS/WP/MU +3(50) SS/FA/Soul +3, (50) Elec/TW +2, (50) Warshade, (50) Plant/Dark Perma Dom+3



Originally Posted by hidbyflames View Post
I want the omega slot to be a mirror image of alpha i would love to run cardiac and spiritual at the same time..........

That would be very anti climatic if that's all it was.

Now to stack Intuition with Musculature for massive damage bonus with a huge chunk ignoring ED. Or perhaps stack Intuition with Nerve for a massive boost to holds. Spiritual with Vigor on a regen. See where I'm going here? Damn it. Now I want this.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Actually, honestly, I think I look forward to more incarnate content than I do new powers. The trials are alright but really they're pretty quick. Dark Astoria and the Emperor's sword are fantastic, but I'd like -more-. Another zone at least.
Couldn't agree more. I'm very much looking forward to more Incarnate story arcs, or ideally, another zone. The powers are fun to have, and I don't mind doing a few trials to get them, but Dark Astoria is what kept me subscribed when I was thinking about going premium.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post

1) This game survived for a very long time without end game raids... as such, there are many of them around.
It only survived that because it was the only thing in town genre wise for years. Issues 4-7 nearly killed this game. Both with their nerfs and the full year without any content updates. If another Superhero MMO had come about during that time this game would have died right then. It just so happens that the two Superhero MMO's that have come out ..well suck compaired to this one.



Issue 4-7 didn't have any content updates?


City of Villains? Not a content update?

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Do you look forward to more?
Not even a little.



Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
Issue 4-7 didn't have any content updates?


City of Villains? Not a content update?
That's not what I meant, there was a huge gap between issue 6 and issue 7 of roughly 8 months. While 4-6 were large sweeping nerfs which all lead to Statesman (the dev) leaving and Positron taking over.



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
That's not what I meant, there was a huge gap between issue 6 and issue 7 of roughly 8 months. While 4-6 were large sweeping nerfs which all lead to Statesman (the dev) leaving and Positron taking over.
8 months = a full year?

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Gobby's right, the math does seem to be off.

8 months of, let's see:

Brand new zones.
5 Brand new archetypes.
Brand new powersets.
Dozens of brand new mission arcs.
Brand new strike forces.
Dozens and dozens of brand new badges.
Brand new power mechanics.
Brand new enemy types.
Dozens of brand new maps.

City of Villains was (and still is) the single biggest addition to this game since launch. Doesn't that warrant a larger-than-usual break between Issues and adding content?

As for the OP: Anything new (to me) is always good. Tough to justify? Perhaps. Difficult to add to the conceptual stew for character building? Maybe. However, the entire point of "new stuff" whether it's missions, powersets, iTrials or the entire Incarnate system shows without doubt that Paragon (and NCSoft) is still investing time, money and manpower into this game that I love, and that is ALWAYS a good thing.

As for the remaining Incarnate slots...I honestly don't know what I would *like* to see. I would like to see maybe a little more click power that isn't gamebreaking, more of an expansion of the APP/PPP system or the ability to select a 5th power pool.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



2nd pick off the Alpha choices, with stacking, of course!



I look forward to more Incarnate powers and trials.

But only if they aren't handled like Hybrid. Although I'm guessing Genesis will be unlocked in a similar fashion to Hybrid. I'm okay with that as long as the power is worth it.

I heard all the talk about Hybrid over the course of beta testing and it seems what we wound up with is rather *meh*. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to complain too much because I didn't bother with the beta. And since I didn't test at all and let my "informed" opinion be heard, I have to live with what I got.

I stopped beta testing around i18 or i19 because I found that I spent WAY too much time on beta testing things that when the issue went live I was already bored with the new content since I'd already played (tested) it so much. This led me to growing tired of the game and contemplating unsubbing since I wasn't having fun anymore.

Since I stopped beta testing I've enjoyed the game much more and haven't left once, aside from a 1 week unsub due to my computer dying on me.

Hybrid is the first Incarnate power that I really haven't bothered with on my characters. I have a couple dozen Incarnate alts and they are all t3 on everything up to Hybrid, but only 2-3 of those have even unlocked the Hybrid slot and none of those have anything slotted in it even though I have enough salvage to actually put something in there. I'm sure I will unlock/slot Hybrid on all my Incarnate alts eventually, but I just haven't found a reason to do so yet.

I enjoy most of the Incarnate content we have thus far and I look forward to more. I also realize that not every piece of incarnate content we get (whether it's missions, trials or powers) is going to be OMGWTFBBQ!!!1!

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Link? First I've heard that. And Inventions have been making content into roflstomps for years.
Definitely this. When I was having trouble with the DA arc on my first Incarnate, I just started kitting him out with set bonuses instead of focusing on trying to get more Incarnate powers, and that made all the difference.