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  1. I may have to end up just getting a new car. Or at least a less-used one. Blah.

    I used to go to the Raleigh-Durham area a lot when my sister went to school there. She's still in the area (Apex) and I'm sure she can give me advice on some good places for meet-ups.
  2. Just got in-game and joined the guild, now I'm off to bed. Pleasure meeting more CoH'ers.
  3. I might be able to make it, but no promises. My car's still in the shop after the accident.
  4. I will look you guys up when it goes F2P. I promised my brother-in-law that I'd give it a shot with him (he's a huuuge Star Wars fan and has played off-and-on since launch, depending on his workload and such) so I'll be around in there from time to time.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Victoria Victrix.

    And her last post (check out 'news?' page 18) has her saying negotiations are still ongoing.
    Yet another reason to love Mercedes Lackey.
  6. Best wishes Z, you were a fantastic community manager and I looked forward to every weekly coffee talk. I wish more companies would do things like that, but then again, I would only be disappointed. That weekly event was just one of the many reasons Paragon Studios was the greatest.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
    I apologized that I was not able to give you guys a Beta server status update today.

    I was stuck doing jury duty.
    I had jury duty earlier this year. Jury selection was the day before Diablo 3 was released. As you can imagine, I was nonplussed by this. Then I was chosen and I disliked that a lot. It was a murder trial, of sorts. The defendant was not contesting the fact that he killed a person, but was saying it was self defense.

    He shot him 7 times, at least once while the man was prone on the ground. Right in front of the man's sister. The victim was unarmed. I got to see the clothes he was wearing at the time, including blood (and other) stains & bullet holes. Saw the pictures from the autopsy and listened to the medical examiner try to crack jokes in a court room in front of the grieving family of the deceased.

    I certainly hope your experience went better than mine. I had jury duty for 5 or 6 days, at the end of which it took us a little over an hour to come to a decision (guilty). Tragic all the way around because I still don't believe the defendant had a competent attorney.
  8. It took them 2 weeks to get back to me on this issue, but they finally fixed it. Send in your ticket NOW.
  9. I'm in AP32 right now, holding a torch like the others. See if you can spot me in the picture I'm not posting below...
  10. I'm babysitting my niece this Saturday, so I likely won't be there at 5pm. I may be able to make it later if it's still going on, though.
  11. Well, my second account's login is not working at all right now, which is really pissing me off. I can log into the game, but I can not log in to my master account. I have a Going Rogue retail code I want to put in but hey, guess what? Can't log in and their support team is taking a while to get back to me. I know, I know, labor day weekend, yadayadayada... bleh. I reset the password about 5 times now, none of the reset passwords work. There is something seriously wrong with the system, apparently.
  12. The characters I will miss the most...

    Buttercupocalypse/Beyn Winters. I loved the name, and Cold/Sonic taught me a whole new respect for debuffs.

    Ebonstryke. Fire/SS tank, and not because of the powerset, but it was this character with which I made the most friends in City of Heroes, after I made the change from Freedom to Virtue. Everyone still calls me 'Ebon' even though I haven't played the character in forever.

    Loam Neeson. Yeah, I didn't get much of a chance to play my Earth/Nature controller, but I had a ton of fun playing and in coming up with different costumes to fit Liam Neeson's film roles.

    Urban Malicious. Elec/Fire Scrapper, the character with which I started the Paragon Urban Militia personal SG which I then turned into a whole host of stories which are yet to be posted online, and probably never will be now. :/

    So many others... so many.
  13. Also, this is a plea to the devs: Tell us the rest of the story. No, not how NCSoft is closing down the studio, but what was going to happen? What was the Coming Storm going to be like? What were the plans for the game, story-wise, that we will now not be able to see?
  14. I just bought points yesterday too. Crap.
  15. I'm really kind of torn up about this. I've loved this game and its community for a long time now.
  16. There were a ton of trolls in the chat stream, which was unfortunate. It's no wonder that some of the other employees, especially the female ones, don't want to be shown on-camera when you have perverted dimwits going crazy because they heard an off-screen woman's voice once.

    Props to Hit Streak for keeping his finger on the trigger during the latter portion of the live stream, it made the chat far more tolerable.

    And more on-topic, about Ninjitsu for Scrappers... I think it makes sense.

    You'd have to remove Hide, Caltrops, and probably change Smoke Flash. No big deal. Move Ninja Reflexes and Danger Sense upwards in the tree. Move Kuji-in Rin up a slot, so you'd have a new T3 (instead of Hide), the T4 would be the status protection of Kuji-in Rin, and a new T5 and a changed Smoke Flash. I would suggest that the change to Smoke Flash be a -To-Hit, -DMG debuff. You could even keep it called Smoke Flash if you wanted, and it'd be PBAE still.

    The T3 power I would make a passive that grants movement speed, recharge, and an infrequent short-term buff to Defense that would last maybe a second or two. Perhaps call it "Ninja Agility" or "Sixth Sense". The T5 could be something akin to Cloak of Darkness or Energy Cloak and grant a small boost to defense, stealth, and +perception. There ya go, Ninjitsu.

    (I didn't read the thread and I have a feeling other people have said the exact same things)
  17. You didn't miss much, really. Not much of any note that wouldn't be spoilers for those interested in doing the new story arcs. Not that the coffee talk wasn't entertaining, it was - there just wasn't much new info released. They showed off one of the mission maps for a new 30-50 arc.
  18. Psychoti

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    On a whim, I created a new character that I wanted to call 'Enterprise', or 'Excelsior' even though I knew those might eventually get genericed. I didn't know what else to call Captain Kirk's only true love... Until I mentioned 'NC-1700' to a friend and the rest is History! 'Starship NC 17' is now going where everyone has gone before, seeking out new things and going 'pew-pew-pew!!' at them... while nearly naked.

    With creativity and good humor new names are everywhere! Don't settle for old names, they've all been used and abused and gotten dirty. Instead, make a new name for yourself!

    Be Well!
    Fireheart know that NC 17 is a film rating, right? Just sayin'. :P
  19. Psychoti

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    Dead realms? Are you under the impression that names (other than the global) are unique across servers? They aren't.
    I wonder if they're confused because I have their username as my global.
  20. It was actually Ki Push, which may sound like I'm just ridin' you but he went into detail about why he chose to go with 'Ki', for the hard consonant sound, instead of 'Chi'.
  21. Still flagged. That thar Beta forum is mighty tempting, but I shall resist.
  22. I actually checked my game account on the website to make sure I didn't resub by accident. Nope, it lists it as 'free', with no subscription. Odd.
  23. I had access to Beta forums, PMs, etc. Still do as of this posting, and my name was appearing gold as if I were VIP. Don't know what the deal is, but this has happened before. It usually goes away pretty fast, but it's been going on for an hour or so now.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Do you look forward to more?
    Not even a little.