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  1. George must have been going through his old pictures, what with the shirtless Kirk in it, OH MY!
  2. 1393 on Lil Bug my main badger on Freedom.

    Only missing Reveler, celebrant, passport

    vet badges 6,7,8 (although should have vet 6 and vet 7 would be in 4 months)

    and Bug Hunter
  3. Another option is to partner up with someone else on a toon that can help you imob/hold them. There may be some people who just want to change up what they use to farm or who don't have or want to play a "ideal" farming alt.
  4. I started up a BS/Shield over Double XP weekend and I am stuck in the low 40's. I really like it but have a few nitpicks and trying to decide if I should go further or start on something new.

    Somehow BS seems a bit slow to me hits hard and I like it but just a bit slow on the final 2 powers. Along with Active Defense when it activates is having to redraw the sword. Not a big deal I am just looking for my next big favorite brute to invest in the late game with.

    So now I am trying to decide if either Kinetic Melee or street fighting works good with it. I have played pretty much all the melee power sets to 50 or close before, and already have a elec/sheild and have so many ss might try the other 2 out.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    But the new Marvel TV series is ABC. ABC is Disney. Disney owns Marvel. Fox "owns" Elektra (for now). So I don't think we'll be seeing Elektra on that show.
    My quote was in response that Marvel is not getting the rights for Elektra.
  6. Even though many don't care if we see Elektra movie, don't forget with the new Marvel TV show that may or may not show up she could be a good fit on it.

    Not as a main cast member but I think if they did a shield type show with some episodes focused on street level heroes (ie very cheap special effects) then you could see her show up. This way Marvel gets to test out characters and actors, if one takes of then they can develop a movie around it.
  7. Lots of good ones mentioned, but we need Squirrel Mastermind set.

    It would be way overpowered since Squirrel Girl did take out some pretty big heavy hitters.
  8. Why does the influence economy need help, its working just fine as it is. For every billionaire out there, there are 2 other players struggling to make ends meet to slot up.

    If you play a lot of alts and like to slot them up then you will go through influence pretty quick. I would rather see these "vanity" buffs stay on the real cash market, and go on sale every now and again or show up in a future super pack. That way people who feel like they need them can help pay toward something new for me to play with.
  9. More power slots, I know they said they tried at early levels and had issues, but I really wish we had a incarnate power that gave us 2-3 more power slots.

    The only thing else I would like for my main is a very high damage single target attack, maybe have the different powers 2 melee styles, the other 2 ranged style, 1 side of tree damage the other mez/debuff.

    Another option would be a free travel power, it may not be much but could help some builds or just add that extra flair for a concept.
  10. This reminds me when I had a special build way back when to solo/dou a Posi Tf on my Fire/energy blaster. This was about the time reward merits came into play, pre 5 levels when exemplared down, and pre non-power pool fitness.

    I had all my level 15 and lower powers franken-slotted to max out at that level, and had powers like hasten overslotted. It made a posi fly bye in no time.
  11. It will be nice to see when all the changes are put out. One thing is with the change to the fighting pool you could drop Tough if its just a farming build. I dont even run it when farming.

    That could free up some slots elsewhere, just slotting a LOTG Defense Io in Weave and Maneuvers would get your fire defense back up to where you had it. This may let you slot up another attack power or proc in one of them. My farmer only has about 27 Fire defense and runs at max settings and usually has no issues.
  12. On Freedom the Looking for Group channel is very active, especially at night. You will see all sorts of teams at different level ranges looking for members. There are usually a bunch of people running tip missions every night and they will usually take most level ranges.

    Or just Start up your own team and post in the channel and it will usually fill up. I usually run the lower level TF's all the time to level up and they fill up pretty fast.
  13. monkey0707

    Stoopid ATO ?'s

    Don't forget you can convert them as well, and hope to get the one you need.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Unusable for any tanking character that is not a heavy defense tanker. That's basically all but Shields, SR and Ice really. In fact, my Shields tanker is the only character I ever took that power on.
    I will have to say you are a bit wrong there there where a bunch of Electric armor brutes including mine that used Aid Self in melee untill they fixed the set and gave us energize when it was ported over. I used aid self all the time with 1 interrupt in it, and this was before IO's so the only defense I had was CJ, and weave. I also had taunt and was always taking agro.

    The only time I had issues was if I was taking DoT, or a quick high point hit then I used a inspiration.

    I will have to say without practice though its not the best tool out there, but still can get the job done. With Io's now its not that hard to softcap to S/l and aid-self would be even better.
  15. I take hasten on every alt that I make (unless its not really needed) and use it all the time and really never have that big of a issue with Endurance. I am a very active player and always queuing up for the next attack as well.

    I tend to slot for end redux where I can on most, and use blues to manage my end bar. There have been a few alts that have had some end issues and if I see its hasten then I will just take it off auto.

    The only alts I have really ran into a hasten end problem are my high recharge alts or toggle heavy or masterminds(if having to just bring out and train up pets)
  16. monkey0707

    Def question.

    It also depends on what powerset you are running, if you have other layers of protection you dont have to try and get your defense that high, especially at the cost of gimping your other powers.

    I tend to see some melee powerset builds on here that try for a super high defense where they have resistance and regen to back them up but totally ignore recharge and kill their accuracy and damage from slotting.

    Even on a squishy I would rather have must of my defense types/position close to 45% then have 1 type at 58% and the others at 15%.
  17. I really wish I knew how to get a video up or had the time, I would love to show you what a well slotted Firex3 dom can do with it now. I am able to pull 2 +4 8 man spawns and lock them down with bonfire with no issues. With no threat of return fire I can pretty much destroy them in no time while pulling other mobs to my 2 perma bonfires.
  18. I don't recall any white lantern oath looked it up and didn't see anything.

    Like other I thought the Orange Lantern oath was "Mine" I do rember when all the other lanterns had to say their oath Larfleeze just said "mine" Looking it up though is says Geoff Jones has said that it hasn't been relieved yet and may be soon.
  19. I have to say it is a bit overpowered now, glad I don't have to figure that out. I took my Firex3 PermaDom on a AE cave farm +4/x8 and bonfire just made it too easy. Yes I still had to pop some purples and had some trouble on those that bonfire missed, but it made it easy.

    Not as easy as my fire brute, but I would love to see the numbers on fiery embrace + bonfire, hotfeet, rain of fire and fireball could put out.
  20. The only thing I would really want to change is the speed penalty and -jump from rooted.

    Having your mez protection outside of granite having such a big penalty is the biggest drawback to making the set fun.

    Make it just like grounded, even if some of the regen has to be changed. Even though in granite rooted is not really needed and with IO's you can get a pretty good run speed, its the playtime that is such a pain outside of granite.

    On my stone tank I was able to pretty much softcap defense to all (except fire/cold) outside of granite and was pretty much on par with other tanks and only needed granite as a emergency power. You know what though I still stayed in granite because I was able to move faster then with rooted on, and having no mez protection on a tank well you know that answer.
  21. I really wish they would make a easy way of getting them. I find that most of the PPP are better at least for my play style. I have done all the patron arcs so many times, that I only switch if its a ALT that I really want to keep.
  22. I think I like Local Mans' list, although I may move LOTG and steadfast up, but that all depends on what powerset they are.
  23. I can help out if you need to fill up slots, but I don't want to take a badgers spot. Its best to just keep this as small a team as you can. Just go for the one badge avoid, so don't really worry to much on team make up, just people that can listen.

    Have someone call out when the beam is firing, no long animating attacks, best to use range attacks, and no flying. Pets help out really good since they can get hit by the beam and you still get the badge, so highest damage lore pets out.
  24. Barrier for High level play, ageless if you are running solo, or not really needing the extra protection. I really like Rebirth on my Electric though, lets me just keep energize perma and use rebirth as a heal when needed, or on incarnate leagues then I can use it to heal the group or as a panic heal.

    Also try getting Cardiac as your alpha, I have it on my Electric armor brute and love it. With it I can keep stamina 1 slotted and don't really need to keep powers slotted for end redux unless part of a set. This lets me free up other slots in the build to help softcap, get max recharge, Hp and regen that I can.

    It takes some practice but works great I tried it with agility and it didn't work as well. With a high enough recharge even when your end drops a bit you have power sink, and always carry a emergency blue in case you zone out. Of course when you level shift down then just carry extra blues and might have to watch your end bar a bit more.
  25. The old one was great, I used to solo/duo with my wife and run it super fast, had it down perfectly. One of the main reasons I was able to stock up so many merits and recipes back in the day.

    I had the perfect 2nd build build on my fire/energy blaster usually had my wife's toon sit at the contact to help with the no cell for the first half, while I did the inside work, except to bring her in for the last mission reward.