Powerset Wise, What Comic Book Staples Are We Still Missing?




We've really been getting a crapload of powersets lately, with even more on the horizon. Bio Armor, Radiation Armor (hopefully with Radiation melee), Nature Affinity and I bet the ones that were brought up at the last player summit we're noted down for possible sets in the future (Throwing Weapons, I'm looking at you!). I figured it'd be fun to see if there's any blatantly obvious stuff we're still missing.

The one that comes to mind for me is some kind of hard light construct set. I dunno if DC has a trademark on the concept, but I thought it would make for a great Dominator primary and secondary set. Primary for the controls, obviously, with chains made of light for the immobilizes, light boxes for the holds, etc. The concept is also easy to think of powers for an assault set, light swords, big sweeping hand for a cone attack, etc. But, I guess it all depends on if 'light constructs' are free reign or not.

I'd also love to see a Metal Armor set, though I'm unsure how to make 9 powers out of it. It'd probably be similar to Stone Armor in concept, though I don't know if I'd be a big fan of another set with exclusive armors.

Anyways, anything you guys can think of that we're missing?

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.




And a more "Gadgety" set for Controllers/Dominators. Oh, and Wind Control/Assault/Blast!



Iron Man-esque weaponized suits. (Although that might be hard to make into a power set in addition to being a potential TM violation waiting to happen.)

I would also love Metal Armor/Metal Melee powersets.

And Light Blast.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I think the one thing that stands out to me that was part of one of the surveys, is Forcefield armor. In my mind, it'd use a sleeker body coverings, so like Bio Armor, only instead of carapaces, it'd be sleek glowing armor bits/pieces, like the Valkyrie costume set, as opposed to a series of giant bubbles. Now, the self heal in the set would instead be a self-absorb boost. Also, I'd go with chest piece first, boots for the mez type toggle and gloves for some sort of boost to damage(smashing would probably make the most sense)

Air as a blast/assault or control would be keen too.



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Iron Man-esque weaponized suits. (Although that might be hard to make into a power set in addition to being a potential TM violation waiting to happen.)
I'd make it a Mastermind set.

Wait! Hear me out.

Each pet would be a piece of armor that gets added to your character. So, it'd be all laser turrets and missile bays attached to shoulders, back and your feet.

That'd differentiate it from Iron Man, I'd think. Yeah, I have no idea how this would work for PVP.




Not like [Blank], more like shifting parts of your body into things like blades, spikes, mallets. Throwing a chunk of your arm or something to wrap around an enemy as a hold (sort of like Bull Natterling's hold). Single attack-style body morphing.

The logistics of how? Beats me, but it's pretty common in comics and animation.



I am really hoping that Psionic Melee will be able to accomplish the offensive style of Telekinesis that I want... without being way too Psylocke (not sure how possible that is). Otherwise, Gravity has served my needs nicely for a Telekinetic-y set.



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post

Not like [Blank], more like shifting parts of your body into things like blades, spikes, mallets. Throwing a chunk of your arm or something to wrap around an enemy as a hold (sort of like Bull Natterling's hold). Single attack-style body morphing.

The logistics of how? Beats me, but it's pretty common in comics and animation.
So.... Prototype? Or T-1000 style? I can get behind that!

Also, we need a Self-Duplication Mastermind set!!



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
So.... Prototype? Or T-1000 style? I can get behind that!

Also, we need a Self-Duplication Mastermind set!!
Everything from T-1000 to Clayface. All just different shades of the same thing.

And the tech for a Self-Duplication Mastermind set not only exists in game, it would also double as a time travel-flavored Mastermind.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
I'd make it a Mastermind set.

Wait! Hear me out.

Each pet would be a piece of armor that gets added to your character. So, it'd be all laser turrets and missile bays attached to shoulders, back and your feet.

That'd differentiate it from Iron Man, I'd think. Yeah, I have no idea how this would work for PVP.
You could just replace the T7 in Bots with Combine. You and your pets become a Voltron with you as the brain.

Oh yes, duplicate masterminds please.

But not before Pirates, air blast, light blast, and that morphing melee thing. In that order.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
You could just replace the T7 in Bots with Combine. You and your pets become a Voltron with you as the brain.
Ooh, back to weaponized armor idea... You could use the new pop-up bar for it so that you'd control the armor bits directly.

That seems like it might be less effective though, seeing as you have to wait until the powers cycle up and whatever as opposed to just letting the pets auto attack whatever you tell them to... Hmmm...



I think a power armor set would work better with short duration damage toggles that you can turn on at the same time, while also attacking.

Activation turns you to face the target and immobilizes you (so you don't turn away). One toggle turns on a shoulder gatling gun, one fires tiny-multi missiles from your legs, third fires a beam from your mouth. After a few seconds (and steadily draining your endurance in the process), they drop and have to reload/recharge. While all of this is happening, you're still rotating attacks like firing energy balls from your hands or having a rocket launcher pop out on your other shoulder.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
I think the one thing that stands out to me that was part of one of the surveys, is Forcefield armor. In my mind, it'd use a sleeker body coverings, so like Bio Armor, only instead of carapaces, it'd be sleek glowing armor bits/pieces, like the Valkyrie costume set, as opposed to a series of giant bubbles. Now, the self heal in the set would instead be a self-absorb boost. Also, I'd go with chest piece first, boots for the mez type toggle and gloves for some sort of boost to damage(smashing would probably make the most sense)
Oh yeah, a bit like the Praetorian Police Department's personal force fields.



Well off the top of my head...

Pistol and Sword combo
Single pistol (conventional)
Dule pistols (laser)
Single Pistol (laser)
Gatling gun assault/Grenade launcher control
Bolt action rifle.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



There're also archetypes we're missing, Melee/Support and Pets/Melee.

Batman - MA/Traps
Thor - Warmace/Storm
The Kingpin - Thugs/Super Strength
Ra's al Ghul - Ninjas/Katana, Katana/Pain
Doctor Doom - Electric Melee/Forcefields, Robots/Kinetic Melee
Loki - Staff/Kinetics
Nite Owl - Street Justice/Traps

While not perfect depictions in some cases, each character can be depicted as such in this game. I think that's enough (I know there are more, I've just not got the imagination to think of them right now) to show that the concept of the power combinations is already in comics.

Power Armour - I can see this as both a Dominator Assault set and Blaster Manipulation set. Fill it out with rocket punches, macro missiles, flares, holograms and wrist-mounted projectiles (Web grenade?). Combo in alternate animations for Assault Rifle and Dual Pistols where you use wrist-mounted guns and it'd be amazing!

Sorcery/Magic/Spell Casting - Magic chains, temporary summonings, fireballs, lightning bolts. If you keep it like D&D or [enter other tabletop fantasy PNP here] you can have a wide enough range to fill out all types of powersets. Classic casting for blast/control/support, enchanted armour/magical creatures for Masterminds, making walls of magic/stone and turning yourself ethereal and the like for an armour set..

Inspiration - A support set based on leadership skills, charisma and commanding ability, for natural characters. Can be spread out to a battlefield knowledge and tactics control set.

Rapier/Dueling blade - A one handed light blade set to play like a melee Beam Rifle. Light on AoE, but superior damage against a single target through proc and/or escalating damage effects, for the Musketeer in all of us. It's Disintegrate power could be combined with Parry/Divine Avalanche, call it Riposte.

Riot Grenade Launcher - A natural control set. A grenade launcher armed with flashbangs, tear gas, glue bombs, wide area web grenades, smoke grenades, greater caltrops (Caltrops but a bigger radius! And as a knockdown patch!) and maybe even summoning some Shield Defense tanking SWAT officers ala Gang War/Phantom Army. Make it's niche that it's fast recharging but short duration controls with a couple special effects crossing the Disintegrate function of Beam Rifle with the Oil Slick igniting system. Put down Tear Gas in an area for AoE sleep, throw in a Flashbang to stun them and the stun lasts longer and also does -damage! Launch the Smoke Grenade and then put Greater Caltrops in there to cause a confuse effect!

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Definitely the 'armored suit' powerset. You can emulate it to a point with a lot of Blaster sets particularly and the Munitions Epic pool, but armored suits are all about the gadgets. Autocannons, missile launchers, and so on.

This is where I could see a redo or expansion of the Munitions pool or a Blaster primary called Power Armor or something.

Superspeed. Without a doubt, that's a powerset that doesn't get emulated at all here, even with Synapse. Flurry times ten, high speed 'drive by' attacks, something like Shield Charge...it just doesn't exist.

One element of Super Strength, which is manipulation of heavy objects, ala Titan Weapons.

Those are the ones off the top of my head.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I think currently the closest you can get to an armored suit is a Crab Spider.

You get lasers, blades, grenades, bombs, venom gas, ect.



Matter eating



Wind-related sets. Wind Blast, Air Manipulation, Wind Control, Wind Armor, possibly even an Wind Melee that combines short and long range attacks.

Duplication as a Mastermind set.

Gadget Control.

Throwing Weapons.

That's just off the top of my head.



1. elastic- That could be for blasters
2. multiplier.... like Multiple Man, could be a Mastermind powerset
3. Growth/shrink

If these are done I would be impress since they sound hard to make..... mostly 1 and 3.



I think they said Elastic was somewhat impossible due to how character models are made.



Yeah, an elastic set, as we think of it, would involve stretching the model. And that breaks it. badly.

Kind of like trying to give us individual fingers.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Yeah, an elastic set, as we think of it, would involve stretching the model. And that breaks it. badly.

Kind of like trying to give us individual fingers.
I was under the impression that Global Cooling had set in and mittens were mandatory.



Some possibilities are below. Some already partially exist or can kind of be mocked up with existing sets, others not so much. I tried to provide a reference character for some of these, but I may have gotten some wrong since I haven't really read comics in 20+ years.

Power stealing [Rogue, Parasite]
Energy conversion via impact [Strong Guy]
Self duplication [Jamie Maddrox]
Speed as a direct melee set [Quicksilver]
Undefined mystical blast or control [Dr. Strange]
Supernatural/Holy/Divine/Cosmic/Astral/Celestial/Skyward blast [Clerics in many RPGs]
Spirit/Mediumship/Soul control
Light blast that is not Energy Blast
Swarm blast (bees, etc)
Astral armor [various otherworldly beings not completely covered by "Invulnerability"]
Intangible armor
Force field armor
Metaknowledge [Deadpool]
Luck Manipulation [Longshot, Domino possibly]
Disintegration blast
Gravity blast
Atomic control
Molecular armor [Apocalypse, possibly]
Reality control/warping [Mr. Mxyzptlk]
Scythe [Reaper]
Liquification [Hydro man]
Mimicry [Mystique]
Draining touch/Withering grasp (which I view as a melee set with "touches" instead of punches) [Rogue, possibly]



shapeshifting, like kheldians"a form with its owm unique powers. form animals, to other superhumans, to robots (oh i can dream)