831 -
So, I log on today, and the cybertech costume bits are in the tailor. On the live servers.
But, I can't use my remaining points to purchase any of it.
Always with the endless teasing.
Well played, guys. You got me again. -
I'm having a hard time pinning down what 90s comic book high tech armor looked like, and crossing it with what we know of David Nakayama's art style.
Quote:Elemental? I was thinking have The Outcasts jump headlong into costumed super powered supervillainy.That just leaves the Hellions and the Outcasts needing more done to separate them - the Hellions already have a pretty strong look and theme, so any revamp would be likely to expand on that - but the Outcasts are quite messy, with no defined look or theme, apart from being "outcasts", and a vague "elemental" vibe with their fire, ice, earth and electric powers.
The Hellions could do with getting the newer versions of their current clothing, but the Outcasts need to go in another direction, and really play up their "elemental" theme.
Which, I realize I've lobbied for before.
Outcast are messy, but they have a very defined look and theme, once they all start exhibiting their mutantness. Blue skinned Freezers and Shockers, Orange skinned Scorchers and Gray for the Bricks. And to top it off, they wear color coded t-shirts and symbols indicating which power they are.
So, my proposal, as noted above is something I've talked about before, is to just push them over the spandex edge and start gearing them up to be costumed super powered with a focus on super powers.
Leave the under 20s exactly where they're at looks-wise. But then, as a bonus, as they turn up post-20, they'd start branching into spandex.
Maybe start with 20-28 or so as just spandex tops for the male and now, female members of the gang. Roll in Earth/fire/ice/psi control, while also keeping the tank whatever hybrids that we see with the under 20s, on the boss types and of course, possibly make their power choices a bit more robust to make them a match for players. And to pair up with Frostfire's gimmick, make a good portion of them use two different types of powers (Hopefully, they'll get labeled like the Tsoo bosses, so that they'll be of a type.) Then, add in the occasional SupaTroll in some sort of sleeveless spandex. Primarily, because it'd be a shame to let the big guys go to waste as just a one-off Troll Rave thing. (Also, because huge monster enemies are fun, and it'd break up the multi-hued to mob spawns.) Maybe boss types here, start wearing masks.
Then, post 28, full spandex for the whole gang masks, head details, the whole shebang. Reserve capes for the boss types, Lts. can hold on to their hats or maybe add in vests or shoulder things. Maybe at this point, throw in some Radiation and Plant control/thorns/nature affinity and Gravity to round out the remaining variety. At this point, you push the SupaTrolls to just Lieutenant types, as well as a couple dual types for flavor. Heck, if you wanted to get really ambitious, you could give the Boss-types theme specific looks depending on their powersets, like the Tsoo bosses.
Bearing in mind, that this is in addition to every other type, as opposed to replacing a set of guys. Keep the variety across all levels. Otherwise, we'll end up with another Circle of Thorns situation where you only see one or two types of magic depending on level bands. Maybe even make a SupaDupaTroll Giant Monster(I figure if he or she's Kronos sized) event for Founders Falls or Skyway, could even add in a Godzilla reference here(because he's big and green and why not, breathes radioactive fire.)
I like the redemption angle that somebody mentioned above, but the only way for that to work, for me, is if there's still a number of them on the other side of the law. You could even have the occasional helper Outcast NPC thrown into random Outcast missions, to show that there's still Outcasts that are fighting to change from criminals to heroes.
Roll them into Peregrine Isles, have them going head to head with the Malta, what with Malta being the guys that want to take down super powered people, a villain group that was all superpowers would seem a natural fit to go head to head against all the time. This isn't about mutant oppression, that's for the other guys, this is mostly about turf. And of course, Outcast on Outcast fights, because they don't keep their in-fighting just amongst themselves or even indoors.
Even if they only showed up in Radios and maybe tips, it'd be adding something just a little bit more comic book to the game. -
ooh, love combat teleport, would fill out what they started with /Martial Assault or is it Combat triple teleport attack.
Love the travel ideas here.
Sidenote: I would even get rocketskates if they were only as fast and jumped as high as Ninja Run.
Ooh... I think a pop-up short thrust ala the JumpPack or Steampack would be cool too. Probably on a much shorter duration so that you could shorten the recharge time and be up more often, seems like that would make it "different enough" to make it something "new" -
Quote:MMs have bodyguard mode, which so long as they're in defensive mode, means they share your damage. Not quite a "proper" defense, but ablating some of the damage goes a long way. Especially, once you have a lot of pets out.All of that said, my point remains - that's not a bad idea. It's certainly the most original use of a pet class I've seen in some time. I'd still defer to having the pets actually offer passive defensive buffs to the caster sort of the the Wisp and other buff vet pets. It'd make the caster a hard target against directed assault, but it would still give him an Achilles heel for having his buff pets destroyed and stripping him of all his protection and probably offensive buffs.
See, the thing is, I'd rather have a front facing cone like Cryonic(I will even accept the Vorpal style kind where you control where it goes depending on where you're facing) for my super strength ground punch thing. Plenty of other super strong types in comics have done similar stunts. Plus, I like cones more than pbaoes.
Quote:E-mail yourself an inf infusion and you're out of the Arachnos costume really quickly. Heck, barring the story, the best reason to do the VEAT arc at the beginning is to get the extra costume slot.I'd make a huntsman SoA. It's probably the least constrained concept-wise VEAT. You're basically just someone with a gun. Power armor would be a costume thing, just like any armor you wear in this game. The real downside for concept is having to deal with the arachnos costume in the early levels.
Quote:Just wanted to note that the Long burst that SoA's get is awesome.I mean it's just a quirk of the design process SoAs don't have gatling guns already.
Sam-- First of all, have you checked out what sort of defense bumps people have done with set IOs and the like? Because hokey pete.
I mentioned my MM-style idea in one of the more recent threads, but I'll give you a summary of my idea here.
I'd make the armor bits into "pets". With an MM as a base, you still have a low base hp and whatever else. But, the trick is, that what most of the enemies are going to end up shooting at, is the "armor" pets as opposed to you. Plus, as the pets auto-fire, that would leave you to move freely. No rooting necessary, just direct those pets to fire at whoever and watch the bodies pile up. And to top it off, when a pet dies/armor piece gets blown up? You just summon a replacement.
I'll grant you, I assume you'd get smeared in PVP, as people can just tab straight to the man under the armor, but in PvE? Barring ambushes that lock straight onto you, you're going to be sitting pretty under all the pets.
With reticles/target boxes being as they are, I have no idea how this would work though. -
Here's the thing.
Try it out. Like any other powerset choice, but especially one where you're deliberately hamstringing yourself, it's down to you to see if it's fun or not.
Worried about a team? Find friends. Your friends may razz you about your weird build, but they probably won't boot you for no reason, barring they were trying to do a speed run of something or other. If you're PuG-ing all the time, you take what you can get(same as always).
And, given how long it takes to get to around 22 these days, it's not really that much to test to at least SO range, is it? Plus, if you DFB to 22, you'll only be running around with a handful of powers (level 8 is what? 6 power picks?), so you'll be about as hamstrung as everybody else in the team anyways.
I skipped the tier 1 pets on my Demon MM, primarily because most tier 1 pets die too quick. Getting to 12 wasn't so bad. -
Quote:Or you could just live with the redraw.You could probably give it to Blasters as well. They have the tech for primary and secondary sets using different weapons, such as a Bots/TA MM. If you allow the pistol to be some kind of gunblade or pistol with a bayonette, it could also serve as a secondary for DP without forcing redraw as well (might be tricky to code though)
Quote:I read about Force of Will, where'd the other info leak from?They've all already kind of leaked, actually. One involves scientific Experimentation. Another allows you to harness your Force of Will. One of them is a powerset revolving around your genius in the ways of Gadgetry. And finally no Batman-inspired hero would be complete without their Utility Belt.
New zone events? Yes!
Tech Knight? I'm intrigued.
Also, Knives of my very own? So, I heard you like caltrops. -
Quote:OOoh... with an Ammo swap type toggles for each element.One thing I'd like (but that would be more proliferation than brand new sets) would be Elemental blast/assault/control/melee (and maybe (de)buff and armour sets too). Basically a set that has a selection of the powers from ice/fire/elec/earth/water with maybe a couple of new powers.
I think it might have to be it's own AT... -
Is /assault dominator blapping viable? (edited to add: Oh right, like I care if it's really viable (see above /devices blapping))Because I think I have yet another horribly gimped alt to make.
Quote:See, that's kind of covered with a Weaponized Suit MM. Sure, things can aim at you directly. But barring a taunt, most thing focus on pets. So, you'd have the semblance of being shot at, and having access to the MMs 3 attacks. You'd have all the health of a Mastermind, but the pets would be mitigate the direct damage to you in the same way that they do when they're running around.In regards to the much vaunted Blast/Armor AT, you realize that for balance purposes, the blasts and armor would have to be so weak that you'd be better suited just getting a Corruptor some defense bonuses and calling it a day? I realize that wouldn't give you shoulder-mounted rockets or wrist lasers, but ah well.
Also, consider that they wouldn't go running around willy nilly. They have to attack from wherever you are all the time. Maybe it's too much power.
Quote:As for a Batman like character? SJ (or MA)/WP (or SR) + Temp + Dayjob powers =)
Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to the changes to the Fighting and Presence power pools. -
Quote:Okay, I think I figured it out.I see what you're saying, but how do you fill out a whole set with this idea? I could see a Mind control variant where a confuse was traded for a body jump. But, as a whole set, it doesn't seem feasible.
Mind Master Mastermind. I know, crazy, right?
While not ideal, it'd give you more power. And it'd let you take over more guys and give you more control. Seems like you'd still have to figure out if allies can still attack your guys or not.
Not sure how it would work for entering instances, because I think MM pets seem to get resummoned when the cross between zones and instances. -
Though, in a similar sort of vein.
I would like a power duplication sort of power. Not sure how it would be implemented though, as it seems like you should be able to duplicate allies as well as enemies. Also, what limitations do you put on it? By level? Also, how would it react to duplicating guys with guns etc? Use guns too? That seems odd. -
I see what you're saying, but how do you fill out a whole set with this idea? I could see a Mind control variant where a confuse was traded for a body jump. But, as a whole set, it doesn't seem feasible.