Steampunkette's New Power Pool Suggestions




With the upcoming blast of Sorcery, and presumably 4 other origin-based power pools, I think it might be time to start putting out more pools as both standard free-to-VIP items and premium paid sets. Especially since the new power-pool customization options (thanks i24!) will make sure people can modify their powers to their heart's content!

Tier 1: Toxic Cream Pie: You fling a cream pie at the target, dealing moderate smashing damage and having a high chance to stun for a short time.
Tier 2: Card Toss: Fling three randomly selected Tarot Cards at the target, applies three random minor debuffs (based on the cards that exist in the game)
Tier 3: Spring Shoes/Rocket Skates: Superleaping and superspeed! Activating Rocket Skates engages a new travel power animation for Superspeed but gives you a massive leaping penalty, then a leaping buff, to bring you up to "Normal" leaping heights.
Tier 4: Marbles: Your throw out a bag of marbles into the targeted area (GTAoE) which have a chance to cause pratfalls. Chance for knockdown +damage.
Tier 5: Jack in the Box: Throw a jack in the box to the targeted location. It plays "Pop Goes the Weasel" for several seconds, creating an AoE Taunt effect, then the jester pops out and the device explodes.

Tier 1: Flaming Pumpkin: Single target moderate smashing/fire. Use the Firbolg Pumpkin.
Tier 2: Haunting: Single Target Hold: Calling forth spirits of the dead you lock them behind the ectoplasmic spectres. Ghost-aura animation.
Tier 3: Cloak of Shadows/Shadow Step: Self Stealth power and a Teleport which animates as a swarm of bats at the start and finish.
Tier 4: Children of the Night: Summon a conical swarm of bats which deal damage and debuff tohit
Tier 5: Monstrous Aspect: Gain one of four personal buffs based on Archetype
Controllers/Dominators/Peacebringers: Aspect of the Poltergeist: Increase duration of control effects, healing and debuffing, and damage for a short time
Tanks/Scrappers/Stalkers/Brutes/Warshades/Widows: Aspect of the Vampire: All attacks return a small amount of Health and Endurance for a short time.
Blasters/Soldiers of Arachnos: Aspect of the Medusa: Chance for 2 Mag hold on all attacks
Defenders/Corruptors/Masterminds: Aspect of the Beast: Damage bonus to Self and Pets




Love the travel ideas here.

Sidenote: I would even get rocketskates if they were only as fast and jumped as high as Ninja Run.

Ooh... I think a pop-up short thrust ala the JumpPack or Steampack would be cool too. Probably on a much shorter duration so that you could shorten the recharge time and be up more often, seems like that would make it "different enough" to make it something "new"



Combat Teleportation
Tier 1: Far Punch: Teleportation animation single target ranged low smashing damage with a chance to disorient. Functions similarly to Vorpal Incarnate in animation, but uses the Jab body animation for the body-double.
Tier 2: Scramble: Single Target minor smashing Disorient. As above with an animation like Air Superiority for the duplicate.
Tier 3: Increased Range/Displacement: A Toggle which grants all Combat Teleport powers an increase in range, and a secondary smashing damage component. Also grants use of a full-range teleport ability.
Tier 4: Sweep: Teleport to Ground target, then perform a leg sweep for AoE Knockdown. Functions similar to Shield Charge with an animation segment from Eye of the Storm.
Tier 5: Teleport Mastery: 20 second Toggle which applies an extra smashing damage component to all combat teleport attacks, increases the range of Displacement




Combat Flight
Tier 1: Death From Above: Auto Power +Damage, increased +damage while flying
Tier 2: Flyby: Targeted narrow cone (20 degrees, 60ft) smashing and knockdown, -flight. Creates a "Teleport Duplicate" which moves, quickly, through the area towards and away from the target, then returns you to static position.
Tier 3: Combat Flight/Flight: Combat Flight functions as Hover with a +damage component if you have Death From Above. Grants access to Flight which functions as Fly with a +Damage component if you have Death From Above.
Tier 4: Flying Strike: Single Target High Damage Uppercut with Targeted AoE Moderate Damage Knock-up effect.
Tier 5: Flight Mastery: Click Self +Defense, +Status Protection. Using your mastery of defensive flight maneuvers you temporarily make yourself a harder target.




ooh, love combat teleport, would fill out what they started with /Martial Assault or is it Combat triple teleport attack.



Combat Speed
Tier 1: Dash: Short Ranged Teleport, grants +recharge and temporary immobilization and slow protection. Basically functions as an immob and slow breakfree, granting 100% slow protection, immob protection of 10, and 25% recharge for 15 seconds
Tier 2: Zip: Functions as Flyby
Tier 3: Quickness/Speed: Quickness grants a higher run speed and lower jump value that Ninja run, but grants access to Speed, which functions as superspeed. While Quickness is active you gain a constant recharge speed bonus of 25%
Tier 4: Skid: Targeted AoE moderate smashing damage+knockdown, if Quickness is active it adds knockback. Animates similar to Flyby with a wave of dust.
Tier 5: Dust Devil: You create a spinning aura of debris around you, increasing your recharge, status effect protections, and debuffing any enemies within 10ft with a ToHit debuff, Chance for knockdown, short duration click. While active your maximum endurance is lowered by 10.



Tier 1: Summon Sidekick: Grants access to one of a selection of summoning powers which summon 1 ally of your level -2.
The sidekick is one of several pre-generated NPC heroes with Pistols, Dark-blast, Fire-blast, Katana, Assault Rifle, or a Beam Rifle. Each is, similarly, designed to blend with the Mastermind Powersets. Beam-Rifle robot, Fire-Blast Demon, etc. With a final sidekick of a German Shepard which functions similarly to a Beast Mastermind's Wolf pet.
Tier 2: Inspire Competence: Ally buff. When targeting a player or non-Sidekick pet this power functions as a +Max HP +Damage +Tohit buff which lasts 1 minute with a 2 minute recharge. When targeting a sidekick, it's duration increases to 2 minutes and it grants the power "Competence" to the sidekick, allowing access to additional attacks and grants a +1 level shift.
Tier 3: Mentor/Silence: Mentor is a toggled PBAoE leadership ability which does not affect the caster, but grants access to a PBAoE Stealth toggle with a range of 30ft.
Tier 4: Inspire Heroics: Grants a 1 minute recharge, maximum HP, accuracy, defense, and absorb effect to a target. It also grants a +1 level-shift to sidekicks.
Tier 5: Inspire Greatness: PBAoE Level Shift with a 2 minute duration and 15 minute cooldown.



Some of these are really neat...Especially Combat Teleportation and Sidekick. Sidekick would probably be absolutely perfect for MMs, increasing their pet army to even greater power. Have you given any thought to a Combat Leaping/Acrobatics pool?

For example:

Combat Reflexes: Auto, Self +Jumping, +Jump Speed, +Def(Ranged, AoE)
Pounce: Repeated Self TP (x2), PBAoA DMG (Smash)
Tuned Reflexes: Self +Jump, +Jump Speed, +Def(All), gives access to Super Jump clone with Added Mez Protection
Jumping Strikes: Weak Chain AoE Smashing DMG
Elusion: Click Self +Def(All), +Mez Resist

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



I was planning to. Just had to log off last night to do stuff and sleep. =-3

Currently planning:
Combat Acrobatics
Internal Weaponry
Seasonal Might
Combat Medic





Tier 1: Distract: You hurl a small object which creates a taunt-effect in a 30 foot radius of the ground-target.
Tier 2: Feign Weakness: Auto Power which lowers threat generation by 20% for all attacks.
Tier 3: Go Unnoticed/Stealth Strike: Go Unnoticed is a low-cost stealth toggle. Not as effective as true stealth powers, it doesn't increase personal defense or allow one to get terribly close to enemies without being seen. It also grants access to the Stealth Strike power. Stealth Strike grants a very short duration "Hidden" status, and makes you impossible to detect even at close range. In addition, your next attack will gain the Stealth Strike secondary effect, a moderate amount of lethal damage with a short lethal DoT. Go Unnoticed, unlike other Stealth powers, can be used in conjunction with stealth powers from other sources.
Tier 4: Misdirect: With guile and cunning you direct your enemy's attentions to an ally (must be a team or league-member or a pet) granting that ally a short duration taunt-aura effect. This causes them to gain 400% taunt for 3 seconds on up to 7 targets within 15 feet.
Tier 5: Fast Talker: Mag 12 Confuse on single target for 15 seconds. Recharges in 2-4 minutes.




Tier 1: Placate: Single Target placate effect.
Tier 2: Aroma of Desire: Single target confuse effect with psychic damage.
Tier 3: Internal Chemistry/Unnoticed: Internal Chemistry is a low-cost run-speed and jump-height increasing toggle. Using it grants access to Unnoticed, which grants the user a short duration, high-power, stealth.
Tier 4: Infectious Seduction: Chain AoE Confuse with Psychic Damage. 5ft radius 4 targets max with a mag 1 confuse on each target and a mag 1 confuse on the primary target of each chained AoE.
Tier 5: Revulsion: By focusing your Pheremones to a skunk-like odor you can frighten off foes. Creates a 10 mag 20ft radius Fear Aura for 30 seconds, causing enemies to flee from your presence. Not Terrorize (which forces the target to cower, but Fear)



Combat Acrobatics

Tier 1: Backflip: Self-targeting mag 20 Knockback.
Tier 2: Dropkick: Single Target melee Mag 6 KB minor Smashing Damage attack.
Tier 3: Combat Acrobatic/Vault: Combat Acrobat is a toggle which gives a slightly higher than sprint run speed increase with a small jumping height increase. it also grants access to Vault, which grants a much higher jumping speed and height bonus, and uses a unique jumping animation.
Tier 4: Tip: Auto-Power which grants an aura of +4kb and Immob protection to self and all allies within 10ft.
Tier 5: Gymnastic Evasion: Auto-power which grants 0.45% Defense against Melee and AoE attacks as well as a 25% jump and run speed increase per enemy in melee range, stacks up to 5 times. The defense portion is unenhanceable.




Tier 1: Glue Grenade: Single Target -Fly -Speed. While Packed Explosives is in effect, this power becomes an AoE.
Tier 2: Flashbang: Targeted AoE -Perception -ToHit. While Packed Explosives is in effect Flashbang also has a high chance to stun it's targets.
Tier 3: Duck for Cover/Packed Explosives: Duck for Cover is a toggle which grants yourself and all allies within a 10ft radius an increase to run speed, jump speed, and AoE defense. While active, it grants access to Packed Explosives. Packed Explosives is a short-duration click which grants each of the other powers in this pool specific benefits.
Tier 4: Concussion Grenade: Targeted AoE Mag .67 KB minor smashing damage. While Packed Explosives is active it becomes a mag 4KB moderate smashing damage targeted AoE with a mag 2 stun
Tier 5: Satchelbomb: GTAoE Moderate damage. With Packed Explosives active it creates a second explosion with a lower damage and wider radius and maximum target limit. Both explosions are Fire/Lethal



Gonna go ahead and stop writing these up, for now. Comments appreciated, discussions and suggestions 100% needed.
