Coffee Talk Aug 8: There will be SPOILERS




I leave for an hour and no one bothers to talk about the coffee talk? What the heck peeps!

Ok, guess -I'll- do it again.

Tanget: Zwillinger can't grow facial hair faster than moss on a rock. (but he's kind of hot when he has a beard)
Tidbits: BETA TODAY.

Dr. Aeon - Content Designer! (He makes scripts now also!) "Generally being awesome" (killing all the characters in the game). [also he has a fiancee now. ooooooo]

Challenge: Shop Zwill's head onto any TF2 pic, he'd 'get a kick out of it'.

Revamps! King's Row - Natural progression from Atlas. <- [not Aeon's]

Why content revamps? A lot of it was level range. 20-30 is covered. 30-40 is a WASTELAND OF CONTENT. So they used Bricks and Martial. Aeon did Brickstown, St. martial arcs and events, and the new incarnate arc.

Brickstown (3 arcs, 30-50) - The Praetorians are migrating to Primal Earth cuz their place is trashed. Provost Marchand is trying to give Praetorians a more positive image by forming a new super group 'New Praetorians'. Kick off to the arc is to recruit people for the group. The first mission is hunting for Marauder to recruit, as he's still in Praetoria. He hasn't been seen since Lambda Sector.

Praetoria is TRASHED. The Devouring earth are everywhere, multiple Seeds, Avatar stomping around, TENTACLES. The incarnate arc deals with taking the fight to Hamidon. Zwill cheats and murders his own Praetorian mod squad. Lots of infested DE Knocked out Destroyers as evidence of Marauder being about.

The arc actually takes into account choices made if you're Praetorian. If you chose to kill Cleopatra she will not be in this mission. Apparently Belladonna's arc will also react to you if you did the moral choice involving her and tried to put her away. According to Aeon, pretty much all of the Moral choice outcomes are 'correct', as they'll make take that takes into account your choice (which makes me wonder what the 'default' choices are, such as for Primal characters. Like obviously, Cleopatra should live if you're a Primal). They put in checks about which arcs you've done.

Incarnate arc!
Working with Number 6, who is executable number 6 from one of the Crey storylines. Vanguard is trying to evacuate the last civilized portion of Praetoria, with motivations for heroes and villains. You speak to Hamidon!

[Caveat: everything is subject to change from what's in vid]

Vid cuts and jumps to another!

We heard ALL the embarrassing things.

Next! St. Martial arc! Villains start with a similar premise where they go into Praetoria to loot it. Some phasing was done for this arc. You go into Grandville tower using the DESTINY portal to get there and realize the reason Recluse openly attacked was... [Zwill interupts]. In the lobby with Daos you see phased in a lot of Praetorians while you sneak into the Destiny portal. [Resistance. Ghouls!] You see Mu Vor'kan speaking with Mortimer Kal [with dialogue reflecting if you've done the TF/DA arcs or not] Some captured Carnies. You see Arachnos gearing up to raid more, such as Red Widow with several fortunatas.

Zwill reveals he hasn't played enough villain content.

Big spoilers follow, villains find something very different from what heroes find, sooo we won't get to see [til beta... later today]. But all of this doesn't phase in until they do the arc, otherwise it looks like normal grandville. It's not permanent, it only lasts during the story arc.


Q: Anything for AE in i24?
A: Yes. power sets. new maps? Coliseum is a PvP arena map.

Q: Will port Oakes be getting anything like King's Row's new content?
A: No, not yet. Possible int he future. Port Oakes is in a good place. No current plans for that.

Q: origin specific tips?
A: no origin specific stuff coming. Morality specific stuff tho next week.

Q: You mention 'last survivors of Praetoria', is that the last survivors on the planet or in and around the capital city?
A: Combo of A and B. It's all the survivors in the city and any that Vanguard have managed to find elsewhere but it does not mean there are no other survivors. Could be others they're not aware of. Could be other pockets out there.

Q: The Avatar of Hamidon looks like a Shivan. Coincidence or Plot Point?
A: Coincidence.

Q: links to development tools?
A: Lots out there. Neverwinter Nights and Unreal engine build to start with. Valve engine. Almost every studio uses different tools and customized.

Q: Will we be unable to start characters in Praetoria after I24?
A: No. Everything takes place after 1-20 experience in Praetoria. Timeline -is- fudgy. That's why the new arcs are 30-50.

Q: How far ahead do you plan the SSAs?
A: varies on the developer.

Q: Can you show the new tech knight vip armor?
A: Aeon likes to think he's wearing it. We're calling it drunken irishmen.

Q: Rainbow Blast?
A: No.

Q: Can you please turn on the ski slopes for olympic medals?
A: No.

Q: The ability to create branching story arcs for AE?
A: We can barely do that now. It depends on how you define branching story arcs. Putting the tech and UI in to support it.

Q: Tell me more about Dr. brainstorm and the in-universe reason for power set proliferation
A: No.

Q: Why do so many villain tip missions happen in port Oakes?
A: bug! (not one i've encountered >>)

Q: With the new revamp content, are they in addition to or is older content being removed?
A: In addition to. Try not to remove existing content (unless its terrible)

Q: Some of the higher ranking Praetorians have been shown in paragon city, are we going to see any of them joining Arachnos?
A: Spoilers! Possible.

Q: Can we get some W.I.S.D.O.M. storylines?
A: Problem is we only have Foreshadow and Mirror Spirit made, difficult to make the other characters.

Q: Does this mean you're not planning to create 30-50 Praetoria Only content?
A: Could just be content that takes place in other parts of Praetoria (night ward/First ward). Generally speaking we're not focused on -so much- Praetoria by bringing the focus more to Primal Earth, but still have to fold Praetoria over.

Q: Any chance of using 1 character on an account a job as a contact when not logged in?
A: Very difficult to do.

Q: How many story arcs are being added to King's Row?
A: Next week (or.. beta today. come on Zwill.) For brickstown/St martial there's 3 + 1 personal story each, 1 incarnate arc + 1 personal story.

Q: When will super pack 2 hit live?
A: Soon(tm). It will not immediately replace the Tier 9 VIP reward.

Q: Do we get all the Midnight Mansions merging together on Primal Earth?
A: No. Most of the people in night Ward are staying in Night Ward. Not in the same realm.

Q: What will happen to Praetorian zones after i24?
A: Nothing.

Q: Is King's Row getting a design overhaul?
A: Full spawn revamp and content revamp. Also in brickstown.

Next week Positron and Protean.



I don't understand the KR changes

Q: With the new revamp content, are they in addition to or is older content being removed?
A: In addition to. Try not to remove existing content (unless its terrible)

Q: Is King's Row getting a design overhaul?
A: Full spawn revamp and content revamp. Also in brickstown.

I assume this means the layout and look is not being redone.

The existing KR content consists of radio missions, standard contacts (which give out duplicate missions of what is given out elsewhere), and Paladin construction.

I assume radio missions stay.
Do the standard contacts stay with their old missions, or being moved elsewhere or eliminated (since the missions can be gotten elsewhere)?
Is the Paladin event being redone?
Then we get a zone arc like Atlas?

Please tell me that the King's Row Hero Corps contact will remain so we can be sent to talk to him with each new character.



I think the Paladin event is changing, but they didn't really talk about it.

But yeah bascially King's Row is getting an arc like Atlas Park has. Nothing else is really changing, except they redid spawns (not sure how). But it's visuals aren't getting tweaked at all and I'm presuming the zone event is moving from the random Paladin spawn points to a fixed point.

No old content is being taken out.



Thanks for writing all this down.

Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Q: With the new revamp content, are they in addition to or is older content being removed?
A: In addition to. Try not to remove existing content (unless its terrible)
You've read it here first, the Shining Stars arcs will be removed


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



I'm surprised no one asked about what Crey might be getting up to regarding borrowing a few refugee Olympian Guards to use their DNA

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Thanks for writing all this down.

You've read it here first, the Shining Stars arcs will be removed
The Shining Stars are getting more screentime in I24

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



yay! still able to starte in praetoria. if not that would be annoying lol.

i sure would like to see more of the praetorian earth outside cole's touch, the wild overrun earth and perhaps encounter another pocket of people that survived on their own, but that's probs not gonna happen. i'll be happy for the arc where we search for marauder yay!






I actually would recommend watching the first video where they show off the first Brickstown mission. Seeing Imperial city full of tentacles, Seeds and the Avatar is pretty impressive.



Coliseum arena map? Sweeeeeet...though it's probably going to be the inverse of monkey fight club, wide open with very few places to evade heh.


Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
You've read it here first, the Shining Stars arcs will be removed
Didn't people generally like the Shining Stars arc? I recall people saying they liked it anyway, but I might have missed the shift somewhere.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Brickstown (3 arcs, 30-50) - The Praetorians are migrating to Primal Earth cuz their place is trashed. Provost Marchand is trying to give Praetorians a more positive image by forming a new super group 'New Praetorians'. Kick off to the arc is to recruit people for the group. The first mission is hunting for Marauder to recruit, as he's still in Praetoria. He hasn't been seen since Lambda Sector.
And just like that, I'm skipping that arc.

Looking forward to Kings Row, though. Sucks it's not at least getting higher resolution textures like the buildings in AP or DA did.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Sucks it's not at least getting higher resolution textures like the buildings in AP or DA did.
Perhaps they are taking mercy on the video cards that survived being melted by AP in leaving KR with normal textures.

It's not so bad on the windows client but on the mac client if you had a wire rack and a drip tray you could grill while you played.

Optimize things a bit (and by a bit I mean a lot) then think about using the high res vid card melting textures.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Q: Can we get some W.I.S.D.O.M. storylines?
A: Problem is we only have Foreshadow and Mirror Spirit made, difficult to make the other characters.
While it's probably more complex than it seems, I hear the "difficult to make" comment often made with Rose Star and Spark Blade but I'm not fully seeing it. I can see some overall time vs resources problems but not outright difficulty, especially with how nice some of the newer stuff looks. You could probably get away with a little cheating with Spark Blade's visuals since it's long trenchcoat + stylized belt.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
While it's probably more complex than it seems, I hear the "difficult to make" comment often made with Rose Star and Spark Blade but I'm not fully seeing it. I can see some overall time vs resources problems but not outright difficulty, especially with how nice some of the newer stuff looks. You could probably get away with a little cheating with Spark Blade's visuals since it's long trenchcoat + stylized belt.
In Spark Blade's case the problem is having one character using both a gun and a pistol. I recall Posi saying once that they tried it a number of different ways, and it never worked as well as you'd think it would.

I don't know why it's a problem, mind you. The Wiki lists him as a Katana/SR scrapper with signature pistol powers... that might be it. If he were instead a blaster with an electric pistol primary and a secondary using a mix of katana attacks and SR-themed abilities... well now we're talking. Develop him that way, and you've also got the basis for two new powersets, Energy Pistol and Sharp Reflexes.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Thanks for writing all this down.

You've read it here first, the Shining Stars arcs will be removed



Another option would be to retcon him into just a Dual Blades build.
As he's only ever appeared in a Korean launch trailer and one comic, the chances of a major fan outcry over dropping his pistol powers are close to zero
To keep him unique, he could use Battle Maiden's flying sword attacks too, which would make him this kind of uber swordmaster who was so badass that he could fight with more than 2 swords at a time.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
In Spark Blade's case the problem is having one character using both a gun and a pistol. I recall Posi saying once that they tried it a number of different ways, and it never worked as well as you'd think it would.

I don't know why it's a problem, mind you. The Wiki lists him as a Katana/SR scrapper with signature pistol powers... that might be it. If he were instead a blaster with an electric pistol primary and a secondary using a mix of katana attacks and SR-themed abilities... well now we're talking. Develop him that way, and you've also got the basis for two new powersets, Energy Pistol and Sharp Reflexes.
As far as sword and gun abilities on one character, the Syndicate have that. When they were added in I18 I figured they would help pave the way for that. There is a possibility that there's some AI concerns due to having two weapons (since that's why it's blocked in AE) but I figure the devs could design them a little bit differently.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
As far as sword and gun abilities on one character, the Syndicate have that. When they were added in I18 I figured they would help pave the way for that. There is a possibility that there's some AI concerns due to having two weapons (since that's why it's blocked in AE) but I figure the devs could design them a little bit differently.
Yeah I don't know what the stumbling block is either. All I know for certain is, the day they let me roll someone with a gun and a sword, is the day I roll someone with a gun and a sword.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Q: Anything for AE in i24?
A: Yes. power sets. new maps? Coliseum is a PvP arena map.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
As far as sword and gun abilities on one character, the Syndicate have that. When they were added in I18 I figured they would help pave the way for that. There is a possibility that there's some AI concerns due to having two weapons (since that's why it's blocked in AE) but I figure the devs could design them a little bit differently.
I don't think any of the Syndicate types use both together, though. It's more like Hellions, where they might pistol at range, then get in close and change weapons. So it's not really simultaneous use. That said, Standard Code Rant, and whatnot, but I'm not sure how programming powers and animations to reflect a sword in one hand and a gun in the other are any different, than say, a gun in each hand. Dual Pistols, for example, has animations that only involve using one weapon (Executioner's Shot for example). If they were reanimated so that the other hand was holding a sword (which, in turn, could be animated for melee attacks), it seems like Spark Blade wouldn't be too hard from a theoretical standpoint. And it'd make a hell of a player powerset, too.