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  1. You know, voice completely aside and all ... that was not a very well done video review. He didn't speak with any authority at all and it really came across as just a first take of the whole thing.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
    I can here expecting to see how Q got around in the continuum.
    Well ... at least I wasn't the first person to say it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    Not to mention that if I was an original Guild Wars player, I'd be awfully nervous right about now too. Their account login system didn't port over to the new system, either. (Aion and Lineage 2 did, but CoH and GW1 didn't. See a pattern of plans developing there?)
    My (possibly misinformed) understanding was that CoH actually did better than GW1 recently. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if GW1 saw a spike in players after GW2's been out for a while since they have that whole GW2 rewards for accomplishments in GW1 thing.
  4. Quote:
    14. Quantum Of Solace (2009)
    I know I'm in the minority on this one, but I actually liked that movie more than Casino Royale.

    Overall though that's a pretty solid list of disapointing movies sure enough.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
    You've read it here first, the Shining Stars arcs will be removed
    Didn't people generally like the Shining Stars arc? I recall people saying they liked it anyway, but I might have missed the shift somewhere.
  6. Thanks for sharing. I actually agree with a lot of the sentiment in that article, but please tell me I'm not the only one who found the 2k+ facebook 'likes' it received to be a little entertaining.
  7. Ohhh, three new zone events. Finally the Zig Prison Break event people have been wanting for years.

    I'm actually kind of curious if the new free content in those three zones is just a singular new arc that spans those level ranges (7-20 and 30-50) or if it's several new arcs for each zone. I kind of imagine the latter would have been a lot of work but I can still hope yes.
  8. Really? Up until the end I actually kind of liked the first Silent Hill. More creepy than anything else up until the end.

    I actually didn't realize they were so close to releasing another film until just the other week when I read an article about it. Apparently most of the monsters in the movie use practical effects over cgi. I don't know about you, but I generally prefer that in movies.

    Anyhoo, the trailer looks good, though it makes it look like a bit more of an action storyline is going on.
  9. Oliin

    VIP to Free.

    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Yes. If you haven't bought the power sets or archetype, you can unlock a slot that requires further unlocking. HOWEVER, it is spelled out in the info popups exactly what you need to unlock. It will say you don't have X power set, or X archetype, in addition to needing to unlock the slot. So you are forewarned if you're paying attention that just unlocking the slot isn't all that needs to be done to play.
    Given all the people I've seen complain about 'wasting an unlock' on a character that they didn't have access to the AT/powerset I just assumed there was no warning. Now I'm just kind of sad.
  10. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

    For example, here's a sign worth less words than actually depicted on the sign.
    Sigh ... I'm pretty significantly dyslexic and it took me a minute to actually notice what was wrong with that picture. Still, made me want to face-palm once I got it.
  11. Oliin


    Originally Posted by SchroedingerCat View Post
    I wonder if the original dev (was it geko?) who said people really do like knockback is listening...
    Yea, count me as another, "I love knockback, just not in most pets," person. I probably wouldn't have put so much time into my energy blaster and warshade otherwise.
  12. I'll admit I haven't played 2.2 yet, but spoilers never really bother me all that terribly much.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    *Right off the bat, why is Professor Echo in this arc? In case you need a reminder, when we last saw Professor Echo in the 15-20 Echo down the Aeons arc, he DIED. Professor Echo was speaking to a much older Dr. Aeon who escaped to play a part in Time After Time, while Professor Echo stayed behind and fought to the death. This isn't even one of those ambiguous "defeated" moments. His death was pretty explicit. So why is he still alive?
    Does the arc reference that this Professor Echo is from after that point in time? Otherwise since he's a time traveler, it's entirely possible it's an earlier Professor Echo than the one we see getting killed. I mean, I may be entirely wrong since I haven't played the arc yet, but knowing he's a time traveler that'd probably be my immediate assumption.
  13. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    What about Dark Melee (for Shadow Maul)
    Because then you don't get the Burst of Speed since it's only in the upcoming blaster secondary.
  14. Oliin

    VIP to Free.

    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    VIP to Preem:
    - everything locks down. You are given X server slots, which you can choose to spend on empty slots to make new characters or unlock existing characters. EATs may require additional market purchase to unlock, but probably not.
    Also of note, I think you can unlock a character you actually can't play due to its using a 'free to VIP' powerset or possibly being an EAT. Though that's not a problem if you plan on paying to unlock them.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BViking View Post
    I must say, I'm quite glad that I'm not the only one who thinks of that movie every time people start going on about 'the greater good'.
  16. Oliin

    VIP to Free.

    You might lose access to your EATs until you purchase the unlock, that's always been a little unclear to me. Any of the Going Rogue content (power sets, side switching, costume pieces, ect) will lock up if you didn't purchase the expansion. You'll also need to purchase any of the VIP powersets for characters who might be using them (time manipulation, dark affinity, dark control) and any of the VIP costume sets we've had over the past few issues.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
    They've claimed that would be our response if they were to release items too quickly.
    Yea ... I really need to stop caveating things when I know I'm right. Sorry, that actually has been people's response in the past when they've released too many 'good' things too quickly.
  18. Is it just me or didn't people used to complain about there being too many things released too quickly that they wanted to buy and how Paragon Studios was some evil money-grubbing company because of that?

    Maybe I'm misremembering.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
    Still not sure why you're charging 20$ for increased enhancement storage.
    Probably because it's account wide and not per-character like most of the games I've seen that sell extra bag slots on a per-character basis.

    It still seems like a lot though most of the time.
  20. Edit: Nevermind ... I completely misread something
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Superman probably wouldn't have a cape because it would just create unnecessary drag on a flying character - if he even had his powers at all.
    Nolan does seem to have a thing for telling stories about the fantastic, and in doing so taking as much of the fantastic out of the story as is possible.

    I've genuinely enjoyed every one of his movies that I've seen (which is nearly all of them), but he's not a director I would think to go to for a super-powered superhero movie.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
    Where is the SSA? Your late by a week and I am interested to see where the story takes me.
    I've always thought that it was once every month, not once every 30 days. So there's two more Tuesdays left before they're late. At least as I've understood it.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sumire View Post
    The short of it, I had a retail account back in the day. I basically had CoH/CoV, but left just before Going Rogue came out. Dual Pistols were in beta if that tells you about the time frame.

    Well now I'm back so to speak and I find I can play all my old characters and such for free under this whole "Freedom" thing, but what perplexes me is... What do I not have access to by not paying the subscription fee? I don't think it unlocks any of the power sets I don't have and I know it doesn't unlock any of the costume options I don't have as those are micro transactions.

    Is there any benefit to subscribing for me?
    Well, if you don't have the Going Rogue expansion you get everything in it for free while you're VIP. That's the side changing stuff, starting as a Praetorian and its included content, some costume options, and the 4 power sets that came with the expansion (Dual Pistols, Demon Summoning, Kinetic Melee and Electric control). You'd also get Time Manipulation and the new Dark sets that came out an issue ago for free while you're a VIP.

    Additionally you'd get all the Incarnate (end-game) content and the powers you can get from that, all the Signature Story Arc content, the First Ward missions, and depending on where you are in the Paragon Rewards tree a couple other things are possibly locked out as well.