VIP to Free.
You lose the ability to pay your base rent unless they fixed that (find a trusted VIP), and you lose access to all incarnate content plus some of the missions in the new zones (first ward for example).
You will also lose access to some characters but not many, if you've unlocked 14 extra slots, you'll probably have access to 16 characters.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
You might lose access to your EATs until you purchase the unlock, that's always been a little unclear to me. Any of the Going Rogue content (power sets, side switching, costume pieces, ect) will lock up if you didn't purchase the expansion. You'll also need to purchase any of the VIP powersets for characters who might be using them (time manipulation, dark affinity, dark control) and any of the VIP costume sets we've had over the past few issues.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812

You will also lose access to some powersets, specifically: Dark Assault, Darkness Affinity, Darkness Control, Time Manipulation and the four Going Rogue Powersets (although if you purchased Going Rogue prior to Freedom you'll retain access to them).
You may lose access to any Epic AT characters you have, you're supposed to lose access but people have reported retaining access to existing EATs so you may be able to keep them.
You will lose access to the Signature Story Arcs, First Ward and Night Ward unless you buy them separately (Night Ward is not yet available).
You will lose access to Incarnate Abilities (any that you've created will remain but you won't be able to use them).
You will lose access to a few costume sets and will not be able to change costumes using them unless you buy them.
I think AT access depends on when you made them. If they were unlocked by getting to level 20 before Freedom, you may be able to keep them. Check /mypurchases and see whether they're listed there.
Hrm. Yeah, I did prepurchase Going Rogue when it first came out. Ditto the costume packs. Pretty much if they sold it before Freedom hit, I bought it.
So I'm going to lose access to ten whole character slots? Do I get to choose which ones, or is that arbitrarily done?

It may not be a full 10 slots. You also likely have a few granted slots from yearly rewards in addition to the purchased slots. You might get 2 for having GR, but I can't recall what they said on that as it's been over a year ago.
Yes, you can choose which slots to open.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
If you have VIP only costumes as the only costume/default costume for some characters, they won't lock the character.
When you reactivate your VIP, 10 empty slots will open, instead of the ones they locked.
You won't lose anything.
Access to parts of the game will be limited or unavailable though still visable, taunting you to come back or at least unlock them through the market.
Great game while it lasts.
If you have VIP only costumes as the only costume/default costume for some characters, they won't lock the character.
When you reactivate your VIP, 10 empty slots will open, instead of the ones they locked. |
Wait....let me see if I'm understanding this right. I pick which characters to play, locking out the others. When/if I sub back up....I -lose- those characters in favor of empty slots?

You will also lose access to some characters but not many, if you've unlocked 14 extra slots, you'll probably have access to 16 characters.
The 2 slot difference is due to confusion over the 2 global slots that new free players get. I also experienced this confusion and got unconfused from cold experience.
It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.
Wait....let me see if I'm understanding this right. I pick which characters to play, locking out the others. When/if I sub back up....I -lose- those characters in favor of empty slots?
- everything locks down. You are given X server slots, which you can choose to spend on empty slots to make new characters or unlock existing characters. EATs may require additional market purchase to unlock, but probably not.
Preem to VIP:
- everything locks down. You are given 12 + X server slots which you can choose to unlock whichever characters/empty slots you want.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Wait....let me see if I'm understanding this right. I pick which characters to play, locking out the others. When/if I sub back up....I -lose- those characters in favor of empty slots?
So in other words, you have the option to make 10 entirely new ones or open whichever ones you like using the 10 empty slots. Open slots count as server slots, and will become locked to unlock a locked character.
I actually prefer this method, since in the past I just made lots of random characters, took them for 1 or 2 DFBs then never used them again but didn't want to delete them. Now I get to do it all over again but have the option to use the ones I made in the past.
You lose the ability to pay your base rent unless they changed that (find a trusted VIP), and you lose access to all incarnate content plus some of the missions in the new zones (first ward for example).
You will also lose access to some characters but not many, if you've unlocked 14 extra slots, you'll probably have access to 16 characters. |
And it doesn't take much - advertise that you need help, give newbie members the ability to pay rent, and there you go.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Yes. If you haven't bought the power sets or archetype, you can unlock a slot that requires further unlocking. HOWEVER, it is spelled out in the info popups exactly what you need to unlock. It will say you don't have X power set, or X archetype, in addition to needing to unlock the slot. So you are forewarned if you're paying attention that just unlocking the slot isn't all that needs to be done to play.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812

Given all the people I've seen complain about 'wasting an unlock' on a character that they didn't have access to the AT/powerset I just assumed there was no warning. Now I'm just kind of sad.
-- a person is smart -- people are stupid.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
So, I'm currently a T9 VIP with powerset purchased since Freedom went live. I have two personal groups, one hero, one villain. I'm currently using 21 of 26 character slots on Virtue server.
My question is this: What do I lose if my sub slips and I can't keep it going? IE, I become a free premium player, I'd think.
As a note, the SG and VG are personal in the sense that -I- am the only person in the group. All my characters and nobody else's.